The Sun I Can't See Ch. 01

I decided to come to this small park to relax. It was just in front of the big luxury apartment building where I lived, a big skyscraper. One could say I was quite lucky to have this area just across the street because, in such a big city, there was not a lot of green space anymore. To me, it was vital to be able to go to a place where I could just sit down to smell and hear the remainder of nature.

Today, I was not working. It was late in the morning, and I was sitting on a small bench facing the pond with my book. Halfway through it, I couldn’t get myself to finish it, it was not very good. What would be the point of imposing this on myself? There were plenty of other works I could try later if I wanted to.

I put it next to me on the bench before stretching and placing my elbows on the backrest. I turned my face to the sky, there were no clouds; I could feel it. The sun was intense, warming up the skin around my sunglasses.

When I was peaceful like this, I couldhear and feel so many things. Everybody should take the time to do this occasionally, they would understand me better. I liked to build a mental representation of my environment, only using the sounds, the smells, and the touch.

Without vision, I could tell there was a hotdog stand somewhere on my left, probably a busy one as the employee keep repeating the same words over and over again to greet new customers. Regular Clients were not receiving the same treatment as he used a much more geneine dialog to reward them for their fidelity.

The pond in front of me was impossible to miss, of course. Adults and kids alike were feeding the ducks. The fascination experienced during this action crossed generations. To me, however, they were just water rats. I tried to feed them once or twice but found it pointless, and I didn’t like the noises they made.

They should move them to a real forest instead of keeping them in the middle of a city to make people feel better. I guesshumanity needed a reminder that they didn’t destroy the whole planet yet, so they could keep doing it without guilt. The quacking water rats were that excuse.

There were also a bunch of other benches on my right that were all full from what I could hear. People, like me, reading a book to escape city madness or feeding pigeons. Blerk! Pigeons, I didn’t even need to talk about those things. Flying rats.

There was a light wind today. I was a woman, but I could still feel the thin body hair of my naked arms, reacting to it; I was very sensitive. If it were blowing from the West, it would bring an odor of pizza. The hotdog smell would generally come from the East. Because it was merely a matter of paying attention, I could just let my senses receive all of this information effortlessly. For me, it was by far the easiest way.

The giant city was good to me. It would be hypocritical of my part to say otherwise as, even if not perfect, I made my money out of it. A chunk of itcame from real estate, but I also had a specialization that made my work pretty valuable to a lot of people. Also, it was convenient to have all the services I needed at a walking distance; it made my life easier. Like most people living here, if I had to go somewhere a bit farther, I’d just get in a cab. Yeah, I liked it here, a lot.

“Sorry, do you mind if we share this bench?”

I returned my head to a level position and turned it towards the man that just asked that question. Here we were again. It never failed. It was a simple matter of time.

“Sure, no problem at all,” I said.

“Thank you. The park is bustling today.”

Yep, the chit chat had started. I scouted my butt to the left and returned my book to my lap. Next, the stranger was going to talk about the weather and eventually would start flirting with me. It was always the same recipe. Since it was a non-aggressive way to meet new people, it was all good.

I was not offended by unknown lonely menthat tried to get a piece of flesh. They did nothing wrong, but I just wished that, eventually, one of them would use a different path to approach me. At least, based on his voice, this one seemed to be around my age, early thirties, I’d say, which made him a better candidate than the ones in their sixties that were pulling the same crap. Age was not the issue, but come on. Grow up!

He sat next to me, at least This one was not trying to touch me right away, else I’d have been out of here. I was ready. What would he say next? I waited … And waited?

Nothing? Was he ignoring me?

That was a bit odd. My head was pointing towards the quacking duck pond, but all my attention was on this man sitting next to me. I couldn’t hear him preparing his voice and couldn’t sense him hesitating. There Was a strange calmness emmanating from him. Usually, men were quite nervous while gathering the courage to speak to me. Why was he different? I waited some more, trying to figure out whatI was missing? What was he waiting for to talk to me?

Then I heard him flip a page of his book. Again … and again. Was he truly reading and not paying any attention to me? I kind of felt like a fool for guessing wrong what he was going to do. My face felt warmer, and it was not because of the sun this time. It was merely a bit of self-humiliation.

By doing nothing, this guy made me rearrange my thought process. He got me curious, interested. I wanted to know why he didn’t do what I predicted. He did have a friendly voice and was polite, so maybe I should try to talk to him? Then I realized something; I was squeezing my book very hard in my hands. Why was I that anxious all of a sudden? I groaned and lowered my head.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

“Ghk! …”

He scared me. I didn’t deserve this embarrassment. Why did I groan anyway? Now I probably looked like a freak. But, perhaps I was right, he is going to talk to me after all. He was just waiting for an opportunity. That must have been the reason.

“I’m fine,” I said.

“Okay … Sorry.”

Sorry? What now? My face was burning even more. I heard him flip another page of his book. Was this apology all the extent of his social interaction? He didn’t intend to speak to me at all. That was absolute. What was his deal, was he gay? I was even starting to be a bit angry at him for ignoring me.

Without even noticing, I was the one that was currently gathering up some courage. How did it end up like this? It was supposed to be the other way around. And these damn water rats kept quacking as if to make fun of my situation. Okay, let’s put an end to this nonsense. I turned to the guy and addressed him in a confident tone.

“Excuse me!”

“Mmm … Yes?”

“I …”

“What is it?”

Oh no! I was not ready … I just paused like an idiot because I had no idea what to tell him. He was waiting for my next words, but I had none to share.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

“I’m… sorry.”

“Sorry for what? Do you want me to sit elsewhere? I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.”

“What? No! No, no! It is not that at all. It is just … you didn’t talk to me.”

“Uh? You are a strange one, alright. Look, do you need to talk? I’m a good listener if you need to vent about something.”

Oh my Gosh, this went all wrong. It must have given the worst first impression ever. I was ready to show him how confident I was, but it turned into me looking like a vulnerable girl that had mental problems and needed a shoulder to cry on.

“I have no problems!”

“Haha. I didn’t say you had. So, what is it then?”

“I … I don’t know …”

Not only did I dig a hole, but I climbed down into it and even started burying myself. I wanted to run away. It was as if I was losing control, and on top of everything, my whole body was burning of shame. What was going on? Something like this never happened to me before.

“My name is Miles. What is yours?”

“Oh? What? My name?”

The guy attempted to judge my self-generated disappoint.

“Yes … Your name. You must have one. Right? Maybe look on your health card. It should be on it.”

“I do. Hehe … Sorry. I’m Alex.”

“So, what were you reading, Alex?”

Okay, he got me there. The tone he used while asking for my name made me smile. He was also distracting me with another question. He was too good at this. Did he plan all that to get to me? If that was the case, it was one nasty flirting technique. Maybe there was something to salvage out of this after all.

“Dune,” I said.

“Dune? Like the movie?”


“It is an excellent book. I read it a long time ago. I didn’t remember it being this big, though.”

“It is … a special edition. But, it is the original text.”

I rubbed the cover with my hand, trying to hide it but I couldn’t do the same with its size. He didn’t understand what I mean by “special,” Ithink.

I liked his voice, but he was just trying to make me feel comfortable. I had to get back to my old self else I would annihilate that already damaged first impression. I needed to rattle his cage a little bit to turn things around in my favorite.

“So, your name is Miles? Do you find me pretty?”

“Uh? … Well … Yes, you are. But that is not why I am here. You misunderstood my intentions, I think.”

Ah! I got him.

“I know. I know. Don’t worry. Tell me. What do I look like?”

“I’m sorry? Surely, you must have seen yourself in a mirror before. I did, and sometimes it is scary, but I don’t need people to tell me what I look like. It is a strange question.”

“Hehe, it is a strange question, but I’m asking it anyway. I like to hear how people perceive me. It is like a game.”

“I perceive that you are as strange as your question. Okay, very well, I’ll play. Let me take a good look at you. You have blonde hair tied in a ponytail, I can’t see youre eyes because of the sunglasses, but they look cute on you. Your skin is tanned and flawless. I’d say you are in your late twentyties or early thirties. You don’t look that tall, but you are not short either. You seem fit. Mmm, what else … I like what you are wearing. I like that short sleep shirt. Is that enough?”

Answers like those were why it was so hard to meet interesting people. They were so superficial. Or maybe they just didn’t process things the same way I was. It was a bit disappointing. I had higher expectations.

“What’s wrong, Alex? It was not what you wanted to hear?” he asked.

“I’m not sure what I wanted to hear…”

“Alright, I’ll try again then.”

Try again? More of the same? I wasn’t too sure I wanted to hear more about my clothes and tanned skin.

“You wear a ponytail because you have a day off, but the weaves on the side there makes me think it is not your regular haircut. Your tan tells me that you probably went to the beach, somewhere south not long ago. Health is important to you, so you eat well, and you exercise regularly.”

“Oh my …”

I didn’t expect that. He should have started with this right off the bat because he just reached the next level. Maybe he was not as superficial as I thought. Alright then, he deserved a reward.

“Miles, are you single?”

“Haha … I told you, I am just here to read my book. But, yes, I am. Are you?”

“I am too. Yes. Would you like to go on a date?”

“A date? I don’t know, Alex. I am not sure what I want, I broke up recently with another girl. It is a bit too fast.”

“Do it for me then? What about you just come over to eat. I’ll cook something good, and we will go from there. Are you available tonight?”

“I am … but … sure … I have to move on, I guess. But, Alex, keep it simple, okay?”

“I can do that. See the big apartment tower over there behind us?

“The Theodore? You are not living there, are you?”

“I do, and I’m not going to apologize for it.”

“No! Sorry! I mean … I didn’t want to judge you by the cover. It’s just that not a lot of people can afford to live there.”

“It’s not important. So, visit me at around 6 pm. You have to talk with the clerk, tell him my name, and they will escort you to my place. See you later.”

“O … Okay.”

Finally, I managed to get an interesting date for tonight. It didn’t end well last time I pulled something like this, and it was a while ago, so hopefully it would go better this time around. Miles seemed smart enough and funny too. His voice was kind of dreamy; I couldn’t wait to get to know him better. There was no significant risk anyway.

It just made me happy to get this opportunity today, that would be enough reward in case things went sideways. I hoped he would at least take the time to get to know me a little bit, unlike all the others. I don’t think he noticed, so I would only find out tonight.

I stood up and carefullly walked around the bench, sliding my hand on the backrest. I listened intently and, from the distance, heard the beeping of the pedestrian crossing located in front of my building. I slowly walked towards it. Miles was probably watching me, so I had to look somewhat sexy, and, more than anything else, it was not the right time to trip and fall.

I made it to the crossing without incident, but there was a lot of traffic today, so I had to be careful. I heard a familiar beep; someone already pressed the button for me, that was always convenient. The audible signal resonated, and it was my cue to cross the street. A good trick was just to follow the footsteps of another lady wearing noisy heels. That way, most of the time, I could avoid bumping into cars that were blocking the intersection. Listening to the other pedestrians swearing helped too. It worked great this time.

I made my way in the direction of my building, and it didn’t take long for one of the doormen to notice and greet me.

“Miss Alex, you are back already? Are you going back home?”

“Hi, Albert. Yes, and I will have a guest tonight around 6 pm. His name is Miles.”

“Very well, I will let the clerks know. Here, take my arm, let an old man feel useful, and guide you to the elevators.”

I certainly didn’t need help to find my way, but Albert was awesome. He was probably in his late sixties and always treated me like a real human being. When that doorman helped me, there were efforts made to make me believe that it was for his benefit and never for mine. The other doormen were friendly too, but Albert was my special one. Too bad, he was already married.

He walked me to the elevators and pressed the right button for me. Before the door closed, I asked him one last thing.

“Albert, can you ask security to keep an eye on me and my guest tonight, just in case?”

“Yes, Miss Alex, will do. Have a wonderful evening.”

“Thank you, you too.”


I wasgetting nervous. I kept pressing the button on my watch. And a small robotic voice confirmed that Miles could show up any minute.

“The time is 5:53 pm.”

Well, at least I was ready, so was the food. I took a nice shower before jumping in some sexy underwear and a cute little summer dress … just in case. Feeling sexy during a date was legitimate, right?

I was sitting on the living room couch, and on top of the coffee table in front of me were two items. One was my phone, the clerk would be calling me if Miles indeed showed up, and the other item … I was not ready for it just yet.

I shouldn’t have been surprised, but I jumped when my phone rang, betraying my anxiety. When I answered it, the clerk indicated that Miles had arrived and that they would escort him to my place. I gave them my blessing even though it made my heart beat faster.

“Come on, Alex! Everything will be fine … relax. It is just a friendly dinner.”

I talked to myself in an attemptto not freak out any more than I was already. The second item, a long, narrow, and white silent piece of fabric, was waiting for me. I slide my fingers under it and lifted it to my face, placed it over my eyes and tied it comfortably behind my head. It was so soft. To me, this classy blindfold was the best way I found to feel at ease with myself when receiving visitors.

I stood up and Walked to the door, waiting patiently for someone to knock, which happened not long after. I opened the door, and one of the clerks addressed me.

“Good evening, Miss Alex, Mr. Miles is here, should I let him in?”

“Yes, thank you.”

“Have a great evening, Miss Alex.”

I quickly took a few steps back and crossed my hands in front of me. That was a cute pose, I Thought. My heart was racing, but I was doing my best to keep my composition. I heard Miles walking in, and the clerk closed the door behind him, leaving me alone with this strange new guy that I only met a few hours ago.

“Welcome to my place, Miles. I hope they treated you well.”

“I …”

Moment of truth. He rarely noticed the white blindfold I was wearing. This was the reason he paused. I just had to wait for his next move to find out if I would have a good date or if everything would crumble down to dust as usual.

“You look great, Alex. How are you?”

As much as I didn’t expect a lot, my little heart filled with a bit of joy. His first comment was not about my blindfold; it was just to tell me that I was looking pretty. I’m sure my cheeses turned all red.

“Thank you. I really like this dress. It is a warm day, so let’s start with something to drink. What would you like?” I asked.

“I’m not difficult, beer, wine, or whatever else you have.”

“I have beers. I will have one too, just give me a sec. Please, sit on the couch, I’ll be right there.”

I happily trotted back to the kitchen and opened the fridge to grab two beer cans. I ran my fingertips on themto feel the embossment.

“Okay, I have Sappori and Oldcastle. Which one do you want?”

“Sappori sounds good. Hey, you have a nice view from here, what was it, the 38th floor?”

Darn, he didn’t sit on the couch. I followed his voice and met him next to the window with our beers.

“Here, take it. Yes, the 38th floor. I know the view is facing other buildings, but it is fine. The apartments with a view over the park are so much more expensive. I wouldn’t be able to afford one of those. I don’t need this extra burden in my life. Do you need a glass for your beer? I always drink from the can; they don’t break if I drop them..”

“I’m fine with the can as well. It is nice and cold; that is all we need, right?”

“Right. Come on, let’s sit. I want to get to know you a bit better.”

He walked to the couch, but unfortunately, I couldn’t keep track of which one he sat on, I now had to pick a spot for myself, I just hoped I’d not sit on top of him, that would becatastrophic. Ideally, I wanted to choose the one of the two where he wasn’t, just so I would not sit too close from him right off the bat, that would be a bit odd. But all I could do was to rely on luck. I picked a spot and sat down. Fortunately, nothing terrible happened.

“So, how was the rest of your day? Did you finish that book after I left?” I asked.

“Haha, no! I couldn’t read anymore after meeting that strange girl.”

OH CRAP! I sat right next to him. I even jumped a little when he replied.

“Oh! Hehe! Can you tell me more about that strange girl?”

“She was super cute, but a bit odd. She invited me for dinner, and when I got to her place, she magically became even more intriguing.”

“Is … Is that so? How come?”

The silk blindfold was kind of a dead giveaway. I wished Miles had not gone there already, but what did I think? Of course, he was going to want to talk about this. I just wanted to be treated like a nice cute girl for a few hours,but I wasn’t going to be mad at him for mentioning it. It was my life, after all. Who I was.

“Well, for a start, she is even cuter than I remembered, and a bit more mysterious as well. Her place is nice. Minimalist, but nice nonetheless. There is nothing on the walls, and everything is white. So it is hard to tell what kind of person she is.”

He knows … Come on … Spit it out. I’m ready.


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