This chapter contains Pet Play, Owners, Masters, Mistresses, Slaves, Pain Slaves, Sex Toys, Pets, and sexual acts. If you are not into these, why are you here in the first place?
When we went to bed, I told Naumi to wake me about 4:30 as I needed to exercise first thing. She obliged me with putting me to sleep and waking me up with one her mind blowing blowjobs, and Once again she slept with my cock in her mouth most of the night.
We got up, Naumi started practicing some yoga, or Thai Chi or Gong Chi in the front room. I wasn’t sure what it was, as it was unfamiliar to me. I went downstairs and informed reception that Naumi was my finance and requested a key for her. While we filled in the paperwork, I told them that Yui was coming today and that she would be staying with Naumi for a little while and also got them to prepare her a temporary key as well as giving them her ID details, which had been given to me by Naumi the previous night. I told them I wasn’t sure wheren she would arrive.
I went to the gym to work out on the various machines and afterwards swam laps. About six thirty, once I rinsed the smell of chorine off, I went upstairs and jumped in the shower. I didn’t notice Naumi, but figured she would be in the utility room, which had it’s light on. When I dried off and came out, I wrapped my towel around me, in case my pet had opened the curtains. I had Both curtains and venation blinds, and if both were open the neighbors could see in the flat when the lights were on.
I didn’t see Naumi until I actually got into the bedroom, and found her and Yui kneeing on exercise mats. Both of them had their hair made up into ears. Both had tails, laying beside them, plug end towards me. Both were naked and were kneeling with their knees should width apart. Naumi had her hands laying on her tops of her thighs, palms down. Yui hand were in the same position but palms up. Naumi was watching me, her eyes bright with happy tears, and was grinning so wide I was almost afraid that the top of her head would come off. Yui had her eyes down at the mat, and was trembling. Naumi lifted her head, showing me the collar around her throat. Then she nodded at me and lifted her chip, pointing her chin towards the mat in front of Yui, where an ivory coloured leather collar lay.
I looked at the two women, as different as night and day. Naumi with her caramel brown skin, Yui with her ivory pale skin. Both had dark black hair, but Yui was tiny compared to Naumi’s struggle body. Naumi’s breasts were larger, full at their base, with dark brown full domed areola the same colour as her inner labia, her nipples were about the size of a pencil rubber. Her breasts quivered as she gently breathed in and out. Yui’s breast were much smaller, about the size and shape small grapefruits and seemed like small balls that were only lightly connected to her chest, her areola were dark pink and puffy and looked much like the size and shape of small plums that were somehow embedded in the breast, and had even larger nipples, almost twice Naumi’s size. I was shocked to see a very thick large gold ring was embedded through the middle of Yui’s right areola. It pulled her right nipple and breast down over an inch lower than the other one.
I bent down and picked up the collar while thinking about the ceremony that Naumi explained to me the night before. Taking on a pet was normally much more than what we had done, although she said that we we had covered all of what was called the legal requirements. The Master or Mistress would tell the pet that he or she, was theirs, that they owned them and in return they would look after their pet, and basically take care of all their wants and needs… and in return, the pet would obey their owner.
There were always rules to agree to, such as what the pet would and wouldn’t do for their owner, what the owner could and couldn’t do to the pet, what kinds of punishments were acceptable. AlsoThey would agree on safe words, or if the pet was unable to speak safe actions, a movement of hands or fingers, lifting of shoulders, even blinking in a specific pattern. These would mean stop everything, slow down, can we discuss this. A master who didn’t obey these requests, would break the agreement and no longer have a pet. A pet that didn’t obey their master, over actions that they had previously agreed to, would no longer have an owner and could be asked to leave.
It was more complicated than that, because a Pet could leave an Owner whenever they wanted if the Owner did not or could not meet their wants and needs, or if they no longer wanted to be a Pet, and an Owner could decide to let a Pet go whenever they wanted if they realized they could not meet the Pet’s wants and needs, or if they decided they did not want to be an owner Any more, or even decided to become a Pet. It sort of sounded like a better no fault dividend laws than the government had passed.
There was awhole hidden society that keep these agreements on paper, and if anyone broke some of rules, they could be thrown out of the society, and if they broke other rules and maliciously broke rules or hurt their Pets there were other punishments the society would enforce. According to what I had been told, there were more than one of these secret society out there in the world, hidden in plain sight. And most governments had passed laws making it all legal.
We had verbally covered these when Naumi pledged herself to me, to do anything I asked, to be anything I wanted. She had already sent documents of this agreement to the society. These were actually legally binding in general society, but everyone acted as if they were not, and they were in the association she, and now I, belonged to. She had the same agreement with Yui as I had with her. Under the agreement she had with Naumi, I automatically had the same agreement Yui, unless of course, Yui decided to no longer be her and my Pet. I could not literally kill her or Naumi, and the society would not be fine with it, they would not protect me from any actions by the rest of the world, and the association itself had strong punishments for those who broke those rules, but anything within the strict rules that had been agreed between Owner and Pet, would be fine.
I reached out to Yui and touched her chin, raising her head so I could look directly into Her dark black eyes, and as she looked at me, her small body shook even more, her breasts and puffy nipples jiggled almost independent of each other. “Yui,” I said, “Naumi is my Pet. What she has is mine, and what I have is hers. I will look after her every want and need, with every breath of my body. You are her pet, therefore, according to the code you follow, you are also now already mine, and I will look after you in the same way, if you agree to be.”
Her eyes glistened with tears when I then said, “However…” and paused, while trying to organize my thoughts of what I could say, and I cleared my throat and continued. “However, I understand the totality of the agreement you have had with Naumi, and I want to make sure you were willing to continue it with me.” She looked at me with an odd look and sobbed, tears streaming down her face.
“Master,” Naumi started.
“One minute, My Pet,” and I thought, Great, now I can hear the capitals in what I’m saying and thinking. “Yui, it is up to you, you can be my pet with the same lack of restrictions, or you can demand restrictions that I will adhere to and we can discuss what you will or will not do, or you can leave and either be your own woman, or find someone else to take care of you as a Pet. If you agree to stay without restrictions, I will treat you the same as I treat Naumi, the love of my life, in all ways. What will you do? It is up to you.”
“Master,” she said. “Did my Mistress tell you anything of my life before she met me?”
“No, not really,” I replied.
“I was sold into slavery when I was child, by my parents.” she stated, tears continued to stream down her face.
“Yi, you don’t…” I said.
“Yes Master,” she interrupted. “Please, I have to, I must explain.”
“Go on,” I said, fingering the collar in my hand.
“Before I developed these,” and she touched her breasts, “I was my Lord’s children’s playmate. His mistresses and His wife took to dressing me up as a doll. But when I became an adult, his children were already fully grown, and then the family started treating me as a sex toy and eventually as a pain slave when they decided they like to hear me scream. I was a late bloomer, and when I finally started to develop my breasts, my Lord used ropes and twine to make my breast grow as they are. I know my breasts look like they may have silicane in them, but they are all real. When they reached their full growth, he put this through my nipple so all those in his circle knew what I was, a sex slave that might have to openMy legs for any of his guests, a pain slave to be treated less than human, a handy container, that could be used as a piss slave, a scat slave, an ash tray, a garbage disposal. And I was that for many years. And yet, for what ever perverse reasoning, while they might occasionally shove thin toys in my cunt, but only with specific permission from My Lord, I was never, bred by a man, I never had sex with a man.
“But when I was 46, I as brought to the UK in a pet container along with diplomatic baggage by Ito’s younger son. There I was given to a large white man, the first man I had seen with eyes the shape of yours, and was told I would be bred to give him a child. But before he decided to rape me, he beat my cunt until it had swollen to twice it’s normal size and he was unable to force his dick into me. He never realized that my Master had sewn my lips together with gold thread, and I was so swollen he never saw the gold.
“He complained to my master son,” she sobbed, “who beat me more, and then someone came behind me and stuck a knife in my chest.” she pointed to just above her collar bone, and I could see a thin white scar marred her ivory skin. It was the first time I had actually ever been cut, or my skin broken, although looking back, if I told you all about what they had done, you would never understand why it had never happened.”
She looked down at the ground and shook some more. “When My Lord heard about it, he was angry at the white man, the man who stood me and his son. He told his son to kill them both and bring me back. But instead he put me in my container, and late at night, he had one of his men throw me into the river. The container floated just enough to allow me to breathe, and I lost a lot of blood in the water. But when the tide came in, my cage floated to the edge, and as it went out again, I ended up on the embankment.”
“Master,” Naumi said, “May I continue the tale?” I looked at her and she too was crying. I nodded yes,and she told me, “I was in London attending several stock meetings and association meetings. I had spent the evening, wandering through London going from pub to pub looking for you. I ended up at Southwark bridge, and noticed her cage and could hear her crying. There was no one around, so I went down to see who it was and found her. I called my father, who was with me in London, and he and Adam came and picked us up. We took her to a surgeon who was a friend of the family and a member of the association. After we were able to cut her out of the cage, she fixed Yui up. All Yui had was her name, which wasn’t Yui, and the container we found her in.
“Father got her registered as an escaped sex slave, got her a British Citizenship, and she has lived with me ever since. She only knew Japanese when I met her, and I learned Japanese while I taught her English. I suggested she took the name Yui, because I liked the sound. She and I talked and she learned from me the life style that I wanted and needed, and who I was looking for. She also talked to my mother and grandmother. Because I had taken care of her, and continued to take care of her, and because of her experiences, once she had researched what Pet Play really should be, she submitted to me. She taught me how to be a proper Pet by being my Pet.”
Yui cleared her throat, “Master, I would be your Pet, and if you permit, I will be Mistresses Pet. I want nothing more than to serve her, and now you, for the rest of my life. I will be whatever you want me to be, I will do whatever you want me to do, because I know, having met you, having listened to Mistress, that you would, you could never hurt me the ways I have been hurt before.”
I smiled, and read the expert inscription on the slider plate on inside of Yui’s collar, which said, ‘Property of Robert and Naumi Web’ and I fastened it around her neck.
Yui’s eyes brighten and she grinned with joy, “Thank you Master!” She jumped up and hugged me. She wasso tiny her barely came to the middle of my chest when she stood on tiptoe. “Could you please present me with my tail?” she asked. I nodded and she turned away from me, placed her feet shoulder width apart, bent down and when her head touched her knees and she reached up and spread her cheeks. I picked up the tail and realized it had already had lube applied to it for this moment. This tail was covered with long straight black hair, the same as Yui’s. It had the same black rubber at the base which was inserted into a silver metal butt plug. The plug itself was about an inch wide, and narrowed to about a quarter inch before expanding to a half inch. I placed the plug at her pink star, and cautiously pressed it. Her bottom showed hardly any resistance and was quickly in place. She then stood up and hugged me again.
“My only conditions for you, Yui, is that for you to be my Pet,” and I pondered for a moment, “and that Naumi is your still your mistress and you will obey her as you dome. The only other things I can think of now is to say that first if you prefer a different name, you must tell us, and second, if you ever want your rules to change, you must speak up!”
“Master, my only name is has been Yui for as long as I have lived in England. And Mistress Naumi arranged for my name to be Yui Yuidaughter. Since I have no memory of my parents. I can think of no other name I would want.” I heard an emphasis on the ‘I’ and wondered what it means. “As for your last condition… I’m not sure exactly what my Mistress told you, but I am yours to do whatever you want. I am and I will always be, Master’s and Mistress’s Pet, unless you, and only you, say otherwise.” Again there was a niggle that suggested there was slightly More about what she said, than I was understanding.
“Right my lovely ladies…” I said, “Before we do anything else, I have to be at work by 9. I want breakfast my beautiful beasts. I’ll deal with everything else after work has finished… except for lunch time, when I have an hour at 1 pm. You can occasionally bring me coffee, but you will need to put some clothes on to do it, my computer cameras are always on during working hours.”
“Yes Master!” the two young women said and they ran off to make me breakfast together. I dressed quickly, and was entertained by watching one tiny naked woman, and the second larger one, once more wearing one of my T-shirts, cooking my breakfast. I was enranced by their dance, and the movements of their tails, which seemed to swish from side to side and up and down, with no seeming movement of their bottoms. Naumi handled the frying pan and Yui seemed to do almost everything else. In what seemed to be too short a time, breakfast was heaped up before me, one serving plate had a large number of omelettes in it, a second contained a big stack of American style pancakes, pats of butter in a third chilled container, and bottles of a dark berry syrup and maple syrup, and finally a wide stackof bacon was on a last serving dish. Before me a heated plate rested on a table mat I had never seen before. A mug of fresh coffee steamed to one side.
On either side of my setting on my small kitchen table were two large empty porcelain dog bowls, one with the label Naumi’s Pet and the second with Robert’s Pet. My two lovely ladies now knelt naked at either side of my chair on exercise mats. Naumi was on my right and Yui was at my left.
Naumi spoke, “Master, I must apologise to you and I should be punished. Yui reminded me this morning that a Pet’s first meal with their owner should always be at their feet and served by their owner’s hand. Please forgive me,” and she laid her head at my feet, raising her butt, towards me as if for a spanking while she looked over her shoulder, a sly expression in her eye, as if daring me to smack her.
I caressed her bottom, lightly tapped each chef once and tugged gently at her tail, “You are forgiven, and I think you are trying toget me to punish you. I may need to do so later for your attitude.”
She turned her head to one side, showing me her amazing grin, before saying, “You caught me Master! If you remember, you did prepare my meal for me and you did give it to me while I was at you feet, you just let me eat it sitting at the table like a person. So, technically, the only bit I missed out of was eating at your feet. Will you punish me now or later for my deception?”
“Pet, I think that before I consider punishing you, several things are going to happen. Right now, we are going to eat. And then I’m going to my office, first to check my personal emails, which for some reason I never got around to checking this past weekend, then I will start working. Over lunch, whatever it is you are going to make me, and Please note I have a couple pre-prepared meals I was going to eat on Saturday still in the fridge, all three of us will discuss punishments. Somehow I’m coming to the belief that you actually enjoy a certain amount of punishment and pain, and I need to know both your limits and you need to know mine.”
“Yes Master,” the Pets said in almost complete union.
“Now, first, do you want pancakes, Naumi?” I asked.
“Yes Master,” she said. “With maple syrup, please?”
“Butter?” I asked.
“Yes please Master.”
“Omelette and bacon?”
I looked at the bowl and told Yui to go get cutlery for them.
“Thank you Master,” Yui replied as I placed her Mistress’s bowl on the mat before Naumi. I noticed that Yui returned with two sets of chopsticks. For some reason I had fully expected her to bring forks and knives. I then asked Yui what she wanted, and except for the berry syrup, her request was the same.
When I finally set Yui’s bowl on her mat, I asked my Pets, “Did I follow the correct protocol?”
“Purists would claim that you should have served yourself, and only provided our meal once you had finished, and if anything was left over,” Yui replied. “But that technically only apply to slaves and not to Pets, who’s owners tend to always look after them far better than any slave is treated, or even from my experience with my past Lord, their children. His children loved to see me starving, and the Lord eventually punished them, saying that I didn’t grow as large as I should have from their treatment.”
While she spoke, and I noted while they Both waited, I served myself. I considered that if I ever worked out who this Lord was, I would do anything in my power to see him suffer as she had. When my plate had as much as I dared to eat, I cut my bacon and took a bite. This then triggered my ladies, who started eating.
As we ate silently together, each of them occasionally touching my leg with a hand or rubbing their hand against my thigh or calm, I wondered about the pile of food still set before me. There was far more than I could eat even in a week, and I knew I didn’t have that many eggs, and I seemed to remember Ihad no flour, baking soda, pancake mix, butter, whole milk or buttermilk which these pancakes seemed to contain, in my fridge. I had no problem using milk in cooking, but my omelettes were usually made with powdered milk and water.
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