The Tattle Tale Ch. 03

The Tattle Tale

Chapter Three

As I continued to suck his cock in and out of my mouth, he took his eyes away from mine and directed them to Melissa. He pointed at her and curled his finger repeatedly, summoning her to him. She stared at him as if still unsure of him, me, us, and the entire situation. She could have been sizing him up. Reality turned to slow motion as I watched her put her hands on her knees as she pushed herself upright. She walked towards him; her eyes shifting deliberately and with confidence between us. When she stood next to him, she croouched down and met my eyes with her.

“I’d hate to see him punishment you more. Look up at him and not at me,” she said with only slight concern in her tone. Something was amiss, though.

She stood and turned to engage Joey.

“Do you like what you see?” he asked, staring deep into her eyes.

She met his stare and didn’t flinch a moment. She held his gaze until she could figure out a response. The only response she could muster was a nod. Again, there was a confidence about her I couldn’t pinpoint. Maybe it was arrest.

“Can I say with confidence that you’re all in on this?” he asked, his tone echoed a new sense of confidence I had never heard from him. I grew wetter with every second that passed. Melissa’s initial presence in our bedroom was one thing, but her engagement in the act set me over the edge. I wanted to press the tips of my fingers in the crevice between my legs and dip my fingers into the tight hole I could feel dripping mood down my legs. Instead, I moved my eyes to watch the scene as it continued to unfold.

She was holding his gaze and continued staring into his eyes as she contemplated his words. After several seconds, she nodded again.

“Fine. You will be my informant; a tattoo-tail if you will. Since you’ve reconnected with my wife, I’m sure you two will share many outings together.”

He stopped to look down at me. My lips continued to slide back and forth along his hard shake. If you could imagine someone smiling as they sucked a cock, that was my mood in that moment. He looked back at Melissa.

“If she looks at anyone, you will tell me. If anyone looks at her; you are responsible for telling me,” he informed her. His thumb gently touched her lower lip briefly before he dropped his hand back down to grap my hair. She was passive in acceptance of her new responsibility. I thought through the possibilities and was overjoyed at the new turn of events.

I sucked my lover’s cock with renewed exuberance. I wanted to taste his cum in my mouth right in that moment. I knew everything we were doing was a game but as soon as I took his cock out of my mouth to breathe and beam a smile up at my lover, he looked down at me and grimaced.

“Did I tell you to stop sucking?” he asked coldly.

I wasn’t used to him responding to me that way. We had a sscript, and it didn’t entail him responding to me in a manner that put me down. I almost felt like Mel took the spotlight in our sexual relationship that night. Just as I was about to change the mood based on what he said, he reversed his position.

“What’s on your mind?” he asked, looking down on me with wide eyes.

I stroked his cock quickly, “Do I report on her?”

He looked at her as he responded to me, “Should she be punished if she misbehaves?”

The way they looked at each other was odd as I recall. I could see their eyes narrowed at each other as if in challenge of one another. When their stare-down was finished, he looked down to me again. I nodded as I took him back into my mouth. I noticed a slight grin on his face as he considered my counter proposal to his initial dictation.

“No,” he said, “you seem to tattle on yourself enough. I think I need her to tell me the things you don’t inform me about. You see, what if there’s more going on that you’re simply not telling me? I can’t have you out in the world misbehaving without consequence, can I?”

I shook my head as my hand slowly jerked his cock.

“I think you’ll behave a little better knowing Melissa will be watching with intent, don’t you?” he asked with a smile on his face that I recognized very well.

“Yes, sir,” I told him as I took him fully in my mouth again. I felt the tip of his cock touch the back of my throat and for a moment, I wished he would have shot his load just then. When I realized what I wanted from him, I pulled his cock from my mouth.

“Cum in my throat,” I told him, knowing I was deviating from our norm.

He looked at me and smiled before turning his attention to Melissa, “Make me cum on her face. She hasn’t earned a treatment yet.”

She continued to star into his eyes, searching for his authentic tone but did as he asked. She appreciatedly wrapped her hand around his cock and stroked it. I looked up to her and smiled while Iopened my mouth waiting for his seed. She jerked his cock until he gasped and surprised loudly. Next thing I knew, I felt jet after jet of his cum sprinting into my mouth. Once I felt the first spurt, my focus was on my husband.

You did it, babe, I thought to myself, you pulled her in.

She coated my face and tongue with his cum. She continued to stroke him as his cock softened. I had hoped that by the end of the evening she would have at least gotten herself off, but she was as clothed as she was when we met for lunch that afternoon. As I knelt naked before my husband, I was disappointed I had read her wrong.

He slowly knelt in front of me and had a silly smile on his face, “Why don’t you go shower so we can show her part two?”

I rejected on the inside as I stood up proudly and walked between Melissa and Joey. I eyed him strictly before looking at Melissa. Before our recent reconnection, we’d never engaged in acts like this as individuals, letalone together. There I was, though, standing there, being judged by her with my husband’s cum dripping off my face and down my body like a true slut. I’d never seen her look at me or anyone else the way she looked at me in that moment. I was confident she needed release. I was also confident she wanted to run. I stopped and turned to face her as the gobs of his cum ran down my cheek and the salty trails began to dry. She looked all over my face at the mess that Joey made. I saw her want me.

“What is it, Mel?” I whispered.

Joey put his hands on my shoulders from behind and gently squeezed, “Do you want her, Melissa?”

Her eyes shifted to his then back to mine. Her hands quivered as they reached out. I expected to feel her cold hands on my breasts. Instead, she put them on my hips and gently squeezed.

Bitch! You’re as much a tease as he is! I thought.

I put my hands on her clothesed hips and gazed at her much the way she was at me. Joey was whisperingin my ear the entire time. He was rooting me on while also reminding me that it was just the beginning.

“You have a lot to give, babe,” he said softly, “don’t give it all in one night.”

I nodded once at my friend and turned to get my shower. As I cleaned my body, I marveled at how my husband orchestrated the entire evening. While I busy being proud of him, I wished I were certain I knew how Melissa felt. My inner thoughts combined with the pounding of the water against the fiberglass shower floor made me oblivious to the world around me. So much so that I didn’t hear or see the shower curve open. I jumped when I suddenly realized what happened.

Melissa held out her arms to try and steady me, “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to scare you!”

My primitive senses told me to cover myself. As my arm wrapped around my chest and my other hand dipped between my legs, she gave me a look that I remembered from our past.

“Seriously? After you bring me here to watch you suck Joey’s cock, you’re going to cover yourself up like I didn’t just jerk his cum onto your face?” she asked. Her hands were firmly on her hips, and she glared at me until I revealed myself once again.

“There, now that wasn’t so hard. I talked to Joey and there’s not going to be any sex for you after this,” she informed me.

I furled my brow curiously at her, waiting for an explanation.

“Yep, he was just as disappointed. Look, I agreed to something that I shouldn’t have without knowing the terms of the agreement.”

Oh, here we go, I thought, does she ever get rid of the workplace mentality?

“I want to know more. You know what else I want?” she asked; her tone getting slightly more energetic.

I shook my head.

“I want the rest of my goddamn home-cooked meal!”

We both laughed like little girls. It was so great to have Melissa back in my life and resembling her old self both in looks and personality. She reached in and slapped my ass before walking out of the bathroom. I finished washing the cum off my face and chest and refrained from getting myself off. I made plans to jump Joey as soon as Melissa departed for the evening.

He owes me, I thought as I fitted a clean pair of panties around my waist and dressed myself.

I sauntered out to the kitchen where Joey was warming dinner and preparing a couple additional hot It started as a joke between us, but we both discovered over time that she enjoyed stern direction, and I enjoyed a limited session of her doing her very best to please me without regard to herself or anything else around us,” he said.

Melissa looked at me for confirmation.

I nodded and said, “That’s the long and short of it.”

She snorded loudly.

“More long than short,” she said as she stuffed food in her mouth without a second thought about what she said.

“Melissa!” I announced.

“Well, I had my hand wrapped around it! It’s not like I don’t know for certain,” she said. “Oh! My hand made him cum on your face, but I have no idea how big it was,” she mocked.

I shook my head at her familiar sarcasm.

“So, what’s the end game here? You want me to fuck him?” she asked bluntly, staring at me.

I was disappointed in her question and, truth be told, her approach to the whole thing. It wasn’t what I imagined her to feel.

“Well, yes and no,” I said in a low, disappointed tone. “While I would says it’s a game we play with each other, I don’t consider it a game. It’s fun and exciting to both of us. If you joined us, we imagine it would feel the same to you as well as add another layer of excitement to the whole thing for all ofus.”

Melissa was quick to correct the situation. She reached across the table and put her hand over mind and gave it a gentle squeeze.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t intend to be crass about it. I understand the dynamic you two have, I really do. I just don’t see where I come in.”

I wrapped my fingers around hers and squeezed gently in return. I looked at Joey and back at her.

“He and I have a dynamic between us and, to be honest, since I met up with you after all these years, the closeness I felt with you then came back like a freight train hitting a brick wall!”

She nodded and processed what I revealed.

“It kind of makes sense. Were you sizing me up with all your questions during our lunches?”

I panicked. She hit the nail on the head, and I was afraid to admit that what she assumed was true. The door was opened, she walked through, and I was afraid she was about to walk away and slam that door shut.

“Well, yes! You should know without any doubtThough, that if I had determined that you would have been offended, put off, or anything against the prospect of joining our intimate life, it would not have been the end of our reconciliation.”

Melissa smiled warmly as I continued talking.

“I didn’t realize how busy our lives had become and subsequently how much I missed you until the other day when I finally saw you again.”

I was becoming emotional the more I spoke. Melissa gently squeezed my hand again. Joey put his hand on my knee.

“The original questions were simply curiosity, but your answers intrigued me, and an idea developed in my head. I brought that idea home,” I said, turning to my attention to Joey, “got punished for it and we thought you might find a home for your intimate life with us.”

My attention turned back to her. She was quickly eating the food before it got cold again. I watched her, incredulous that she could be eating after I had just poured all our private information out toher.

She looked up at me briefly before shoving another fork-full of food into her mouth.

“What?” she asked with a mouth partially full of food. “I told you I love a home cooked meal!”

She quickly swallowed the food and reciprocated my sentiments.

“I understand what you’re saying, and I have to tell you, I wasn’t lying to you when I told you About my intimate habits. I just wasn’t as forthcoming as you might have wanted. Mostly because the preferences I’ve developed over the last several years don’t really fall in line with most other people’s preferences. I get what I can, tolerate it and move on.”

We didn’t really understand what she was talking about. She looked at me, then to Joey and back to me. She appeared annoyed for a moment.

“I’m not going to put it all out here today, but you’ve invited me into something I already know a lot about. I very much enjoy domination, except normally, I’m the one doing it.”

“What do you mean?” I asked her.

She set down her fork in a manner I was all too familiar with.

“I mean, Kelly, that if I told you to stand there and take your clothes off and serve me in any way I deemed fit, I’m not accustomed to being told no or rebuffed in any manner.”

She turned her gaze to my husband.

“I’m also not used to sharing. I don’t play well with others,” she informed him with a smirk on her face.

She took another bite of her food and set her fork down again.

“You offered me a role in your private life, but I have a counteroffer,” she said.

“I’m listening.” Joey said. If felt as if they were in negotiations on how to move forward with me.

“If I’m going to be the tattoo-tail in your little adventure, then I reserve the right to punish her in the moment as I see fit.”

Joey looked at me with a questioning look on his face. I was slightly distressed as I had never been with a woman before, though I had witnessed it plenty in my European travels.I had even masturbated many times thinking of it. My presence in the moment took a leave of absence as I daydreamed of Melissa naked and in suggestive scenarios. When I snapped back to the present, the idea of ​​exploring my sexuality with another woman wasn’t as far-fetched, as long as it was her.

Of course, I assumed when she said ‘punish,’ that she meant sexually. Mel saw the reluctance on my face and decided to remove the future awkwardness from the room.

“How about we do this,” she said, still thinking about what her plan was. “Why don’t we give it a trial run one day and we’ll see how it goes?”

Joey chimed in first.

“What kind of trial are you thinking about? I’d hate to throw her into a situation where even the fundamentals are kind of … missing!”

I remained silent, still Letting the concept of being one on one with a woman marinate with me.

“What role was I to be in your games, then?” she asked.

“Well,” I started hesitantly, “the concept, I guess, was that you and I would be together in our mischief and would be punished together.”

Kelly seemed to not want to have any part of what we envisioned. She stood up slowly. I was sure she would say her goodbyes and be done with us. Instead, she held out her hand for me to take. I looked into her eyes, and they revealed nothing of what she had planned. When my hand was in hers, she revealed her intentions.

“Joey, why don’t you do the dishes, have a beer or two, and watch a movie. I’m taking your wife to your bedroom.”

There was no room for him to answer her as she didn’t present it as an option. She didn’t even give him time to think before she took the lead and practically dragged me down the hall. As the door closed, I heard the dishes closing together indicating his acceptance of her demand. Once the door was closed, however, what I thought was going to take place was quickly put to bed.

“Listen, I’m not convinced this is a good idea yet, but fuck… something about this is different than I’d ever done before. Make no mistake, Kelly, I know what I’m doing in this arena. What I am unsure about is how to exercise my experience on you with everything you’ve got going here,” she told me.

I stared at her, unsure what to say and told her as much.

“I don’t know what to say, Mel. I’m sorry I put you into this position.”

She stepped up to me and put her face inches from mine.

“Don’t be sorry,” she whispered. “How are you feeling right now?”

I chuckled nervously, “Nervous.”

She leaned in and pressed her lips to mine. She gave me chills with her touch.

“How about now?” she asked, when she resumed her former position.

“The same, but horny,” I said with a more confident giggle.

A broad smile crossed her lips. She touched my cheek gently and I watched her expression change to one much more serious than it was before.

“Do you want me to be a part of this?” she asked in what IHe knew was my last chance to opt in.

I nodded.

“Fine. We’ll begin tonight and I’ll ask you again soon if you still want this. First rule is that you do not question me and do what I tell you when I tell you. Understand?”

I already knew to pay close attention to the words that were being said to me and responding a particular way was not new to me. I nodded and she Continued her introduction.

“I expected clear communication and you should expect the same from me.”

I remained silent, avoiding eye contact with my friend. She walked around me and inspected my body.

“Very good, Kelly. Now, you may remove your clothes.”

I paused for a moment too long. She quickly made her way in front of me, locking her dark green eyes with mine.

“That one was free. You will obey my commands as soon as I say them, do you understand?”

I nodded.

“Do you understand?” she said in a harsh tone.

“Yes, Melissa.”

“Fine, now remove your clothes.”

I didn’t know where she wanted me to start. I clumsily began taking off my shoes like a teenager would.

She let out an aggravated sight.

“You will step out of your shoes with as little effort as possible. Your shirt and pants come off next. Your bra and panties will follow, and your socks will be last. Do you understand that order?”

“Yes, Melissa.”

“In this case,” she informed me, “you do not respond to me that way. You were given direction and should follow through without delay.”

I stepped out of my shoes, placing them in front of me. They were perfectly centered a foot in front of me. I lifted my shirt in no particular fashion when she slapped my arm.

“Joey might not care how you take these off,” she said, tugging on my clothes, “but you will take them off in a way that pleases me.”

I didn’t initially understand what she wanted from me. I tried again.

“No! Again!” she commanded.

I was getting frustrated with my apparent lack of options. I was certain there was only a couple specific ways to remove a damned t-shirt. When it was clear the obvious options had been exhausted and I wasn’t thinking outside the box enough for her, she stepped in.

“Difficult, isn’t it? It’s because you’re not wearing the right shirt,” she said in an extremely pleasant tone. “I’ll find something you should wear from now on.”

She padded over to my closet and began pulling shirts off their hungers until she found the style she preferred me to wear. She proceeded to teach me how I will be dressing in her presence. The act she put up from the moment we walked into the room was put on hold as she taught me how I will present myself to her. The moment culminated in me finally being nude in front of her. My clothes, as she preferred them were folded in precision order on top of my shoes.


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