Author’s note: Here is the 3rd chapters of The sun I can’t see. It is a bit different than the first two chapters but I hope you’ll like it. I recommend that you read the last few lines of chapter 2 just to put yourself back in context. Enjoy your read.
Chapter 3 – Sunset
“Kill me!”
“No… I won’t kill you. Come on. Stop acting like a baby.”
I pressed the button on my talking watch for the tenth time.
“The time is 8:38 am.”
Last night at the Fox & Spice, everything was going fantastically well until… the kissing slave girl. I’ve been crying my life out since that moment. Immediately after what happened, I changed back in my regular clothes, and we went straight home; it Unfortunately shortened our evening.
This morning, Miles tried to make me feel better, but there was nothing he could do. I would stay in bed until I dehydrated and died.
“The time is 8:39 am.”
“Come on, Alex! Stop pressing thatbutton and get out from under the blankets. Your breakfast was ready an hour ago.”
“The time is 8:39 am.”
No. I was not going to get out from under the blanket, not until I was deceased. Miles didn’t know what to do with me anymore, and I didn’t know either. The fact was, there was nothing that could be done. Things would never be the same.
“The time is 8:40 am.”
“Okay, that is enough. Here, I have your blindfold. Let me put it on you, and then we can talk.”
“Alex, what is the big deal? Yes, you kissed a girl you knew, so what? It is not the end of the world.”
“Leave me alone! You know that’s not the problem.”
“The time is 8:40 am.”
No… It was really not the issue. I kissed that slave girl for a long time in front of Miles; it felt so good and so right, and I was so turned on by it. Then we went as far as trying to sneaky masturbate each other in public. Everything was extraordinary and would have turned this evening intothe most perfect day of my life. But no. Instead, it turned into a nightmare.
While we were busy exchanging mouth fluids, the girl’s fingers explored my pretty tag attached to my shiny new collar, and she was able to read my name which was engraved in brainle; what were the odds for her to know brainle? It didn’t take her a lot of brainpower to understand that a cute blind girl named Alex was rarely the only sightless Alex living in this city. So, of course, she recognized me.
“The time is 8:41 am.”
“Alright, come here. While for the rest eternity won’t help your case. Lift your head a bit.”
Miles slide my silky blindfold over my eyes and tied it behind my head. He then sat on the bed and dragged between his legs. My back was now resting on his chest and his arms wrapped around me.
“So, what now? You are never going to talk to her again?”
“Of course, I’ll talk to her again… How can I not! SHE IS MY SISTER, YOU DUMBASS!”
“Pfff. I thoughtshe looked like you.”
“STOP LAUGHING! It’s not funny… How would you feel if you had sex with your brother?”
“I don’t have siblings. I Would not know.”
“Well, I KNOW! And it’s not fun.”
“Anyway, you didn’t have sex with her. You just gave her a couple of small kisses. You make a big deal out of nothing.”
“Not a couple of small kisses? We french kissed for fifteen minutes, and she even rubbed my crotch with her hand, and I liked it!”
“Now that you are mentioning it, it was kind of hot.”
“Shut up!”
“Alex, just calm down, okay? She didn’t know, and you didn’t know. That was an honest mistake. That’s all. It is not as if you are going to get pregnant because of this.”
Perhaps not, but he was not the one who would have to face her and have to explain my rubber doll outfit. Plus, I learned my younger sister acted as a slave girl for another woman. How was I supposed to react? Miles put something in my hands.
“Here, take this,” hesaid.
“What… My phone? Why?”
“Call her, talk about it, and put this behind you.”
“Miiiiiles! What do you want me to tell her?”
“That you are sorry for what happened and the truth. You like the fetish scene. I’m sure your sister will understand. Don’t forget she was there too, doing her slave thing.”
I groaned incessantly, but I know what he said was sound. It was better to defend the situation quickly and try to put this behind us. I raised my knees to my forearms and held the phone in front of my face. I reluctantly spoke the command I didn’t want to say.
“Call Marry.”
It rang about three times before my sister answered. It felt like an eternity.
“Marry… So?… How are you doing?”
“Okay, I guess…”
“Yeah… So… about last night…”
“Alex… You put your tongue inside my mouth!”
“… Well… you did the same… and even touched my crotch.”
Of course, this was goingto be awkward. It was as embarrassing for her as it was for me. Miles put his hand on my shoulder and shook it a little. Yeah, I guess it was better to follow his plan.
“Listen, Marry… I just want to say that I am sorry…”
“Yeah… I’m sorry too… I should have asked some questions first. I never thought you could be such a pervert.”
“Hey! Be nice. I was Just having fun with my boyfriend. I didn’t know you were dating girls either.”
“I’m not dating girls. It was just role-playing with some friends. I like fooling around with them sometimes, that’s all. So are you, apparently.”
Yeah, I had things to admit as well. I liked my sister a whole lot, but we never talked much about our relationships, let alone our sex life. Part of it was my fault as I tended to dwell on my love failures and vent a bit too intensely.
“Well, listen… As you saw, I do have a thing for latex, but I usually keep it private,” I said.
“Right. That must be why you dancedlike a sex maniac inside that cage for almost an hour, giving a good show to everybody.”
“You… You saw that?”
“Everybody saw it. I’m sure you made quite a bit of money.”
“Hey! No… It wasn’t for the money… It was so that I wouldn’t bump into people.”
“We danced a lot together in the past and you never needed a cage. Anyway… for what it’s worth, you did a good job.”
I blushed a bit at the unexpected compliment. My sister never was the cheerful type; she was mostly shy and reserved, and laughing didn’t come easy. We cared for each other, but when we grew up, we never had too many common activities outside our homework. The distance between us increased since we were young adults and started working. Thinking about this made me realize our latex fetish may have been one of the first strong interests we shared.
“Say, Marry… I did enjoy it a lot at the club last night… I mean… outside the sister kissing. So… Would you like to go back therewith me one day?”
“… Yeah, I think we could do that. But we will need to talk about this some more before going. We need to know what to expect from each other. And don’t tell mom.”
“No!… Never!… I would never tell her something like that.”
“Okay… I have to go now. I need to go brush my teeth again.”
“Hehe. Have fun… and… Thanks, Marry, for understanding.”
“Don’t mention it. I’ll text you later this week.”
Miles turned my head to the left and gave me a little kiss.
“See. All is good. Do you still want to die?”
“No. I’ll live. My sister is nice. Maybe this is a good thing, after all. I learned a bit more about her.”
“Good, now it’s time to eat your cold breakfast. Come on.”
In the afternoon, I was back in my latex suit, cuddling on the couch with Miles. I was on my back with my head resting on his lap, and his hand was rubbing my chest slowly. I poked him under the chin with my finger.
“Would you date me if I were not wearing latex?”
“No, I would go back to the store and ask for a refund.”
“Come on. I was just wondering what you liked about me outside this.”
“That’s easy. You are cute, you are smart, you are funny… oh, and you are super rich!”
I slapped him on the chef for that last comment even though he was just kidding.
“I’m Not super rich! I just know what I’m doing. I bought low and sold high.”
“I can’t even buy low in this city. I give all my money to the landlord.”
“Well, if you are extra nice, maybe you can move in one day.”
He pinched my nose.
“I’m not going to move in after three weeks, squeaky toy, you know that.”
“Hey, let go of my nose. I know… A girl can dream, no?”
I lifted my leg and put my rubber covered foot in the front of his face. I wasn’t wearing heels this time.
“Kiss it!”
“I can bite it too.”
I felt his lips touching my foot, and then his teeth bit on my little toe.
“Ah, you are no fun! So what are we doing today? I don’t want to spend my life on the couch.”
“I’m not sure. Do you want to call your new friend and see what she wants to do?”
“You really like watching me kissing other girls, don’t you?”
“It’s not that… I just thought you would like to see her again.”
I sat up, turned around, and climbed on top of him. I lacened my arms around his neck and gave him a small kiss.
“I’m not stupid, Miles…”
“I never said you were. Where does that come from?”
“I know what you are doing. I understand everything at the club last night. Why don’t you just admit it? There is no shame.”
“Admit what? What are you talking about, Squeaky?
“Are you a voyeur?”
“What? I’m not!… That… That’s ridiculous.”
“I think you are. It is not a bad thing, you know.”
“So, what makes you say that?”
“Oh, you want examples?”
I liked it when people challenged my intelligence. Sure, I could be awkward around people because I had trouble with my relationships, but I was still pretty good at reading people’s minds. And Miles just pushed the wrong button. He should have admitted what he liked instead of hiding it.
“You said you liked girls in latex.”
“Yeah, that doesn’t make me a voyeur… I just think it is sexy as hell.”
“But you said girls… with an S. You could have said MY girl.”
“That’s weak. Was that your might proof?”
“No. Then, at the club, you made me dance in a cage.”
“Hey, that was a great idea! You had a blast!”
“I didn’t say otherwise, but you left me there for almost an hour. It didn’t take you that long to explore the club. I’m sure you were watching me and liked the way everybody around desired me.”
“Sure, I was at the bar watching you. It’s not a crime. I was happy for you.”
He really won’t admit it. I needed to drill this guy a bit more.
“So, why did you choose the vacbed activity?”
“I don’tt know. It looked fun. I thought you would like it.”
“Because it was rubber or because you knew I was going to touch a girl, and she would touch me in return?”
“HA! You hesitated! I knew it.”
“Alex… Why are you doing this?”
“Just tell me. Did you enjoy watching me being touched like this… everywhere?”
“It… It was for you…”
Ha! He is getting hard under me… This was so awesome. Finally, I got my payback for him forcing me to admit that I loved latex on our first date. Sweet revenge.
“You are getting an erection just thinking about it. I can feel it. So, how did you feel when the slave girl kissed me? Don’t even mention the word sister else I will bite your face.”
“I… I liked it… Who doesn’t like two rubber girls kissing?”
“What are you scared of? Just say it already. You won’t go to jail. I can feel your heart racing in your chest… that can’t be good.”
“Okay, okay… I like it! Happy now? I like seeing you doing sexual things with other girls.”
“That turns you on that much?”
“Yes! But only because I love you—”
He abruptly stopped his sentence right there… What did he just say? Love me? I’ve been dating him only for the past three weeks, and I told him that I loved him. I was honest, and he knew it. He was very open as well and said to me he still had feelings for his ex-girlfriend. The way he was talking about her, it was truly over with no chance of ever getting back together, but I could understand why he didn’t want to rush into another relationship. He kept his emotions at bay, probably not to get hurt again.
“Miles? What did you just say?”
“You don’t want to repeat it?”
“I’m not sure… I’m confused… I don’t say that to be mean. I really like you. I don’t want to mess things up again.”
“I understand, don’t worry. Do you want to know what I think?”
“Should I?”
“You love me more than you think you are.”
I got off from his lap and stood up in the middle of the living room, fists on my hips.
“Call Meixiang!”
“Contact not found. Please try again.”
“What? Why? Call Meixiang!”
“Contact not found. Please try again.”
Miles interrupted my attempts to call my new friend.
“What are you doing, Alex? We were having a serious discussion.”
“Call Meixiang!”
“Contact not found. Please try again.”
“Ah, come on! Miles, did you enter her name properly.”
“Yes, but you are saying it wrong!”
“Call MAY-CHI-HANG!… stupid system.”
This time, the phone rang a couple of times, and the girl answered.
“Hey Meixiang, it’s Alex… the vacbed girl.”
“Heeeey… I was worried you wouldn’t call me back. I thought about you a lot.”
“Look, Miles and I have nothing to do today. Would you like to come over and have some fun?”
“Oh… I would love to, but I’m probably too far.”
“I’m near the Irwin Park downtown… Where do you live?”
“Oh, that is very far… I’m 45 minutes from there, easy. And I don’t even have a car.”
“No problem… I’ll send a shuttle to pick you up.”
“What? A shuttle? What the…”
“Don’t worry about it. Give me your address and get your stuff ready. Bring whatever kinky stuff you have. Are you working tomorrow? You could sleepover too if you want.”
After she gave me her address, I called the clerk and sent a shuttle her way. I was pretty sure Miles was looking at me while shaking his head.
Later that afternoon, Meixiang arrived. The clerk let her in then another clerk showed up with a big heavy thing, it was hard to tell what it was just by the sound of it. I was hiding in the hallway close because I didn’t want the staff to see me wearing a full latex catsuit, but as soon as they left, I bounced out to greet the first girl who ever kissed me.
“Alex!… Do… Do you really live here? And call meMei… or Meimei.”
“Mei? That sounds good. And yes, welcome to my place.”
“And wait till she starts bragging about her giant bathroom…”
Mei was shyer than last night, and Miles had to tease me about my beautiful bathroom. Even after three weeks visiting me, he still couldn’t shut up about it. Wanting to be a good host and make her relax a little bit, I offered to serve some refreshments.
“Let me get you something to drink, what would you like?”
“Oh… I don’t drink. I’m fine. I only drink water.”
“Ah, okay. That is fine. I have some flavored water if you want.”
“No, thanks. I only drink normal water.”
Well, we certainly won’t get drunk tonight, I thought.
“Hehe, ok… Hey, don’t be shy. Come sit; we can chat a bit.”
I extended my arm in her general direction and waited for her to grab my hand. It took a second, but finally, I feel her little fingers grabbing mine. I walked her to one of the couches and made her sit next tome. Why was she so tense?
“Don’t be so nervous. We are just friends. You are safe here.”
“I’m just… a bit… intimidated. Is this really your place?”
“Ah, don’t be. The staff can be intimidating, but it is just an apartment like any others.”
“Excepted the bathroom…”
“Miles! Stop it. You’ll make her feel even worse. I…”
I stopped talking because I felt something brushing against my latex covered face, particularly around my eyes. Mei was all gentle, but why was she doing that all of a sudden?
“So… It was not an act?” she asked.
“An act? What do you mean?”
“… Are you really blind? I wasn’t sure if it was true or not.”
“Oh? Well… Yeah, it’s true… I’m a person who is blind.”
“But… How come you can walk like this around your apartment?”
“I… live here?”
Miles saw the awkwardness and decided to help both of us.
“Even if she could see, she would spend all her time in her suit just for the feeling of it; she wouldn’t see shit anyway. So, Mei… What did you bring in this big chest? I’m curious.”
“Oh, hehe. A thing or two. Alex said to bring some kindy stuff. When I saw the shuttle, I decided to bring the whole thing. I hope you’ll let me use the shuttle back home; else, I’m in trouble.”
“For sure. Don’t worry about that,” I said.
Did she bring a big chest full of kinky stuff? I thought she was going to show up with a catsuit or maybe some cuffs, not a full chest. It made me wonder how deviant she was. I needed to learn more about her; maybe we should have talked a bit longer over the phone.
“So, how old are you, Mei? Do you have a boyfriend or something?”
“I’m 28. And no, I’m alone, and I’m happy this way. I see people on and off, like tonight. I know what you might think, but I’m not that sociable. I spend most of my time by myself. I only go to the Fox & Spice when my friends are insisting.”
“Well, you looked pretty sociable to me yesterdayday.”
“Hehe. Yes. It was fun last night, but you made it so much better for me. The way you touched me was very different.”
“I just touched you in a way that made you react the most. I felt what your body was doing; your twitches and breathing. You were just showing me what to do.”
Maybe those things were evident to me, but people should really learn how to look at others without vision. It was possible to receive a lot of information from another person from a simple, gentle touch. I was not a superhero, even though Miles kept saying I had super ears, my senses were the same as everybody else. I just learned to use them properly. And tonight I would get to practice them some more with my new kinky friend.
“Mei, I’m curious. If you have all those Kiks, why do you spend a lot of time alone? Would it not be more fun to have someone to play with all the time?” I asked.
“No. It would drive me nuts. I’m a lonely. I like my space, and I entertain myself quite well.”
“So everything in that chest over there is to entertain yourself?”
“Yes… I… I can show you if you want.”
“Sure… I would love to check what you brought. And Miles? You are awfully quiet over there?”
“I’m fine. Just watching you, girls, wondering where this is going. I get the feeling I’m going to like it.”
Of course, he was watching. He barely admitted his kink to me earlier that the two cute chit-chatting girls were hypnotizing him already. I don’t think he realized how bad his case was and got the feeling he was not going to talk a lot tonight. For some reason, I found his little personality trait very cute.
“Alex, instead of just showing you… Could… Well… Would you like to try something with me? Since Miles is here too… He can assist.”
“I invited you over to have some fun, so yes! I would love to try some new things. What are we doing.”
“Can I go change first?”
“Oh, yes. But… Do you have a latex catsuit? Mileswould love it…”
“Hey, don’t listen to her, Mei, wear whatever you want. It doesn’t matter to me,” he said.
“Oh? So you wouldn’t like me to wear my latex bodysuit?” she asked.
Oh my. Mei just cornered him. I’m sure his face turned all red. He shot himself in the foot right there. Poor Miles, it’s going to be a long evening for him at that pace. I liked Mei quite a bit already.
She never got a reply to her question but she walked away, and I heard her rummaging in her chest before asking me where the bathroom was. As soon as she was gone, I jumped from one couch to the other and landed on Miles.
“So? Do you like her?” I asked.
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