The Team Leader's Hen Party

Author’s note:

This is my first attempt, so constructive feedback welcome. I do have ideas for other stories incorporating some of the characters in this story.


Craig’s phone pinged with a message. Reaching forward he picked it off the coffee table and read the message.

“Everything ok?” asked Jim.

“Sure, it’s just from Tina, apparently Karen’s in danger of getting wasted so she’s taking her back to their room”.

“Ah, ok, is Karen the Hen, they’re in York didn’t you say?”

“Yeah, Karen’s the hen, yes, I think Teen’s just trying to keep Karen in a fit state for this evening, she’s been landed with the job of making all the arrangements”.

“Including a stripper?” asked Jim.

“Ha, I don’t think so, she certainly didn’t mention it. No she booked all the accommodation, travel, a meal out tonight – you know all that stuff.”

“Yeah, more work than you think.”

“True, but the bit that peeved Teen was that no-one elsewanted to share a room with Karen.”

“Why’s that?” asked Jim.

“Well” Craig chuckled, “No-one wanted to be ‘cock blocker’ if Karen decided to have one last night of fun”

“Oh, I see” laughed Jim, “and what do you reckon are the chances Karen will want to make use of her last night of freedom?”

“Well I don’t really know Karen, but from what Teen tells me, she’s a very in control kind of person, guess that’s why she’s a Team Leader in the call centre”

“Only hint of anything different that I know of was at the Christmas Party. She got a bit flirtatious after a few drinks, had a row with her fiancée”

“That doesn’t sound too good” Jim responded.

“Well it didn’t go down too well with Roger – he’s Karen’s fiancée. He stormed off from what Teen told me. He works in Accounts, classic nerdy geek with oversize glasses. The type of guy that considers Accounting books as suitable bedtime reading.”

They both laughed. “No one knows what Karen sees in Roger. Karen’s quite attractive, not as attractive as my Teen. Karen’s a brunette, nice hair, long, straight and glossy, hangs well below her shoulder when it’s not tied back. She’s a bit heavier than Teen and with big tits that she usually does her best to disguise – you know thick jumpers, high necked tops. “

“Such a waste when women don’t show off their assets” surprised Jim.

“True, Teen’s not like that, well not when she’s at home with me.”

“How do you mean?” asked Jim curious to know more.

“Well Teen’s always liked to tease me, she says it turns her on, knowing that she’s getting me hard”

“That sounds like my kinda girl” said Jim.

“Sorry mate, she’s mine” laughed Craig. “But when you’re Wandering round the supermarket and Teen leans up and whispers in your ear that she’s not wearing any knickers, well that just gets me going. We’re usually out of there pretty quick after that.”

“I bet”


Fortunately it was just a short walkback to the hotel from the pub, and just as well given the heels that Karen was wearing, they were clearly designed for appearance rather than comfort.

Tina and a slightly tipsy Karen tottered through the revolving door into the airy hotel atrium. The friendly female receptionist who’d checked them in a few hours earlier looked up from her desk as their heels echoed against the tiles.

“Everything ok ladies?” she asked.

“We’re fine thanks” Tina replied.

As the lift doors closed the receptionist could hear giggles, and a long “Nooo”. The doors closed as Tina spoke “Come on Karen, there’s no way she thought we were lesbians” and once again they giggled.

Back in the room Tina set out about the practices. She needed to ensure that Karen would be sober enough to enjoy the planned itinerary for tonight. Tina went to the mini bar and retrieved a bottle of chilled water.

“Here Karen, best if you take a break from the booze til this evening”

“God it’s like having my mum here” she laughed, but she didn’t protest, and took the glass and drank from it. For the next half an hour or so Tina was sommelier, or whatever a server of chilled water might be called, attentively keeping Karen’s glass of water topped up.

“Blimey Tina, how much water have you been giving me?”

“Well we’ve,”, then pausing, “actually you’ve, nearly finished the second half litre bottle.”

“No wonder I need to go” said Karen, and with that she disappeared into the en suite, only half-closing the door. Seconds later Tina could hear the familiar splashing sound as Karen emptied her bladder. “Don’t mind me” Tina thought as she considered Karen’s uncharacteristically uninhibited behavior.

“Ah that feels a lot better” Karen announced as she came back into the bedroom. I think I’ll have a lie down before we get ready for tonight”, and having announced that, she slipped off her heels and got onto her generous queen size bed.

“Aren’t you going to rest your eyes too Tina? We need to be at full strength for this evening.”

Tina glanced at her watch, “Ok I think we can allow half an hour, an hour max, then we’ll need to get ready before the others join us for prosecco. I’ve booked the restaurant – Marco’s for 8:30, and also a minibus so we can all travel together, it should be here at about 8pm.”

“Very organized, and have you booked me a stripper too?” asked Karen.

“Bloody hell Karen! Is that what you wanted?”

Unknown to Karen this subject had been discussed among the rest of the hen party during the preceding weeks, and there had been some hesitancy about whether it would be appropriate. Some in Karen’s work team liked the idea of ​​seeing Karen with a stripper, but there was an edge of uncertainty, in particular that she might not be able to shake off her Team Leader role. There was a risk that it might all get a bit awkward and embarrassing, not to mention that each of the hen party would have to chip in extra to cover the cost.

“Well I’ve done a bit of research Karen and found some good bars and also a couple of clubs that seem to have a good vibe.”

“Ok, well I just want a chance to shake it one last time”, and then gave Tina an unmistakably mischievous grin.

Tina smiled, and wondered just how much Karen wanted to shake.

Tina laid back on her bed and idly played with Her phone pinging WhatsApp messages back and forth with the other hes. It seemed like they had stopped drinking for now and had wandered around doing a bit of retail therapy and were on their way back to the hotel, allowing time to get ready for the evening. Tina sent Craig an update, telling him how Karen seemed to be back on track for this evening. Being the co-ordinator was hard work, and it means that Tina could never fully relax.


“Do you want to shower first Karen, or would you prefer me to go first?”

“Oh you go first, I need to sort out my outfit.”

Tina popped into the en suite, and enjoyed a nice warm soapy shower, emerging a few minutes later wrapped in a towel, while drying her bobbed hair with a smaller towel. She sat at the dressing table and began drying her hair. Karen disappeared into the en suite as Tina selected her underwear, applied some subtle perfume, and slipped into her chosen dress – a classic little black number, silky fabric, cut to a little above the knee, and with a classic neckline showing off a bit of cleavage, but not too much. Tina finished the look with some classic dangling earrings, she just had her makeup left to do.

“Phew, that shower’s good” said Karen as she came back into the room, a haze of condensation visible through the doorway behind her. “Wow, Tina you made quick work of getting ready, it’s going to take me ages to get my hair dried”.

“Hey, sit here and use the drier, I’ll go finish my makeup in the bathroom.”

Tina simulated the mirror in the bathroom and did her mascara and lipstick, adding just a hint of blusher to her cheeks. She wasn’t into heavy makeup, believing in the less is more rule where makeup is concerned.

Returning to the bedroom Karen was still wrapped in a towel busy drying her hair and also getting a little stressed at the time it was taking to achieve.

“Would you like me to brush out your hair while you dry it?” Tina offered.

“Yes, that would be great, should get the job done quicker.”

Steadily they worked as a team as Tina used the brush in long smooth strokes allowing the doctor to work more effectively. It feel like a surprisingly personal and intimate act, “Oh Thanks Tina, that saved quite a bit of time; that is soo helpful.”

Tina stepped back and glanced over to the bed at the clothes that Karen had laid out. “Umm” she Thought as she noticed the sexy and rather minimal lacy black thong, and then a well fashioned but decorative black bra. There was a new pair of sheer black holdups and then Tina noticed theskirt. The skirt was short, but not outrageously so, maybe mid-thigh or a touch lower, but what caught her eyes were the two side panels. These two panels were only a couple of inches wide, if they could even be described as panels, for it looked like little more than an open lattice of shoe lace holding the fabric of the front and back panels of the skirt together. “Umm so that’s why Karen’s chosen a high waited minimal thong, anything more and her knickers would show through those open side panels.

“Oh, you’re looking at my skirt”, Karen interrupted Tina’s train of thought.

“Err, yes” Tina replied.

“Ha, well Roger doesn’t like it, so I thought I might as well give it one last outing seeing as he’s not here. Oh God, is that the time, I really need to anxious a bit or the girls will be down here before I’m dressed”

“I can message them to tell them to give us an extra 10 minutes, or a bit more if you need it?” Tina offered.

“Oh please Tina, that would be grat, 10 minutes should be enough.”

Tina went and sat in the chair by the full-height window, it overlooked the street, and down below the road ran past the hotel and over the river. Traffic and pedestrians were still in abundance. Tina picked up her phone and messaged the group suggesting a 15 minute delay on the prosecco. As Tina put her phone down and looked up she could see that Karen had evidently disclosed her towel, slipped into her skimpy thong and was just wriggling into her skirt facing away from Tina. Before Tina could say anything Karen had turned around to lean over and pick up her bra from the bed offering Tina a fully topless view.

“Blimey Karen, I’m sorry” said Tina looking away.

Karen laughed, “Come on Tina, don’t be such a prude, we’ve both got boobs, there’s nothing to be ashamed of”. Wow, that was more than a surprise to Tina, earlier events began to replay in her mind, that joke about the receptionist thinking they were lesbians, or maybe brushing Karen’s hair had released some inner confidence in her. Tina was felt a little disconcerted at her ability to read Karen’s signals, made all the more difficult by her own absence of sexual attention to other women. For Tina, Craig was all that she wanted. She just hoped things didn’t take an awkward turn, especially once more alcohol was consumed, after all they would once again be colleagues come Monday morning.

As Tina looked back up Karen was making final adjustments to her bra, partially cupping her breasts and assessing if the bra was adjusted correctly. At least her breasts weren’t on display swinging about like they had been before. That was a sight she wouldn’t easily forget, not arousing per se, more intriguing, fascinating. Maybe she would mention it to Craig, he always liked to tease Tina by saying that he was born to feed on breasts, and she had a feeling that he’d willingly feast on Karen’s.

“Tina, can I ask you something?”

Karen’s question snapped Tina out of her reverie, and that short question had more than an element of jeopardy in Tina’s mind. What was coming next? “Course you can Karen.”

“Do you think I’ve got this bra adjusted right, or do you think I should shorten the steps to lift them up a bit more?”

“Well I guess it depends what feels comfortable for you, and how you want your boobs to look when you put your top on.”

“Good point Tina, I’ll put the top on and then you can tell me what you think.”

Karen picked up her top off the bed and slipped it over her head and pulled it down. It was certainly figure hugging, and for some it would draw criticism for showing off the soft curve of Karen’s belly. But that wasn’t what Tina’s eyes were drawn to. The tight smooth fabric was low cut and combined with the efforts of her bra helped to compress her breasts together to create a deep and revealing cleavage.

“Well you’ll certainly get attention in that outfit. How does it feel?”

“It feels great, and I feel great, I just need to get my makeup done and then a bit of jewellery, and then I’m ready for action.”

“Woah tiger” Tina laughed.

“Might be my last chance” Karen responded laughing.


The hens gathered in the room, while outside the light was fading a little. Tina had thoughtfully turned on the table lamps. At least that was one perk of organising This trip, the hotel had upgraded their room to a Superior DeLuxe Twin; hence the larger beds, more space, and a view out towards the river. Some of the other hens had rooms staring out at a dark and deserted brutalist office block.

“Hey everyone, a toast, to Karen losing her virginity”, it was Fiona, always the loudest one in their team. Everyone laughed.

Next to speak was Andrea, “Karen, we’ve clubbed together to get you some presents to help you cope with married life, and we’d like you to open them now before we go out.” Giggles and laughter ensured.

First Karen opened an oversize envelope and as she pulled out the card signed by everyone in the office two large L plates fell out of the envelope. “Go on Karen, you’ve got to wear them”, it was Fiona – again.

“Umm” said Andrea, “with that outfit I don’t think Karen will need L plates on for long”, Karen blushed and everyone laughed. Tina topped up glasses with prosecco. “Tell you what, I’ll put them in my bag and you can pin them on when we go clubbing”, yes it was Andrea again.

“I’m just expecting something evil now” said Karen as she began to unwrap the smaller of the two boxes. “Oh”…

Much laughter, “We thought they might be a useful way to keep Roger under control” suggested Andrea, “Unless you want him to keep you under control” she added. Karen held up the furry handcuffs for all to see.

“You lot are pure filter” said Karen in a tone devoid of any disapproval and giving away nothing in terms of who might be wearing them in future.

Karen unwrapped the second box, this one was larger, longer, heavier than the first, the weight biased towards one end. As the tissue paper rustled a plug and power cord emerged followed by a large vibrator. “Umm this looks well made” Karen said in a faux serious voice.

“Well we heard that Roger has been booked on a residential Accountancy course, so we didn’t want you to suffer” the emphasis on the last word as Lindsay spoke it caused squeals of laughter.

“AND”, she added, “you could always try it out tonight if you don’t get lucky”

“Or use it on Tina” suggested Fiona. That drew a sharp look from Tina that suggested that Fiona’s banter had gone a bit far.

“Sorry” she mouthed to Tina.


“Minibus is here” Tina announced as the message pinged through on her phone.

The gang trooped down to the lobby their voices echoing against all the hard surfaces in the atrium.

The receptionist had changed over ready for the long night shift, a slim young man with a goatee now replacing his previous colleague. “Enjoy yourselves ladies” he said in a slightly camp voice. Neil was not a fan of he parties, he ran through the standard checklist of issues: lost room cards, arguments, fights, damage, complaints from other guests, drunken injuries, vomit, “extra guests”, you name it Neil had seen it and had to deal with it.

The meal at Marco’s went well with much laughter. The principal waiter “Enrico” took a particular shine to Karen, especially when told that she was the principal hen. Several in the group caught Enrico staring at Karen’s tits, and the fact that Karen was wearing a necklace with blue stones in a silver setting that trailed down into the top of her cleavage made it all the easier to want to look.

“Hey Henry”, it was Andrea again, she’d decided that “Enrico” was a made up name, “Can you get my friend another drink?”

“For the hen? Of course, on the house, a Sambuca”


The group spilled out onto the street, “Where next” asked Andrea, Tina glanced at her watch.

“Maybe a drink in a pub and then a club?”

They settled into the Star and Garter, most opting for wine, but Andrea seemed to be on a bit of a mission, opting for shots. Everyone was pretty chilled and merry, and the group’s noisy banter didn’t go unnoticed by others. Interested glances were thrown their way; Tina received a bit of unwanted attention, but she knew how to handle herself. Andrea was already flirting with a slightly older guy in whom she had no real interest.

“Shall we move on to a club?” Tina suggested.

Nods indicated that everyone was ready to move.

“We’ll try Sparks, it’s just up here.”

“Wait, Wait”, it was Andrea. “Karen you need your L plates on”.

“Do I have to?” she asked, slightly embarrassed at the undoubted attention they would cause to be directed her way.

The chorus of “Yes” wore Karen’s resistance down. Andrea produced the first L plate and approached her boobs, “Not sure where to put the safety pins without damaging you” she laughed.

“Can’t you pin it on my skirt, this is a new top and I don’t want to spoil it”

Andrea grinned “I’ve thought of the perfect place for it”, and saying that she knelt down and pinned it to Karen’s skirt right in front of her crotch. Whooping and cheers ensured as Karen blushed.

“I think I need another drink to cope with the embarrassment of wearing this effing L plate”, smiles and knowing looks were exchanged within the group, it wasn’t often that Karen swore, maybe that was what made her compatible with Roger – no one had even heard him swear once.


The atmosphere in the club was loud and buzzing. Karen sat with her group to begin with, her L plate mercifully out of sight as she sat at a table with two of the three shots in front of her already downed.

Andrea was the only one in the group on the dance floor showing some moves and definitely gettingSome attention. Slim, blond, in her early 20’s, and younger than the rest of her colleagues, she was also less self-conscious, she was just determined to have a good time and party the night away.

A well-muscled guy had spotted Andrea, he looked quite cocky, certainly self-confident, short dark hair, slicked back, similar age to Andrea. Wearing a short sleeped shirt it was clear he either worked out or had a job that involved plenty of exercise. When he danced and shook his bum, it was clear he would be fit for a bit of bedroom exercise as well.

Andrea came back to the table, Andrea’s eyes were sparkling and she looked radiant from all her dancing. “Hunk” lurked in the background, clearly waiting for Andrea to return. Andrea noticed that Karen had finished her third shot, she grabbed her hand, “Come on Karen, show us some moves”, “Yes” the others joined in.

Karen pulled back a little reluctant and self-conscious, “You only have one Hen do, so make the most of it”chipped in Fiona. Karen smiled “You know what, fuck it, you’re right, I’m going to shake my booty” and as she said that she stuck out her chest and gave it a shake. “Way to go” squealed Lindsay.

“Hunk” saw Andrea returning to the dance floor, this time leading Karen by the hand. He noticed Karen too, “Umm, nice tits” he was thinking, and then his eyes dropped lower, he noticed the unmistakable L plate and then the lacened side panels of Karen’s skirt. Yes, she looks hot, definitely worth a shot. “Hunk” might be young, but he’d been busy educating himself over the last few years. York was a hen party hotspot, and he’d learned that some hens like to really let rip on their “last night of freedom”. He reckoned Karen was worth a shot, and if that failed he could still try it with Andrea, and there would be plenty of options after that – he hoped.


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