The Tally Pt. 01

We look forward to meeting with you to finalize our plans.

Jason Walkraft

There it was done, last letter finished and soon she could head home. She only had one item left to deal with and for that it would be best if she had no company. After placing the correspondence in mail bin she quietly walked through the deserted offices. Sure enough every office was dark and There were no other sounds other than the low rustle of the A/C cooling the building.

As she returned to her desk she took the notepad that she had been keeping her tally of typos on and looked it over.

Only five today, not too bad but…

She hesitantly open her lower drawer and removed the small journal from the behind the folders. She opened it to the marker and set it on her desk. Five typos on official documents 5, she thought back over the day and added, Treated Linda from Marketing in a rude manner without cause 5, Did not have Jason’s coffee ready when he arrivesed. She looked at the last and placed a 3 next to it after a moment’s consideration. She then began adding up the numbers and gave a sob as she saw the final tally, 64. With trembling hands she placed the journal in the middle of her desk and took out the MP3 player and her ear buds and placed it on top of the book as she tidied her desk. Taking the player and the book she turned out her light and headed down the hall towards the elevator.

Tonight she did not press the button to take her to the ground floor but instead she carefully pressed the button marked B2. As the elevator descended she went over in her mind the events that had brought her to this point. She had always been a good student through school but that was more due to her father keeping her focused on her studies. Her teachers referred to her as bright but easily distracted and Her father had told her he was not going to allow her to fail. His loving but stern guidance had seen her through high school. Fate hadsmiled on her at the business school There she had roomed with Lysell who understand what she needed and applied it with a firm merciless hand. After all that she had graduated with top honors and in short order had landed her dream job, Executive Assistant to Jason Walkraft, the founder and CEO of Walkraft Automation. She had started well enough but before long she found herself making mistakes that would have embarrassed her instructors and only long hours of proofreading had prevented her sloppy work from coming to the attention of Mr. Walkraft. She decided that only the tried and true methods of discipline would keep her on track but she had yet to meet anyone who she trusted enough or who cared enough for her to do the job for her. She knew from trial and a lot of errors that she did not have the ability to strike herself with the necessary force to achieve the proper effect. She had feared she would eventually fail but a chance discovery while visiting the plant with Jason had provided her with a solution.

With a ding the doors of the elevator slide open and she found herself peering into the dark hall of the sub-basement. With effort she forced herself to step out of the car and waited while the doors slide shut behind her. As usual the basement was deserted at this time of the day, the maintenance staff having long since headed home to enjoy the weekend. With a slow stride she walked to the end of the hall and stopped at a door that said simply STORAGE. She stood and gazed at the sign for a moment then with slow delegation she removed the key she had made and unlocked the door. On the far side of the space was a small room that had once been used as an office when this space had been used for something else long ago. As she approached it she could see the old oak desk and the equipment she had moved next to it several months ago, for all the world looking like its placement had simply been a matter of convenience rather than careful decoration.

The paperwork she had found on the machine had identified it as part of a conveyor system that had been designed to move parts a precision increment along an assembly line. It had been returned to the plant for warranty repairs but had been mothballed when it was decided that a less expensive model would be used to replace it rather than fix it. From the work request the only problem with it was the fact it would no longer accept signals from the controller unit even though it could still be cycled manually. With a little work she had rigged an activater switch that she could place it on the desk and a carefully written request to one of the engineers produced the final piece she needed for her solution. Placing her book and player on the desk she opened the bottom drawer of the desk and took out a 2′ long web stick with a metal fitting on the end. She carefully placed the fitting over the shaft of the unit and then plugged the unit into a neary socket. Standing out of the way she pressed the heavy button on the desk and with a loud swish the strap was sent quickly through a full rotation. Her hands trembled with the thought of what came next.

Removing her jacket and hanging it carefully on a hook by the door she emptied her pockets and picking up the player she clipped it to the collar of her blouse and placed the earbud into her ears. With tears in her eyes she pressed the play button.

“Sarah, you know why you are here. Once again it is time to assess your performance for the week and apply the motivation you know you need to keep your performance at a level that will allow you to continue to succeed and live to your full potential. This should not be necessary but your stubborn lazy attitude makes this inevitable.” Sarah heard her own voice lecturing Her just as her father and Lysell had done so many times. She needed the ritual of this as much as the actual discipline itself. She feared this but she knew that on the other end she would feel the righttness and reassurance that she was safe from her own failures. The only thing she missed with a deep ache was someone to hold her afterwards to bring her back and let her know she was loved and cared for.

“Assume your position Sarah,” With a sight she positioned herself at the edge of the desk in the center of the flight path of the straw. “We will begin with twenty strokes over your skirt, as always you will count them out loud. Begin!” With a sob she reached forward a depressed the large button.

Whish, Crack!

Ahhh, One I am sorry!



Two, I am sorry!!

Each time she pushed the button the machine cycled bringing the strap around with a vicious stroke that made her gasp and jump despite her knowledge of its coming. By the fifth stroke she was sobbing and tears were pouring down her face. By ten her ass was so on fire that the strokes made her scream and it took her a moment to reset herself for the next stroke.



“Twenty, I am so very, very, sorry. I am a very bad girl and deserve this punishment.

After she caught her breath she pressed the button on her player beginning the next track. Even though she knew the words by heart she sobbed as she heard,” It is time to address your individual failures this week. These next strokes are to be applied to your pantied bottom so you will now remove your skirt and fold it neighborly on the end of the desk and resume your position.” As directed she stood and slowly removed her skirt revealing a pair of black panties framed by her garter belt and stockings. As she set it aside she heard her voice commanding her to lay the journal out on the desk in front of her and to open it to the week’s entries. “Read the first entry and the required strokes”

“Monday, 3 typos on official reports, caught and corrected before submission. 3 strokes assessed” she read in a trembling voice.

“Apply indicated strokes acknowledging aloud your error. Un-pauseThis track when you are finished.”

With trembling hands she pressed the button again.


One, I will be more attentive in my transcriptions. *Sob*


Two, I will be more careful in my typing. *whimper*


*scream* Three, I will pay attention to my work!!

As she was catching her breath she pushed the button to continue the track.

“Cross out that offence and proceed to the next item.”

With relieve she crossed out the entry placing it in the past atoned for and forgotten. It had been a good week to start and as such her next item was dated Tuesday. In keeping with her ritual each new day required adding a riser to raise her and her ass higher for the strap. She then looked down to the journal and read, “Misplaced minutes of last board meeting delaying the meeting 5 minutes.” She gulped, “fifteen strokes.”

By the time she finished out Thursday she reached the point in the track she dreaded. “You have performed poorly by any standard and have proved an embarrassment to both your father’s efforts and those of Lycell. As a mark of your shame you shall be punished like a little girl, remove your panties and take the rest of your punishment on your bare ass. Do it quickly or you will receive additional punishment on top of those skes you have already earned.” With a quick motion she stripped down her panties and returned to her position before the voice told her that time was up. As she leaned forward the bare flesh of her shaken pussy pressed against the cold smooth surface of the metal desk reinforcing her awareness of her nakedness. She reached forward to continue.



“One, I will keep proper and neighbor records so that they will be ready at all times.” Her legs thrashed and it took a few moments to get back into position and continue.


It took her almost twenty minutes to apply the final 13 strokes she had earned that day and all the time she screamed outHer repentance for her bad performance and behavior. After the last stroke she lay panting and sobbing uncontrollably for close to 5 minutes. Then she advanced the track and took her place in the corner to listen to her lesson of shame and disappointment as she stood on display for anyone to see, not that anyone was still in the building at this hour. She stood her hands behind her head, bare from the wait down aside from her garter and hose. Her ass throbbed and she knew she would still be able to feel this on Monday let alone this weekend. As she stood there the fire in her ass began to creep forward and she began to become aware that she had become very wet. She hung her head in shame that her lust should introduce on this time of penance. Granted she always found great pleasure in her body after a punishment was done and over but she was not supposed to come to that point until after the ritual was over. What a slut she was she thought, little more than a bitch in heat with no sense of timing or decorum. The thought made her angry and ashamed. She strode back over to the desk and drawing herself over the edge yelled, “Acting like a slut while being distributed!! Five Strokes!!”

She slammed her hand down on the button and the strike against her ravaged flesh caused her to lose her balance and fall landing on the button. The unthinkable happened, instead of cycling one rotation the machine began to rotate nonstop Showing her body with several strokes a second. No matter how she moved she could not seem to escape the rapid rain of blows striding her body as she understood one way then another. Her screams came out as an endless wail pausing only do draw further breath into her body to continue.

All of a sudden the pain went away and she felt herself being guided to the floor. As her vision cleared and she came back to herself she realized she had been rescued. Someone knew her secret now, someone who could make her life a living hell if she could not convince them to help her keep it. She looked up and her despair became complete, her rescuer was Jason Walkraft, her boss.

She began to stammer out something about leaving quietly and cleaning out her desk but Jason put his finger to her lips and shushed her.

“I am sure there is a very interesting explanation for all of this and I would love to hear it from the beginning. I have been aware that my assistant worked long hours, especially on Fridays but this is beyond any explanation I could come up with. Why don’t we discuss this up in my office? By the way we are the only two people in the building so I think you will not need these, you can get them after we talk.” With a smooth motion he scooped up her panties, skirt and jacket and left the room. As he left he said, “if you are prompt in getting to my office I might be persuaded to provide a cushion for you to sit on while we speak.”

Pausing only long enough to knock her machine over onto the floor Sarah gathered herself up and trotted after him hoping that he was not lying about the cushions.


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