I showed Joey the brief text exchange and he immediately questioned why I would engage her again in the same realm that led to disaster or even at all.
“I was confused about her reaction, but after some reflection, I knew it was my fault. I lost control of myself and broke the cardinal rules of what we do. Babe! She turned me on so much with what she was doing!”
His smile warmed my heart.
“Let me ask you this because I don’t want to see a repeat of what happened,” he said. “I don’t want to ever see you hurt like that again. What do you think will be different this time?”
“There’s a mystery deep inside her that I hope to unravel one day, but she’s still the same Melissa I knew once upon a time. Well, kind of. This Melissa wants to own me, and the crazy part is, I want to let her. In the process of me wanting to let her, I need to let her, if that makes sense.”
He was infinitely more invested once I confessed my innermost desires. His mood souled slightly as well.
“Can you tell me more about that? That thought makes me feel a certain way about the future and I have to tell you, Kelly, I don’t like that future.”
I thought about what I had just told him and I knew what he was scared of.
“No, babe, you own my heart and with that comes my body and soul. I want her to own ultimate control over me. A type of control you said yourself you don’t want. Remember what you told Melissa? You want limited control. I have wanted that since we started this game of ours. I will always want that from you.
“You should have heard how she talked to me last night, babe. She spoke with such confidence that makes me wet right now imaging her exercise her control over me. Just because I want that doesn’t mean I want you any less. You choose me when you asked me to marry you and not a day will ever go by that I will regret saying yes. Will you let her have me in her special way if she forgives me?”
He asked more questions and I answered them as best as I could with the promise that as better or more informative answers came to light, I would share them with him without delay. I was sure to make him understand that when I used words like “own” and “belong” with her, it was only in the capacity of her dominance over my body. The previous smile that filled me with happiness returned.
I just needed to reclaim Melissa and I would feel a new level of completeness.
I made a plan and only had a few days to carry it out. The first thing I did was to get the style of clothes she demanded I wear. They were easy to find, and I soon realized why they were important to her scheme. Sundresses with comfortable fit panties and bras. They provided her easy access to my body but didn’t leave intentions on my skin. They felt loose on me but never slipped at the same time. I also realized how easy these clothes would be to take of if ever I was told to and didn’t have a lot of time to do it.
Once I had the clothes, I had to prepare my body for her. I stepped into the shower the morning of and prepared myself for my friend and de facto mistress. I made sure I was shaken throughout, especially my mound. I was used to have a little tuft of hair above the hood of my clip but for her, I wanted to give her everything she wanted. I stood in the mirror, looking at myself completely nude, completely bare and I called myself hers,
“You’re her woman now, Kelly,” I said aloud to myself. “You’ll do what she says.”
I said the same thing to my husband when he first brought up the idea of me submitting to him. It was almost natural for me to call him ‘sir.’ It’s like I wanted it. In the moment you would not have known that, but it was meant to be. I was a natural submissive. Melissa was About to take it to a whole new level.
One last look in the mirror and I was finally satisfied. I was dressed to please my new owner. I knew she would inspect me and correct any deficimercies I would have. I did my best to not disappoint her. My underwear was lacey and white. My dress was white with sunflowers on it. I wore a conservative perfume and put my hair up. She had access to every bit of skin my clothes didn’t cover up.
I kissed Joey goodbye and told him I didn’t know when I would be home. I suggested that he have a plan for a solo evening because if things went well, I would aim to resume what she started several days before. I joked that he should also have a tub of ice cream and a sappy movie on hand in case things go badly.
I nervously drive to her place, questioning every decision I made as I prepared myself for her. I nearly turned around a few times to change something random. My own self-respect convinced me that I was good enough for her but my desire to Please her kept me second guessing that. When I arrived at her place, I had made up my mind that my self-respect was better served by fulfilling the needs I had in life. I knocked weaklyat her door, and she soon opened it, looking me up and down briefly before speaking to me.
“I’m glad you showed up,” she said without emotion. “Come in.”
I walked inside her place and stood silently in the middle of what I assumed was the living room. She closed the door silently and locked the deadbolt as well as the regular lock.
“Let’s see what we have here,” she said.
She Walked over to me and stood not far from my side.
“Take off your clothes,” she told me.
I remember how she preferred me to perform that task and I followed every step. My shoes, outer garments, panties, and bra were all folded in a neighbor pile shortly after her command. I stood and presented the stack of clothes in my open hands to my mistress.
“Nicely done, Kelly. You’re sad and you showed up in the clothes I told you to wear. Why did you do all this, knowing what happened before?” she asked.
I was quick to answer.
“I didn’t want you to leave me,” I said plainly and without delay.
“Do you need me?” she asked as she approached me.
I watched her body move around me. There was something about her that was odd to me in the moment. It seemed she was being supervisory. It was a tease, though. Her tone told me she couldn’t wait for me to fuck her, but her face told me she would do everything she could to ensure I didn’t cum. I told her I did need her.
“Why do you want me,” she asked unexpectedly.
My thoughts ran rampant for a moment, and I eventually caved into my ultimate desires.
“I need you to be in control of me” I told her.
She forcedly turned me until my bare ass was facing her. Her hands went gently from my shoulders to my hips; just barely breaching the line where my panties would hug my hips. From there, her hand forcedly slapped my ass. I yelped.
“How does that make you feel?” she asked as if prompted.
“It stung,’ I told her.
She slapped me again.
“Did I do something wrong?” I asked.
She struck me one more time. That time, her palm hit my ass cheek in a way that was not played.
“Remember, you’re not allowed to speak to me unless you’re responding to a question in times like this,” she reminded me.
I nodded, preferring a physical stability over breaking one of the core rules.
Melissa walked around my nude body and inspected me as she talked.
“You two had a fun little game going, but that’s all it was. I’ve known you for a long time, Kelly. I knew back in high school that you were the submissive type. I had not yet worked out who I was in the world. Once I realized who I was, I learned everything I could. I failed a few times, but I learned a lot of valuable lessons.”
Her fingerprints roamed softly over my neck and shoulders. I wanted to tell her how wet she was making me, but I remained silent, stifling the small whimpers I wanted to let out.
“A lot of people don’t understand the relationship someone like me has with someone like you. You’re going to learn something that will make you a lot more comfortable about being my submissive. For instance, I am allowed to touch you whenever, wherever and however I choose. Others, however, may not. You are mine, not theirs, understanding?”
I happily nodded.
She moved in front of me and fixed her eyes on my breasts. Her fingers roamed over them and casually brushed my nipples, hardening them and making my knees weak.
“The relationship we will develop will not be the master-slave type that’s so awfully depicted in movies. You belong to me and, despite what you may have heard or seen, I belong to you. I will respond to you nearly the way I expect you to respond to me. Obviously, I do not ask you how high when you say jump. In fact, you will never direct me.”
I was intently listening to every word she said. I expected her to continue teaching me in that moment. Instead, she snatched one of my nipples between her fingers and pinched it hard. It was that moment that I knew she was right. We had been playing a game, Joey and me. The pain she inflicted on me wasn’t pain at all. It felt almost like a relief. It felt almost euphoric. The pain was real, but it was like I needed it. Melissa knew that.
“Did you like that?” she asked quietly.
I nodded. In my head, I was begging her to do it again. She denied me.
“I know what you need, Kelly and I will give it to you. I will give it to you when I know you need it. That’s the relationship. I will learn everything there is to know about you and I will soon understand when you need things. Does that make sense?”
I liked how she was making sure I understand. I nodded again and she continued.
“You have a responsibility to help me do that. I understand that throughout our relationship, your feelings and needs don’t become less human. I will depend on you to tell me how you’re feeling, when you’re scared, when you need guidance, and when you don’t understand.”
The more she spoke, the deeper I felt involved with her. I felt at the time, though, that Joey was missing from the equation, and she was trying to be closer to me than him. She recognized my prediction and looked into my eyes.
“Something is wrong. What is it?” she asked.
I went to speak and felt I needed more from her. She smiled warmly at me and told me I had permission to speak.
“What about Joey?” I asked plainly.
“I will teach him,” she told me. “I’m actually impressed with how far he had progressed with, what I assume was little, if any research. The way his voice changes when he initiates the activity is nearly spot on, in my opinion. The way you respond to him is almost perfect. There’s just so much more that I think both of you will benefit from. Remember, I’m the tattoo-tail in this little group. When we’re out and about, I’m in control. At home, he’s in control. Sometimes, we both might be in control. I don’t play well withothers, as I mentioned, but I can make an exception if this ends up working out.”
I remained a little confused. She watched me work through the questions in my head.
“You probably don’t realize this, but when you’re confused, you pick at your fingernails. That’s called a non-verbal queue and I’ll use that to make sure I properly handle you in times when you’re not free to openly communicate.”
Things were beginning to make sense and I was enjoying the lessons she was teaching me. I began to feel worried that she was throwing too much at me and that I wouldn’t remember important things at the right time in the future. I knew it was a learning process, but I wanted Rome to be built that day.
“That’s the first couple lessons. The last one for today is that sessions like this aren’t what our relationship revolutions around. Training is short and to the point. Punishment is as swift as possible, direct in its approach and above all else, meaningful. At all other times,we are just two people who enjoy each other’s company. Lovers perhaps.”
Her voice had changed. The dominant tone she had taken with me disappeared. Her voice was soft and caring and I detected a bit of lust building inside her. Her hands traveled down my body and between my legs. I was still wet, and she knew it. As her fingers toyed with my pussy, she began to whisper in my ear.
“I I wanted you so bad,” she grunted in my ear. “Do you want me, Kelly?”
My knees tried to give out on me. She had an effect on me nobody else had, not even Joey. I wanted her fingers inside me so bad.
“I want you,” I grunted between clenched teeth.
No sooner than I said the words, her fingers penetrated me. My knees buckled and she followed me to the floor. She talked to me the whole time as she moved me onto my back and spread my legs wider.
“I want your tongue on my body. I want to feel the trail of wetness from my neck to my pussy,” she said. “You have permission.”
Having her express permission, I flipped us around and got her onto her back and straddled her waist. She giggled with excitement. I smiled widely as I bent over, putting my lips next to her ear.
“I’m going to do more than that,” I informed her.
She raised her head, exposing more of her neck to me. I started with her earlobe; suckling it into my mouth while my hands frantically worked on removing her clothes. One by one, each piece was removed and thrown in a random direction in the room. Soon, we were both naked and I resumed my position on top of her.
“God damn, you’re good,” she told me.
“It feels so natural to me,” I admitted, though I was adlibbing the entire experience as I went due to my limited experience. As it turned out, the knowledge I gained as I vacationed overseas did prove useful.
I kissed and licked my way from her neck, over her breasts and down her stomach to her vagina. It was uncharted territory for me. It seemed easy, though. I observedthe shape of her lips and her hood-covered clip. What seemed a mystery to me before was in plain view of me right then. Her body was no different than mine and suddenly the mystery was gone. I knew exactly how to please her. I wanted to please her. I was like a child performing her chores and needed praise for doing a good job.
My finger gently saw between her outer lips, coating the entire thing with my new lover’s juices. Once sufficiently covered, I inserted one finger inside her and watched her react. Her mouth opened slightly and exhausted deeply. Her hands went to her breasts and squeezed them tightly, holding onto and squeezing the nipples at the end. Her legs opened wider, granting me even greater access to her most intimate area. I leaned down and kissed her covered clip. I kissed it repeatedly as my finger moved like a slow piston in and out of her.
“Suck it into your mouth,” she became me.
I knew how Joey felt when he was going down on me. I followed her queues and took note of every sound she made, when she made it and how she guided me while we had sex. It felt magical. It was new and exciting. It was also no replacement for a good hard fuck from a cock made of flesh and blood, just as she told me.
I suckled her clip and increased the pace in which I finger-fucked my new lover.
“Come around here,” she said.
I didn’t initially Understand what she was wanting from me, but with little effort and time, I knew she wanted to sixty-nine. The position wasn’t new, but I was just learning about her in the position I was in. I had to adjust how my tongue manipulated her sensitive parts from a new angle. I found it to be a much better position, strategically. I wrapped my arms around her legs, giving all my fingers full access to both her holes while my mouth and tongue could do as I pleased with her clip. I did exactly that.
My tongue swirled around her clip slowly between suckling it into my mouth. While I pleasesured her that way, I worked to get my fingers slick with her lubricant. I alternate toying with her love hole and her tight flower. Occasionally, I would lose my focus as she assaulted my pussy like an expert, but I recovered quickly. I was intent on learning what drove my Mistress wild.
I measured every movement of her hips and every sound she made. I repeated everything I did to look for repeated reactions and There was plenty. I learned what she liked and like a little devil, I used it against her. She seemed intent on making me cum fast and often. I wanted her to cum one time, but she was going to have to work for it and it would be big for her.
I made a mess of her, and I was on fire. I had cum once already and was well on my way to another when I felt her body began to lose control. I worked the tip of my smallest finger into her tight hole as I sucked her clip hard into my mouth.
“Shit, babe,” she grunted loudly.
She gripped my ass and pulled my pussy into her face as her orgasm rocked her. I almost giggled in the midst of the password thinking she might suffocate herself on me. Instead, I doubled down. I let my finger slide a little deeper in her ass and suckled her clip harder into my mouth. She tried to speak her feelings but I had her in such a way that the tension in her body physically prevented her from speaking.
Suddenly, she shoved me off her body. Her hand went between her legs and covered her holes. Her body was stiff and shaking. I turned myself around and wrapped my arm around her as she came down. Her orgasm was like an earthquake. The first wave Shook her to her core. I watched what I could only describe as aftershocks hit her, wave after wave. She lay on her back, looking into my eyes as she recovered.
“If I had known you were this good, I would have gotten you in bed a long time ago,” she told me between shadowy breaths.
I smiled warmly at her and was flattered at her appraisal of my abilities.
“Thank you. This was my first time going that far with another woman “
“Unbelievable,” she mused, “Simply incredible.”
I launched up from my resting position and straddled her. I laid my body on top of hers and rested my head on her shoulder. I told her how sorry I was for crossing her boundaries and how happy I was that she welcomed me back into her life. She dismissed my apology while she ran her fingers through my hair.
“We are on an adventure together, Kelly. I will try and do better to inform you of hard limits like that. We still have a lot to learn about each other. I can forgive and forget and be just as compassionate as anyone else. I only ask that you do the same.”
“Of course, I will,” I whispered in her ear.
From there, she moved to kiss my lips. She was soft and deliberate in her movements. We made out like horny teenagers. Her hands gripped my ass firmly at first, then I feel her hands begin to wander. She told me she wanted me to cum one more time for her. As she said that, her fingers found my vagina and pushed their way inside me. She began coaching me to my orgasm by talking dirty to me. She told me all the things she wanted to do to me. She created scenarios where she and Joey were both fucking me relentlessly. I ended up humping her fingers as she laid out an elaborate scenario of her fingering me in public as people watched us.
When she got to the part of her story where I gave up my modesty in front of strangers, my body let loose. She was pleased with the result of her efforts and held me close as I came. I held onto her tightly until well after I came down.
It was a night I’ll not soon forget. After we both orgasmed, we moved about her apartment still naked as the day we were born. We sipped wine in the kitchen and talked more about our new relationship.
“So, what do we do now?” I asked.
“Are all your questions going to be this easy?” she quickly responded with a wicked smile.
I cocked my head to the side in confusion.
“Seems pretty self-explanatory, doesn’t it?” she asked.
I shook my head slightly, still very confused at what obvious answer I was missing.
“We have to go find some trouble for you to get into tomorrow so I can rat you out!” she announced.
I laughed heartily. I had become so lost seeking Melissa’s favorite that I forget the arrangement we made with her about being my guardian while Joey wasn’t with me. I thought for a moment and asked her the next question in my mind.
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