The Tally Pt. 02

As she took stock of the room she noticed two things. First The strap had been removed from the motor and secondly her log book was missing. The former did not worry her es she could assume Jason had removed it when he disabled the device. But the missing book scared her, not only did it have a record of all her infection for the last several months she had used it to record many of her thoughts on her punishment and failures. It was literally an unvarnished window into her soul. Thoughts of the promised cushion brought her back to herself and she quickly hurried across the storeroom and down the hall.

When she reached the elevator she pressed the button and awaited her ride back to the upper floor and the office where Jason awaited her. As she waited she thought about Jason’s words, he had not talked about firing her, He seemed to actually be slightly amused at her efforts and generally curious about her and her means of controlling herself. Could she trust him? Well it wastoo late for that thought wasn’t it now, he had seen what she was doing so how much more shameful could it get?

Whe was that elevator? She tried pressing the button again to no result; she could not hear the sound of the elevator let alone see any change in the numbers above the door. It was still sitting at the top floor.

She jumped as she heard a tapping noise come from the intercom speakers, “Sarah, I am waiting Very patiently for you and the elevator seems to be offline right now so you may want to rethink your route up here if you are still interested in that cushion.” With a loud click his voice cut off.

Rethink my route? But the only other way up to the office level was…

With a sinking feeling she gazed at the stairwell door, the stairwell that had such a scenario view all the way from the ground floor up to the office level. A scenario view that worked both ways.

With a furious blush she opened the door and began the long climb up the 5 floors to her office. As she came of to the ground floor her eyes scanned the parking lot. The only car she could see was her own beat up Escort sitting near the center of the first row. She briefly considered making a run for it but then she realized that not only would it accomplish nothing else than to forfeit her the position she had worked so hard to secure but she would have to make the run not only from here to her car with her most private portions bare but she would have to repeat the performance when she arrived at her apartment and climbing 4 floors in an occupied building seemed more threatening than 3 more floors here where she knew there was only one other person who could see her and he had already seen that hadn’t he?

As she climbed the stairs she was very aware of the fact that she was visible to the highway travelers but she hope the quarter mile distance and the fact they were busy going to and from would minimize the number of spectators to her shame. As she reached theFinal landing she remembered that the access door on this level required an ID card that she knew was in her skirt, otherwise a person had to push the intercom and ask to be buzzed through.

“Son of a…,” she began then cut it off remembering that the same intercom could very well be open and anything she said would be heard. She pressed the paging button and said, “please sir may I be allowed into the office level?” She could feel tears coming to her eyes as she waited for a reply. She was standing facing the door so if anyone was looking the bright red welts across her ass would very very visible. After what seemed an eternity and she could feel sobs welling up from deep inside her the door buzzed and she hurried through.

The only office lit was on the far end of the floor, an office she was very familiar with since it resided directly behind her own. With a deep breath she drew herself up and strode forward to face the music.

As she entered he was sitting in his desk her skirt and panties neighborly folded on the couch and her tally book in his hand as he read. She shyly advanced to his desk as he continued reading and stood with her hands covering her bare mound. She stood there for an eternity then with a nod and a scare Jason shut the book and placed it on his desk as he gave her a long lingering look. With a slow motion he glanced down at his watch and gave her a look. “Seven minutes and twenty seven minutes to travel 5 floors and 150 feet.” He continued to look at her sternly causing her to worry that the promised cushion was a forgone conclusion and she began to pray that he would keep her on her feet as he pronounced judgement rather than making her sit on the hard chair with her brutalized bottom. She began to shift her weight from one foot to the other as she stood under his gaze. After another timeless interval he gave her a slight smile and rose producing a small throw cushion and placing it on the chair gesturing her to sit. “All in allNot too bad for someone with no pants to cross such a distance when see had to know that the night watchmen were due any moment.” He watched as the realization of the truth of his words made her blush in shame.

As she sat gingerly he settled down on the edge of his desk and watched her. Once she had become as comfortable as she was able he resumed talking.

“I have never been any less than pleased with your efforts as my assistant. I have found your transcription to be accurate, your correspondence to be precise and professional, and your appearance to be nothing less than a perfect reflection of this company’s best face.” He added with a wry grin, “present appearance being an exception.”

He tapped the book behind him on his desk, “Then I find this. Is this the standard you set for yourself and the extremes you are Willing to go to maintain them?”

With a silent nod she acknowledged the fact. He pursued his lips and pondered that with a deep sight. “I honestly am not sure what to do about this as yet. I haven’t ever had anyone in your position who has impressed me to the extent you have these past few months and wanted you to know that. Your dedication and discipline are something I want to recognize and reward yet I do not want to see you hurt yourself in the process. You are much too talented and intelligent to allow you to endanger yourself like this.”

After a moment he reached for a page sitting on his desk and handed it to her. “Do you know what this is?” She looked down at it and saw the blueprint she had given the engineers to build her addition to the device she had made. She saw that the name of William Shaw in the designer’s entry had a question mark written next to it. She looked up slowly dreading his next question.

“I had a talk with Bill a little earlier today and he has no collection of submitting this prototype to be built. In fact after looking at it he wish he had thought up the breakaway locking mechanism andcould take credit for it as it solves a problem we have had on and off for the last year or so. So I had to ask myself who did design this?” he then picked up her strap mechanism. “And lo, where do I find this new design? It is part of a system my favorite assistant is using to discipline herself.” He turned the unit over in his hand examining it from various angles. He nodded and placed it on his desk turning his full attention to her. “Do you have anything to say my dear?”

She looked at her hands for several minutes as she fought back tears, how had she managed to work so hard keeping herself in check and still manage to throw it all away? She slowly looked up and stammered, “I am very sorry sir and if you permit I can have my things together and be gone tonight. Thank you for everything and I am sorry I have let you down.” It was all she could do to not break down and cry in front of him. Then through her misery she heard an odd sound. It sounded like chuckling. Slowly she looked up and saw Jason laughing and looking at her like she had said something extremely funny. All she could do was sit there in confusion.

“Why in all that is good and proper would I want you to leave? You obviously have not listened to anything I have said the last few minutes or haven’t understand their meaning.” He picked the sheet from her hands and showed it to her, “this is some of the best design work I have seen in a while and it will, as I have said, solve a major problem my engineers have been struggling with for months. Add to that the fact that, as I have said as well, you are one of the finest assistants I have ever worked with. I not only do not want you to leave I wish you to take on further duties and to work even closer with me.

“My only major concern is that you are way too strict with yourself and may be setting yourself up for serious injury if you continue as you are doing.” He picked up the journal and scanned the pages thoughtfully. “It is obvious that you feel the need of a firm hand to keep you on track and watch over you. But looking through your entries … Sarah, the punishment you have assessed yourself is often out of proportion to the mistakes you are trying to correct.” He set the book down and walked to her lifting her chin so he could look her in the eyes.

“I am guessing that you love your father a great deal, “he said to her. She shyly nodded not sure where this was leading.

And Lysell while stern did not actually love you and seemed to not hesitate to berate your slightest mistakes, in fact from your accounts she seemed to get a certain amount of enjoyment from your punishments did she not?”

“But I needed…” She began.

“What you needed was someone who distributed you because they cared about you. Not a sadist just looking for a willing victim. From where I stand I think her influence did you more harm than good Sarah.” He stood and paced the floor pondering the situation as she sat and watchd him.

Finally he turned and looked at her. “It is obvious that you feel the need for firm hand to not only correct you but give you the support you have been lacking since you left home. I on the other hand need an assistant of your caliber to allow me to be my most effective and creative. On reflection I think we can find a common ground. So I must ask you a very serious question, Do you trust me?”

“What? I mean. Ahhh Yes, yes sir I do trust you. You have been very good to me and I want nothing more than to do my absolute best for you.”

He gave her a warm smile and nodded. “It makes me very happy for you to say so my dear. Very well here is what is going to happen.

“First you will continue to keep your tally book as you have done in the past with one major difference, you will not assign the amount or degree of punishment your mistakes require, that you will leave to me. To that end you and I will meet every Friday evening and go through your tallies and deal with them.

“Secondly, your new duties will require that you be able to be much more accessible to me as I need you whether that is overseeing reports I need or traveling with me on business. You can’t do that while you reside in that war zone that passes for your neighborhood.” He turned and gestured out the window. “Do you see that group of buildings across the highway?”

“Yes sir.”

“Those are a set of apartments I had built many years ago so that I could have my design staff close at hand so we could spend more time concentrating on our work rather than navigating the miles of highway between here and their homes, to be sure all of us were bachelors and didn’t have a home life to mess up. They are very comfortable and several of the team still live there. There is an electric shuttle that links this building to the complex. I want you to accept one of the units as your own so I can keep you close at hand for when you are needed. No, I am not turning you into my misress; the apartment is an employee benefit I provide like your 401k foundation or health plan. Accepting it does not obligate you in any way other than to make it easier for you to be available for your professional duties.

“Do you accept these terms?”

She looked at him with eyes filled with both fear and hope. “You still want me?” She was on the edge of tears. “After everything you have found out, my misuse of company resources, my mistakes, and my behavior?” Her gaze indicated everything hinged on his next words.

His eyes filled with amusement and there was genenuine tenderness in his voice as he answered. “Yes Sarah, I not only want you to stay but I wish to make better use of you and promote your growth and usefulness both to me and my company. But let me address each of Your points.” He again picked up the drawing and gestured with it. “This design is worth more than three times your salary alone, a point I wish to discuss with you as I want it patented as soon as possible. But that is something we can discuss later. Next, I have never seen any of your so called mistakes because your diligence and dedication have caused you to proofread and edit all your work before it ever reaches me so as far as I am concerned your work is outstanding. Did your instructors not tell you that proofreading and revision are as much part of your job as composition?” He paused to watch her nod slowly still in shock at how fast things were coming at her. “Then I rest my case on that point. As for the question of your behavior, yes that point does concern me. In ordinary circumstances I would say your behavior in the basement would be grounds for dismissal if only to save the company of liability for your harm if you injured yourself on company property and while on the clock as it were. But my first two points are sufficient mitigating factors for my decision to retain your services.

“Sarah, I believe that you are one of the most underutilized resources this companyhas. It is in my best interests to cultivate you and redirect your efforts into more productive and health directions. You may not see your value but in this I must ask that you trust my opinion and know that it exists.” His warm smile both reassured her and confused her.

“Now my dear it is time to finish, properly this time, what you began in the basement.” He gestured her to rise. She did so, shyly covering herself with her hands. “Hands at your sides young lady.” He said with sharp authority. “You had no problem exposing yourself to be punished there and here is no different.” He removed the cushion from her seat and pulled the chair to the center of the room setting himself in it. He beckoned her to his side and as she did so he took her arm and guided her across his lap.

As his hand caressed her bottom he spoke, “Now, Sarah, do you know why you are receiving this spanking?”

“Sir?,” She gulped. “Because of my poor performance and disgraceful behavior?”

Smack! His hand came down sharply on her raw bottom making her jump and cry out. “Wrong, Try again.”

Her mind shuffled through possibilities trying desperately to find the right answer that would not add to her punishment. While this scared her it also felt familiar and right. She again had someone who would care enough about her to correct her. Who did not want her harm, who was not simply acting out their sadistic pleasures. As she pursued this thought and softly began to smile his hand came down again burning her bottom and snapping her back to reality.

“Wool gathering my dear?”

“I am so sorry sir, thank you for correcting me.” She was amazed at her words even as they came from her mouth. Where did that come from? But she knew it was the right thing to say even as she said it. “Sir, I am being punished for not allowing you to deal with my behavior and mistakes yourself. By punishing myself I was overstepping my prerogatives and intruding on yours sir.”

She did not see his smile but his hand resumed its soft stroke of her bottom, this was having more reactions from her body than she had imagined. If he continued she would definitely have more to be punished for, she blushed deeply.


His hand came down hard and then again and again. He began a slow but steady rhythm on her bottom and she was soon kicking and crying uncontrollably. As she was wrapped with sobs she felt herself began to relax in places she had not known she was tense. As it continued her body felt lighter as if he was breaking away a great heavy crust about her as he spanked her and allowed it to fall away freeing her from its burden.

Finally he stopped and returned to his stroking his voice soft and reassuring. He told her it was over and that she had taken it well, that she was safe and he was proud of her. All of a sudden his words released memories of her father saying similar words and she began to cry again this time not in pain but in relief and joy. She slide from his lap and grabbed him around his waist as she knelt on the floor and held him as if he were her only hope of safety in the world. As she cried she felt his hand stroke her hair and his voice reassuring her again that she was safe.

When she finally accepted her composure and looked up at him his gentle and warm smile was like a beacon and he guided her to her feet.

“Feeling better?”

She nodded slowly and then her eyes locked on a large wet stain on his pant leg. Her face fell and she began to blush furiously trying to stammer out an apology.

His face was a mixture of stern displeasure and amusement; it was obvious that the amusement was winning out despite his attempts to keep a straight face.

“Now what should we do about this my dear?”

“Sir, I…that is…I mean…”

“It seems discipline does more than correct your performance my dear.” He reached out and softly ran a finger between her moist lower lips. His finger came backvisible wet. A shudder ran through her and a low moan escaped her lips. She closed her eyes and for a moment forgot her shame and saved the sensing.

“Please…,” she gasped, “please sir.”

“Please what dear?”

“Please don’t stop, it has been so long sir. I am such a slut but please don’t stop.”

“A slut dear? Are you sure?”

“Yes sir, I can’t help myself. Even when daddy spanked me I had to go to my room to stroke myself afterwards. I am a disgrace.”

“You had to stroke yourself? Hmmmm, show me.”


If you are such a slut and can’t help yourself then you are needed right now and if I wait long enough you will find it necessary to touch yourself regardless of my presence correct?”

“Sir, I ..I…” She dropped her eyes and beyond belief managed to blush even deeper. Slowly as if she were a dream her hands drifted towards her mound and her middle finger disappeared into her cleft. She slowly closed her eyes and began rock slowly onHer knees. As Jason watched shudders began to pass through her and a low moan escaped her tightly pursued lips. Every escaped moan caused her to work harder to keep silent and wound her closer and closer to climax. As her body neared her limit of control tears of shade poured down her face until finally in a massive convulsion she collapsed as she fell over the edge and into the abyss of her release.

As she came back to herself she was aware that she was no longer laying on the floor but reclined on Jason’s couch and wrapped in a soft blanket as he sat by her and wiped her face with a cool clothes.

With a soft smile he whispered, “Feeling better Sarah?”

As her mind reassembled the last few minutes she again blushed but smiled weakly and managed, “Yes, thank you so very very much sir. I can not remember it being so powerful before, how did you know how to bring that out of me?” She paused and before he could answer she took the hand he was wiping her face with into her own and kissed his palm and hand. “Whatever you ask, whatever you require of me it is but yours to ask sir and I will do my utmost to make it so if only you promise to care for me as you have tonight.”


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