The Story of A – Ch. 02: Sybian

These are my very first submissions, and they are true accounts of recent experiences that made a profound impact on me. I hope that you enjoy reading them. Feedback and comments are most welcome. – A

Two – A and the Sybian

All morning, I am distracted and unproductive – excited and anxious and nervous and thrown off (albeit, in a good way) by hosting a sexual encounter in my space, something I don’t do terribly often. And curious, as ever, to know how much of what I’m feeling is intentional; how well He knows, or at least can guess, my mental state given our limited interactions.

Finally, He arrives. Immediately, He hands me His things and unhurriedly walks back to His truck. Feeling bashful at just watching, I return back to the kitchen until He re-enters with a very large cardboard box. I laugh at the absurdity and half-heartedly ask what’s inside, already knowing that He won’t tell me until He feels like it. A quick, soft, understated kiss is all I get- He is hungry. I am both impatient to play and thankful to be given something to do, to occur my hands. Then, He wants to smoke, and like eating, He does so slowly, carefree.

Still, I’m on fire, exasperated, unsure how intentional this all is, thrilled that He’s here, and so looking forward to play. Finally, we enter my bedroom – but wait – first, the box needs to be retrieved. Then, He wants some time to freshen up. I lay across my bed next to this giant box in surrender.

At last, He sits in my desk chair, and, like the last time we played, His voice gets this steel thread in it that… sends chills upon chills upon chills upon chills through my body. In that moment, there is nothing that I ache for more that to obey that quiet, serious, self-assured voice.

“Open the box.”

I open it, somewhat expecting to see the paddles and restraints of last time. I was completely wrong.

“Oh my god… is this what I think it is?”

“I don’t know what you think it is.”

“A Sybian.”


As instructed, I place it on the floor and plug it in. I find myself remaining on my knees, covering my face with my hands, completely shocked. I was feeling a bit bashful by how thoroughly I lost control last time we played, and had been hoping to keep a slight semblance of dignity or poise, but I’m already feeling knocked off balance. I try to take some deep breaths as He finishes setting up. He sits in the chair He’s placed off to the side and tells me to take my panties off. I feel self-conscious as we lock eyes as I remove them.

He calls me over to Him, and tells me to spread my legs wide, and wider still. This is where my mind starts to fly, just like last time, unfocused and unmoored by shock and feeling so deliciously debased. He touches me, there, for the first time in almost a month. My god, it feels so so fucking good – the only place where the two of us are connecting, touching at all, is His finger on my clip as I stand before him, His hand up my dress. When I can stand it, I take my hands off my face and twist them into my hair and look into His eyes as I watch Him play my body effortlessly. When He is satisfied, He raises one finger to my mouth and I lean forward to suck, closing my eyes to savor how I taste on His skin. He offers me a second finger, and my tongue cleans this one thoroughly, too.

He tells me to sit on the Sybian.

I’m still so shocked by the concept that I need clarification that He means for me to actually put the attachment inside of me, which, of course, He does. As gracefully as I can manage (which is not terribly gracefully), I sink on to the appendage of the Sybian, feeling as it fills me up completely, hurting me deliciously as it stretches me as I sink lower. As my tights make contact with the body of the machine, He tells me to simply sit and experience the sensings. I’m so grateful, as I am too full to have this machine move just yet. After letting an “ow”escape from my mouth, He smugly informs me that I’ll stretch a bit.

He turns the Sybian on a low setting. Wowww… my thighs grip the body as it vibrates inside me, on my clip, all at once. I love how He has this remote control to utilize as He sees fit, and I’m completely helpless at the mercy of His whims – I just have to sit there, and take whatever He decides this machine will give me.

“Do you remember my rules?”

Yes, I must ask permission; my orgasms are not mine when we play. I wonder if today is going to be a day where He denies me… I don’t know if I’ll be able to stop it, so I fervently hope not. He also wants me to tell Him as I am coming, effectively exposing my entire orgasmic experience to Him. Having to say those words fills me with shame and turns me on at the same time. He also informs me that I am to keep track of the number of orgasms, something I hadn’t last time.

He increases the vibrations to a medium, and I alternate hiding my face and locking eyes with Him as the sensings become more powerful. I’m aching. Embarrassingly soon, I need to ask:

“Please Sir, may I come?”

He grants me permission, stand behind me, and I feel His leg against my back and His hands on my shoulders, pushing me down. I reveal in this chance to be touched by Him, even more so as he slips his hand inside my bra and cups me, teasing my nipple. This touch, the increased pressure on the Sybian, and feeling His body touch so much of mine, is enough to send me crashing into an incredible fire-hot orgasm that engulfs every inch of my body. I manage to gasp out that I am coming before I am lost in my own screams – my first orgasm in twenty-two days.

He sits down and reminds me: “What do you say?”

My head is still fuzzy, and all that comes out is a smile and “I think I like this.” He shakes His head slightly; tells me that this is not what He is looking for. I beam at him.

“Thank you, Sir.” And into those words I try to infuse all the gratitude that rushes over me; thankful for that orgasm, thankful that He arranged this for me, thankful that He likes for me to call him ‘Sir’. It gives me a little thrill every time I say it.

He ramps up the violences, calling attention to the rotations inside me too. I feel them slightly, but am more concerned with the overall experience… He watches my second orgasm, smiling as He gently rubs His own pants as I stare, alternative between locking gazes with Him, and staring at His jeans that I am fervently wishing are off. This goes on for too long – I can’t believe He’s going to make me ask, but I have to see Him and touch Him or I am going to explode.

“Oh, pleaseeeee…” I gasp, hoping this is all I’ll need to say. He grins and acts frustratingly obtuse.

“Please, what?”

Damn, but He’s going to make me say it. “Please, I want to see You”, I settle on. He’s not satisfied.

“You want to see Me?”

I give up. “Please, I want to touch You.”

And I get rewarded. He moves the chair in front of me and stands before it. He moves to His belt, but I don’t even give Him a chance, I am so eager. He has a black leather belt, and for a moment as I am on my knees before Him, I imagine what it would be like if He unlooped it and struck me with it… I unbutton Him, pull down His pants, and cannot resist toguing Him over His boxes – all while the Sybian is still vibrating inside me.

After a moment, I pull his boxes down and get to kiss, and lick, and tongue Him. He tastes so, so good. He sits down and I suck Him into my mouth, trying to swallow Him, trying to get as much of Him in my mouth as possible, trying to make Him feel some fraction of what I’m feeling. I need to ask permission to come a third time, an orgasm Heightened by this wonderful access to Him. I pull off of Him to tell Him that I am coming, and scream and sob into His skin as another orgasm overtakes my body.

As He dials the vibrations back down, He asks me how many orgasms I’ve had. I know this, and tell Him three. He smiles and asks if I am sure, and reminds me that my counting needed work last time. I feel myself blush, but I know at least this far, I’ve counted correctly. He tells me to remove His shoes, which I place neighborly next to me, and His jeans and boxes. I reveal in the chance to do something for this man. He places His feet on my thighs, pushing me further onto the Sybian, increasing the vibrations. It’s sexy as hell.

Next, He informs me that I’m to stay on the Sybian until I make Him come – god, but that is one of the most erotic things I’ve ever heard – I’m nervous about making Him come and excited and trying to decide how many orgasms I want. I work on pleasure Him, as he sometimes puts His hands on my hair, pushing my mouth deeper onto Him, before He dials up the intensity and I’m lost and I pull off and gasp out my plea for permission.

He asks me how many orgasms I’ve ever had in a day, and I don’t kNow, but I tell Him honestly it was however many He allowed me the first time we played. He asks me how many days it has been since I’ve orgasmed, and I tell him twenty-two. I now have a task – to “take care of myself” and orgasm once a day for twenty-two days, informing Him each time.

I’m excited. I can’t help but grin at Him – in sheer delight at how good my body feels, how much fun this debasement is, and it must be infected because He smiles back.

He wants me to keep Him inside my mouth for my next orgasms, and moan into Him as I come. Keeping Him in my mouth, I stare at the dials that He has perched on His thigh, but He must sense my eyes, and doesn’t increase the intensity until I give up and look away.


I’m Feeling quite sated, and attempt to turn my attention to pleasure Him, but every time He increases the vibrations, I can’t focus and I stop sucking and start screaming, my mouth full. Him, in my chair, me, with my face in His lap and my body onThis Sybian, His masculinity a stark contrast to my intimate, feminine living space – it’s too decade to take in.


He decreases the vibrations, and instructs me to run my tongue up and down Him, swirling the tip. I love this, knowing that I’m pleasing Him exactly how He wishes, enjoying worshipping His cock in appreciation. He increases the vibrations once more, to the highest yet, and I put Him back in my mouth.


(Or was it eight? Now I’ve lost count…)

Whichever one this is, this is the best one – I climb the highest and crash the hardest, and I scream and shake and tremble and buck and my clip feels like it’s on fire and it’s melting, but in the sweetest red-hot flames and it goes on and on and on and on, longer than I deserve, longer than anyone, anywhere, has ever deserved.

This time, He doesn’t decrease the vibrations after my screams stop. I’m embarrassed at how my body buckles and twitches through my orgasms. So much for poise. Ivow to focus on Him and sucking on Him, and try to ignore the Sybian’s intensity machinations – it is vibrating as hard as I think it can. I speed up my mouth, and try to remember the exact speed that He preferred last time.

I am rewarded with His hands on my head, His moans that I am eliciting, and finally, the delicious taste of Him as He comes into the back of my throat, coating my mouth, holding me down hard as I fight the urge to struggle to breathe. To say that I savor it, the relief and the success that washes over me, is the biggest understanding I’ve ever told. I feel victimious. In this moment, I feel that I’ve done well.

Everything gets a bit blurry here. He must have turned off the viruses at some point. He tells me that I can get off when I am able, and I slowly stand, wobbly, unsure If my legs are still working. He lets me cuddle with Him and bury my face into His side and savor being able to touch Him freely, as His fingers stroke my arm, making me purr. It just feels so good, laying there together… and my breathing slows and I start to tell Him about another fantasy I have.


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