jennaslave was nervous. It was the second time He’d stopped her on the stairwell outside the villa to touch and play with her. He lifted her skirt again and pressed her back against the stark white concrete wall while He kissed her deeply and fucked her wet cunt with His fingers. The sunshine on T/them brightly and jennaslave thought it felt as if the whole world was looking at T/them at once.
It wasn’t loving Him publicly that had her dismayed. It was the thought of someone seeing how lewdly she bucked against Him wanting more and more. She would gladly strip naked and beg her Master to fuck her there on the stairs and at the same time flush with the embarrassment of what she was willing to do for this Man, this Master of her body and soul that she loved with all of her heart.
Every fiber of her being screamed “No!” but jennaslave grabbed her JaredMaster’s wrist and drew his fingers up to her lips, letting her skirt fall back down to its proper place. Licking and sucking his fingers she began to beg, “Please, Master, take me inside and let me show You how much I love Your cock, please!” I want to worship Your beautiful cock!
JaredMaster’s loving gaze turned icy. “That is the second time you have stopped Me, jenna!” Instantly she began to apologize but JaredMaster was already pulling her up the stairs. He pushed the card key into her hand and commanded her to open the door.
Hands trembling jennaslave tried desperately to apologize, “i am so sorry, JaredMaster! Please? Forgive me?” Finally the card slide home and the door opened. Jared forced her through the door and had her stripped and kneeing in front Him before she realized that it had happened. He stood before her with collar and whip in hand.
“Am I not your Master? Have W/we not, with this collar, been bound together as Master and slave?”
“Yes, JaredMaster!”
“And as your Master, is it not My responsibility to provide for your needs and protect you in every way?”
“Yes, JaredMaster, Yes!”
“Do you not trust Me to do that, even in matters of public display?”
“Yes, JaredMaster, You are right, i have failed You terribly.”
Jared did not collar her and she knew it was because she had failed to believe in what the collar represented. Instead He sought to stifle her pleasures with a ball gag. He ordered her to her feet, and bent her over a small straight backed chair and made her grab the seat.
What he did next did not frighten jennaslave nor did she think it unjust. Jared whipped her mercilessly. Jenna screamed in pain but the screams were silenced by the gag. Tears streamed down her cheeks and her ass was aflame but jenna came again and again beneath her Master’s whip. He loved her and she took solace in that. If He didn’t love her He would not both with teaching her, with discipline. She belonged to Him and she knew in her heart that if someone had happened upon them on the stairs He would have shielded her from their eyes. They had loved each other publicly many times and Jared had never taken reckless chances. What they shared was for each other and no one else. She deserved every lash and more.
Jared dropped the whip and pulled out His cock. Whipping her and watching as she gave herself to it completely had made Him hungry. He slammed His cock deep into her pussy and held it there as she came violently on His cock. But He would not fuck her for her pleasure now… this would not be gentle loving. JaredMaster pulled His long rigid cock from her throbbing cunt and drove it deep into her wiggling ass. He knew no mercy for the screams around the gag for He had studied her carefully in the beginning of her submission and He knew well her limits. He loved her and what He did to her in times of punishment would never be for the sheer pleasure of hurting her but to teach her the place of total submission.
JaredMaster reached around and grabbed her tits, squeezing them so hard she thought surely He had ripped them from her body. With each slam of his long stiff cock into her tender ass jennaslave thanked Him in her heart and screamed around the gag. The intense pain of forced entry into her ass was all that her mind could comprehend for a moment but slowly, the slap of JaredMaster’s soft balls against her stiff and protruding clip brought her into a realm of pleasure. she cherished it, while it lasted, but she knew that it would be brief.
When jennaslave’s garbled screams turned to moans of an indistinguishable nature JaredMaster picked up the whip and proceeded to whip His lovely slave again.
“you belong to Me! I am your Master! If I want to fuck you on the counter at the grocery store, I WILL DO IT and you will ask if I am pleased with it! you are MINE! you gave yourself to Me and the collar freely and willingly and without reservation! you are MINE! MINE! MINE!”
The whip on jennaslave’s back and tights was exciting and she loved it. The intensity of the way her JaredMaster claimed her set her soul on fire and she welcomed it. The sting of the rising red stripes on her ass reminded her that she had failed Him and she needed each and every one of them.
When Jared’s arm grew tired He dropped the whip again and drew her up from the chair to a nearly upright position by her tits. He reached down and turned the chair around behind Himself. He sat down in it dragging jennaslave down with him and driving His sharp dick even further into her with her own weight. He released her bruised right title and slid His hand down between her legs to fuck her dripping cunt with his long fingers while she rode His dick in her ass like a wild woman. JaredMaster’s cum took T/them both by surprise. Jared knew He was close but He’d lost Himself so fully in the pleasure of jenna’s hot silky ass that he came abruptly and fiercely.
The heat of her Master’s cum and the way it filled her sent jennaslave over the top. Wave after wave of exhaust bliss rollled through her body as she came, spinning an ocean of sweet cum into her JaredMaster’s lap from her gushing cunt. She slumped against Him and quietly hoped that the anger for her betrayal left His heart when the cum left His balls.
Jared reached up and removed the gag from His jennaslave’s lovely mouth.
“jenna, do you understand the reason for your whipping?”
“Yes, Sir, I do.” Her response was thick and raspy from screaming.
“Do you understand why I cannot tolerate such behavior?”
“Yes, Sir.”
“I am disappointed in your reluctance today jenna but I forgive you. Tonight You will spend in ever vigilant servitude. you will show Me your heart and your submission and if you are a good girl, W/we will discuss the return of your collar. Now, I wish to be bathed.”
jennaslave removed herself from her Master’s softening cock and went straight to the bathroom. her heart was elated by her Master’s forgiveness and tonight He would be so proud of her when He saw in her heart the love and abortion that was within her. she would be His very good girl and that was all she needed in this world.
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