Seeing that she was somewhat hesitant, Lord Greyon walked over to her and whispered in her ear that he loved her very much and knows how proud she will make him, at which she eased some more, and he kissed her passwordately….a very long deep kiss of love. And that told her that she would be loved no matter what she did, and that she was in good hands…for she trusted his judgment, more so than her own feelings.
“I take that as being a yes then,” Lord Talon said laughing
“Oh, sorry old friend I don’t believe I remember your question.” Lord Greyon replied laughing.
“Oh my! If you do that to him with just a simple kiss my dear, I feel that Lord Talon may not be coherent come morning and we may have to stay for a while until he recoups.” Lady Arianna said in between fits of laughter.
At this she could do nothing but giggle… and that she did. The whole group was in laughing fits for a good 20 minutes before Lord Greyon decided it was time to surrender to the call ofthe night.
Lord Talon took her gently by the hand, and she instantly had no fear. She knew that she was in good hands, and also that it just might be her that would need recoup time. Especially once she saw the look in his eyes…and could feel the energy he had flowing out of him.
“Shall we my dear?” Lord Talon asked
“Yes M’Lord….” She replied, “yes…we shall.”
In the bedchamber all she could do was tremble. She had not been with anyone else since she decided to stay with Lord Greyon, and she was extremely nervous.
“My dear, why do you tremble so?” Lord Talon asked as he noticed her trembling. He walked over to her and put his arms around her and held her in a long embrace, like that of a lover, and looked into her eyes
“M’Lord, I..I am just nervous.” She replied as she looked away from his eyes, “for I have been with none but Lord Greyon since I met him, I do not wish to displease neither you nor Lord Greyon.”
“Ah, I see my dear. You need not fear about displeasing me, for I have no expectations of you, all I ask is that if I do something that hurts you, please tell me, for I do not want to hurt you…” Lord Talon said to her pulling her chin up so he could look deep into her eyes, and smiled as he finished, “at least not a bad hurt.”
At this she smiled. She knew she shouldn’t be nervous. She had known since he touched her that he had no intentions of hurting her. And even though they had known each other only several hours, she was sure that he would protect her just as Lord Greyon would.
Seeing that she had stopped trembling, Lord Talon led her to the bed. He had her sit upon the edge of the bed while he went and lit a fire in the fireplace. She watched as he crossed the room to the great fireplace. She could make out the definition of his muscles under the undershirt and pants that he wore. She had to admit that he had a very nice body, one that matched his outside….and that was always a plus with her.
Hisblue-black hair shimmered in the firelight, he looked quite distinguished. She had to stand a moan as he turned around to walk back to her.
He walked back over to her slowly. He knew she was watching him closely, and he loved it. When he reached the bed he took her by the hand and had her stand back up.
“Now my dear, we must do something about the way you are dressed.” Lord Talon said as he smiled and shook his head
“M”Lord, what is wrong with the way I am dressed?” She said, completely confused, ” All I have on is my under dress…and that is not that much.”
At this Lord Talon’s smile widened. “Yes my dear, I know that is all you have on, but I require you to be in less.” At this he reached down and in one quick motion the under dress was up, over her head and in a pile on the floor. “Now, that is much better.”
She was stunned. He had moved so quickly that she hadn’t known what he was doing until she felt a cold wind blow over her nude skin. “M’Lord…” Shestarted, but a hand in the air stopped her in her tracks.
“You have a word to use if I do something you do not want me to, do you wish to use it now? If so let me know, for I will not be disappointed if you do my dear.”
She just shook her head. She was stunned but she wasn’t stupid. She didn’t mind, she just didn’t know he was gonna be that fast.
“Ok then,” He said as he had her sit back down on the bed, still keeping a light hold on her hand, “now my dear, please lay back on the bed.”
She did as she was told. He just stood there for a moment or two taking in her nude figure. Her lily-white skin glimmered in the light of the fireplace and that of the candles by the bed. She was well proportioned. Her breasts not too large, but not too small either. He smiled as he saw that her nipples had already begun to harden. His gaze traveled further down to her somewhat trim stomach, not to thin, not too large (then again there wasn’t really a too thin or to large with him, he liked all types). Then his gaze traveled slowly further down to her pubis and he smiled wider as he saw that it was completely shaven.
“Hmmm….” Was all he said as he turned to go to his bags. She knew not to get up, he hadn’t told her, but for some reason she new not to get up.
She didn’t move a muscle. She heard him rummaging through his bags. Her eyes widened at what she could smell and hear. Metal clanking, the smell of leather, and other aromas, the sound of rope hitting the floor. Her mind raced, and she shuddered at what was going through her head.
He returned to her side and whispered in her ear. “Now my dear, if I do something that hurts you or that you do not like, please use the word. Ok?” she nodded, and he smiled.
“Now my dear, raise your head up for me please,” she did so, and he placed a piece of dark thick linen around her head and covered her eyes. “That’s it my dear. Can you see anything?”
“ M’Lord I cannot” She said, the uncertainainty very apparent in her voice.
“My dear you must trust me, I would never do anything that would hurt you. Do you trust me?”
“Y..Yes M’Lord, I trust you.”
“Very well then I shall proceed.”
At that he picked up a pair of leather cuffs and attached them to each of her wrists. He then picked her up and moved her to the middle of the bed. He then took a leather Collar that he had handy and placed it around her neck, rather tightly. He then brought out a pair of metal shackles and attached them to her ankles. He then attached each cuff at each wrist to some rope and then attached the rope to each post of the bed. And then he did the same with her ankles.
She was spread eagle on the bed, blindfolded and bound to the bed. She couldn’t move anything but her head and she dared Not move it. Her breath quickly as she heard him rummaging through his bags once again. She was only slightly frightened, she wasn’t really scared for she knew that he would not hurt her,but still, she was bound and blindfolded and did not know what was coming next nor what he had in store for her.
When she heard the slap of something made of leather near her body, she would have jumped completely off the bed if she weren’t so tightly bound.
“Ah, and do we like that sound my dear?” He said as he slapped it again.
“,” was all she could say
“What was that?” he said as he slid the leather device up the inside of her left leg. “What was your answer?”
“Ye..Yes M’Lord”
“Ah, that is better,” He said. And then without warning slapped her hard on the inside of her thigh with the leather device. “You shall always address me a either M’Lord or Sir. Are we understand?”
Trying not to scream, she had to take a minute to answer him.
“Do you understand or shall I have to ask you again?” He said running the leather up the inside of her right leg.
“No M’Lord, I…I understand.” She finally got out.
“Ah, very nice, very good my pet.” He said as he leaned down and kissed her passwordately.
She strained her body against her restraints trying to put her body closer to His, to lock their mouths together even more. All she wanted at that point was to feel Him, to touch Him, but the restraints would not give and she had to settle for the little contact the intense kiss gave her.
Lord Talon broke free of the kiss with a slight chuckle. “Seems someone has gotten a little anxious.”
“um…mmm” was all she could say, that is until she felt the leather sliding up her leg again. But before she could say anything to fix her error there was another loud singing slap on the inner thigh of her left leg.
“Ahhhhh….i mean…Yes M’Lord”
“You will learn my dear,” He said as He looked her body over once again.
Upon seeing her hardened nipples he smiled wickedly and pinched one hard between His fingers. “And what do we have here? It seems that you are quite anxious.”
She took in a sharp breath as she felt His fingers on her nipples, squeezing, pinching, pulling it…”Ye..Yes M’Lord”
“Good Girl” and in what seemed to her to be mistaken seconds, He had let go of her nipple and whirled around and placed another singing slap across both her legs with the leather device.
“AHHHmMMMmmmm” was all she could do. The stinging slap felt so good…she wanted more. And almost like He could read her mind there was another, then another. He started at her breasts and worked His way down.
She could feel her arousal growing with the force of each slap. She had been hot at first, but now she was getting cold. Each fall of the leather device brought a gush of arctic air over her body.
The pleasure was so great, her head began to spin with it. Slap after stinging slap she rose higher and higher. Her pleasure was going to break loose soon…she couldn’t hold back for very long.
Recent, as if He were inside her head and knew her thoughts, He stopped and leaned down to whisper something in her ear.
“little one, you must ask me before you let go. Do you understand me?”
“Ye…Yes M’Lord….i understand….mmmm” she finally got out after a second or two
“Very good then….then I shall proceed.” And He walked away.
Lord Talon stood across the room from her taking in her body once again. She was now red, blood red from her breasts to her ankles. There was a fine sheen of sweat all over her body, as well as His. He watched as she shivered, He knew what was happening, He would have even if Lord Greyon hadn’t told Him. She was slipping into what some of His peers had started to call sub space. Basically she was starting to travel, and He didn’t want that, at least not just yet.
He rummaged through His bag looking for something Lord Greyon had given Him while they were talking. His old friend had told Him that He had two pairs made, one for Himself and one for Talon. It took Him some time but He found them. It was two miniature thumb screws,Just big enough to fit around a nipple, and they were connected by a chain. They were made of solid silver, and gleamed quite nicely.
She heard Him rummaging, her head still swimming. She had felt His eyes upon her, and could almost see the wicked grin on His face as He stared at her.
She was not that new to this, for it was Lord Greyon who had shown her the pleasures and pains that she had never dreamed of. But still, it was in her nature to wonder what was going to happen to her, and what was in His head. And to be somewhat scared, even though she trusted her Lord with all her being, and His judgment, she even trusted Lord Talon, but still….the unknown had always fought her to a point.
Her thoughts were cut off as she heard something made of metal jingle like small bells, and she knew Instantly what it was. For Lord Greyon had a set of them that He had used on her many times…she loved them. She let out a small moan.
“Ah, so we know what these are do we mypet?” He asked as He walked back over to her with the nipple screws in His hands.
“MMmmm, Yes M’Lord….” She responded almost purring with anticipation.
He chuckled softly as He looked down at her. He looked from the her to the nipple screws and back. And with a decidedly wicked grin He took one of her nipples in His mouth, biting and sucking on it quite hard.
She took in a sharp breath and arched her back. The sensing was so great she began to tremble again. And as suddenly as He had done so, He stopped, allowing the cool air to flow over her nipple. Then in one swift move attached the nipple screw to that nipple as tight as she could withstand and turned His attention to the other one, doing the same thing.
Once He had them attached He gave the chain a sharp pull and she moaned loudly, arching her back into the pleasure/pain she was experiencing.
He then slowly began to slide his hands over her body. Down over her stomach, then her right leg, lightly teasing the skin and then back up. Then down the left leg teasing it the same way then slowly back up. He then slip one hand over her smooth shaffed pubis.
The skin He touched was so smooth, and had started to get wet from her growing anticipation. Slowly, teasing her He moved His hand up and down over the smooth skin, not parting the lips to feel the hot mood between them.
She was whimpering now, she did not know how much more of this torture she could take. Seeing and hearing her reaction He looked up to her face and smiled wickedly.
“My dear, what do you want? You must tell me what you want, for I can not read your mind”
They both knew better than that, for He had already proved it to her. But she answered anyway.
“M..M’Lord I…I want You to touch me….” She moaned out
“Yes is that not what I am doing now? Or would you like me to touch you somewhere else…say Here?’ and with that ran two fingers inside her dripping hole and rubbed her clip with Histhumb.
“Ohhhhhh…yes M’Lord…Yes!” she answered
“Or, perhaps you would like me to touch you with something else?” He said in a rather wicked way, still stroking her with His fingers.
She could do nothing but moan, and He knew it, but still He pushed.
“Say what if I touched you with this?” He said just before taking His head down between her legs and began to lick her pubis, and then her clip…all the while struggling her with His fingers.
“OHHHHMMMM Yes! Yes M’Lord!” she answered almost out of breath.
“Remember little one, you must ask permission before you cum.”
“Ohhhh….please M’Lord…please….i don’t….” was all she could get out before He cut her off.
“NO! You may not!” and He continued to lick her and stroke her, her wetness flowing out over His fingers.
Her head was swimming she couldn’t think straight. Her body was completely tense. She didn’t know how much longer she could hold on…but she knew she had to, forshe didn’t want to anger either Lord Talon or Lord Greyon.
He continued His torturous assault upon her body feeling it tense beneath His touch, He could feel His own arousal growing between His legs.
Suddenly He just stopped what He was doing and backed up off the bed. He undid the ropes that held her to the bed, the freedom to move came as a shock to her senses.
“Now get up on your knees and wait until I get back” He said as He walked over to His bag and pulled out some aloe that He kept there if something needed to be lubricated.
He walked back over to her and climbed up on the bed behind her. He took a piece of the aloe stem and squeezed the gel onto His finger and coated His hardened manhood with it, then took another piece and used that gel to lubricate her arsehole
She had never been taken in this way, but she had heard of it. Some said it was painful, others said it was great. Lord Greyon had never mentioned it to her and she was to shy to do so with Him. She could feel Him enter her, the feeling was exhaust. She had never felt something, anything quite like that! He began to work His way into her slowly then more forcibly, and she came back to meet Him each time.
There were no words spoken, only unintelligible grunts and groans of pure pleasure.
She couldn’t hold back any longer, she moaned and almost screamed her request “Please M’Lord, pleasuresssssssssseeeeeeemmmmmmm.”
“Yes my dear, yes…cum for me my dear!” He was ramming her hard now, and rubbing her clips as her muscles cinched and she started to cum…shaking. And as she did… so did He.
With a loud groan He finally came…filling her completely, but not stopping either ramming her or rubbing her clipit, until her juices covered His hand, and He had completely filled her with His.
He slipped out of her as she fell to the bed exhausted, and He laid down beside of Her and held her close to Him. She laid her head on His chest and started to calm down.
“You see my dear, I told you I would not hurt you.” He said as He stroked her hair and kissed the top of her head.
“Yes M’Lord,” she answered back as she snuggled up closer to Him.
“But do not think I am finished with you this night My dear, for I am still quite full of energy and ideas.” He said bringing her chin up so He could look into Her eyes, “And I feel it fair to warn you that if you choose to sleep with me the rest of this night, it is not sleep that you will be getting.”
“Then,” she replied with a look of anticipation already growing in her eyes, “I look forward to no sleep whatsoever.”
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