“An ovarian cyst, I suspect.” said the doctor as he turned from examining me to speak to my Master. “Painful, but not unduly serious. She’ll need more tests, maybe an ultrasound or MRI, before I can schedule surgery.”
I was lying in bed, my stomach cramping painfully, a soft moan escaping my lips every so often. The doctor had just given me some painkillers which had yet to take effect.
“How soon can you arrange these tests?” my Master asked, to my surprise apparently showing geneuine concern for me.
“I can have her in a private room this afternoon,” the doctor replied “the tests can be done early tomorrow.”
“Very good.” said my Master.
That afternoon, I lay in a hospital bed as the doctor explained the tests I would be undergoing the next day to me. Anatoly, one of Master Zhang’s security guards, sat quietly on a chair near the window, incongruously reading a fishing magazine. The doctor finished up his slightly patronising lecture and then advised me that a nurse would be in shortly to check that I was setting in OK. Soon after, I was lying back in the bed when the dark haired nurse came in. She smiled at Anatoly, who barely acknowledged her presence before he resumed studying his magazine. The nurse took my temperature, checked my pulse, pumped my pillows and replaced the water jug on top of the locker. Then, making sure that Anatoly was thoroughly engrossed in his magazine, she whispered to me:
“When you leave the room, turn right.” she said. “Elevator is fifteen metres from the door.”
I looked down at the middle-aged woman’s name badge and read ‘Gyn Estar’! She turned at me, then turned and left the room.
I waited for about five minutes, then said to my bodyguard: “Anatoly, I need to use the bathroom.”
‘Leave the door unlocked.” Anatoly said in a bored voice, then went back to his magazine.
As soon as the bathroom door swung shut behind me, I went straight to the toilet and lifted off the heavy cistern lid. Sure enough, taped to the underside in a zip lock bag was the little phil of Gyn’s essence that would provide me with a disguise for about ten minutes. I opened the little glass container and drank the contents down, then dropped the phial into the waste bin; the disappoint in my abdomen vanished as my skin began to tingle almost immediately. I looked around the bathroom wildly, trying to find something, anything, I could use as a weapon. My eye fell on the cistern lid. This could work, I thought, if I can distract him in some way and hit him over the head with it. Then I caught sight of my bare bottom in the mirror, through the backless hospital gown.
“Anatoly, I need some help here!” I called out, trying to sound as if I was in pain.
When Anatoly opened the door of the bathroom, I was naked, my arms raised with my hands behind my head, shoulders pulled back so my breasts pushed out provocatively. My feet were apart, on the edges of the toilet bowl, my back arched so that my sex could be seen more clearly. He looked up at me as I smiled down at him sexy. His eyes roamed over my body, taking in my breasts, the upcurve of my taut sexy belly, my smooth skinned sex. The Triskele button could be clearly seen, glinting as I moved my hips a little. He grinned then stepped towards me, looking down as he reached for his zipper and paying no attention to my hands as they swung the heavy porcelain cistern lid from behind my head to crash it down as hard as I could on his skull. He collapsed like a sack of bricks.
I jumped down from the toilet, my skin burning now as Gyn’s transformative essence took full effect. I rested my hands on the vanity unit to steady myself for a moment as the transformation took full effect, closing my eyes as the heat reached full intensity within me. As my skin began to cool, I opened my eyes and looked in the mirror; a beautiful ebony-skinned girl of Afro-Caribbean heritage, with my eyes, was looking back at me. I wasted precise seconds admiring my temporarily bronze body, before running back into the main room to retrieve my little black dress, tiny thong and patent black heels from the bedside locker, putting them on as quickly as I could. I pulled out my hair clip and let my hair fall over my shoulders, then twisted the medallion of my collar round to the back of my neck, silently thanking Marcus as I did so. I opened the door and stepped through into the corridor, hearing a groan from Anatoly as I closed it behind me.
I then turned right towards the elevator and sashayed down the corridor as if I were simply a visitor on my way out. Stopping at the elevator doors, I pushed the down button just as Anatoly came out into the corridor, a handkerchief pressed to the top of his head. I folded my arms and tapped my foot nonchalantly, just a bored girl waiting for an elevator, as he passed me by, looking me over briefly before going past me and heading for the stairs, having decided that I’d eithe elevator and was already making my escape, or had decided not to risk waiting for it and had instead taken the stairs. The elevator doors finally opened; ‘Starr’ was inside!
“Well, hello gorgeous!” she exclaimed. “Going my way?”
“If your way is the fuck out of here, then yes indeed!” I replied, quickly getting in. ‘Starr’ tapped in an override code and the elevator started moving downwards without stopping at any of the other floors as it dropped to the car park level. She looked at my disguised self appreciatedly.
‘You look absolutely ravishing, Linzi!” she said. ‘Maybe I should keep you like that!”
“No thanks.” I said. “A disguise is one thing, but I’m not comfortable with that level of cultural appropriatement! Besides, what would Marcus say? We will be seeing him again, won’t we?”
Gyn looked at me with a smile and said simply “Imp!”
I opened my mouth to say something suitable witty, but all that came out was “Oh, crap!” My skin was already tingling as the transformation essence wore off!
“Damn!” said ‘Starr’. “I’m the contingency plan in case this happened; temporary transformation is such an inexact science, but I’d really hoped that it would simply look like you made a daring escape on your own! But at least it’ll look like you cooked up an escape plan with ‘Starr’ rather than a She-demon.”
By the time the Disembodied electronic voice of the elevator announced that we had reached the car park level, I was very much myself again, apart from the hair now falling over my shoulders. The doors slowly opened to reveal Anatoly, blood streaming from a gash on his head, his large frame automatic pistol in his right hand, pointing at us. When he hadn’t found me on the stairs, he had obviously doubled back and gambled on getting to the car park before we did. Gyn turned to me and grinned.
“I guess eighty-two pounds wasn’t enough after all!” she said.
Dispite the seemingly dire straits we were in,that she was calm enough to make a joke about the weight of my breasts at a moment like this put me completely at ease. I smiled and stuck my tongue out at her sexually. She motioned to me to get behind her, then spoke to Anatoly politely:
“Sir, I’m going to ask you once to put that gun away and let us pass.” she said “If you don’t, then I’m afraid you’ve only yourself to blow for what happens.”
Anatoly simply grinned and stepped into the elevator, in so doing making the cardinal mistake of holding a gun on anyone; never let them get inside your arc of fire. Gyn didn’t appear to move, but in one instant she was standing in front of me and in the next she had Anatoly’s right wrist gripped in her left hand; I could hear his wrist bones grating together as she applied inhuman pressure until the gun clattered to the floor, Anatoly howling in agony throughout. Luckily the pistol was a modern type with a drop safety, so it didn’t go off.
“NOW can we pass, sir?” ‘Starr’ asked.
I’ll say this for Anatoly, he wasn’t going to let a trivial thing like a crushed wrist stop him from doing his duty by his employer; his left hand swung in an attempt at a devastating punch to ‘Starr’s’ head; again, her hand seemed to simply appear in the path of the bunched fist to stop it in mid-swing. An instant later, Anatoly was partially embedded in the side wall of the elevator, ‘Starr’s’ left hand gripping his shirt front. He slumped to the floor, fully unconscious.
“Right,” said ‘Starr’, in my beloved Gyn’s voice, “good job I disabled the security camera in the elevator! Your bodyguard most likely will never admit that he had the crap beaten out of him by a lady weightlifter, he’ll probably say he went down fighting a half dozen heavies instead. Car’s over here.”
Moments Later we were speeding away from the hospital, out of the city, to a small town where we pulled into the courtyard of an apartment block. Gyn, still disguised as ‘Starr’, got out of the car, went to the trunk and took out a large bolt cutters which she used to cut the band of the collar on my neck. She tossed the collar into the nearest dustbin before we went inside the building and upstairs to ‘Starr’s’ apartment. Once inside, she walked over to a free standing mirror and whispered a few words of a language I didn’t understand. The surface of the mirror began to shimmer, a resinous pattern seeming to appear behind the reflective glass as an unearthly light filled the room. It was my darling Gyn who gently took my hand and stepped into the portal to the Demon Realm she had created, then led me through into the bedroom I had visited so many times in our nocturnal communications. Her lips brushed mine. My arms wrapped around her body as she seized me and squeezed my tightly to her. Our kiss deepened as we both moaned against each others lips, free to be together at long last.
“Ow!” I squealed. “That’s burning me!”
“Sorry, baby,” said Gyn as she kept massaging her thick liquid essence into the whip marks on my back “but the skin is badly damaged in places. I have to rub it in hard. You do want to get rid of these injuries, don’t you?”
I was lying face down, naked, on a couch in the bathroom of Gyn’s, now our, Demon World dwelling. Gyn was leaning over me, rubbing strongly at the stripes that had been left by the whipping I had received weeks earlier. Her essence was thickly spread over my back and bottom; we’d spend several delightful hours ‘generating’ it earlier, me giving her my body, she bestowing her regenerated gift upon me in return.
“Well, I don’t like having whip marks on my back,” I agreed, “but the ones on my bottom, they’re kind of like a badge of honour, or something. Maybe I’ll keep them.” She stopped rubbing my back and shoulders and spanked me, hard.
“Linzi, my sexy little imp,” she said sternly, “I want your bottom as free of blemishes as it was the day I made it for you!” She then leanedin closer, her face next to mine, grinning. “I want to be able to see MY marks when I put them on that sexy ass!” she said, then spanked the curve of my bum lovingly, before recovering her work on healing my skin.
We had been together in the Demon Realm for several weeks. I had seen things that I could hardly believe were real as Gyn’estar introduced me to my new world; at night, we played together and loved each other until we both slumped exhausted in each others arms, although I suspected that my She-demon lover was simply feigning exhaustion on my behalf. In public, I played the role of Gyn’s slave, or ‘hu-woman pet’ as some of the demonstrations that we met referred to me; sometimes I was only too happy to be her slave in private too, but our public subterfuge protected me; as Gyn explained, if I was her slave, then nobody else would see me as ‘uncollared property’ waiting to be appropriated, the Demon Realm slave laws having never been repeated simply because slavery itself had longSince being abandoned by Demonkind.
I kept the Triskele button for a while, but eventually Gyn decided that it had too many bad associations for her and I agreed that she could remove it. This she did by using her transformation essence to shrink me to about two-thirds of my normal size; she was then able to access the spring pin inside the button and remove it. I didn’t return to my full size for nearly two days afterwards; this wasn’t without its advantages, not least of which being that I could actually swim in our bathtub! I still have the little platinum button, it’s now a charm on one of my favourite ankle bracelets.
We eventually returned to the Human Realm, once Gyn had developed a semi-permanent transformation formulation for me, so I could visit my parents; with a body like ‘Starr’s’, rather than my actual petite frame, my parents could readily accept that I had undergone gender reassignment and started a new life. They actually turned out to be happy for me and we visit them regularly.
There was really only one thing still trouble me, and one evening, as we relaxed in our tiled bathtub, I finally plucked up the courage to ask Gyn about it.
“Gyn, my darling,” I began, “your rejuvenation ability, could it make me a virgin again?”
She stared at me in surprise, then said: “Well, I can return your body to a virginal state, but your memories and experiences can’t be erased that way. Why do you want to be a virgin again?”
“So I can give my virginity to my beloved.” I answered.
“To undo the mistake I made, the wrong I did you?” she asked, quietly.
“To put right the wrong WE did OURSELVES, my love!” I answered. “I was wrong too, I condemned myself to slavery, became the property and plaything of men, because I chose my destiny as a woman as a man would, not as a woman.” I continued. “Please let us do this, please let me give myself to you as I wanted to all those months ago!” I said, sobbing softly.
She smiled at me with love and tenderness. “Of course, my darling Linzi!” she said.
I knelt before her, watching her nubbin thicken and swell, lengthening into the beautiful cock I had seen rising from her moon on that morning, months earlier. I softly kissed the pink-hued glans, then licked it slowly, tasting it properly, caresing it with my tongue tip, then with the little platinum ball fixed into my tongue, before sliding My lips slowly over the swollen plum, the tongue stud massaging her frenulum as my lips sealed themselves round the head itself. I sucked softly, my fingers struggling the shake gently, her moans of pleasure deepening as her fingers ran through my hair. Letting my lips slide slowly down the shake, I wriggled the little platinum ball against the underlying of her deliciously thick cockstem, the feeling as my beloved’s cockhead slide down my throat so thrilling, so right, that I almost forgot to release the head from my mouth so she could collect her rich, rejuvenative essentence in the palm of her hand as her shake throbbed, the fluid spurting thickly as she gasped with joy. I lay back, spreading my legs apart, as she dipped the fingers of her right hand into her own essence, coating them.
“I’ll need to put my hand inside you, baby.” she said.
“Do whatever you need to do, my darling Gyn,” I said. “I love you.”
Her fingerprints pushed softly between my pussy lips, her normal sized hand sliding inside me much more easily than ‘Starr’s’ had done, months earlier. I felt the inside of my vagina began to tingle deeply, then get hot, then burn as Gyn’s hand slipped back out. I blacked out as the heat became far more intense than I had ever experienced before. When I awoke, Gyn was kneeling between my open legs, holding a small mirror for me; sure enough, My pussy was now tightly closed, the labia tight and delicate, the little hood over my clipty as neat as ever. I looked at Gyn as I moved my body into the centre of the bed, holding my arms outto her. She slide on top of me, kissing my belly, my breasts, then my lips as she lifted herself on her arms. I looked up at her, saw her eyes shining with tears of love as she looked down at me. I lifted my hips to receive her, underneath her, the way a woman should give herself the first time, face to face, looking deeply into her lover’s eyes.
The tip of her cock nuzzled my pussy lips, seeking the little entrance to my belly that they concealed; I gripped her shake lightly, guiding her, feeling the head begin to stretch my newly virgin inner labia, moaning softly at the sensing as my body opened to receive her. She pushed harder, the plum beginning to insert into my belly; I panted a little as my vaginal walls were spread apart around the glans, then lifted my hips a little more; the deep insertion began, my belly Neither willing nor able to resist the inward passage of my lover’s cockhead as the shaft spinoned it deeper within me. I gasped as I felt the head press and push at my maidenhead, bucking my hips to urge her on. She thrust suddenly, making me bite my lower lip at the moment of pleasure-pain that made me fully and completely hers. I locked my calves round hers as her hips began to move, drawing her body down onto mine as we heaved and bucked in unison; I kissed her as if drawing my life’s breath from her lips, as we groaned and squealed with delight as the muscles of my vagina squeezed and relaxed violently on her thrusting, pumping shake, the well of pleasure deep inside me overflowing as my body bathed her cockhead in hot gushes as I screamed aloud in orgasm.
We lay together afterwards, her cock still hard inside me, kissing, caressing each other. I sobbed softly.
“My darling Linzi, whatever’s that matter?” my Gyn’estar asked.
“I’m Just remembering how you told me you’d been lonely for millennia without me.” I replied. “But even if I live for a hundred years, one day you’ll be lonely again!”
Gyn laughed softly as sheslowly withdraw her gorgeous cock from my belly; my pussy divided slightly, permanently, but this time for the glorious reason that I had given myself to my beloved. “My darling little imp!” she exclaimed “don’t you get it? Every time we make love, I give you a little of my essence. You’re going to be around for about a hundred years longer than I am!”
“You mean..?” I asked.
“We really are going to live happily EVER after!” she exclaimed, kissing me deeply again.
*Linzi and Gyn’estar’s adventures will continue in ‘The Triskele Collar’*
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