The following morning Mark got up early for his tee time. That gave Dana an empty house to clean. She cleaned each room as if cleaning was her only password in life. All she wanted to do was make sure Mark was pleased when he returned home.
For the most part, the cleaning kept her mind off what was going to happen that night. There was one moment though when she was cleaning a mirror and she looked at herself and just stared. She said, “what am I doing?” Over and over to herself. As she contemplated the last few weeks and what was about to happen that night, she began to feel sick. Her heart started pounding and her hands became tingly. She felt dizzy and realized she was having a panic attack.
After sitting down on the sofa and taking some deep breaths she started to feel better. Once she cleared her head she went back to cleaning as her husband had instructed her to do. The small moment of clarity she had been pushed aside by the overwhelming feeling of submission. It was as if she had been experiencing outer body experiences each time Maddie dominated and humiliated her. It was like a drug; her drug and her body were constantly craving a fix.
After cleaning, Dana prepared dinner for Mark and left it on the stove. She showed, doing everything in her power not to touch herself. When she was finished, it was about time for her to get dressed in the clothes Maddie had bought for her. As she stood naked in her bedroom, staring at the outfit laid out on the bed, she realized Mark still wasn’t home.
Dana made sure her hair and makeup were done in a way Maddie would have wanted. Next, she got dressed and once again stared at herself in the mirror. She looked like a woman who was headed to a club to find a guy for the night.
The shirt was so low cut it came down to her navel. She couldn’t wear anything under it, and she didn’t know how she was going to possibly keep her big tits in it all night. The pants were a size too small and by somemiracle she was able to squeeze herself into them. Last she put on the golden six-inch siletto heels that immediately made her feet start to hurt.
As she put the finishing touches on her outfit, she could hear the garage door open. Not being able to move very quickly because of the tight pants and heels, Dana carefully made her way downstairs. She wanted to heat up Mark’s food for him. But before she even made it to the kitchen, she could hear Mark come in, and he wasn’t alone.
She recognized Maddie’s laugh as the two came in together. When they both saw Dana, they stopped in their tracks.
“I cleaned the house from top to bottom, just like you told me too.” Dana said to Mark, almost with pride in her voice.
Mark didn’t acknowledge anything she said or make mention of how spotless the house was. Still smiling, he looked his wife up and down, and walked into the kitchen.
Maddie on the other hand did have something to say. She told Dana how hot she looked and added, “If we brought you to the city and put you on a street corner, we’d make a ton of money.”
Dana told Mark that she had food ready for him, but Mark informed her that when he stopped to pick up Maddie, she made him something to eat. He added, “I didn’t realize Maddie was such a great cook.”
Maddie smiled at the compliment as Dana wilted. With that, Maddie said it was time to head over to Bridget’s. Maddie asked Dana if she was nervous? When Dana replied that she was, Maddie told her, “Good, you should be.”
It was only about a 10-minute car ride to Bridget’s house. Mark drive while Maddie sat behind him and Dana sat in the rear passenger seat. As they traveled Maddie rubbed Dana’s left leg and told her what she expected of her. “Under no circumstances are you to contradict anything I say tonight. You go along with whatever I say or tell you to do, understanding?”
Dana nodded and said she understand. She had gone back to taking deep breaths to calm herself down, but they weren’t helping much. She looked at Mark happily driving them to their destination, and she thought that her only chance to save herself from Maddie’s grapp was the chance Mark gave her last night. Mark was probably looking to save himself as much as he was looking to save her. It was clear though that after last night, Mark was under Maddie’s spell as well.
“You know Dana,” Maddie said just as they pulled up to the house. It almost sounded funny hearing Maddie refer to her by her actual name again. “There is a part of me that almost feels bad about what I’m going to put you through tonight. Then I think about what a pathetic little slut you turned out to be and I don’t feel so bad anymore. This is going to be hell for you, and I can’t wait.”
With that Maddie turned to Mark and gave him a kiss and thanked him for driving them. As Dana exited the vehicle Mark didn’t say anything to her.
The two women approached Bridget’s house and just as they were gettingto the front door, Dana began to have second thoughts about going in. She stopped walking and looked back towards the car. Mark was still sitting in front of the house watching them. She thought to herself, ‘If I go back to the car right now, and asked Mark to take me away from here, would he?’ Dana would never find out the answer because just then Maddie grabbed Dana’s arm to get her attention. She opened her pocketbook and inside was the dog collar and leash. “Don’t make me put this on you and drag you inside because I will.” Maddie appeared very annoyed at Dana’s hesitation.
That was enough to make any second thoughts that Dana have disappeared.
When Bridge answered the door, she greeted Maddie with a hug, but her entire demeanor changed as soon as she saw Dana. Her eyes widened and she Pulled back. Dana entered the home and said “hello” to Bridget but got no response back.
The ladies walked into the kitchen where the other two women, Beth and Carol, were already standing around the center island. Both women, like Bridget were a little older than Dana, who in turn was a little older than Maddie. The three woman, Bridget, Beth and Carol were all married with at least two kids each. They weren’t necessarily unattractive women, but their bodies looked like that of women who had children, especially Carol. They certainly weren’t knockouts like Dana nor were they the pretty, girl next door type like Maddie.
All the women had the same reaction to Dana’s outfit, absolutely disgust. They were all dressed casually, these get-togethers were nothing new and dressing up for them wasn’t something they did. And even if it was, what Dana was wearing was way over the top. Finally, Carol, who was the most forward of the group spoke up.
“Dana, what the hell are you Wearing?!”
Dana looked down at her outfit, her tits almost popping out of the shirt. Before she said anything Maddie spoke up, “I tried to tell her that this was inappropriate to wear butshe wouldn’t listen. Dana insisted on wearing this tonight. Said she wanted you women to see what a real woman is supposed to look like.”
“Oh really?!” Carol fumed. Carol was one of the women who had been particularly resentful of Dana. Out of all the woman in the group, it was fair to say that Carol was the least attractive. She had short, curly, black hair, pale skin and was constantly battering her weight. In her mind, Dana was the same type of girl as the ones back in high school that used to bully and torque her.
“Thank goodness my children are at my mother’s and Larry is away on business.” Bridge said, talking about her family.
Maddie took the opportunity to jump in again. “You wouldn’t believe what Dana told me in the car on the way over. She said, too bad Larry wasn’t Here tonight to see her in this outfit. Maybe it would turn him on enough to actually have sex with you again.”
Bridge almost choked on her wine when Maddie said that, and the women began yelling at Dana in unison.
Maddie wasn’t wasting any time in working her black magic and Dana felt like she was already drowning. That red, flustered feeling was coming over her, she was trying to follow Maddie’s orders, but it was difficult to make her mistress happy while watching her world crumble at the same time. Maddie had been priming these women all week, maybe longer and they were ready to attack. All Maddie had to do was light the spark.
The women were enraged and telling Dana how ashamed she should be of herself. Maddie had moved over to stand next to the other women and it was really four against one at this point. Dana didn’t say anything, not knowing if she was allowed to apologize or part of this was to take the verbal barrier that was being unleashed on her.
Maddie made it a point to refill the wine glasses of the woman, who didn’t stop drinking as they verbally laid into Dana. Maddie knew that the woman, who drank like fish to begin with, would be much easier to manipulate when feeling the effects of the alcohol.
Maddie produced a few more good lies to really upset the women and they were just at the point of wanting blood. Dana, for her part stood there and took it, fighting back tears. Finally, Maddie looked at the other women and announced, “Ladies, I feel like I need to apologize to all of you also. Dana has been saying these awful things for years, About you, your husbands and even your kids and I have kept quiet. I told Dana she was wrong and shouldn’t say those things. I should have told all of sooner, but I was trying to keep the group together. I’m sorry ladies.”
The women told Maddie she had nothing to apologize for. They were lucky and grateful to have a friend like her.
Finally, Carol asked Dana, “Don’t you have anything to say to us?!”
While Carol spoke, Maddie had moved behind the others so only Dana could see her. As Dana looked at the women, Maddie shook her head slowly and gave her ‘the look.’ Dana knew what was expected of her.
“No,” Dana responded. “I have nothing to say to any of you. I mean every word.” Dana could feel her heart drop into her stomach as she spoke. The women were beside themselves at this point and Maddie knew that her master plan was well on its way to working. She was controlling, dominating and humiliating all the other women also, they just didn’t realize it. This is where Maddie decided to completely take over.
Maddie spoke loudly, “Dana! I can’t believe you! These women have been nothing but kind and welcome to you and this is how you treat them. I’m disgusted! I think we’re past the point of apologies, you need to be taught a lesson!”
The other women agreed with Maddie but were unclear of exactly where she was going with This. The others, as much as they wanted some sort of retribution, it wasn’t in their nature to really do anything other than be mad and yell. Normally they would have just kicked Dana out of their group and not spoken to her again. They would have stewed over her not getting put in her place, but that was about as far as they would have gone. Maddie knew this and decided she was going to have to take some chances to achieve her aim of completely humiliating Dana.
“First things first,” said Maddie, “if Dana wants to show off her body so badly let her show it off. She’s practically falling out of that top, might as well fall all the way out.”
With that Maddie walked over and grabbed the insides of Dana’s shirt and pulled them apart, ripping the shirt completely down the middle. She pulled it off of Dana, nearly spinning her around in a circle. Dana, now topless, immediately cover her large breasts with her arms.
The other women appeared to be just as shocked as Dana. Nobody, not even Dana was expecting Maddie to do anything like that. Maddie, sensing the others were afraid that a physical fight was about to break out, acted quickly. She yelled at Dana again, “And take those ridiculous, skin tight pants off too! Anyone wearing those doesn’t deserve any modesty!”
The others looked on in disbelief as Dana did just that. She reached down and slipped her heels off. Then, she unbuttoned her pants and pushed them down, revealing that she wasn’t wearing any underwear. The other women couldn’t believe what they were seeing, and that Dana was doing what she was being told to do without hesitation. Everything was happening so fast and that combined with the amount of wine that had already been consumed, the ladies didn’t try to make sense of what was happening.
Dana finally got the pants off and stood naked in the kitchen, still trying to cover up.
“Put the heels back on, ” Carol said, surprising everyone including herself. “She wants to dress like a hooker then she can keep the fuck me pumps on.”
Maddie was quietly impressed by Carol’s idea and even amusingly thought to herself that she may have a protégé on her hands.
Dana followsed Carol’s order and put the high heels back on. She was now standing, completely naked before the four other women wearing nothing but the golden siletto heels.
“Dana, if you were one of my kids, I would have put you over my knee by now.” Beth blurted out.
“That’s a great idea,” Maddie said. “I think that’s what we’ll do.”
The other women stood silent for a second until finally Carol said, “you know what, fuck it. Let’s go bitch, in the den.”
Carol grabbed Dana by the arm and dragged her into the den. Carol sat on the couch and pulled Dana over her knee. She proceeded to spank Dana’s ass with her bare hand, repeatedly. Five, ten, fifteen hard smacks on Dana’s round rear end. Dana howled as Carol didn’t hold back.
As the women gathered around to watch, Maddie was all smiles as Bridget and Beth remained quiet.
Dana’s ass was red, and she started crying that she was sorry. “Please stop,” she yelled over and over. Finally, Carol stopped spanking Dana and allowed her to stand up. It was clear that Carol enjoyed that more than she thought she would or should.
“My turn,” Maddie said and she grabbed Dana as soon as she was standing and pulled her over her knee as she sat down. Maddie proceeded to give Dana’s behind a series of smacks as well.
Both Dana’s cheats were bright red, and Dana was sobbing uncontrollably as Maddie continued to spank her.
After several more swats on Dana’s backside by Maddie, Bridgette finally stepped in and told Maddie she thought Dana had had enough. Maddie reminded Bridge what Dana “sad” about HER children, calling them “fat and stupid.” Maddie invited Bridget to give Dana a smack at least once for saying that. Bridget was extremely hesitant but leaned down and did give Dana a hell of a slap on her behind as she laid over Maddie’s lap.
“Come on, you too Beth. She said a lot of nasty stuff about you also.” Maddie reminded her.
Beth was also hesitant but after a very light initial strike, she gave Maddie several quick slas of her own on the behind. Maddie finished off with a few more before letting Dana slide off her lap.
The women gathered around Dana as she kneeled on the floor, crying hysterically, pleading for forgiveness for things she never actually said.
Maddie ordered her to get up and get all the women fresh glasses of wine and then to come back inside and they would discuss if There was anything else that needed to be done with her.
Dana stood up and walked naked into the kitchen, her ass bright red, marked with hand prints. The women all sat down on the couch and watched, almost in awe as Dana did as Maddie instructed. One by one Dana poured a glass of wine, walked it over to one of the ladies, hair and make up a mess and her tits bouncing as she did and then walked back into the kitchen to pour another glass. Dana was crying and trembling so much; it was a minor miracle that she didn’t spill any of the drinks.
When Dana wasfinished, Maddie ordered her to knee in front of them. Other than Maddie, the other women, including Carol seemed a bit overwhelmed by what had just occurred. Maddie was an expert at getting people caught up in the moment and making them do things they never dreamt of doing. They still couldn’t really wrap their heads around the fact that one of their supposed best friends was kneeing naked before them.
As the women sat there looking at their drinks and not knowing what to do, Beth finally asked “what now?”
“Well, I think Dana owes us all a real apology, not just a lot of crying.” Maddie stated.
Carol quickly agreed with Maddie and Bridget and Beth went along with it what the other two women had said.
“What do you have to say for yourself, Dana?” Maddie asked.
Through heavy breaths and sobs Dana spoke. “I’m, uh, I’m really sorry for everything I said about you and your families. Please, I’m so sorry, I just want this night to end. So, can I go? Please Maddie, could you call Mark to come get me, I want to go?”
Maddie was worried the other women were starting to feel like they had gone too far. She was afraid they would start feeling bad for Dana, so she once again acted quickly to change the focus.
“So, YOU’RE having a hard time with this?” Maddie said with indignation in her voice. “See ladies, I told you. No real remorse, just worried About how she’s feeling because she got called out for her hurtful words. The pain of a spanking is only temporary, the pain of your betrayal will last with these women forever.”
Carol agreed with Maddie and between the two of them they were able to get both Bridget and Beth to again go along with their sentiment.
Dana knew this wasn’t over. She was scared her attempt to just end the night and leave would make Maddie angry, but she didn’t know how much more of this she could take, physically, mentally or emotionally. She knew tonight was going to be brutal and the thought of ithad fueled both her fear and her insanely strong feelings of submissiveness all week. But even she hadn’t imagined it would lead to what the situation currently was.
Turning to Bridget, Maddie asked, “You worked hard to make food for all of us, right?”
Bridget nodded her head and said she had.
Maddie continued, “ALL of us, including you, Dana. Although the horrible things you’ve said about Bridget and her family, she was still willing to welcome you into her home. But you showed up dressed like a street whore and didn’t even have the decency to apologize. What if her kids had seen you in that outfit? You should be ashamed of yourself!”
Dana just kept her eyes closed and her head down. Maddie was just continuing to pour it on, and Dana was at her submissive breaking point. As Maddie continued to berate her in front of the other women, her words just became background noise.
“Are you even listening to me right now?!”
Maddie’s last statement snapped Danaback and she opened her eyes and scanned the women. Carol looked like she wanted to spank her again. Maddie was practically in her face looking annoyed. Bridge had an overall look of sadness at the whole situation and Beth was just blank, not really believing what she was seeing.
Before Dana could answer her mistress, Carol chimed in, “no, the bitch doesn’t even have the decline to listen to you Maddie.”
Maddie sat back and shook her head in disbelief. “What I was saying, DANA. Is that since Bridge made all this food for us, you can serve it to us. Now get up, go into the kitchen and prepare plates for everyone.”
Dana got up and did as she was told. Again, the women couldn’t take their eyes off Dana’s body and the scene they were witnessing.
“Maddie, I’ve never seen This side of you before. Where is this coming from?” Bridge asked.
“I just hate to see my friends hurt.” Maddie replied. “I’ve been dealing with Dana’s phoniness for years and didn’t say anything. This was all bottled up inside of me. I just feel she deserves what she gets, no matter what it is.”
“I for one am grateful Maddie,” Carol said. “I couldn’t have stood up for myself if it weren’t for you. You’re an inspiration to me and I won’t forget it.”
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