The Squire Ch. 03

A second day at work for twenty-three-year-old Laura. Today, something completely different. Once again, all actors in this drama; major players, bit part actors or simply extras, are over the age of eighteen.

I was shaken roughly awake the next morning by Annabel. I was still feeling tired and, when I looked, the place where I had been waxed was still red and raw. I scrambled out of bed and found my brown uniform and pulled it over my head.

“Come on,” she urged me, “it’s never a good idea to be late for work.”

We dashed out and joined the rest of the girls as they hurried down the stairs to the kitchen. As we got there, I copied them as we all adopted the humiliating pose before marching in, subdued and in single file, and lined up just inside the door. Chef Phillip walked along the row, inspecting us carefully. Occasionally he would stop in front of one of the girls and grope her breasts or feel under her dress. The poor girl tried to stand still as his hand explored her hidden places while he seemed to take pleasure in his freedom to do as he pleased. Then he stepped back and assigned each girl her place in the kitchen for the day. One by one they left the line and went to their station.

I was surprised when he called Mary’s name and put her on the pot wash. The poor girl already looked wound out but walked across to the sink and began to busy herself. Eventually I was the only one left and I wondered what menial task was to be mine.

“You’re on training today, new girl. Miss Alice is expecting you. Jake will show you the way.”

The young man I had encountered in the toilet yesterday stepped forward, grinning from ear to ear. He spun me around and pushed me towards the door.

“Left,” he directed me, and I preceded him along a corridor that was new to me. We came to another set of stairs and he pushed me towards it. I started to climb, very conscious of the man behind me.

“Nice view from down here,” he taunted.

I felt his hand reach under my tunic and grope between my legs. I staggered and nearly fell but managed to regain my balance. I had to bring my hands forward to stop my fall, but his hand kept sliding between my legs. With difficulty I stood upright and continued up the stairs. Eventually our way was blocked by a door. I stopped and he came up beside me. He squashed himself against me with a sneer on his face, then smacked me hard on the bottom, before opening the door and pushing me through.

I stumbled into a large room. It was brightly lit from the large windows along one side. The opposite wall was lined with bookshelves and the carpeted floor felt soft even through the thin soles of my wound-out shoes. To the right was a large door and to the left was an ornate desk. We had come in through a hidden door that was part of the bookcase. Behind the desk sat Miss Alice. She stood up as I staggered in still trying to maintain the obligatory pose.

“That will be all, thank you, Jake,” she said before turning her attention to me.

She pointed to the centre of the carpet and I quickly moved to stand there. I tried to remember, elbows back and eyes down, as she strolled around me, inspecting me from all angles.

“Today we start your training. I’m sure you’re better suited upstairs than down in the kitchen but I’m not sure quite where to place you. We’ll start with waiting at table, so strip. Any experience?”

I was shocked but knew better than to disobey. I shook my head, not trusting myself to speak, as I pulled my dress over my head. Then I resumed the pose.

“I see you’re still looking a bit red down there,” she said, rubbing her hand over my sensitive skin. “It will fade quickly enough. And the shoes!”

I quickly kicked off my Shoes as she walked back to the desk. For a second or two I was able to enjoy the soft luxury of the carpet beneath my bare feet, before she turned around and walked back to me. She was carrying a coupleof scraps of white clothes. She handed me one of them. It was tiny and only hinted at its inspiration, an apron. On her order I tied it around my wait. It was so small that it left me completely exposed. The other item she carried was a small lace cap that she arranged carefully on top of my head.

She went back to her desk and returned with a pair of black high-heeled shoes. I had a pair of two-inch ones at home and never feel safe on them, but these were at least four inches if not more. They looked intimidating. She dropped them onto the carpet at my feet.

“Have you beat heels before?”

“N … no, Miss Alice, not as big as those.”

“Well, you’ll just have to get used to them. Put them on. They’re your size.”

How I managed it without falling over or breaking an ankle I don’t know. I had to unclasp my hands just to keep my balance, but Miss Alice made no comment. Nervously I slowly resumed the pose. I could feel the strain in my legs as my muscles struggledto keep me upright. For a second time she walked around me. She made an adjustment to the bow that tied the apron behind me and then I felt her stop. Her hand stroked across my right cheek.

“Whose handprint is this?” she demanded, but before I could answer she went on, “don’t both, I can guess. I will get Chef Phillip to speak to Jake. That boy takes far too many liberties.”

She went back to the desk and lean against it, inspecting me from a distance. Then the moment came that I had been dreading. I was told to walk around the room. Part of me was tempted to fall over and feign an injury but something stopped me. It felt important that I complete this new task and maybe even please Miss Alice. For the first few steps I was terrified that I would indeed fall over but I managed to make it back to the centre of the room. I stood back on the spot and tried not to show my pride.

“Not bad. Now, again. Try to look elegant this time.”

For the next hour or two she kept me at it, making me walk in circles and figures of eight. She would drop a teaspoon on the floor, and I was made to pick it up. She walked beside me griping me as she did so, squeezing my arse cheeses or sliding a finger along my pussy lips. Her constant attention started to arouse me, and I had no way to hide it from her as my pussy began to ooze mood. She made me carry a silver tray with a delicate cup and saucer on it. Slowly, as she worked me through the exercises, I felt less nervous. I was told to stop and put the tray down and assume the pose while she walked around and sat behind the desk. She picked up a telephone and pressed a button. After a short wait she spoke into it.

“We’ll have lunch now. One for me and one for a trainee. As soon as possible.”

She put the phone down and looked at me. I was almost getting used to being stared at, to being constantly groped and manhandled, of people having the right to use me as they wanted. I had been here a day and my world had already changed into something unrecognisable. I was content to stand still, on display to the world. Miss Alice’s eyes never wavered as she stared at me.

My thoughts were interrupted by a quiet knock on the door. At Miss Alice’s command it opened, and I heard someone come in. I watched as a woman, a little older than me, carried a tray to the desk and put it down. She wore the same apron and frilly cap that I wore and identical shoes but the rest of her was more decently covered. She wore a black skirt and even if it was too short to hide much it was still better than nothing. And she had a top, also in black, that was more akin to a bikini top. It displayed rather than covered her. It wasn’t much but I envied her.

“Thank you, Felicity,” said Miss Alice in an unfamiliar kindly voice as the woman placed a plate of food in front of her, “can you give my new trainee her food as well,”

The woman walked over and placed a small plate of food at my feet and then stood and looked me up and down.

“What do you think of her?”

“She’s certainly very pretty, Miss.”

“I’m hoping she might join your little troupe of servers.”

“Is she managing the heels?”

“She’s been practicing all morning and seems to be doing quite well. I have also discovered that she’s extremely easy to arouse. Try her and you’ll see what I mean.”

“Oh, I see. You’re right. Her cunt is really wet,” said the woman as she worked her finger between my labia.

“I’m sure she’ll go down well at dinner parties.”

“The men will enjoy her but then so will some of the ladies. I wonder if she is good at using her mouth.”

“I have yet to test her on that. But leave her be now. The poor thing must be starving.”

The finger slide out and away and the woman returned to the desk. This time, however, she walked around it and sat on Miss Alice’s lap. I was given permission to knee, and I dropped down and started to eat. There was no cutlery, so I had to resort to using my fingers. Whenever I looked up all I could see was the two women playing with each other. They were kissing and Miss Alice’s hand was inside the girl’s bikini top.

Eventually we finished our food and the girl reluctantly gathered up the plates and left. The rest of the afternoon was filled with more exercises. I eventually mastered the art of picking a spoon off the floor without beending my knees. It was a struggle, and it pushed my aching legs to the limit, but I succeeded, despite her constant groping and fingering. Just her simple ‘good girl’ was reward enough.

We had been at it for hours when I was finally allowed to stop. At her command I eased off my shoes and sank gratefully down onto the soft carpet. I took of the cap and the tiny apron and she collected them from me. I was kept standing naked as she went back to her desk and picked up the phone. She pressed a button and waited before eventually speaking.

“Ahhh Phillip, I hope I’m not disturbing you. Your boy Jake delivered a girl to me this morning. Its just that she arrived with a bright red handprint on her arse. I assume that was him. He is beginning to get above himself. Can you have a word?”

There was a pause before, “good idea, I’ll send her down straight away. Thank you for being so understanding.”

She put the phone down and looked at me. “Chef Phillip will speak to Jake, but he wants you there to get your side of the story. Get dressed and get down there. I’m sure you can find your way.”

Without another word she began to go through some papers that were on her desk, completely ignoring me. I found my clothes in a corner of the room where they had been kicked out of the way and covered myself. I managed to find the hidden door and opened it. I glanced back but Miss Alice was ignoring me.

I managed to retrace my footsteps from this morning down the twisting stairs and along the corridor. The clamour of the kitchen grow louder as I approached. When I walked in Chef Phillip was standing by the door of his small office. It was a small room built into the corner of the kitchen. The two walls were mostly glass so that he could keep an eye on everyone. He wasckoned to me and when I got to him, he pushed me inside and shut the door behind us. Lounging in a chair against the far wall was Jake, grinning malevolently.

“Stand there,” commanded the Chef, pointing to a spot in front of the desk.

He started to prowl back and forth, and the silence grew ominously.

“You little bitch!” he said in a voice barely above a whisper, “you lying slut. Blaming one of my staff of wrongdoing. I have spoken to Jake and he says you were arguing and misbehaving so he had to smack you. He had no choice. And I believe him.”

I opened my mouth to protest my innocent, but he pulled my hair, jerking my head backwards. I grunted with the sudden pain as he squeezed in front of me and perched on the edge of his desk. Still holding my hair, he slapped my face with his other hand, and I squealed with the shock and pain. Beyond the glass walls the hustle and bustle of the kitchen seemed to go quiet. I was consciousness of many heads being turned in my direction and many eyes staring at me. He gropeed at his chests whites and unfasted his trousers, pushing them down. My head was tilted forward, and I could see his erection, stiff and angry, jutting out.

“Suck it, bitch,” he hissed at me, and pushed my head down.

I had no choice, so I started to drop to my knees. Suddenly a pair of hands clapped my hips and kept me up and I was forced to bend at the waist. The hands, they can only have been Jake’s, pushed my dress up to my arm pits and a hand groped between my thighs. A tidal wave of shade flooded over me as I knew, and he discovered, how wet I already was. Meanwhile Chef’s large penis was trying to push into my mouth. My situation was hopeless, and I opened wide for him.

He was bigger than I had ever had before, and he was less gentle. He filled my mouth and I struggled to breathe. Behind me fingers were eagerly and easily sliding in and out of my pussy. Chef’s penis finally slipped out and I gasped a few lungfuls of air before he pushed in again. He started to fuck my mouth and I watched as I drooled streamers of spit onto the stone floor. Then, another monster invaded my pussy. I was being fucked at both ends. Hands grabbed my breasts and fingers pinched my nipples hard, sending sharp jolts of pain through my body. They only served to excite me even more.

Occasionally the penis in my mouth would slip clear and I was able to gasp a few breaths but the one in my pussy thrust in and out abundantly. I was roughly pulled back onto the penis in front of me and held in place. I wanted to pull out to catch a breath but a hand held me securely. I was rocked by the hard pounding from behind and I could feel the world begin to fade. Although being unable to breathe I could feel an orgasm looming. Then, the grip in my hair changed and I was pulled off. I cought and spluttered as spit dripped from my mouth.

Suddenly everything changed. They must have exchanged a secret signal as the pounding in my pussy stopped, leaving me empty but unsatisfied. But I knew my torture wasn’t over. I was pushed to my knees and the two men loomed over me, their erections pointing at my face. They clearly had only one intention. With no other option, I opened my mouth for what I knew was inevitable.

They both pumped their penises while I waited patiently. One after the other they came, shooting streams of sticky cum over my face. Very little found its way into my mouth, most of it splattering across my face and in my hair. A feeling of calm slowly spread around the room as both men adjusted their clothes and tucked themselves away.

“Let that be a lesson, bitch,” and then his attention was taken elsewhere, “and you lot can get back to work. The show’s over.”

I squinted sideways and realized that there was a row of faces looking through the glass windows at me. I dropped my eyes and hung my head in shame. The entire kitchen had watched the whole thing. I could still feel streaks of cum running down the side of my neck and inside my crumped dress. I needed to wipe myself clean, but I didn’t dare move. One by one the faces disappeared, and the noise of the kitchen returned. Chef Phillip walked over to the door and opened it, then he came back to me and, dragging me by the hair, pulled me over to it and throw me onto the floor outside, slamming the door behind me.

I lay, for a few minutes, in a crumpled heap while everyone got on with their work, ignoring me. My throat and pussy felt battered and abused and I struggled to hold back my tears. Slowly I stood up. When no one commented I walked to the door, my hands defiantly by my side and left the kitchen. I managed to make it up the stairs and to my room. I couldn’t even be bothered to go tothe bathroom and clean myself. It was only after I had crawled under the covers that I let go and sobbed practically.

It seemed like much later that Annabel came back. She sat on the side of my bed and softly stroked my hair. She said nothing but I presume that she had been witness to my humiliation along with all the others. I couldn’t bear to look her in the face but stayed with my head turned towards the wall. In the end she became decisive.

“Come on, let’s get you cleaned up.” When I tried to shake off her hand she went on, “come on, no one will judge you. We’ve all had to put up with something similar in the past. Chef can be a bastard and as for Jake … well!”

She left it at that as she slowly eased me into a sitting position. I kept my eyes on the floor as she led me to the bathroom. She was so gentle with me as she filled the large tub. She helped me out of my tattoo dress, and I stepped in. it felt so good to lower myself under the warm water. She was as gentleand careful as she could be with the coache scrap of clothes we had been given. She washed my hair and caressed my head as she did so. Slowly, I began to feel almost normal.

She gently towelled me dry taking extra care with the area where my pubic hair had been and even more so between my legs. She had witnessed the battery my pussy had taken from Jake. Fortunately, all the girls were in their rooms when she led me, naked, back to our room. I half expected her to demand some form of reward for her kindness, but she simply laid me down and covered me over, tucking in the bed clothes maternally. Still suffused with the warmth of the bath I rolled onto my side and tried to fall asleep.


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