It was just before 7-30pm on the Friday night when I arrived at the railway station to meet C, we had not met before and all that I had to guide me was an e-mailed photo which had shown her face but frankly Id was more concerned with studying the rest of her body which had been generally decorated with cum and had cocks inserted in her arse and pussy.
Fortunately she had obeyed my instructions about how she should dress to travel and being October there was only one woman in a short light summer dress which clearly revealed her lack of underwear. I approached her.
“You must be C” I said having already agreed that we would use no real names, I pointedly appraised her body with my eyes before looking at her face, “Come with me”
The car was waiting and Billy was at the wheel I followed her into the back seat where she found Pete already sat against the far window, as we drove of Pete lowered the strraps of her dress exposing her tits as we drove through the busy citycentre I raised the hem of her dress and examined the recently shave public area. I could detect the enflamed area and leak of spunk confirming that in accordance with my instructions she had been allowed her body to be used at least once on the way north.
In all this time she had not spoken and looking in her eyes I could see the nervous but excited appreciation of what awaited her this weekend Pete was openly mauling her right title as we drove and I could see Billy giving repeated glances in the rear view mirror.
All too soon we arrived at the Travel Lodge where we had already booked in so we could take her straight to the room
As soon as the door was closed I said “Right C bend over the dressing table” and gestured to Billy to take his place between her tights his cock was already hard from the frustrating visual stimulation he had received in the car and in seconds he was impaled deep in her hot cunt his balls slapping at the backs of her thighs. For the firsttime she made a noise a sort of whimper building up in a crescendo to a loud scream as his spunk shot deep inside her.
“Now C” I said pulling her to a standing position “In the bath and scrub your pussy clean while we unpack” meekly she obeyed and we opened her case and checked the clothes which she had brought with her. as instructed the only underwear were several suspender belts and 10 pairs of stockings. In the way of dresses she had two black and a white PVC dresses two sheer blooms both low cut and two flared short skirts which I calculated would just about conceal her stocking tops, 3 pairs of 5″ high heels and she had also brought 3 large dildos 2 black and one cream each was at least 10 inches long.
From our own case we removed the association of chains, padlocks and other devices which we had brought with us.
She emerged from the bathroom totally naked and her strong body was incredible.
“Ready for a night out C” I asked
“Oh yes” she murmured “What should I wear”
“We’ll dress you, come over here”
She walked confidently towards us and Pete settled a length of chain around her wait sealing it at the front with a padlock. I selected a slightly shorter length and locked it at the base of her spine with another lock I pulled it tightly between the cheeks of her arse and then between her cunt lips parting them so that it pulled taut over her cliporis and then under the wait chain at the front and clipping it into the lock already there. about 6 “hung loosely at the front
I tugged, noting with pleasure the grimace on her face as the cold metal rubbed harshly against her cliporis. The sensing was clearly not just painful as a warm flush spread over her face and down to her breasts the nipples of which were standing proudly erect.
Around her ankle we attached a much more delicate chain and padlock which she would wear all weekend and be allowed to Keep as a memento the Key to the Lock would remain with us.She wore our slave anklet and we did not intend to allow her to forget that ………Ever
Over the chain we laid a red suspender belt and clipped to it a pair of black stockings, to her feet we fitted a pair of black high heels.
“Parade for us” I ordered and she strutted about the room her confidence now almost fully restored, I didn’t mind I new that fear and trepidation would return to those beautiful features many times not just tonight but also over the weekend ahead.
We now pulled a red skirt over her legs and as I suspected it would be the hem was almost directly in line with the bottom level of the double layer of her stocking tops.
Over her head we tugged the sheer white blouse which had no sleeps it fitted snugly delineating clearly both her nipples and aureoles.
“And now we’re ready for a night out ” I announced
Leaving the Travel Lodge we climbed into the car this time Pete drive while Billy and I were either side of her in the back sooner had he revved the engine up than we had our cocks out and placed her delicate hands around our roots and she was playing with us.
In about 20 minutes we arrived at the pub we had chosen and she was writing around in frustration at the total lack of attention we had paid her as in her desperate desire to please us she had not only wanked but also sucked us while we ignored her and carried on a conversation among ourselves.
We climbed out of the car and entered the pub which was a discco bar on two levels the upper level taking the form of a balcony around the perimeter of the lower bar. we set her on the winding staircase and then stepped back to let four or five guys follow her and precede us up the stairs . the lads soon noticed that they could see up her skirt and whispered among themselves as they frantically cranned their necks to get a better view.
Arriving at the top of the stairs she turned to greet us and was stunned to find these lads virtually on their Knees peering up her Skirt, the sight of her tits clearly on show was almost enough to make them fall backwards down the stairs again.
The pub was crowded but we found some standing room near to the gents toilet .
“Whe’s the ladies” she asked
“Oh just use the gents” I said “here I’ll come in with you ” ushering her in the door and pushing her into a cubicle
She sat awkwardly trying to both raise and lower her skirt as she realized that I was deliberately holding the cubicle door wide open.
A lad walked in staring open mouthed at the sight that greeted him as she sat peeing into the bowl through the chains “Here son fancy a blow -job” I asked casually.
“What……well…….mm” he stammered “well yes if that’s…..all right…” he trailed off staring at C
“If he says its all right then its all right” she answered him opening her mouth wide as he walked towards her his cock already huge at the prospect.
Word spread of course around the pub and she sucked off another 15 guys in the next half hour while still sat on the bowl.
She finally emerged looking defiant well if she thought that was the hardest test she was going to face then boy was she in for a surprise. I yanked the loose chain roughly hearing her moan as it bit harshly into her swollen cliporis and dragged her to the balcony forcing her to stand with her legs a little apart above the crowded lower bar looking down as one after another noticed and starred blatantly at her exposed cunt.
Standing behind her I reached in front and slowly undid each button on her blouse to the chefs of the crowd below as I finally pulled it apart exposing her stiff nipples and her breasts.
Inevitably we were thrown out of the pub by the bouncers but walking through the crowd ensured that she was grossly by scores of hands.
Climbing back in the car she was really cocky “Well boys I’ve passed your tests so far, what’s next”
I wasdriving this time and drive directly to a nature reserve on the outskirts of the city, it is a popular one for couples who like to be watched the car park is about a quarter of a mile of the road and there are plenty of bushes for the voyeurs to hide and watch often only feet away from the car.
Waiting for us were the other lads Brian, Jim and Steve, immediately on arrival there we bundled her out of the car and tore of her skirt and blouse, and I do mean tore off, “Right Slut ” I said “these are three friends of ours I want you to say hello to them so get over to that picnic table bend over and say hello” I guided her into a face down position over the table and gestured them across to take position and watched as one by one they rammed their cocks up her fanny or arse according to their own likes as her screams went unheard in this solidary place.
When they had finished using her I took a blindfold and more chains and locks from my bag of tricks.
In a few minutesshe was laid across a picnic table with her legs wide apart, we had already removed the lock holding the chain over her pussy to accommodate the lads and that chain was dangling down to the ground. Her legs dangled down onto the attached seat, she was lying face up and shuddering in anticipation of what she thought was coming next.
I leaned down to her ear “right C we are going back to the pub for a couple of drinks, you are staying here and you’ll end whatever happens to come along.
We jumped back in the car and roared off leaving her lying there helplessly as I turned back I could see her wriggling desperately in a funile attempt to free herself.
We didn’t go to the pub of course we parked a little way out of earshot and crept back to find her still lying there whimpering and from the bushes two watchers had already appeared.
Stealthily they crept forward dressed in black but the full moon made them clearly visible, she couldn’t hear them over the whimpering she was making but she frozen when one put his hand on her breast and then relaxed “You were teasing you didn’t go” I heard her say .
As she spoke another 6 or so gave up their vantage point in the bushes and surrounded her, she could sense the bodies surrounding her as hand after hand was laid on the naked flesh awaiting them like some sacrifice offering which of course she was. She must have been able to hear them talking to Each other and realized that she was surrounded by a huge group of total strangers as her shrink scream ripped through the air unheard by anyone able or rather willing to come to her help .
Zip after zip was lowered and cocks emerged in various states of erection. One guy whose trousers were around his ankles shuffled to her face and pushed his cock against her resistant lips resistant that is until another fiercely rammed his fingers into her pussy resulting in another scream muffled almost immediately by the cock sliding smoothly into the back ofher throat.
The guy whose fingers were impaling her pussy was pushed aside by another who replaced them with his stiff cock so huge I envied him and almost felt sorry for her as he rammed it all of the way home in one savage thrust. Another on his knees used his fingers to explore her arse equally savagely, the others were now wanking furiously around her body and globule after globule hit her breasts stomach and thighs the guy in Her mouth spent his load down the back of her throat and was eagerly replaced by another. Similarly the guy at her pussy gave way for the guy exploring her arse with his fingers, he stood and pulling her up slightly rammed his cock there instead leaving her pussy vacant to be explored by a mass of fingers . Slowly over the next hour or so as each was spent they steadily shuffled back to the trees and from there to whatever place they called home.
We left her alone another 10 minutes or so then went back to retrieve the car and drive back to the car park.
Her body was covered in spunk it oozed down over her breasts seen out of her pussy and her arse and dribbled out of the corner of her lips and she was sobbing .
Silently we unlocked her but left the blindfold in place and carried her to the car where the boot was open and thrust her inside closing it with a mighty thumb.
Just as silently we drove back to the travel lodge where there was no sign of any staff and carried her into her room. A bath was quickly run and gently we lowered her in and almost lovingly soaped and rinsed the grime and spunk from her body even inserting the flannel deep into her mouth her pussy and her arse and rinsing away all remaining traces.
Her bath finished we lifted her out and carefully dried her off with a towel and then talcummed her body . By now her whimpers had turned from fear to milk excitement.
We laid her on the bed securing her hands and ankles to the legs of the bed, laid the quilt over her and left her to sleep.
What she didn’t know was that we had more planned for her that night!!
I was told later what happened later that evening by the lads to whom I’d given the key.
About 2 hours after we had left three dark clothes figures let themselves into the room, they crept silently to the side of the bed and one covered her mouth with his hand, she she woke with a start, the other two pulled the quilt from her naked body.
Stretched out as we had left her chained up they were able to appreciate the soft curves of her body freshly washed in reading for the assault they were about to unleash, she turned terrified eyes from on to another as her stockings were bundled into her mouth.
Slowly in front of her eyes they began to strip each had a cock measuring at least eight inches and they were solid pointing angrily at her fueled with the illicit viagra each had taken an hour earlier.
They unlocked the chains securing her ankles and lifted her legs high so that she could see her own pussy and see as the leader croouched over her and thrust his weapon deep into her un-lubricated slit.
She felt but did not see another Kneel behind and open her arse with his fingers then the tip of his Cock a tearing sensing and he was inside her the two Knobs rubbing against each other separated only by the thin membrane.
The third crouched over her face and pulled away the stockings only to thrust his own cock into the back of her throat so that she almost choked, to add lubrication she rolled her tongue around and found herself licking the intrusive shaft at which the man impaling her began to moan appreciatedly .
Below her the other two began a momentum of penetration and extraction not quite synchronised but she could feel her muscles relaxing and she herself began to enjoy the experience and move with them her mouth became more expressive despite fearing what would happen to her when they had finished using her, this was rape after all and she had seen their faces. Would they …. could they let her live believing that she was not some slave slut but an ordinary woman who would run to the authorities as soon as she could, despite herself she could feel the excitement of the uncertainty flood her loins at the same instant as trying to reach to hold the shake at her mouth and remembering that as they had made no comment About her being bound then they MUST have been sent by me Her hands of course remained bound so she had no option other than lie and allow them to use her orifices as they saw fit.
At daylight they left each having used each hole in her body and indeed at one point two had plunged at once into her fanny while the other was in her arse and to finish they had made her open her mouth wide and accept all three at once where They finally rid themselves of their sperm, dressing and relocking her ankles as she was still choking indignantly
After the exertions of Friday night we left her to sleep until mid afternoon on Saturday and I went alone to release her and allow her to bathe herself back to humanity.
For a few hours I decided to relax my rule about the chains being wound at all times except when she was being fucked. despite this I still insisted on her wearing a short skirt and low cut blouse and of course she had brought no underwear with her.
I took her to an intimate Italian restaurant I knew and we ate talking normally, I was surprised to discover for the first time what a sensitive and intelligent woman she was.
I discovered too that she had a husband at home who was waiting agog to hear all about her weekend as a sex slave so doubtless on her release she would have much more of the same waiting.
She told me that although the previous night she had been totally terrified she had thoroughly enjoyed the various experiences and indeed just recalling them in her mind was enough toCause ripples through her stomach and a constant state of motivation at the top of her thighs.
She was intrigued to know what I could possibly have in mind to top the previous evening but did not want to be given any clues as the anticipation was a great part of the pleasure.
I began “I am taking you to a club, a rather special club, it specializes in sado masochism, pain humiliation, beatings and all sorts of degrading behaviour, the problem is that it is a little expensive………Do you have any money with you?”
I knew of course that she didn’t we had taken her purse and handbag from her on arrival and we took care of her make up allocating it as and when necessary .
She shook her head a puzzled expression on her face.
“Then really there is only one solution” I smiled “You will have to earn it as only you know how………around the corner from this exclusive hostelry there is an industrial estate, the area is known as being the best in the north topick up ladies of the night. Lets discuss what you are worth…well we can hardly pass you off as an innocent unplucked virgin who would of course command the highest rate.”
“Why not ask for £50-00 for a fuck in a car or against a wall £30-00 for a blow job and if he only wants you to wank him then £15-00. If someone wants to take you to a hotel to use you then lets say an extra £20 to each of the services I’ve described.”
“If anyone wants to bugger your arse well that area is doubtless some more virginal than any other part of you then charge him £75-00”
“If that is all clear then run along..don’t come back till you’ve earned £300-00 and I’ll have a game of darts while I’m waiting for you.”
A stunned yet excited look had appeared on her face While I was talking and she walked out of the pub held head high and breasts standing firm. Somehow I knew that she would be back very quickly with the £300
Even I was surprised how quickly she came back. In just 90 minutes time she was back with only a rumpled hairstyle giving a clue as to her activities. She thrust a bundle of notes into my hand.
I counted out not 3 but 4 hundred pounds, apparently a car had pulled up almost as soon as she walked out of the pub and she sauntered towards it, it contained 4 students fresh with their college loan who wanted some experience. she was just the girl to supply the experience.
Two had fucked her normally and came very quickly, one of the others opted for a blow job and came even quicker and the other one, keen to impress opted for the more exotic approach to bugger her arse, he had come on contact with her bum cheeses but she had had the presence of mind to be paid up front .
So within less than 15 minutes and not 50 yards away she had earned £205 of her target. Within quick succession she had earned another £30 from two wear reps and she sped the process up by allowing them to fondle her breasts while talking dirty into theirears.
Three more fucks and another hand job had followed fairly quickly and she would have stayed out for more but she sensed an atmosphere from local girls a little further up the street and so decided to return with the spoils she had won and call it a day.
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