The Story of Lady Kala Ch. 1

She sat alone in the forest. The canopy only allowing sun light to break through in limited rays. She sat on a stump in the middle of one of those rays.

She was kind of small, about 5’5″ with a somewhat slim figure. As She sat there writing in her small, leather covered book, her reddish-black hair reflecting more purple in the light of the sun than red or black, she heard a noise like that of foot falls on the under brush.

Her back tensed as she sensed the approaching visitor, for all she could sense was the stranger’s approach and nothing more. She dared not turn around, for fear that whoever was approaching would be angered if she did.

Finally the footfalls stopped, no more than three feet behind her. She still could not tell who the stranger was, but she could feel the smile he (or she) had on their face.

She was petrified and started to panic when she sensed his (yes definitely a man she thought) hand coming towards her shoulder. She couldn’t move and ifshe gripped the pen she was holding any tighter, she would have broken it.

When his hand connected with her shoulder, she almost jumped out of her skin.

“Why so jumpy little one?” Said the man behind her, almost laughing.

She calmed down instantly, and turned to face him. “You started me M’Lord, that is all.” She told him while placing her arms around his neck.

“And why is that my dear? I know you sensed me coming.”

“That I did M’Lord Greyon, but my skills are not fully developed. I could only sense someone was approaching, but not who approached.”

“In time my dear, in time.”

“M’Lord, if I may ask, what brings you out here?”

Greyon chuckled softly, and then reached to lightly stroke her cheek. “Well you my dear, I came looking for you.”

At this she blushed and said “but I told no one of where I was…”

A finger over her mouth quiets her inquiries. She lowers her head and nods. Of course he know where she was. Every since she came to live with him in his castle, they had been linked. He knew where she was at all times.

He kissed her forehead, and she lifts her head as he speaks. “Little one, I came to find you because I would like you to meet some dear friends of mine. They will be joining us for dinner tonight.”

“Yes M’Lord!” she replied her eyes sparkling with anticipation. She always liked meeting her Lord’s friends.

“Well then, we must be off. We must get ready.” With that he whistled and his beautiful white stallion, Perlith galloped to them to carry them back to the castle.

She had been given instructions to wear her finest gown that evening. She chose her Lord’s favorite. A low cut, long flowing purple satin dress with a dark green lace over skirt. Her hair she pulled back with a single silver barrette, and upon the top of her head was a silver head ban with silver web work going over her head to attach on the barrette at the nape of her neck. The only jewelry she wore was a silver shouter with a silver heart pendant that her Lord had given her. Her name on one side, Kala (that really wasn’t her name, her name was Rebecca, but her Lord called her Kala) and his name on the other, Greyon. She was completely ready when he knocked on the door to call her down.

She opened the door to find Lord Greyon standing before her. He was dressed in his black coat and tails, setting off his medium brown hair and hazel eyes. It was so rare to see him dressed so, that she had almost forgotten how handsome he looked.

He chuckled softly at her reaction. He knew what dressing like this would do to her that’s why he did so. They really didn’t need to dress for his old friends’ arrival. Talon and Arianna were two of his oldest and dearest friends, but he wanted to see her dressed in that purple dress he had bought especially for her, and as always, it was a pleasure.

“Ready little one?” He asked, stretching out his hand for her to take.

“Yes M’Lord” she responseded as she took his hand.

“Good then. Now you shall meet our guests.” He said as he led her down the hall to the stairs.

Down stairs in the Lord’s sitting room was Lady Arianna and Lord Talon, wondering why their old friend had requested they dress for dinner. “You know,” Said Lord talon, “how he can be sometimes.”

“Yes, he just gets in one of his moods, but this time it’s really got my curiosity piqued.” Lady Arianna replied. A few moments later, one of Lord Greyon’s servants let them know that dinner was served, and that Lord Greyon was already waiting for them in the dining room. When they reached the dining room, they spotted Lord Greyon standing at the far end of the table, and beside of him sat a woman no more than 21, someone who they had not met, but figured was the reason for the call for elegance tonight. “Greetings old friends, how have you been?” Lord Greyon said to them as he made his way around the table to greet them. “Greetings to you too old friend.” Lord Talon said as he shook his good friend’s hand, “We have been doing grand. And yourself?”

“Ah, just excellent! And you my dear,” he said turning towards Lady Arianna, “you must have found the foundation of youth and beauty, for you look no older than you did the last time I saw you, and twice as beautiful.” Lady Arianna, blushing at the comment (this, aside from Lord Talon, being the only man that could make her blush) replied simply “Ah, no M’Lord, I have not, but I do appreciate the comparison.” They all had a laugh, and then Lord Talon spotted her sitting at the end of the table, head down and fidgeting nervously. “And who is this beauty?” Lord Talon exclaimed as he walked her way. She looked to Lord Greyon and he nodded.

“My name is Rebecca M’Lord, but you and M’Lady may call me Kala, as Lord Greyon does.” She said as she turned back to Lord Talon, but kept her eyes lowered to him. “Ah, I see,” he responded as he put his hand under her chin. “Kala it is then.”

“Greetings Lady Kala,” Lady Arianna said as she smiled at her. “She is quite lovely my friend, and seems quite personal…. I can’t wait to get to know her better.” Lady Arianna whispered in Lord Geryon’s ear as she smiled wickedly. “As you shall get to my dear, as shall Lord Talon. I promise you that my dear. See, Talon has already taken a shine to her.” Lord Greyon whispered back. “I see that M’Lord.” Arianna whispered, “that I do see.”

“So my dear, tell me of yourself.” Lord Talon said to her as he looked intently into her eyes. “Well M’Lord,” She began as she shifted nervously in her chair. “I am 21 and from a land far from here. I met Lord Greyon several years ago during one of my many travels.” Lord Greyon and Lady Arianna walked up as she was telling her story to Lord Talon. Lord Greyon’s smile urged her on. He loved hearing her talk and tell stories. He especially likes this one. The story of how they had met. He pulled Lady Arianna’s chair out for her to sit in, and thenhe sat down at the head of the table, and started to listen to her intently…falling into every word she spoke.

“I see my dear,” said Lord Talon smiling gently, “and I bet how you two met is quite a tale.” At this she looked up, first at Lord Talon, then at Lord Greyon, as if asking permission to continue with the story. His smile was all she needed to continue. “Well, M’Lord, it is quite a tale, if you and M’Lady Arianna would like to hear it.” She said looking at the two nervously. She didn’t expect to be the night’s entertainment, not that she minded at all, just she was some nervous when it came to her talents…all her talents.

“By all means my dear,” Lord Talon answered. “Yes dearheart, please continue,” Lady Arianna added “Ok then,” she said and smiled a nervous smile, “as you wish” She took a sip of wine and started the story.


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