The Squire Ch. 04

The twenty-three-year-old Laura has further adventures, going down paths she has never trodden before. All other characters in this tale, major or minor, are over the age of eighteen.


The lights had been turned off but, despite the darkness, sleep refused to come. My mind whirled with a blindard of emotions. I tried to force the tears to flow but they refused to come. Instead, I could Only feel the tingling of arousal between my legs. What was happening to me? I should feel disgraced and humiliated but all I felt was desire. My hand drifted down under the cover of the sheets and sought solace between my thighs.

I brushed my confusion to one side as I slipped my fingers along the wet lips of my pussy. I felt the familiar comfort suffering through me. I glanced across the room. In the darkness I could hear Annabel breathing heavily. I tried to deny my desire, but it was no use and my finger slipped inside me, a thumb gently massaging my clip. What was going on with me?

I tried to summon up the memory of the abuse I had suffered but somehow that only made matters worse. That had only left me frustrated and wanting more. Miss Alice’s interference as she put me through my paces had started the feeling and the bullying of the two men had simply added to it. I had been left unfulfilled and unsatisfied. I rolled onto my back and spread my legs, giving myself free access.

I was shocked when the door quietly opened and a naked girl, one that I had never seen before, came in carrying an oil lamp. I quickly straightened my legs and took my hand away. I wasn’t sure if she had noticed or not, but she made no comment.

“Oh good, you’re awake. Miss Alice wants to see you. Come with me,” was all she said as she started to back out of the room.

She left the door open enough that the feeble light from the oil lamp still leaked into my room. Miss Alice? What could she want at this time of night? Just the thought made me wary, butI knew better than to go against her. Wearily I struggled out of bed and began to hunt for my tunic.

“You won’t need that,” came the voice of the girl beyond the door, “best not keep her waiting.”

In my short time working here I knew the wisdom of her words, so I went out of the door and followed her. At the opposite end of the corridor to the bathroom was a floor to ceiling curtain. I had noticed it before but assumed it simply hid a window. I was wrong, as when she pulled it to one side, another door was revealed. She opened it and motioned me through. Beyond it there was a second corridor, a mirror image to the one I was familiar with. Doors down the side and a door at the far end.

“Her room’s the one at the far end. Knock and wait.” was all she said as she closed the door behind me, taking the lamp with her and plunging me into darkness. I turned and felt for the door behind me. Feeling all over it I couldn’t find a handle. I was trapped. Slowly I avoided some composure and began to feel my way cautiously along the corridor. I finally reached the far end and found the door to which I had been summoned. Feeling confused and frightened in the pitch dark I knocked softly on it. I then stood back and assumed the statutory pose.

I seemed to wait forever but I eventually heard a movement from the other side of the door. When it opened, I blinked at the surprise of the light. I was surprised by the sight before me in so many ways. I had been expecting Miss Alice, but the door had been opened by the woman I had met earlier when she had brought lunch. This time she was naked and stood aside to let me in.

The room was the same size as the bathroom on our corridor but was appointed as a pleasant and luxurious bedroom. Most of one side was taken up by a large bed. As the door closed behind me and my eyes adjusted to the light, I looked around me. Miss Alice was sat up in the bed, unashamedly naked, her bare breasts on display. The girl, called Felicity if I remember, padded across the carpeted floor, and sat next to her. I continued to stand, just inside the door, definitely maintaining the pose, eyes firmly fixed on the floor in front of me.

“So, what do you think?” Miss Alice asked.

“She is certainly pretty, Miss. But will she be compliant? I know that rebellious girls annoy you.”

“Her compliance has yet to be tested although she put up with my handling of her today and I’ve heard she was also used by Chef Phillip without protest earlier.”

“I hear that as well. Its amazing how quickly word gets around. I wonder … if she has experience with women. Many of our lady guests would like a new girl, I’m sure.”

“I have no idea, but this might be a good time to find out. Come closer girl!”

Nervously I took three steps until I was next to the bed. Felicity climbed off the bed and came to stand behind me.

“This is Felicity, she oversees the serving staff. I have decided to put you with her team to start with,” Miss Alice told me.

I could only see Miss Alice and I tried to avoid her stare. My elbows were grasped and pulled even further back, forcing my breasts forward, and I watched as Miss Alice’s hand snook under the bed clothes. I was mesmerised by its slow movements as the patterned quilt moved. Two hands reached around me and grabbed my breasts and I jumped with surprise. After a few moments of examination my nipples were gripped with a painful tightness. My legs felt weak, and I started to collapse as my knees gave way, but I was held up by the firm grip, causing my nipples to stretch and distort. I moaned with the pain.

“She’s not much in the title,” came the comment from behind me, “and she needs work on her stance.”

“I don’t think she likes having her nipples pinched either,” said Miss Alice, the movement of her hand beneath the sheets becoming more noticeable, “it is something we must work on.”

The force on my pinched nipples increased momentarily before one hand let go and started to grope between my legs. There was no way that I could hide that I was already aroused, and my juices were flowing freely. A whistle of surprised pleasure accompanied the probing finger as it delved deeper, curling upwards and penetrating me.

“The little slut is soaking.”

“I noticed earlier that she seemed quick to arouse. This will delight the guests.”

I had no idea what she was talking about, but it sounded worried. The hand finally released my nipple and joined the other one playing with my pussy. A finger stroked my clip, and I could sense the distant orgasm as it started to build. I had been lying in bed desperate for relief when they had sent for me. But that was to be in private. Was I to be made to climax in front of them?

“Spread your feet further apart, little slut,” a voice whispered in my ear.

I managed to shuffle my feet sideways, exposing myself even more and making myself more easily accessibleble. The hand on my clip went away and I sensed the person behind me leaning to one side. When she returned something cold and hard was pressed onto my clip. Then the violations began. A low hum filled the room as the toy sprung to life. A thrill travelled from my clip, through my pussy and all across my body. My nipples tingled and my stomach churned. My orgasm approached ever closer, and I knew that I’d be unable to control it.

The bedclothes covering Miss Alice had slipped down and she finally kicked them out of the way. She lifted her knees and let her legs fall to either side, exposing herself. Without shame she masturbated in front of me, her fingers keeping a steady rhythm as she pushed them in and out of her naked pussy. Felicity’s fingers did the same to me and the relentless victory were bringing me closer and closer to the edge. I couldn’t stop myself as I moaned with pleasure. I was about to exploit when the humming stopped, and the violences disappeared. I had towithstand the urge to drop my hands and satisfied myself. Things grow worse when the finger that was deep inside me, withdraw and I was left unfilled and unfulfilled.

“Not yet, little slut,” the voice whispered again in my ear, “you have to earn it first.”

I was confused and frustrated and almost in tears.

“On your knees, slut,” came the familiar whisper, “time to please Miss Alice.”

I was pushed down onto my knees and my head was forced forward. I had never been with a woman before although I had occasionally seen a video online. I had never even been this close to another woman’s vagina before. I watched as Miss Alice pulled her own fingers out and then held her labia apart invitingly. The hand on my head urged me closer. I tried to imagine what would please me as I gave my first tenative lick. When no comment came, I licked again, this time a little more boldly.

I keep expecting some sort of smack or slap but when none came, I assumed I must be doing soething right. Slowly I began to get into what I was doing. The taste and the smell both surprised me. They were a strange mixture of sweet and acrid. It was not unpleasant, and I began to warm to the task. The tip of my tongue found her clip and I swirled around it. I was rewarded with a loud moan from somewhere above me.

I started to become more adventurous and explored further. I began to use my Teeth to gently nibble at her clip and elicited another moan. I trailed my tongue along the length of her pussy until I reached her entrance. Nervous of her reaction, I pushed inside. Her knees lifted higher, and her legs played even wider, and my head was held firmly in place. She began to thrash about beneath me. I sensed that she was about to climax, and I wasn’t sure what to do but the firm hands took any decision away.

When she came it was with a mixture of obviouss and strange animal noises. I was held in place as her juices flowed. My face was covered with them and I just had to take it. When she had quietly down, I expected to be released but I just heard a muttered, “don’t stop,” and the hand on my head urged me on. I went back to her clip and began to play with it again. Her hand reached past me, and I could feel it push inside her once again. Thanks to both our efforts it wasn’t long before she came again, slightly less vigorously this time.

This time, When the mini-quake was over, I was pulled aside. Miss Alice sat up and swung her legs over the side of the bed.

“Lie down there, slut,” she told me, pointing to the centre of the bed.

On aching and shaking knees I stood up and crawled onto the bed. She made me lie on my back and then I watched as she guided Felicity to stand over me, legs astride on either side of my head. Felicity reached down and held her pussy lips open before slowly squatting down. Her pussy covered my mouth, and my nose was pressed up against her anus. It was difficult to breathe, and I tried to struggle but she took no notice.

“Get working, slut and stop wriggling about,” was all she said.

She was already wet, and I pushed my tongue out and stroked along her lips. She tasted subtly different to Miss Alice. She still had that same muscleiness but if anything, she was slightly sweeter. I still found it good to taste and lost no time in exploring as far as I could. Then, there was a new sensing. Something soft and wet was playing with my pussy. It can only have been a tongue, but I had no idea who it belonged to. It didn’t seem to matter as my orgasm, which had retired into the background came to the for once more. My moans were muffled as lips closed over my clip and it was sucked into the mouth. Fingers, it felt like three, pushed into my pussy. Another toyed with my anus sending a new and different wave of pleasure. I tried to return the favour as best as I could by sliding my tongue backwards and licking at Felicity’s hole.

She showed her appreciation by pressing afinger against mine relentlessly until my sphincter gave wave and she forced her way inside me. Suddenly the body above me went rigid and she pressed herself down onto me even harder. I couldn’t breathe and I thought I would drop with the amount of her juice that came gushing out. She was even more lavish than Miss Alice. A lot went in my mouth and I swallowed it eagerly. The rest splashed all over my face and ran into my hair. I was very close to the edge myself, but Felicity’s orgasm had still her fingers and they gently withdrew although the one in my bottom remained, a reminder of my new life. Was I once again to be denied?

I feared the worst as Felicity climbed off me. At least I could now breathe without difficulty. I lay there quietly not knowing what was to happen if anything.

“So, how was she?” Miss Alice asked.

“Not bad for a novel. Not bad at all.”

“Assuming she’s not lying, and she hasn’t done it before.”

“She’ll still need more practice.”

“I agree. Now … do we let her come? Does she deserve that?”

“I think so. You can’t criticalise her for not trying. But … you know what? I’d love to watch her bring herself off.”

“You are so bad but that’s a great idea.”

A none too gentle slap on the outside of my thigh concentrated my mind. I was told to go and sit at the end of the bed. The two women crawled into the bed and pulled the covers up and then looked at me expectedly. They had their arms around each other with a sense of familiarity. Miss Alice reached sideways and retrieved a plastic device from the floor next to the bed. It was long and thin, and its purpose was obvious. She found the small switch and the buzzing filled the room once more. She reversed the toy and held it out to me.

“Take this, little Laura. You have my permission to come.”

Automatically I held out my hand and took it from her. The tingle it brought to my hand reawakened memories and I realized what was expected ofme. I looked at them both nervously, at their eager and encouraging expressions and I knew what I had to do. In my life to this point sex had been a private thing usually done in the dark and always under the covers. But here I was, naked and on display, with the lights on, and under the watchful eyes of two women. It went against everything that I had done before, but it seemed that in this house, sex was something that happened in public before an audience. But I had no choice. I knew there would be trouble if I refused but I also had a need to satisfy myself. Slowly and with caution I lowered the toy and brought it to my pussy. I closed my eyes and let the victorys permeate my body. I touched its tip to my clip and a thrill made me shiver. I slip it back and forth between my labia, letting my climax slowly approach.

“Put it inside your cunt. I want to see it inside you.”

The sudden intrusion of the voice caught me by surprise. I opened my eyes with alarm. Snuggled under the blankets, the two women were concentrating on me but still busy playing with each other. What their hands were doing under the covers I didn’t know but could guess at.

“Yes, we want to see you fuck yourself with it,” echoed Felicity.

I closed my eyes again and leaned back against the footboard of the bed. I spread my legs as wide as I could and tilted my pelvis forward. Thankfully, I was already wet. I seemed to have spent most of the day in this state and now it came in useful. Slowly I pushed it in. As I went deeper the victory intensified. I knew I wasn’t far off and I slide it in and out a few times bringing me even closer. When I came the world seemed to stop and it grew misty and out of focus.

In the vague distance I heard a prolonged moan and a tough “Fuck”. Slowly, I opened my eyes. As the images became sharper, I looked at the other end of the bed. Felicity had collapsed back against the pillows. Her eyes were closed, and I watched as her pert breasts, peaked by stiff pink nipples, rose and fall. Her breathing was laboured, and she was being comfortable by Miss Alice who lay beside her stroking her hair with an unexpected gentleness. She glanced in my direction and smiled.

She disentangled herself from the arms of Felicity and leaned to the side, grouping on the floor, and coming back up, holding a blanket. She tossed it to me.

“You can sleep in here tonight. On the floor at the end of the bed. We will have work to do in the morning.”

With that she reached sideways and clicked off the bedside light. The room was plunged into darkness. Blindly I fumbled my way off the bed and cautiously felt my way to the space at the end of the bed. The floor was hard but at least had a rug over the bare wood. I curled up, trying to make myself as comfortable as possible and Pulled the blanket over me. My mind was still trying to process what had happened over the last two days and it was difficult to still it enough to let sleep come. Somehow, in the dark of that room, with the soothing sound of soft breathing to lull me I finally drifted off to sleep.


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