The Swap Meet

My wife is a sub who craves to be dominated. I, on the other hand, have always been more interested in cuddling. I mean, of course I enjoy having a submissive wife, but I would prefer to have her head in my lap so I can stroke her hair. She would prefer to be tied to a post and whipped by someone wearing leather.

We’ve never had good sex. I’m just so inept, that I can’t ever get her to orgasm, and she doesn’t really enjoy the things I do attempt. Because she doesn’t really enjoy it, I never reach climax either, which just ruins it for both of us. I’ve always wanted to find a way for her to enjoy sexual stuff, I’ve just come to terms with the fact that I’ll never be the one to provide that for her.

Quite randomly, I stumbled upon information about a local club for BDSM participants While reading an online message board. It had a weekly meeting for partner swapping that sounded intriguing; “Let your slave experience a week with another master,” read the post.

It hadan address, and listed 6pm Friday as the event time.

That evening, I playedfully swatted her behind while she was getting undressed for bed. “You know, I heard today about a way you could get properly spanked by a real master.” “Oh?” she asked, turning to look at me. “Yeah, I guess we have a local bdsm-themed swingers’ club or something” I said nonchalantly.

Her eyes grew wide with interest “Ooo… Tell me more.”

“Well, there’s really nothing more I can tell, except that they have weekly meetings.”

“We should go to one. she said matter-of-factly. “Might be fun.”

A week went by, and no further mention was made. Then one Thursday, I saw her rubbing herself while she was reclining on the couch. “Mmm, whatcha thinking about?” I asked her with a grin, sitting beside her, and caresing her cheek.

“Getting spanked” she moaned. Then she looked up at me “wanna go check out that club?”

I ran my hand down her neck and breast, then lightly pinched her nippleThrough her light blouse. “Hmm, we can. You’d like that, wouldn’t you? Getting tied up and spanked, then maybe even fucked hard by another master?”

As I said those words, she closed her eyes and started to quiver and moan.

The next day, we drove to the address listed. It looked like a supper club, save for the lack of windows. It was situated at the end of a long driveway, surrounded by trees. There were a dozen or more cars in the parking lot.

After parking, we made our way to the door, and entered a small waiting room.

We walked up to a desk, and the lady behind it smiled, asking how we were doing tonight. I told her that I as doing well, and that we were interested in taking part in the swap. She nodded, then asked if we’d been involved before, I said ‘No’, and she handed me a clipboard. “She will need to be assessed, what’s her name?”

“Lacey,” I replied.

“Good, I’ll get you started on this paperwork, and someone will be out to take her back to assessment shortly. Go ahead and take a seat.” “Thank you,” I replied, then we headed to the chairs across the room from her. We sat down, and I looked at her “Are you nervous?” “A little” she said with a grin. “Excited? Still want to go through with this?” “Oh definitely. I really need to get spanked.”

“Oh, I’m sure you will soon enough.” I replied, and looked down at the form. It asked questions like her name, age, marital status, whether her spouse consents, how long she’s been actively living as a submissive, as well as boring things like allergies and phobias. The last section of the form was a list of hard limits, with checkboxes. At the top, it explained: “All hard limits listed below are automatically applied for the slave listed. Check all hard limits that you wish to waive.”

I glanced through them, but they all seemed pretty obvious; permanent scars, body alterations, pregnancy, unprotected sex, diet control, significant changes to appear, temporary marks on typically exposed areas (face, hands, wrists, forearms, neck), need play, electric play, mud/dirt, humiliation, exhibition, sharing without consent…

I glanced up at Lacey. “You want to skip any of these hard limits?” I asked her. She looked at the list, and slowly started to grin, then giggled. “Maaaaybe” she said, then held out her hand for the pen. I watched as she check the boxes in front of “Bruising” “humiliation” “sharing without consent” “mud/dirt” and “needle play”

“Wow,” I said, “Are you sure about all that?”

“Of course, or I wouldn’t have done it” she said confidently.

“Lacey?” A tall woman said, entering from a door beside the front desk. “Come with me.”

Lacey got up, turned to grin at me, then followed her out of the room.

I continued to read the form; “Please list the slave’s preferred role and turn-ons” “Hmm… I know she likes to be spanked, but I don’t really know all that well what she’s into. She definitely likes things rougherthan I do.”

I quickly wrote “Lacey likes to be spanked, and likes rough sex. Enjoys being tied by her wrists.”

The next question asked for a description of her submissive role; I thought for a moment, then wrote “She enjoys being dominated. She would probably enjoy being a domestic slave with sexual overtones.”

“Josh?” I heard the lady at the front desk say. I looked up, and walked over to her. “Her assessment is finished. She scored 8 points. Are you familiar with how that works?” I shook my head, confused. “No problem, let me explain. See the list of hard limits, here? Oh, I see you’ve already waived a few, that’s great. So the way this works, we only swap slaves equally. If a slave is absolutely perfect, she would score a zero. That would mean that she doesn’t need anything extra to make her worth the same as the rest. If a slave is old, fat, ugly, untalented, etc, she wouldn’t be worth the same, right? So in order to make that balance, we introduced waivers. The way it works, is that the points are cancelled out for every waiver applied to the slave. Lacey scored 8 points, so that means she needs 8 waivers. I see you’ve already got 5, that’s great, now we just need 3 more. Go ahead and add those 3, and then we can move on to the signatures, and let you into the event!” She smiled at me, and I picked up the clipboard and walked back over to the chairs. I studied the list of examples again; “changes to hair, piercings, breath play…”

I checked the box beside “temporary marks” “At least we can just let them heal before anyone sees her, if she has bruises on her wrists from ropes or something” I thought to myself.

“I know she doesn’t care, but I love exhibitionism, so I’ll mark that as well… just one left.”

I wrinkled my forehead. I really didn’t want any of the others listed… but I had to choose one more. “Well… it lists ‘pregnancy’ and ‘unprotected sex’ separately, so I guess that means they still have to be careful andcan’t get her pregnant. So maybe it’s not a big deal to allow unprotected sex…” I marked the box, then carried the clipboard back to the receptionist.

“All finished?” she asked. “Yup” I said nervously. “Great!” she said as she took the clipboard, glanced over, then pressed a button on her phone. A moment later, the second woman opened the door beside the desk, took the clipboard, then, smiling at me, asked me to Follow her.

“We have Lacey in room 3, right this way. You excited?” “I’m not sure” I laughed nervously. “Well, you’ll love it, I promise. Just go ahead and step right in here.” I stepped into a small, dark room. She entered behind me, she clicked the light on. Immediately, I frozen; directly in front of me, Lacey was chained to the wall, spread eagle, blindfolded and gagged.

The lady laughed lightly “Surprised?” “Uhh… A little” I replied shakily. “Well, get used to it. She’s a slave, right? This is how slaves are treated.”

She studied my face carefullyy for a reaction. I thought for a moment, then said “Yeah, I guess I shouldn’t be shocked, this is exactly what I imagined, just… seeing it… is different from imagining it.”

“Yes it is.” she said, then paused. “So are you having second thoughts?” she asked. “No… but I need to know if Lacey is” I replied. “Definitely” she said, then walked over and unhooked her wrists from the wall, leading her to a small table in the middle. She removed the blindfold and gag, and set them down beside the clipboard on the table.

As soon as they were off, Lacey looked at me fervently, then looked quickly down to the table, obviously embarrassed. “You okay?” I asked her. She nodded silently.

“I’m going to step out and let you two talk. When I return, I expect you to have your final decision; Lacey needs to be chained and gagged with a signature on the form, or else she needs to be dressed. I’ll be back in ten minutes.” the lady said, then stepped out, closing the door behind her.

I looked at Lacey again. “Hey… how are you feeling?” She looked back up at me shyly. “Excited” she answered in almost a whisper.

“Do you still want to go through with this?” I asked. She looked back down, and fidgeted with the ballgag. After a long pause, she looked back into my eyes and answered “Maybe.”

I walked around the table and put my arm around her Shoulders. “Hun, ‘maybe’ isn’t good enough. I don’t want you going into something you’ll regret. Are you sure you want to do this? If you’re not 110% sure, then we’re not going through with this.”

She turned to me and smiled “Oh no, I’m definitely sure. But…” her smile faded. “Are you sure you YOU want to go through with this? I know you’re not real comfortable with this stuff.”

“Well… seeing you there a minute ago was quite a shock, but… it was also really hot. I… would kinda like to see it again.”

She grinned. “Then lets do it, we’ve come too far to back out now,” and saying that, she grabbed the clipboard, and said “So where do I sign?”

I pointed down to the block of small print at the bottom, and said “we need to read all this first.” She shrugged, and signed on the line marked “slave signature.”

I took the clipboard and read aloud “By signing below, you understand that this contract is permanent, binding, and cannot be terminated under and circumstances. All slaves are considered the property of The Swap Meet, and can only be retrieved at regularly scheduled swaps. By signing below, you sign over all rights to the slave, with the understanding that you will be receiving another slave of equal value in return at this event. You understand that all slaves are swapped on a first-come, first-served basis, and that you are not allowed to leave with the slave you brought. Swap Meets take place every Friday at 6pm.”

I looked up at her. “That sounds pretty serious” I said. “This swap is for a whole week.”

“It sounds fun” she said grinning. She picked up the gag, and put it back into her mouth, buckling it behind her head, then posed in front of a full-length mirror, hands-on-hips. I shook my head, grinning, and thought “Aw, what the heck”, and signed on the line marked “Master signature.”

Then I went over to her and put my arms around her middle. “I love you… you’re so sexy, baby” I whispered in her ear. She reached up and unbuckled the gag, and grinned at me “I love you too. Here, you should put these on me.” I took the gag, then pulled her close to me, my lips finding hers. We kissed passwordately for a long moment, than she pulled away. “It’s time!” she whispered excitedly, then danced over to the wall with the menacles.

I nervously picked up the gag and blindfold, then walked over to where she waited, bouncing on her heels excitedly and biting her lip to stifle a grin.

“Open up” I said, as I held out the gag.

Obediently, she parted her full lips, and I pushed the gag into her mouth, then buckled itBehind her head. I then placed the blindfold over her head –.It had an elastic band, and slipped easily into place. Lastly, I lifted her wrists and snapped them easily into the manacles.

A moment later, the tall woman appeared in the doorway, picked up the clipboard, then asked me to follow her. After switching off the light, she closed the door to the small room, handed me a keycard with the number ‘5’, then lead me down the hall to another waiting area.

The wait seemed like an eternity, but it gave me a chance to look shyly around. I was in a room with twenty or more comfortable chairs and a couple sofas. At the far end of the room, a bar was staffed by a bartender. A pool table sat unused in one corner, and soft jazz covered most of the sounds of conversation. Half of the seats were occupied, mostly by men.

At 7:00, the lights dimmed, the music faded, and the sultry voice of the front desk lady sounded over the speakers.

“Welcome everyone. Tonight’s swap isto the right. If you will each take your places before your current slaves, then begin your selection to the right.”

Simultaneously, panels slide aside, revealing 15 slots in three of the walls of the room. Music started to play again; louder, with a heavy beat. It was hard to make out what was behind the panels in the walls, until suddenly, museum-style spotlights turned on, revealing a chained, naked, blindfolded and gagged slave behind a sheet of glass. My heart began to race wildly to the beat of the music, as my cheeks flushed at the sight of all the girls (and one guy) on open display. I glanced around, trying to find Lacey; there she was, in the middle of one of the walls, with the number five over her head. I walked over near her, and stood there, fighting an erection at the sight of her chained there on display for everyone to see. Immediately, another man walked over and stood beside me, gazing at her. He stroked his chin thoughtfully as he read a signed posted beside her;it was her name, a list of her hard limits that had been waived, and a quote from her: “Spank me please!”

He turned back to look at her for a moment, then turned to the next girl to the right. Three more men did the same, before one of them took his keycard and inserted it into a small slot beside her. Immediately, the spotlight on her vanished, and she hung there in the dark. The number glowing above her head had changed to nine.

I was excited, yet nervous. I was lost in my own thoughts, when someone bumped my arm and roused me back to reality.

“You need to make your selection. You can only move to the right of where you began, and once you pass a slave, you cannot return to them until you’ve gone all the way around the room.” It was the tall woman from the examination room.

“Oh, I didn’t come for a slave, this is Lacey’s thing,” I stammered.

“That’s not how this works. Everyone brings a slave, everyone leaves with a slave. You agreed to that in the contrac, remember?”

I was dumbfounded; I hadn’t thought about my role in this at all.

“I… but what do I do?” I asked stupidly.

“Select a slave and insert your keycard into the lock. If you don’t worry, the one you want might already belong to someone else.” she said with a smile.

“But… the one I want is Lacey” I thought to myself.

Seeming to read my mind, she spoke up “Lacey is already claimed by another master. It’s time for you to make your selection.”

Numbly, I looked around the room. I had no desire to cheat on Lacey, and while I knew it wasn’t cheating, it felt like it. At the same time, it seemed like I had no choice.”

“If you do not make a selection, you’ll be left with whoever is left after everyone else makes there selections. If you’re straight, you probably don’t want that to be number 12 over there, do you?” I looked at #12 and saw the male slave hanging, with his naked body on full display like the rest. “Point taken.” I replied.

She smiled, then said “Just go to the right. Once you’ve passed a slave, they’re off-limits to you until your next time around; don’t forget that, we take line jumping very seriously.”

The girl immediately to the right of Lacey had already been claimed, but the next was still available. I walked over and read the sign next to her; she had waived most of the hard limits, including permanent marks and pregnancy. I was rather shocked by this, and looked up at her. I was a little embarrassed to be looking at her naked body, but somehow it was easier with her blindfolded, as if I was doing it secretly. She was overweight, with small boobs, and looked to be about twenty years older than Lacey and I. I looked to the right and saw that the next slave was still available. She was skinny and had Very few waivers, but her whole body was covered in tattoos, and her quote on the sign read “Fuck you, you can’t break me.” I shuddered. “Yeah… I don’t want a week with her.” I thought to myself.

The next slave was a tall girl with short blonde hair, named Carrie. She wasn’t my type, but she also wasn’t repulsive like the last two. The sign showed her quote to be “Please be gentle.” I looked back up at her, and thought “a week with her might not be bad. It could just e like having a friend over while I wait for Lacey to get back from her adventure.” I pulled the keycard from my pocket, and inserted it into the slot next to her window. As the lights went out and the number above her head changed to 5, I could see her shudder. She knew she’d just been claimed; what was going through her head?

I looked around the room, and saw that only a few slaves were left available; most of the masters had already made their selections, and were sitting around the tables and on the couches, with drinks from the bar. I walked over to the bar and ordered a scotch and tonic.

Once I had my drink, I walked back over to the place I had been on the couch. It afforded a good view of Lacey, so I sipped my drink while I gazed at her. She still hung there in the dark. I wondered how she felt right about now.

After an hour, the panels moved back in place to hide the slaves. The music slowly faded, and the sultry voice came back on the sound system. “Thank you everyone for another great night at the swap meet. We hope you’re all satisfied with your selections. Please exit When your number is called. Number one, please exit now.”

One of the men got up from a table where he was chatting with a man and a woman, walked over to the door, and left. A few minutes later, the voice called again “Number two, please.”

After what seemed like an eternity, I heard my number called, so I got up and walked out the door. I walked out the hallway, and in the lobby, I was greeted by the tall woman, with the girl I had selected on a lean next to her. She was dressed in a sweater and jeans, and looked at the floor shyly.

“Here you are, have a nice evening,”the lady said, as she handed me the leanh. “Once you’ve left the parking lot, we will allow the next master to leave, so please don’t waste time loading your slave.” She turned then, and walked away. I stood there for a moment before mustering the courage to talk. “Hi” I said. “Hi,” she replied. “So… wanna go outside?” I asked. “Yes sir.” she said meekly.

I walked to the door and opened it for her, hardly realizing I still held a leash in my hand. I lead her into the parking lot, opened the passenger door of my car, and waited for he to get in, then handed her the leash and shut the door behind her.

The drive home was quiet. My mind raced, imagining what was happening to Lacey right now. Suddenly my thoughts were interrupted by Carrie’s voice.

“So… what are you into?” she asked softly.

“Oh… umm, I’m a computer programmer, I like to work on my project car in my spare time.”

“Oh…” she falsered.

There was an uncomfortable silence, until I asked”How about you?”

“Umm… well, I’m a stay-at-home mom, my kids are at summer camp, so we decided to try something different… my husband is really into rough play, but I’m not, I just want to serve and be obedient, but he wants to do all sorts of rough stuff… so here I am.”


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