The Stage

Author’s note: This is a work of fiction. All characters are eighteen years or older.

The Stage

Load creaking noises were heard along the narrow staircase as a volunteer woman carefully made her way up the wooden steps. Though the cool florescent light only cast a dim glow upon the surroundings, the bright blond hair that fell down to the shoulders of the woman shone like a gleaming golden throw. The blonde woman’s legs wobbled a little unsteadily as she worked to keep her balance in the black siletto heels she wore while carefully ascending each tall, ribety step. Besides the black patent leather pumps, she wore a tight corset made of a silky black brocade that accentuated her lovely feminine curves. Beneath the corset was a pair of silky crotch-less panties adorned with lace. Around her throat was a thick black leather collar fastened with a lock at the back of her neck. A long metal chain was connected to a ring directly under her chin.

The chain was, of course, connected to a handle that was held by a man following behind her. She knew the broad-shouldered swarthy man in a dark pin-striped suit; he was her Master and Owner. He was the one who knew how to take her to the places in her sexual psyche she didn’t know existed. He was the man who taught her how to release her sexual inhibitions, and press down on the accelerator of her erotic desire. When she was in the safety of his control, the ship of her sexual password was cut loose from its moorings and sailed vigorously forth into the sea of ​​intense orgasmic bliss.

The woman took a deep breath to calm her nerves as she thought about what might be in store for her soon. Her body was tense with a mixture of excitement and anxiety. She wondered what surprised he had in store for her, what kind or fantasy of hers he would indulge her in. The air was cold, stale and musty; they had begun their climb up the wooden stairs from a dark basement that was at the bottomof a large un-marked building in the middle of an industrial district. There, her Master had instructed her to remove her street clothes and put on the clothes she now wore. He had told her earlier that evening that he was taking her to a private BDSM club, but nothing more than that. She finally reached the last step and stood on a small landing before a dark wooden door with a large metal doorknob.

Her Master stepped A blast of warm air swept across her body as she lifted her gaze past the open doorway. She saw what appeared to be a large but dimly-lit auditorium. Dominating the center of the room was a large stage. Surrounding the stage she saw many chairs, most of which were occupied by strange men. As she was guided forward through the doorway, she noted that there were also a few women among the seated people that surrounded the stage.

The woman was leading up a short set of stairs onto the stage by her Master where she observed with a slight gasp a large wooden contraction that resembled a medieval pillory. There was a short padded stool placed before a large wooden board with two small holes surrounding a larger hole in the middle. The woman swallowed nervously as she observed the contraction.

“Come, mi dulce pocita,” her Master urged as he pushed her forward to the contraction.

The woman, who went by the name Candy while she was engaged in play with her Dominant, took several steps forward and reached the wooden pillory. Her Master un-latched the metal chain attached to the ring on her collar, then lightly ran his fingertips along the edge of her jawline. Dropping the lean to the floor with a loud metal clatter, he pressed in close behind her and turned her to face the seated audience. She lifted her gaze and saw people, mostly men, staring back at her.

For a brief moment, Candy felt self-conscious of her sintily clad body being in full view of so many eyes. For a long time she had been ashamed of her curvy body; her plump round ass, thick thighs, soft round belly and small roll under her chin. She had struggled for years with self-criticism of her body, which bleed into crisis of herself in many other facets of her life; every mishap or mistaken means she let people down, that she was a failure, that she was not good enough. Yet today, with the help of her Master, she rarely feel so. He had helped her to let go of the bull-shit society told her about her body. He helped her find trust in the idea that she was a beautiful woman, every chubby and curvy part, that she was a sexy woman who deserved self-love and self-confidence. She was a sensitive and erotic woman, and believed it. She was a woman who loved sex, and no longer felt shade for it. And so, a small smile crept upon her lips as she looked upon the many people who stared back at her.

Candy’s Master stepped behind her and whispered into her ear, while slowly trailing afinger along the soft curve of her jaw. She nodded as she lowered her gaze, turned around and bent over, placing her hands upon her knees, arching her back, and shoving her big round ass out towards the seated audience. She felt his hand upon her pale skin as it caresed one of her chubby cheeks, gliding along her skin and the silky lace of her panties. She knew that with the split in the crotch, her smoothly-shaven cunt-lips were slightly parted and exposed to everyone’s view.

“What a wanton slut, exposing herself like this. Giving you all a fine view of luscious ass-meat,” she heard him intone as he lightly smacked one of her pale globes. She closed her green eyes and bit her lower lip as she heard his voice and braced herself for what she knew was coming.

A loud meaty smack resounded throughout the dark hall as Candy’s Dominant brought down his heavy leather crop against her left curvy ass-cheek with a sharp swing. Candy let out a stifling whimper as she felt the sharp pain strike across the sensitive nerves of her plump ass. Her whimper turned into a moan as she felt the electric stimulation along her nerves travel down between her legs and reach her pussy. She felt the familiar arousal build within her whenever she was struck so. As another few lashes sounded out across her ample bottom, she let out a series of mewling groans.

After a moment, Candy’s Master’s lashes ceased and she stood there with her round ass-cheeks thrust out, proudly presenting the angle pink and red marks that marred her smooth pale flesh to the audience. A trickle of her girl juices leaked from within her pink folds, forming a dewy sheen on her intimate flesh. She let out another deep moan as she felt his hands upon her tingling ass-cheeks, moving slowly to part her creamy globes open further. She knew the audience could clearly see her freshly waxed mound, and hairless rosy pumper. The blonde’s Master moved a finger along her slit, the pad of his finger gathering a bitof gooey liquid as it slide between her lips. He smeared her pussy juice around her pumped outer sphincter for a moment, before pushing his digit all the way into her ass. She gasped, her knees trembling, as she felt the sharp burn from the anal invasion of his long thick finger.

Soft squelching noises murmured out through the quiet room as Candy’s Master finger-fucked her quivering anus. She tried to relax her anal muscles so that her sphincter ring would loosen its grip around her Dominant’s thick finger. She closed her eyes and felt her cheeks flush as she stood there in front of who-knew-how-many eyes with her naked ass sticking out, having her dirty hole played with. The exhibitionist streak within her made her cunt tingle as she imagined what her audience thought. After a few long, delicious moments he popped his finger free from her dark butt-hole. She gasped softly as her anal-ring involuntarily and violently contracted and expanded.

He hooked his fingers into the band of her crotch-less panties and yanked them down over her knees and let them slide down to her ankles. Then after a loud slap of his hand upon her right ass-globe he grabbed Candy’s collar with his other hand and yanked her forward. “Come on, slut,” he grew softly.

Candy wobbled on her heels as she stumbled forward to the padded stool before the pillory. He sat her down on it, and she felt the cool leather of the seat press up against her warm, freshly-cropped butt-cheeks. He bent her over at the waist to place her neck onto the lower half of the larger center hole, and then placed her wrists on either side of it in the smaller lower cut-outs. He closed the upper half of the wooden contraction over her with a resounding thumb, sealing her head and hands within the holes. He fastened a padlock on the metal clasp at the side, locking it in place with a metallic clack.

Candy’s heart began to race as she realized she could not escape. She had her head and wrists locked within this wooden board, with her lower half thrust out, ass propped onto a padded stool with her cunt and ass exposed from behind. She also experienced a thrill of excitement at the knowledge she was trapped and exposed, made to look like some sexual object before the audience. Her cunt began to leak more of her syrupy juices at the thought.

The sharp bolt of pain that shot through her body at the lash of her Dominant’s crop shook her train of thought and she cried out in pain. She felt his fingertips rub under her jaw and lift her head slightly.

“What are you?” he asked simply.

“I’m your fuck-meat, Master,” Candy responded.

“What is this?” he asked as he squished two fingers into her juicy wet slit.

“A hole for cocks to fuck, Master,” she replied with a low moan as she enjoyed the sensing of his fingers filling her inside.

“Mmm, very good my fuck-puppet.”

He withdraw his fingers and made her clean them off. Candy’s oval mouth wrapped aroundund his digits and slurped softly, tasting her own sticky juices. She looked up at him meekly with her large green eyes, mewling softly as she sucked. With a wet pop, he extracted his fingers from her plump lips and turned around to the audience with a slight smile. He stroked his hand over one of her ample ass-cheeks as he addressed the audience.

“I have a horny piece of fuck-meat here. Does anyone want to come use this slut’s fuck-hole? It is ripe for the taking,” he casually offered as he rubbed and stroked his hand over Candy’s plump butt-cheeks. A sudden murmur of voices filled the auditorium.

Upon hearing his words she blushed furiously. He was offering up her cunt to any anonymous man to fuck; to use her as a fuck hole, a cum-dump. She felt incredibly objective and the sexual humiliation of it both made her cheeses flush with embarrassment and her cunt gush with sexual excitement. She knew that this was a deep secret sexual fantasy that she only just revealed to herMaster, and he was now pressing that button hard.

Candy swallowed nervously as she saw several men from the audience climb up the short stairs onto the stage and approach her from the rear. The wood plans of the stage creamed with the heavy trod of several men. She flinched suddenly as she felt her Master’s hand strike her chubby ass-cheeks with a few forceful strokes, leaving her tender flesh tingling. The blood pumping through her veins resounded in her ears. She heard quiet whispers and a few chuckles, and then the sounds of belt buckles being unfasted and zippers being yanked down. Rough hands gripped her ample butt-cheeks, fingers pressing into the soft supple flesh, which made her gasp and her heart flutter nervously. She knew what was going to happen next.

Surprised filled Candy’s eyes when she realized how wet and juicy she was when she felt how easily the thick hard cock squished into the pink folders of her cunt. She could not help but let out a long, low moan of pleasure as she was filled, the walls of her pussy stretching open. Her toes curled up in delight as she let all her inhibitions go and instead wallowed in the lewd position she was in. Her head turned slowly from side to side, her arms jerking back but held fast by the pillory. Here she was, naked and actually exposed; bound in some medieval device, while some stranger she has never known or seen, rammed his hard throbbing dick into her wet cunt. Her cheeks flushed brightly as her mind thought over her prediction and the realization of it hit her. The heat within her grow hotter, and she realized she was being fucked now; the soft meaty claps of her ass-cheeks colliding with the stranger’s hips resounding out in the otherwise quiet auditorium.

Candy licked her lips as she used her pussy muscles to squeeze the anonymous man’s thick pumping cock in a Rhythmic milking action. The man did not last much longer and in about a minute she heard a low grunt and groan as he thrust hiself all the way into her and exploded. She felt the hot spurts of cum within her, splashing against the walls of her womb. After he withdraw his slimy cock from her slick cunt, she felt a little empty. The empty feeling was short lived however, as she felt another man step up to shove his throbbing cock into her freshly-creamed pussy. She groaned again as she felt that stretch of her cunt lips and inner walls as it worked to accommodate his girl. This man really pounded into her fast and hard and it wasn’t long before she felt the building fire of her arousal reach near orgasmic heights.

“Master, may I cum please?” Candy pleased with a trembling voice as she struggled to keep her impending orgasm at bay.

“That’s a good little slut. You may cum. Cum for me like the dirty cock-hungry slut I know you are.”

After a few moments she was crying out with her first orgasm of the night, her toes curling up and clenching tightly while her hands closed into tense fists. Her mouth formed an “O” as she moaned and trembled, savoring the delicious warm feeling of her orgasm rolling through her body.

The man slamming into her was soon spewing out his hot cum. She could feel his cock twitching inside as it spurted globs of fresh cum into her. Once he withdraw his spend price from her sopping, creamy mess of a cunt, he was almost immediately replaced by another rigid horny cock.

The new strange did not last long at all. A quick slap, slap, slap and then he was crying out as he emptied his nutsack into Candy’s gooey cunt, adding more to the syrupy load inside. Soon after, she had another turgid cock-shaft pushing into the slimy folders of her sticky pussy. She felt his hands clamp down onto her plump ass-cheeks and maul them roughly as he stalled his short but thick cock into her with frantic thrusts.

Candy grunted and groaned as she felt this new stranger really attack her cunt angrily. He was pounding into her, muttering something under his breathh she couldn’t quite make out. She closed her eyes and retired the frenzied fucking the man was giving her. She heard his breath quicken and his panting becomes heavier and more emphatic until with one violent shove he roared out his explosive orgasm. Her ass-cheeks, left pink and red from the rough pawing, were squished up hard against his hips as he blasted his cum into her. She thought to herself that this man must have been really pent-up because he came for what seemed like an eternity, dumping a volumetric amount of hot spunk into her womb.

A long ribbon of creamy cum dribbled down from her cunt and plopped onto the floor. Candy hear an audible slurping sound as the man unplugged his thick cock-meat from her sloppy hole. She feel a sharp smack against her right ass-cheek and a low chuckle as her anonymous fuck partner stepped aside for the next one in line. In the span of a few moments she felt the push of another bulbous cock-head shoving against the tacky petals of her pussy.

This man was larger than all the previous men. His enormous length and girl disposed the gelatinous mixture of cum from the four previous men inside her, and she could feel it see out the edges of her puffy cunt-lips and trickle down one inner thigh. He soon was steadily seeing his thick pillar of meat back and forth, fucking Candy with heavy, forceful thrusts that she felt all the way to her cervix.

Candy felt her Master’s hand petting her hair gently as she rocked back and forth from the through fucking the man behind her was giving her.

“How does it feel to be fucked by unknown men, mi dulce? How does it feel to be a sloppy fuck-hole for dozens of horny men? A cum dump. Anonymous men sticking their cocks into you and using you to get off. Just a piece of ass to be used, a Receptacle for men to relieve themselves in,” her Master whispered into her ear as he petted her lovingly with his gentle hand.

Candy’s cheats flushed with embarrassment; however she could not deny how much she loved it. While her cheeks burned with the humiliation of his words, she thought about the truth of them. She had indeed been transformed into an object of sexual gratification for an association of strangers. The thought of it made her knees weak and she had another shuddering orgasm as she was relentlessly fucked by the man with the enormous cock from behind.

“Ohhh, fuck yess!” she cried out.

Candy was dimly aware of the huge-cocked man grunting out his orgasm and emptying his copious load of cum into her. Her eyes rolled back in her head and she lost herself into a fog of orgasmic bliss.

The room was filled with the loud fleshy smacks of hips colliding into Candy’s pale plump ass-cheeks and mingled with the grunting noises of anonymous men fucking and erupting into the fuck-hole exhibited Before them. The sounds of men fucking and were punctuated by the high-pitched shrieking and moaning of the bounded cock-slut as she continued to have multiple, successful orgasms from the constant friction of veiny cock-flesh thrusting between her cunt-lips, stroking across her clip, and pounding up against her inner g-spot. The air began to reek of sex; the smell of Candy’s cunt-juices blended together with cum and cock odors that perfumed the victory with a raunchy aroma. One after another, she felt different men penetrate her sensitive and aroused cunt with their rigid fleshy Shafts. One would withdraw with a gooey slurp, and then the next would push in with a noisy squish as it entered her sludgy, heavily-used cunt. She loved feeling the association of cocks that different in length and girl within her horny pussy.

As the gangbang continued into its second hour, Candy had lost track of how many men had eagerly fucked her exposed cunt and emptied their swollen balls. She also lost track of how many times she climaxed. It was all a hazy, sexual blur now. Her hair was damp and sticking to the sweaty skin of her face. Her jaw hung slack, a bit of drool leaking from the edge of her mouth, as she panted and moaned. Her glossy green eyes were rolled back slightly, completely unfocused as her mind became a mushroom of assorted lascivious thoughts and feelings while riding orgasm after orgasm. Her inner thighs were a sticky mess as little rivulets of spunk oozed out of her pussy. A puddle of gooey semen had collected on the floor directly beneath her soggy drooling cunt. Her ass felt hot with tingling sensitivity from the constant barrage of smacking it received from hips and hands alike.

After several long moments passed without Candy feeling another rigid cock entering her, she blinked her eyes and took a long breath. It took her a while to refocus and return from the sexual hypnotic state she had been in. She could hear the soft rustle of clothes and footsteps on the stage. She looked up and to the side to see her Master stepping around behind the pillory she was trapped in.

“It looks like you havedrained every last nutsack, little fuck-hole,” he said to her with a chuckle. “You look quite the mess back here. I think I’ll take a picture of you so you can look at later.”


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