The Teaching Ch. 05

Chapter 5 (Conclusion) (Lesbian, BDSM, Femdom, Toys, Non-Consensual, Threesome)


The security guard began to stir. He lifted his head off the cold ground.

“Owww! My aching head!” Tom said as he shook his head trying to clear the cobwebs. “Where am I?”

Tom tried to lift himself up but he was too weak and he slumped back down onto the ground.

“Shit! How long have I’ve been out?” Tom groaned as he tried to lift himself up again.

Tom managed to support himself on his forearms as he tried to maneuver his legs under him. He pushed up, using his elbows, and was able to get on all fours. Once on all fours, Tom was able to look around. The area was in complete darkness except for a dim light that was on the ground about 10 feet in front of him.

He then shuffled his way, on all fours, towards the light. Once he reached his goal, Tom found out that the light source was his flashlight. The flashlight was up against a wall. Tom struggled to sit up and aFer a few tries, he succeeded. Tom slowly turned his back against the wall and rested.

“Holy shit!” Tom muttered to himself as he breathed a sight of relief. He picked up the flashlight and shone its beam into the darkness. Tom realized that he was in the women’s change room and shower area. He put down the flashlight and tried to remember what had happened.

The last thing that Tom remembered was that he came into this very room, looking for Amy. It was dark and next thing he remembered, was waking up.

Tom picked up the flashlight again. But this time, he shone the beam along the ground directly in front of him. He saw two familiar shapes on the ground where he originally was.

“Cell phones!” Tom exclaimed as he placed the flashlight into the holster on his belt.

Tom placed His hands on the ground and pushed. He managed to get up onto his feet. Slightly dizzy, Tom managed to steady himself by placing his one of his hands against the wall.

“I need to turn the lights on!” Tom muttered to himself.

After a few minutes, Tom replaced his full balance. He shone the light to the far wall and the beam hit the doors. He moved the beam slightly to the right and he saw the light switch.

Tom started to walk towards the light switch, mindful of where the cell phones were located as to not to step on them. Upon reaching his destination, Tom raised his hand and flicked on the light switch.

The familiar sound of the main lights being turned was heard. The lights started to warm up and one by one, they came on, illuminating the room.

Tom turned off the flashlight and replaced it back into its holster. He turned around, leaned up against the wall, bent over at the waist, and placed his hands on his knees.

“Ahhhhhh!” Tom breathed another huge sight off relief.

Tom turned to his left and saw his reflection in a full-length mirror. He stood up and walked towards the mirror. He turned his head and saw a huge red welt onthe side of his temple. He gingerly touched it.

“Owww!” Tom said as he winced slightly.

After resting for a few more minutes, Tom decided to retrieve both cell phones. He walked over to them and knelt down on one knee. Tom also noticed a dark spot next to one of the cell phones.

“Could that be blood?” Tom thought to himself. He decided not to touch the spot.

He proceeded to pick up both cell phones and then stood up. Tom checked both phones and discovered that one of the cell phones had a cracked screen.

“I think that this one’s done!” Tom thought to himself.

But the other cell phone seemed to be intact.

“Good!” Tom thought. “Let’s see who this phone belongs to!”

Tom turned on the phone. And after the operating system booted up, the background picture appeared. As soon as he saw the iconic structure, Tom knew exactly whose cell phone it was.

“It must be Patty’s phone!” Tom exclaimed. However, he didn’t recall seeing Patty when he locked the door. Only Amy and Amy went back in, looking for Patty.

“Well, I better fix myself up first if I’m going to look for the girls!” Tom exclaimed as he walked back to the door. He opened the First Aid kit and retrieved a bandage. He turned and faced the mirror. Tom proceeded to wrap his head with the bandage.

“That’s better! Now, let’s look for the girls!” Tom said as he exited the change room.

Once in the hallway, Tom took out his flashlight and turned it on. He shone the light down one corridor and then down the next corridor.

“Wow! Is this place ever dark when the lights aren’t on.” Tom thought to himself. “I need to find the light switch. I’ll head towards the entrance.”

Tom turned to his right and proceeded to make his way to the entrance. He shone the beam along the floor ahead of him to ensure that he didn’t bump into anything. Eventually, he made it to the entrance without incident and found the light switch. He flicked on the switch.

Again, the buzzing and crackling of the overhead lights were heard. One by one, they came on.

Although his head started to throb a little more than usual, he felt a sign of relief. At least, he cane see without the use of the flashlight. He reholstered the flashlight.

Tom needed some fresh air. He turned to face the entrance and pushed on one of the doors. The door swung opened into the night air.

Tom walked outside and took a deep breathe.

“How long have I been unconscious?” Tom thought again. He quickly went back into the building and looked at his watch. Fortunately for him, his watch had a date tracker.

“Holy shit!” Tom exclaimed. “3 days? Oh my God! I’ve been out for 3 whole days!”

Tom turned and went back outside. He started to feel really uneasy about the whole situation.

Tom collected himself and started to recant the events up to him waking up in the women’s change room.

“Let’s see if I can remember everything.” Tom said to himself. “I locked the door and as I was leaving, Amy ran up to me asking if I had seen Patty. I said no. She asked if she could go inside to find her friend. So, I let her back in and I stayed outside, waiting for both of them to come back out. But they didn’t. So, I went back in to look for them. And next thing, I remembered was waking up in the change room. Wow!”

“If the girls didn’t leave, their car should be still here!” Tom said as he started to look around the parking lot. He noticed 2 cars, one closer than the other.

“One has got to be mine and the other must be the girls!” Tom thought as he pulled out flashlight again and started walking towards the closer vehicle.

When he reached the car, Tom quickly shone the light into the car. He noticed 2 large gym bags in the back seat. The key was still in the ignition.

“Yup! This is the girls’ car!” he thought. “Now, where are they? They must be in the building!”

Before heading towards the building, Tom quickly shone the light in the direction of the other vehicle and confirmed that it was his car.

Tom, satisfied with his findings in the parking lot, headed back towards the building. He needed to call 911.

“Hey! Wake up! Bitch!” Amy prodded Laree in the ribs, with her toe of her boot.

“Yay! Wakey! Wakey!” Patty chimed in as well.

“Looks like our plaything doesn’t want to wake up!” Amy said to Patty.

After being prodded a few more times, Laree began to stir. Her tear-streaked face was very dirty from the sweat. She opened her eyes slowly to see Amy and Patty towering over her.

“No more! Please! No more!” Laree shrieked. “I do whatever you want! Both of you!”

“So you agree to drop the title?” Amy asked. “And not asking Marie for more title shots?”

“Yes! Yes!” Laree shouted as she tried to move her limbs.

“Let’s see what else! Hmmmm!” Patty said. “How about being our personal “Go-fer”? You know, go-fer this and go-fer that?”

“I like the sounds of that!” Amy said, nodding her head in agreement. “There has to be more!”

“Hmmm! What else? What else indeed.” Patty said as smiled at Laree.

“Oh! I know! And it’s the most important thing!” Amy said as she smiled at Patty.

“What’s that, Amy?” Patty replied.

“Oh! That’s right! No cops!” Patty agreed as the two girls high-fived each other.

“And if anyone asks, we were just fooling around! Got it?” Amy said sternly.

Laree remained silent.

“Got it?” Amy said louder as she prodded Laree again.

“Yay!” Laree whispered.

“What? We can’t hear you. Can you hear her?” Amy questioned as she looked at Patty.

“Nope. I couldn’t hear her.” Patty replied.

“Yes. No cops!” Laree shouted.

“Good! We are all in agreement!” Amy exclaimed, joyfully. “And for our part, we won’t say a word to what you did to us! Agreement?”

“Yes.” Laree whispered again.

“What did you say?” Amy said as she was going to give Laree another prodding.

“Yes! Yes! Okay!” Laree shouted back.

“If you don’t follow through, Patty and I will sing like canaries! Got it?” Amy asked.

“Yes!” Laree shouted. “Now, unlock me!”

“Unlock me what?” Patty asked.

“Unlock me now!” Laree screamed as she struggled against her restraints.

“The Bitch has no manners at all! Didn’t your parents teach you any manners? Sheesh!” Amy said.

“Okay! Okay! Please! Please!” Laree replied.

“Okay what? Please what?” Patty laughed as the torque continued.

“Please! Can you unlock me? Please!” Laree started to stammer. Her eyes started to well up again.

“So, we have a deal then?” Amy asked.

“Yes! We do!” Laree stammered.

“I just wanted to make sure! That’s all!” Amy said as she turned up at Patty.

“Let’s see! Laree agrees to,one, being our “Go-fer”, two, dropping the title at WrestleBash, three, not asking Marie for anymore title shots when Amy,or I, is the Champ, and finally, four, not going to the cops about our fun! I had to add the “I” part in!” Patty said.

“Good one! I forgot about that one!” Amy exclaimed.

“And we, Amy and I, agree to not tell on you!” Patty remarked.

“Everyone agree, say I” Amy asked.

“I!” Patty shouted with a big smile on her face.

Laree remained silent again.

Both Patty and Amy looked at Laree. Finally. Laree agreed.

“I.” Laree stammered as she closed her eyes.

“And there we have it!” Amy said. “Patty? If you would do the honours!”

“Okay!” Patty said as she walked towards Laree’s hands.

Patty took out the lanyard, rifled through the keys and found the right one. She knelt down on one knee and began to unlock the first shadowle when Amy stopped her.

“Let’s handcuff her! For old times sake!” Amy said as she smiled.

Amy walked back to table and picked up a pair of police-grade handcuffs.

“Not yet! Let me get behind her first!” Amy said.

“Okay!” Patty replied.

Amy walked up to Laree’s head and positioned herself behind Laree’s head. She then applied one of the handscuffs to Laree’s right wrist.

“Okay. Go ahead!” Amy said.

Patty proceeded to unlock the shadowle that held Laree’s right wrist.

“Get onto your left side and put your wrists together!” Amy demanded.

Laree did as she was told and soon, both of her wrists were handcuffed together.

Patty unlocked the left shadow.

“Now sit up!” Amy commanded.

Laree struggled but eventually, she managed to sit up.

“We going to do the same to your feet!” Amy said. “Wait a minute! I have a better idea! Patty?”

“Yup!” Patty replied as she stood up.

“Let’s get Laree to shackle her own legs!” Amy said, excitedly.

“Great idea!” Patty answered as Amy walked back to the table.

Amy grabbed a pair of leg shades and what looked like a flogger made from bamboo.

“Insurance!” Amy wounded at Patty. Patty smiled back.

Amy walked back to Laree.

“Put these on!” Amy commanded as she tossed the leg shades at Laree.

Laree caught the shadows and slowly put them around her ankles. Once secured, Patty walked towards Laree’s feet. She knelt down and released Laree’s feet from the heavy restraints. She also checked that Laree had properly secured the lighter leg shackles.

“All secured here as well!” Patty said to Amy.

“Good! Let’s get her up! Give me a hand!” Amy said to Patty.

With Amy under one arm and Patty under the other, Laree was hoisted to her feet.

“One more thing!” Patty said.

Patty went back to the table and grabbed a chain with a neck restraint.

“Remember this? I certainly do!” Patty said as she waved it at Laree.

Laree dropped her head to her chest. Amy, who was standing next to Laree, nodded in agreement.

Patty walked over to Laree.

“Lift up your head!” Patty shouted. “Not fun anymore, eh?”

Laree lifted her head and Patty placed the neck restraint on. She then gave the chain a slight tug and smiled.

“All’s fair in love and war!” Patty said. “Let’s get her dressed! We don’t want to late for WrestleBash!”

“You got that right, Sister!” Amy replied as she looked at Laree. Laree had her head down again.

Patty handed the chain to Amy. Patty took the lead as she headed for the door, followed by Laree in her shadowles and then Amy, still holding the bamboo flogger.

“Move on!” Amy shouted to Laree as she was prodded in the back by the flogger.

Patty reached the door and pulled out the lanyard of keys. She chose the largest key, inserted it into the lock, turned the key and opened the door. Patty exited the room and held the door open for Laree and Amy. Laree was next to exit, followed by Amy. Once in the hallway, Patty lead Laree and Amy to a door on the opposite side of the hallway.

Patty unlocked the door and entered. Amy pushed Laree into the room. Laree stumbled but didn’t fall.

This was the room where Laree locked up, tortured and abused Patty. In the corner was Laree’s gym bag. Amy recognized the bag, walked over and picked it up. She then threw the bag at Laree.

“Put some clothes on!” Amy commanded.

“How can I if my arms and legs are shackled?” Laree asked.

“Alright then. Patty? The keys, please.” Amy asked. Patty gave Amy the lanyard.

“Hang on to this and this for me? Thanks!” Amy gave Patty the chain and the flogger to hold. “Smack her if she tries to escape!”

With her feet, Patty pushed the gym bag closer to Laree and then, she stood back. Amy tried several keys until she found the correct one. She unlocked the handscuffs from both Laree’s wrists and ankles. She held onto the handscuffs and shadows and also moved back.

“No more excuses! Clothes on! Now!” Amy shouted.

Laree squatted down and picked up her gym bag. She rummaged around in the bag until she found a tee, shortsand a pair of socks.

“No socks!” Amy demanded as she took one step forward and snatched the socks away from Laree. “And no shoes either!”

“My feet are going get blistered and sore!” Laree replied.

“That’s the whole idea!” Amy answered back. “No chance of escape!”

“What if someone asks.” Laree asked.

“We’ll say that you’ve changed your wrestling style!” Patty added.

“Listen! I’ve already agreed to your regulations! Why don’t you trust me?” Laree asked.

“We don’t! Trust you!” Amy replied. “Come on! We don’t have all day!”

Laree began, put on her tee and shorts.

“Ah! Much better! Now, we can all head to WrestleBash! Together!” Patty said, excitedly.

“Need to put these on first!” Amy said as she waved the handscuffs and restraints in the air.

Amy walked up to Laree, knelt down and secured the ankle shades. She then stood up applied the handscuffs. Amy grabbed Laree’s gym bag and placed the strap over her head.

“Don’t forget your bag!” Amy exclaimed. “Now! We’re ready!”

Patty gave the chain and flogger back to Amy.

“You better hang onto the chain.” Amy told Patty.

“Alright!” Patty said. “Come on, Laree!”

Patty led Laree out of the room, followed by Amy. All three ladies headed for the stairs.

Tom entered the building when he He heard a loud communication coming from downstairs, like something heavy was dropped. Since the lights were on, he had no problems making it back to the women’s change room. However, beyond that, it was still pitch dark. Tom pulled out his flashlight and scanned both sides of the hallway, looking for a light switch. He couldn’t find one.

His intention on coming back into the building was to call 911 but due to This new distraction, that call had slipped his mind.

He proceeded nervously along the dark corridor, stopping on occasion to listen. After the loud communication, there was nothing else. He reached a junction and shone his flashlight down another hallway. It, too, was in total darkness.

He knew that at the end of this hallway were the stairs that led to the basement. Tom also realized that was a light switch at the top of the stairs. There was also a switch at the bottom of the stairs as well.

Tom continued to proceed with caution. He thought he heard voices coming from the basement. But because of his head wound, Tom thought that he was imagining it. His flashlight finally found the stairs leading to the basement. He shone the light up along the wall and managed to see the light switch.

All of a sudden, the main overhead lights started to buzz and crackle.

“What the ….?” Tom exclaimed as he looked up.

One by one the lights started to come on. Tom doubled back around the corner where he came from and crouched down. Tom peered down the corridor and the lights were on. He also noticed that the lights over the stairs were lit as well.

“Move along!” Tom heard someone say down bythe stairs.

“Oh shit!” Tom thought as he pulled out his trusty flashlight. He held the torch like a club.

Tom also heard footsteps going up the stairs.

“Whose …. whose there?” Tom shouted down the hallway as he started to perspire.

There was no answer and the footsteps stopped.

“Identify yourselves! Immediately! I know there’s More than one of you!” Tom shouted again as he heard voices again. He ducked around the corner.

“Did you hear something?” Patty asked Amy as she stopped about midway up the stairs.

“What’s that?” Amy replied as she made sure that Laree kept pace with Patty.

“Shh! I thought I heard someone!” Patty whispered.

Amy quickly covered Laree’s mouth with her hand.

“I don’t hear anything!” Amy whispered. “Wait a sec! It could be Security.

“Keep going! I have a plan! And you, keep quiet! Got it?” Amy whispered as she removed her hand over Laree’s mouth.

Laree nodded in agreement.

All three ladies started up the stairs once more.

Tom heard the footsteps start up again. This time he definitely knew that he was not imagining things. He stood up and peered around the corner again. This time he saw a head with blonde hair appears.

“Hey you!” Tom shouted as he brandished his flashlight. “Stop right there!”

The head with the blonde hair stopped, turned and raised up to look at Tom. He recognized that it was Patty. “Oh my God! It’s Patty!” Tom shouted as he started to run towards Patty.

“Hey! You!” Patty said as she reached the top of the stairs.

When Tom reached Patty, he looked down the stairs and saw Laree and Amy.

“Are you okay?” Patty asked as she noticed the bandage around Tom’s head.

“Yay! I’m fine!” Tom said as he rubbed the bandage. “Not sure what happened, though. I’ve got to call the cops!”

“I guess you found each other!” Tom exclaimed. “Hey! Miss Laree! You’re here as well?”

Laree didn’t say anythingg. She just nodded.

“Yup! We sure did!” Amy said. “Hey! Look! Thanks for letting me in but we have to go!”

“Tom. My name’s Tom.” Tom said.

“Sorry about that. Hey Tom. We’ve got to jet!” Patty said. “So, if you don’t mind, we’ll excuse ourselves and see ourselves out.”

“Okay! Oh, by the way, here’s Your phone.” Tom said as he reached into his back pocket, pulled out the phone and handed it to Patty. “Oh, Miss Amy! Your phone’s dead. Sorry!”

“Thanks Tom.” Patty acknowledged as she put her phone in her pocket.

“That’s okay. I’ll get another one.” Amy said.


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