I moaned on the long thick cockstem in my throat, making the head twitch, my lips tightening round the base, as the leathery, tiny scaled, living whip cracked lightly across the full width of my bottom. The huge balls of the Snake-demon upon whose cock I was eagerly nurselling pressed against my chin a little harder as his tail arched more strongly, his strangely cool, almost cold, cockhead pushing deeper into my throat as he shifted his body, the leathery living tendril that he was using to keep my legs gripped tightly to his enormous tail tightening slightly around my ankles. The free end of this appendage, which emanated from an opening near the pointed base of his tail, flicked slowly back and forth before whipping me sharply but lightly on the bum again, making me moan more deeply this time, his cock arching a little in the constriction of my throat from the pleasure we were sharing.
“You have the most amazing little slave, Gyn,” the Snake-demon, who was named Saur’ex, gasped. “If only I could go to the Human Realm and get one for myself!”
“Just make sure she doesn’t swallow any of that venomous come of yours, Saur’ex!” my She-demon beloved replied, from within the coils of Saur’ex’s son, Rept’ex. “it was only funny the first time!”
It hadn’t been funny for me the ‘first time’ either! Gyn’estar was referring to an incident that had occurred when Saur’ex and I had our first intimate encounter; I had licked some of his thick, slippery green fluid from the shake of his pumping cock, only to find myself in a state of paralysis for several hours afterwards. Apparently, female Snake-demon’s reproductive tracts reflexively ‘flush’ themselves several times a day, for hygiene purposes, so the male’s semen contains an anaesthetic that prevents this from happening to allow impregnation to take place; ingesting even a small amount of it, as I had done, therefore results in temporary loss of motor control, even for demonstrations. During the time I was incapable of moving, Gyn and both Snake-demons had played with me like a toy. I had been particularly upset at how I was held upside down while both Saur’ex and his son used their legsey ‘augments’ to whip my bottom to a deep cherry red colour while Gyn clapped and laughed. It had been several days before I finally accepted her apology, which had been accompanied by an assurance that should it ever happen again, I’d be put to bed to sleep it off rather than being used as a living sex doll!
Saur’ex now curled the free end of his tendril into a long, helical, spring shape, which he slowly and gently slipped between my pussy lips, inserting it up into my belly; I moaned more deeply as he began to rationally coil more of it up inside me, then uncoil it so that my vaginal walls stretched and relaxed deliciously around it. I let my mouth slide from his cock, gripping it with my fingers instead, pumping the shake in time with the delightful expansion and contraction of the living spring deep in my belly, careful to keep the emerald green head pointing away from my face. The iridescence of the scales on his cockstem fascinated me; I watched the light retro into rainbow colours upon its surface as I stroked and pumped until it throbbed deeply, far more strongly that any human cock I had ever felt deliver its load, shooting thick, slimy green filaments onto his muscle abdomen, even as his cooling and uncoiling tendril moved like a pumping muscle inside me to bring me to a gasping, panting orgasm.
Gyn’estar and I had lived together for six months at this point in time, months that had been the happiest of my life, months that she had said to me many times were also the happiest of hers. I had met a great number of demonstrations, some humanoid, some part-humanoid, some that the less enlightened might call ‘monsters’. I had learned that demonstrates now numbered in the tens of thousands, whereas there had been many millions of them before what they referred to as ‘The GreatCataclysm’, the last demon war, that had taken place almost two thousand years earlier and in which Demonkind had very nearly wiped itself out. This had resulted in Demonkind’s highest law, a prohibition enforced by the Profane Incantations, which are said to have been invoked originally to bring Demonkind into existence. The punishment for breaking this law is simple, immediate and somewhat horrifying, but it works; whatever violence or harm one demon does another is revisited on the perpetrator in equal measure. A demon who injuries or kills another receives the same injuries or death as their victim!
For this reason, demons are rarely aggressive, or even abusive, towards one another; their society has basically completely eliminated violence. Their society has reached this level of enlightenment, and having withdrawn from the Human Realm almost completely for thousands of years, the whole of Demonkind was horrified when humanity visited what demons call ‘The First Hu-man Cataclysm’ upon itself in the early years of the twentytieth century. Demonkind, in general, had then resolved to attempt to guide humanity in an attempt to prevent what had happened in the Demon Realm from happening in the Hu-man one. However, the human impulse towards self-destruction in the pursuit of temporary power, something demons consider as insanity, proved too strong for the transformative influence of Demonkind, which couldn’t prevent ‘The Second Hu-man Cataclysm’ around twenty years later! According to Gyn, humanity was now on the brink of a third and most likely final disaster, our own greed and stupidity about to make climate change unstoppable. And it was in the course of her efforts to stop such a thing from happening that our paths had crossed, of course.
Nearly a year later, as we enjoyed our erotic games with two of our closest Friends, the problems of humanity as a whole were far from our minds. However, a few days later, as we breakfasted together on the veranda of our Demon Realm home, Gyn announced that she would be returning to the Human Realm for an extended period, and that she wanted me to accompany her. Her look of concern as she broke the news made me a little worried.
“What’s the matter, baby?” I asked, taking her hand in mine.
“As I’ve told you, my sexy little imp, there are various Demon facts operating in the Human Realm.” my beloved explained. “One in particular is actively trying to HELP Hu-mankind royally screw up their planet, forcing them to act together to fix it afterwards, rather than persuade Humanity to do something BEFORE it’s too late! I can’t let them succeed in that aim, can I?”
“Well, considering that we dumb humans didn’t learn from the first two cataclysms,” I said, “I don’t think ‘third time lucky?’ is a sensitive strategy, my darling.”
“Precisely!” my She-demon love replied. “And considering just how adamant the other fact is that they’re right, it’s best if I have you where I can bestkeep you safe, my precious little slut, which is with me.”
“They’d use me as a weapon against you?” I asked.
“Well, they can’t harm me directly, can they?” she answered. “Demonic law and everything. But ‘Gyn’estar’s hu-woman pet’ isn’t protected by demon law, quite the reverse, to be honest.”
‘Gyn’estar’s hu-woman pet’ was the somewhat insulting name that some demonstrations used to describe me, mainly those who wouldn’t have been our friends anyway. But the thought that I could be a liability to my beloved Gyn made me angry rather than scared! I looked at her with conviction and asked simply:
“What will we do, my Mistress?” giving her control in our apparent prediction.
“First, we’re moving to the Human Realm.” she said. “I’ll invoke an incantation on our portal so that only we can use it. Second, I’ll use more incantations to lock this house down, so that no one can get in at all. That should provide us with security on both sides.”
‘Yes, my beloved Mistress,” I answered, “I’ll start packing us up immediately.”
My raven haired, green eyed She-demon lover looked at me so tenderly that I almost started to cry. “This may be a storm in a teacup, baby, but we’re not taking any chances!”
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