This is the prelude to the story of Robert Web. The story contains Dom/Sub, BDSM, Pet Play and in later chapters Insest, Warfare, and death. If any of these subjects are not your style, don’t both reading.
The year is 2399. It has been well over two hundred years since the Pet Association laws were passed around the world and in all off world colonies and effectively became the law of the land. This action had brought the world together, and a world government was agreed. It also made all lawsers and politicians unemployed, which is, in itself, an achievement not to be considered lightly. This only occurred due to the heroic actions of the Owner of the Pet Association, Robert Web, when he identified, and fight hand to hand with the enemy. He commanded the Owners and Pets that fight by and died by his side, accompanied by AI Androids that he had designed and the PA had created for that purpose. And an army of animals, that somehow he could communicate with. The coordinatedactions of the PA had saved all of humanity and all life on the world and on all of it’s off world colonies.
Now under PA laws, then as now, there is only one type of slave in the world. Only those who have been caught committing specific crimes against other humans or Androids, can become a slave. Those crimes are reviewed by a Judge, and if uppheld, the only sentence is permanent slavery. Crime is now Almost non-existent, and the world now has the lowest number of slaves per percent of the population in recorded history.
Slaves are so rare, they are hardly ever seen. And it is shocking to those who see one for the first time. They are the only individuals who wear the golden coloured clothes shadows on wrists and ankles and neck collar of the same unbreakable material designed and created by Robert Web. Powered by the renewable batteries designed and created by the same man, they were capable of shocking the wearer to insensibility, without causing permanent damage. A verbal, electric, or sign language command by their owner, will cause the shadows to snap together, making it impossible for a slave to escape their fate.
There are now many Pets who wear collars of their Owners, and many of these Pets are always in the nude, but while slaves were always technically nude, only they wear the golden coloured shades. No Pet would ever consider wearing them, and no Owner would ever consider asking a Pet to do so, just as no Owner would ever insist a Pet be nude. That is because Owners, are chosen by the Pet, not the Pet the Owner. And a Pet may leave an Owner that doesn’t provide them with what they need or want, at any time.
Owners are there to help Pets learn from their Spirit Animals or their Spirit Vocations. Taking care of their Pets, helping them with their needs and Wants is the Owner’s only job. Some Pets needs are entirely of a sexual nature, but since Robert Web, no Owner, Pet or non-owner, would ever consider trying to force anotherperson to do something they didn’t want to do, be it to have sex or anything else. That is the crime almost all slaves have committed, forcing themselves on others, or forcing someone do anything they did not want to do or believe. And believe is part of the key. Owners fill the same role of Shamans, the keepers of what may be and is often considered to be the oldest religion in the world.
On our world society, every individual is allowed to believe their own beliefs, as long as they do not cause harm to anyone else, than at any other time in the world. I know of no one, who doesn’t believe anyone else in the past, had more freedom then they do now. Today, there are no rich, there are no poor, and there is no one who is uneducated or hungry. If someone needs or want something, and it doesn’t harm anyone else or society, they are provided it.
Every child is taught every religion, we have been able to identify, from past records. Every child is allowed to determine which religion, they want to follow. We have Christians, Muslims, Jews, Witches, Wizards, Hindi, all the ten thousand known religions, including course, Shamans and those who follow the Shamanic faith. It takes years for these to be taught. Schooling is not divided up into different schools, collages, universities, but is continuous with patient Android teachers, and starts when the child is three, until their brains stop their growth, at around the age of twenty five.
In the past, students were taught specific subjects. Today they are taught all subjects. In the past, if someone could’t be taught by the same methods, they were classed as special needs. But now all children are taught, in the way each individual learns, as no one, learns in exactly the same way. Occasionality, a brilliant mind, like that of Robert Web, is found, and encouraged to learn more, as he did. Some do, and some don’t. But everyone who can learn, is taught as much and for as long, as they wish. Some insist on learning to their dying day, which now, is expected, with the medical compounds provided by Robert Web, to be well over three hundred, and all of it healthy and youthful. We do not yet know how long we can live.
The world population had suged by the time of Robert’s birthday, to over fifteen billion, over half were living in fear and hunger. The rich few, less than one tenth of a percent of a percent, owned eighty five percent of the worlds wealth. The a few off world colonies existed on the Moon and Mars, Venus was being terraformed, without success until Robert stepped in, and a colony existed on Europa and Titan.
During the time he was growing up, the PA, a secret society developed to the Shamanic religion, had been growing in influence, and their practice of Owner and Pet, had been developed thousands of years before, as a way to allow a few individuals to continue their ancestral practices. At the time of his birthday, the PA owned million of acres of lands through controllingcompanies that they owned. They had enough influence, through charitable contributions, to convince governments to ignore their worship.
There were other secret societies that followed the PA example, when they finally recognized what the PA was doing. Several societies of Dominants and their Submissive partners, where participants were often called master or mistress, daddy or mummy and slave, bitch, or whore. Other society followed BDSM practices, and their participants often used the same nomenclature to define those who participated as the previous society. And while these others continue to exist, much reduced, they must all follow the same rules as society as a whole, where no, means no. No longer does a dominant or Master call their submissive a slave or whore however, as whores no longer exist, and neither do slaves, except for that one category of slaves.
Slaves, such as my former wife. I don’t know what she committed, only that she did break that law of forcingsomeone to do something they didn’t want to do. She admitted she did, as they had enough evidence to prove she could not refund the charge. After her trial, I purchased her at auction, for grand sum of one hundredth of a credit, the smallest sum of money we now use world wide.
The rules for keeping slaves were and are ridged. Owning a slave is expensive in time and care, and in the past with Money. No one can kill a slave and not go unpunished. The Penalty for doing so is to become a slave. No permanent damage can be inflicted on a slave, without permission of a Judge, and all such actions are carefully monitored and recorded by and with the PA. If a slave owner wants to, they can apply to have all limbs of a slave removed, and if approved, the slave will have the approved surgery. Then the owner needs to ensure all the slave’s needs have to be taken care of. But not wants. A slave has no wants, only needs. Only their Master’s or Mistress’s wants count.
A slave can be rented out, for instance, as a labourer, secretary, crane operator, almost anything, including a sex toy, and their owner, will get whatever money they earned. Many slaves labour not in offices, farmers, or industry, but in sex centres. But the owner determines how a slave is to be treated, or used.
My former wife now called Pot, for instance, spends much of her waking hours in a small building in the front of our yard, where for a single credit, one could have a blowjob or cunnilingus. No rimming or choking is allowed, her vagina and anus is not to be touched. No hitting, beating or caning is allowed. As STD’s are a thing of the past, thanks to the vaccines provided by Robert Web to our ancestors, there is no worry about infections. She also provides blowjobs for myself and cunnilingus for my new wife, or our Visitors, whenever any of us decide we need one.
Some owners insisted their slaves be used as BDSM Toys. This type of slave must always be carefully fed with the special compounds that Robert Web had provided to the world. These were created from herbs he had either found or created with genetic engineering, and any wound, cut or bruise will heal in hours, not the days or weeks it would have taken before he introduce them to the world. Even scars heal seamlessly and amputations and organ damage is now regularly corrected. Only a slave, that never received the compounds, will be seen with a missing limb.
After the war with the enemy, the world population had halved. To keep the population stable, each individual was allowed to reproduce themselves once by birth. That means that a married couple could have two births. A single individual can have one. Ova and sperm are kept in banks, for those who only want to reproduce just themselves, and the artistic wombs, provided by Robert Web After the war, produce children with no defects. Twins and Triplets, are counted as a single birthday. A slave owner, can produce their own offspring with a slave, andAny single child born of a slave, is the owner’s child.
But also, there are people who want their children born in a human womb, not an artistic one, but are either too busy, too frightened to want to bear the children themselves or not the right sex to have a womb. Female slaves are often used as surrogates, either from ova and sperm supplied by the couple or person who wants a birthday, or from the store of Ova and Sperm kept in medical labs for person replacement. My slave, Pot, now also has provided this service, for a small amount of credit, at the recommended one year on, and one year off and already has produced four live births for my customers.
As people migrated to other worlds, around other stars, with the development of a star ship capable of going faster than light from plans provided by Robert Web, of course, Those on those other worlds were allowed more births, until the maximum number of humans allowed on the new planet was reached, and at that time, they would then follow the same birth plan as the home world.
This migration eventually reduced our population to one billion, considered the ideal number of humans on this, our mother world. That number was picked specificity to allow wildlife to recover from the abuses that our ancestors did to the environment. While we could have built tall towers to house the earth’s human population, it was finally determined, that humanity did its best living in small towns or large villages.
With electricity now essentially free, power is not a problem. This was curtsey of Robert Web’s invention of Static refillable at a distance large battery, the much smaller rechargeable battery, and using plants ability to produce electricity through special grids set up at their roots and at ground level. This potential electricity source had been proposed long before Robert’s birthday, but he was the one who made the inherent leap that actually allowed the source to be used.
I bring up RobertWeb a lot, because I one day, I realized there was very little written about his life, available for public consumption. We have literally billions and billions of books that have been written and preserved by the PA, and anyone who wants to can read anything they want. But other than his many and multiple achievements, there is almost nothing written about this great man’s life.
Also, he is my ancestor, by his slave Naumi. And I always wondered how he became the greatest inventor humans ever produced. How did the find the time to invent so many different systems and applications before he reached thirty, let alone the thousands of inventions he produced after the end of the war and before he left. How did he learn about the enemy? How did he become the owner of the Pet Association when he didn’t learn about it until he was twenty three, the same year he became the owner? How did he lead the fight, and finally, what happened to him. Because less than fifty years after the end ofthe war. He disappeared completely and along with him, went his two slaves Chip and Naumi, as well as Athena and House, his two closest Androids. Exact clones of these two Androids remained behind, and exist today. Or were the Androids that left with him clones of the ones that remained behind. We do not know so many things.
We do not know what happened to the dogs King and Queen with their pack. Bastet the great Cat along with her pride. The horse, Stallion and his herd, of which only Beauty and Blaze were ever identified. Brawn and Bruin, the Kodiak bears and thier maul. Alpha and Omega, the Elephants. Shaggy the Bison and his herd. Kicker the Kangaroo and his Mob. Hugin and Munin the Ravens and their flock. Teeth Grinder and Gap Tooth, the Horse sized goats and their herd. The Largest eagles ever seen, reported to be larger than Haast’s Eagles, and over fifty pounds in weight, with wingspans of a small plane, although where he found them and what he called them, he never said.But tens of thousands of these eagles appeared, when he needed them.
And those were the only ones we knew about, because they were seen and observed on his Estate, by pets and owners long before the first battle of the war. They were, at the time living spirit animals, who communicated directly with them, here on earth. Those Pets were not limited, to contacting their spirit animals through meditation. We Know from survivors, that the total number of animals that joined them in the final battle, outnumbered the humans involved by over one hundred to one, if not thousands to one. And the number of species were in the thousands, with claims by some of the survivors that even several types of intelligent dinosaurs were present.
We know that some of the battles took place here on earth, and the battle fields are easily identified, as to This day, nothing grows on them. Millions of men and women died on those spots, along with millions of animals. Robert did promise that in time, a few thousand years, they would eventually be covered, once residual spiritual radiation diminished. But where did the last battle take place? It wasn’t on earth. The people who returned, described a large oval flat plain, surrounded by grey mists, like a mesa covered with grass and flowering plants. At the end of the battle, over half of the forces on humanity’s side were dead. Robert sent the surviving animals off, where to we never knew. The surviving humans and the few surviving androids, he brought home, and no one ever knew how he sent either groups.
And so, I have to the best of my ability, discussed this with House and Athena. They have allowed me to access their memories, to view the videos they took, listen to and review the records of discussions he had with them and everyone else. As he made sure that everything on his properties were recorded, there was much to view, to listen to, and it has taken me over thirty years to put together his story.
Some of it is probably incorrect, I openly admit it. But his surviving Pets did either write down what happened to them or recorded videos describing what had happened before and after they became his Pets. Adam, Conner, Damla, Rosin, and Aanya, Naumi’s brothers and sisters, and Robert’s Pets, all kept diaries during the time, and the survivors have allowed me access. Marie, Robert’s mother and eventually Pet, Also kept a diary, which House provided me. Other relatives of Naumi also kept diaries, and Chip and Naumi kept slave diaries which were stored in House’s memory.
So what I’ve written, is the from original documents. I have done my best for him. Athena has suggested that he is still alive, along with his two slaves, and lives in what she called the Celestial Realm. He told her, before he left, that he would watch over us. And if the Enemy ever returns, he would as well, to stand before our foes.
I for one, believe him.
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