Mark and Dana didn’t talk to each other much as the week progressed. They weren’t mad at each other; they both just simply didn’t know what to say to one another. After what had happened, it was clear to both how the other felt. Both realized that their marriage dynamic had changed, and their new dynamic would be ultimately defined in the coming days. Dana knew that what had happened with Maddie and what was going to happen Saturday at Bridget’s was probably something she wouldn’t be able to come back from. She already looked at herself differently and so did Mark. There was no telling what Maddie had planned for her and afterwards, who knows how the rest of the girls would view her. Any rational thinking person would have put an end to what was happening a long time ago. Dana wasn’t a rational thinking person anymore Though. She was too caught up in Maddie’s spell.
Dana waited for instructions from Maddie but as the week went on, she didn’t hear anything from her. In fact, she wasn’t hearing from any of the other women either. Including Maddie and her, their little group consistent of five women. The other three women were slightly older than Dana and Maddie and all had children. Dana and Mark didn’t have any kids and Maddie was the only one who wasn’t married. In a typical week, there was usually a constant stream of group texts going back and forth among the women. But This week Dana wasn’t receiving any texts from anyone.
Mark appeared to be receiving a plethora of texts, however. His phone was going off constantly. Dana didn’t ask who the texts were from, and Mark didn’t offer up an explanation on his own. Dana had her suspicions but hoped that it was just “the guys” texting him about sports or something.
By Friday, the day before Bridget’s get together, Dana still had not heard anything from anyone. She was scared to contact Maddie and wasn’t sure if she should reach out to Bridget or one of the other women. She had never gone this long without hearing from any of them.
When Dana got to work on Friday, she was met with her first surprise of the day. She entered her office and could feel everyone’s eyes on her. As she looked around, none of her co-workers would return eye contact. She hadn’t received any “good mornings” or greetings either, which was very unusual. This wasn’t her imagination, and she knew something was wrong. Not too long After getting to her desk she was called into her boss, Mr. Henderson’s office. When she entered, she immediately felt the hairs on the back of her neck stick up, because in the office was the head of Human Resources, Ms. Beatrice Hogman. She was an emotionless, prudish woman who lacked personality and any people skills whatsoever. Basically, an ideal choice for the head of an HR department.
“Dana, have a seat,” Mr. Henderson said to her.
Dana sat down nervously, not knowing what was happening. As she did, her boss continued. “Dana, unfortunately we have a situation.We received an email from a client of yours, a Madeline Spencer.”
When Mr. Henderson said Maddie’s name, all the color from Dana’s face drained and she turned white as a ghost. Dana was an insurance broker and Maddie, like all of her friends, was her client.
As her boss continued to speak, Dana could feel her heart pounding in her throat. “You see Dana, it’s not that we received a complaint as for the reason you’re in here right now. We get complaints all the time. It’s what accompanied the complaint.” As Mr. Henderson finished speaking Ms. Beatrice Hogman produced a picture and handed it to Dana. Upon seeing the photo Dana hoped that at that very moment lightning would strike her. The photo that Maddie had sent along with her complaint was the topless picture of herself she had taken and sent to Maddie earlier in the week.
Dana sat completely mortified as Mr. Henderson continued to explain that normally any pictures Dana chose to send to people of herself was her ownbusiness. This was different however, since “Ms. Spencer” was a client and this picture was clearly taken in the bathroom here at work, something that was confirmed by Ms. Beatrice Hogman based on the markings on the inside of the bathroom stall that can be seen in the photo. Because of those factors, this was very much a matter that needed to be addressed.
“Dana,” her boss continued, “This Ms. Spencer stated in Her letter that she was extremely distressed to receive this photo of you and doesn’t understand why you sent it to her. Do you have an explanation?”
Dana tried to compose herself, but her voice cracked as she spoke. Obviously, she couldn’t tell her boss and the head of human resources the truth so she came up with as plausible a lie as she could. She told her boss that she took the photo at work and meant to send it to her husband as a “treat” for him during the middle of his day. She must have sent it to “Ms. Spencer,” inadvertently. Dana stated how unbelievablyembarrassed she was and pleased for forgiveness.
Ms. Beatrice Hogman wasn’t impressed by Dana’s explanation and told Dana as much. She recommended firing or at the least a lengthy suspension and counseling. Mr. Henderson, however, was more than satisfied with what he had heard from Dana. “See Beatrice, I told you there was a rational explanation for what happened.” Mr. Henderson then looked at Dana, “That husband of yours is a very lucky man.” He punctuated that last statement with a little bit of a laugh, something that made Dana feel rather uncomfortable.
“Thank you, Mr. Henderson,” Dana replied. “Is there anything else?” Dana was hoping that she could leave the office and get back to work. Unfortunately for her, that wasn’t the only bad news she was going to receive. Mr. Henderson informed Dana that apparently Ms. Spencer also sent the photo to every employee in the company.
At that moment Dana could feel herself becoming lightheaded. She started to hyperventilate,and Mr. Henderson got up from behind his desk and gave her some water to calm her down. Dana couldn’t believe what she had just heard. Every person in her office had seen her breasts. It wasn’t her imagination then that everyone was staring at her when she walked in.
Mr. Henderson told Dana maybe it would be best if she went home, and just started fresh next week. Dana didn’t say anything, she just nodded, still stunned by that latest revelation. She did take note that Mr. Henderson took the photo out of her hands and instead of giving it back to Ms. Beatrice Hogman, he placed it in the top drawer of his desk.
When Dana left the office, she was again the center of everyone’s attention. She quickly gathered her belongings and left the office and headed for her car. Once in her car she started to sob. She took out her phone and called Mark.
Through her tears she explained to Mark what Maddie had done to her at work and how incredibly embarrassed and humiliated she was.After she finished speaking Mark was quiet. Finally, Dana asked, “Aren’t you going to say something?”
Mark calmly replied, “How did that make you feel?”
Dana exploded, “What do you mean how did that make me feel?! Everyone at work has seen my tits! How do you think it makes me feel?!”
Mark, still calm, spoke, “I mean how does it make you feel Knowing that Maddie essentially exposed you to your entire office? Too bad you didn’t get the chance to take that full nude Maddie wanted because she probably would have sent that picture.”
“Mark! Don’t!” Dana tried protesting Mark’s line of questioning. She knew what he was trying to do, and she wasn’t in the mood. At least she didn’t think she was in the mood.
“What are you going to do? Call up Maddie and yell at her? Or are you going to accept it as just another case of Maddie making you suffer?
Dana stopped protesting and Mark could hear her breathing pick up. Mark told Dana to put her hands down her pants.”How wet are you?” He asked her.
“Very,” was his wife’s reply.
“Good,” Mark said. “As much as I would love to listen to you get yourself off in your car, Maddie doesn’t want you touching yourself without her permission until this weekend.”
“Wait, you’ve spoken to Maddie?” Dana was surprised to hear.
Mark said he has been texting with her all week, mainly about this week. He said it’s to ensure they were both on “the same page.”
Dana asked, “What page would that be?”
Mark told her it was going to be quite a night for everyone involved on Saturday. He didn’t elaborate and told Dana that he would be home at the normal time and to make sure she had dinner ready.
Dana didn’t say anything and there was silence on the phone. Mark then repeated the line about making sure dinner was ready when he got home but this time with more authority in his voice.
“Yes, okay,” Dana responded, but Mark wasn’t satisfied.
“Yes, okay what?” he asked, this time with a higher level of announcement and impatience.
“Yes OK, sir. Yes sir!” Dana repeated, getting her point across that she understands what her husband wanted from her.
“Good girl.” Mark replied and then he hung up without saying anything further.
Not really knowing what else to do and feeling completely helpless, Dana decided to just go home. Once home, she sat in her kitchen, sipping a cup of tea and contemplating what to do next. She was considering quitting her job and was anxious to hear from Maddie. Despite what Maddie was doing to her, Dana still craved her attention. There was a part of her that was starting to feel lost without Maddie.
Dana didn’t have to wait long because as she sat in her kitchen contemplating her future the doorbell rang. When Dana answered it, standing on the opposite side of the door was Maddie, holding a package.
Maddie was practically walking through the door as Dana opened it. As she brushed past Dana, Maddie mockingly asked “How was work?”
Dana shut the door, “You know how work was.”
“Yes, I kind of do, don’t I.” Maddie said with a glimmer in her eye. “You can thank me later.”
Dana replied, “Thanks you? I’m lucky I didn’t get fired.”
“I knew they wouldn’t fire you. Your boss loves you. And after seeing how perfect your tits are, There was no way that fat old man was going to pass up the opportunity to ogle you every day.” It was apparent Maddie was very pleased with herself. “Oh, and if you were considering quitting, don’t! I want you to go to work every day knowing every time someone in your office looks at you, all they see is a pair of tits.”
Dana wanted to stand up for herself, to put her foot down but she didn’t. She just stood there and took it from Maddie.
“I figured you would be home early today, one way or another,” Maddie continued, “so I took the day off and went shopping for you.” Maddie placed the package down on the coffee table and told Dana toopen it.
Dana opened the box to find clothes inside. She looked at Maddie confused at why she had bought her clothes. Maddie explained it was what she wanted Dana to wear on Saturday night at Bridget’s home.
Dana took out the clothes and examined them. It consisted of a gold, sequenced top with a plunging neckline. A neckline so low, Dana was unsure of which was the front, and which was the back. Black pants that looked like they were a size too small and a pair of gold pumps to match the shirt.
“I can’t wear this on Saturday night,” Dana said to Maddie. “I’ll be so overdressed. We always just dress casually at these get togethers.”
Maddie looked her friend right in the eye and sternly informed her, “No, you’ll wear it on Saturday night because I told you too. I Want you dressed like you’re going to a club and you’re looking to get fucked. Because, just so we’re clear, you’re going to get fucked on Saturday night. In more ways than one.” Maddie’s tone was ominous, and Dana could feel herself began to fluster.
“But…the other women are going to want to know why I’m dressed like…”
Maddie cut Dana off before she could finish, “…like a whore? Don’t be concerned about the outfit. The other women are expecting you to dress like this.”
Maddie’s demeanor changed again, and she was back to being very pleased with herself.
Maddie sat down on the couch and told a confused and very worried Dana to sit down next to her. Maddie told Dana the other women were expecting her to dress like this and they were looking forward to the opportunity to put Dana in her place.
“Put me in my place? I don’t understand why?”
“Because of all the nasty, horrible things you’ve been saying about them behind their backs all these years.” Maddie informed her.
“What? I’ve never said…” Dana stopped talking when she realized what Maddie had done.
Maddie was grinning from ear to ear as if she had just won a contest and in hermind, she had. Mockingly she told Dana, “Being the good friend that I am to these women I didn’t feel it was right for you to continue to put them down. Calling them fat and unattractive. Constantly talking about how their husbands secretly want you and how annoying their children are. About how you take goal on them by just hanging out with them. It was very naughty of you to say those things.”
Now Dana understand why it had been radio silence from the other women this past week. Maddie had planned this whole thing out, probably from the start.
“When I told them how you planned on dressing up to show off your body on Saturday, originally Bridget was going to uninvite you. But I talked her out of it and convinced her and the other ladies it would be better if we put you in your place on Saturday instead.” When Maddie didn’t get any response from Dana she added, “You’re welcome.”
“But how could the other women believe I would say those things?” Dana asked.
Maddie informed her that part was easy because the other women were already jealous and resentful of Dana to begin with. This was another piece of shocking information that Dana was completely unaware of. Maddie explained, “The other women have always been jealous of you Dana. Your beautiful and sexy, you have the perfect husband, a great job, and no kids tying you down. They are all trapped in the hamster wheel of monotony that comes with being married for so long with children. As for me, they all always feel sorry for me. Poor Maddie can’t find a man, poor Maddie is alone. What they didn’t realize is I did find a man several years ago…. your man. And once sweet and honest, would never tell a lie Maddie told them about what an awful person you truly are, it was easy for them to believe it because they wanted to believe it. And when you show up dressed like a street hooker, they’ll know I was telling them the truth.”
Dana took a deep breath in and out to try and calm herself. Thenshe asked the one question she was able to build up enough courage to ask, “Why are you doing this to me?”
Maddie laughed out loud at the question. A response that did not make Dana feel any better.
“I’m not doing anything to you, you’re doing it yourself. But, let me explain something to you. When we first met, I immediately knew that one day I would be your mistress. I could tell from your personality. This modern, alpha businesswoman is just a mask that you wear. I’ve seen your type so many times. So I waited and waited for the right time. When you spilled the beans to me about Mark’s fantasy, I couldn’t believe my luck. As you told me about it, I had to make a quick decision, do I just stay quiet and continue to be sweet, timing, best friend Maddie? Or do I allow the real me to finally shine through and show Mark the type of woman he really married? So, you want to know why I’m doing this to you? The answer is simple, because it turns me on like nothing else and becauseI can. You’ve allowed it and if you had just used that silly safe word, I would have stopped. But I knew you would never use it. The look in your eyes the night of Mark’s birthday told me that. Now, I admit, I did feel a little guilty at first but even I was surprised at what a humiliation slut you turned out to be.”
Dana listened to Maddie quietly, knowing Everything she was saying was completely true.
Maddie continued and told Dana, “You want this game to stop? I agree, no more games. But the game that is ending is the game of me being your innocent, always concerned for your well-being, BFF. From now on I’m your Mistress and don’t forget it. Now, down on your knees in front of me while I tell you what’s going to happen tomorrow night.”
Dana, without hesitation slide off the couch, and crawled in front of Maddie. She got up on her knees and sat back on her heels and listened. Maddie leaned in so she was only a few inches away from Dana’s face as she spoke.
“I always think it’s more fun when a submissive knows they are going to get burned and yet they still walk, hell even run towards the fire.” Maddie told her. “It just shows me how little respect they have for themselves, and you have proven to be no different.”
Dana cast her eyes downward as Maddie continued speaking, “So let me tell you exactly what’s going to happen to you tomorrow night. First You are going dress in this beautifully slutty outfit I picked out for you. Then Mark is going to drop us off at Bridget’s where I’m going to not only strip you of your clothes but of the last shred of self-respect and dignity you have left. After he picks us up, we are going to come back here and I am going to fuck your husband, in your bed while you watch. And you know what the best part is, what’s going to be the cherry on top? When the nights over and it’s all finished, you are going to thank me.”
When she said that last part, Dana looked up and Maddie gazed into Dana’s watery eyesand smiled with satisfaction. “Nothing to say huh? I’m not surprised.” Maddie stated.
Maddie then ordered Dana to go into the pantry closet and get the cooking apron that she kept in there. Dana got up off the floor and did as she was ordered and brought the apron back into the den.
“Mark will be home soon. When he gets home, I want you to be wearing this apron and ONLY this apron. Make sure You have his dinner ready for him. I will be checking with him to make sure you followed my orders.”
“Yes mistress,” was Dana’s meek reply.
“Good! Now, before I go, I want you to poison my right boot.”
Dana looked at Maddie very confused. Maddie stood up from the couch and pointed at her right, knee-high boot. Dana got down on her knees and with the bottom of her shirt started shining Maddie’s boot.
“No, dummy! Not like that!” Maddie yelled.
Next Dana got down on all fours and began to lick Maddie’s boot. Again, Maddie pulled her foot away, “Are you reallythis stupid?”
Dana apologized and clearly didn’t understand what Maddie was ordering her to do. Finally, after looking at her pathetic friend for a few seconds Maddie told her what she wanted.
“Polish it with your pussy. Take your clothes off and hump my foot like a dog. I mean, you are my bitch after all.”
Dana, while still on her knees, began to undress. She removed her Shirt and then took off her bra. Next, she kicked off her shoes and slide her pants and panties down in one motion.
“I can see how wet you are already. This is going to be messy.” Maddie said as she stuck her right boot out. Dana straddled it and very slowly began to move her hips back and forth, sliding her pussy along her mistress’s boot. Dana had refrained from touching herself all week and desperately wanted to cum.
Maddie looked on, yelling at Dana, “Faster, faster!”
Dana quickly picked up the pace and was starting to moan. “Look me in the eyes while you humiliate yourself!” Maddie demanded.
Dana locked eyes with her mistress while she slid herself back and forth. Dana’s wetness was everywhere, and she had her mouth wide open, almost locked in position, anticipating a mind-blowing orgasm. Maddie taunted Dana as she continued to grind on Maddie’s boot. After only a couple minutes, Dana was ready to exploit. Just when she was at the point of no return and Dana could feel an orgasm building, Maddie pulled her foot away and howled with laughter.
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