The Spa Game Ch. 15

So this is the final chapter in this story. Thank you for everyone who voted, commented, and/or gave feedback. I’d appreciate knowing peoples’ thoughts on the story overall, whether they’ve commented before or not.

Chip Key

Nickname value, favor, color

Clouds: 1, Touching, White

Canaries: 2, ​​Kissing, Yellow

Lipstick: 5, Oral, Red

Skies: 10, Sex, Blue

Grass: 25, Anal, Green

Doubles/Oranges: 50, Double, Orange

Fucked: 100, Forefit, Black

The next week flew by for Cyn. After the last session at the spa, she had enough value in chips for what she planned, but they were mixed up in belonging to the wrong individuals. Thanks to her trade with Purna, almost ten percent of her chips were from the Indian girl and if she wanted to she could sodomize her for almost an hour. She also had enough chips for a romp with the oft-persued Asian Noelle, and briefly mused that they could probably get a decent number of chips if they did it as a show; she was pretty sure she’d seen “Double D Asian and Big-titted blonde lesbian sex” as a video title on a porn site or two. A number of her chips had come from Sylvia, but their various escapades and trades mean they ended up being changed for someone else’s chips quickly. Whenever they did anything at the spa itself they tried to make sure the right chips were in play, hence why Cyn had been the one to take Syl’s ass rather than Bill, who had to make do with a blowjob until they dropped the pretenses at the end.

Cyn had spoken to Syl about that the next day at Syl’s injury.

“I…I hadn’t realized you removed the collar,” Cyn said.

“I know,” Syl said, “I got lost in the moment because of how close Bill was the whole time, and I couldn’t see you. We usually do it that way on our own; we’ll start with the dominance thing and then just move into sex. I legitimately forget you were there afterhe started fucking me, until he came and then I was like ‘I want more stimulation on my ass’ and then ‘oh fuck Cyn’s still here’.”

“It’s okay. Just…please don’t tease me like that again. You said you don’t want a relationship and that’s fine, but-“

“I know, that’s completely my fault and I’m so sorry,” Syl said, “I never meant to put you in that position. If you…If you need to take a break or rethink things…I understand.”

Cyn had thought about it for a while by then. “I don’t know about a break, but…look if you still want me around as more than just a friend I think I might have to work this out as Mistress. You basically dismissed me, and the dominant part of me is pissed.”

“Okay,” Syl said, “Just Remember what my own limits are.”

“I know what your limits are,” Cyn snapped and she realized she was slipping. She also saw Syl rub her throat at the same time. “Look, I’ll talk to you in a few days.”

“Yeah, Syl agreed.


In the end, Cyn decided to work out her problems with Syl and practice something at the same time. After verifying it was okay with Bill, Mistress went to Syl’s dorm alone. She tied Syl to the bed and then made Syl service her for an hour. In those two hours Cyn came at least a dozen times, possible more. Syl only came twice.

Cyn got a lot of practice.

The two girls, after it was over, hugged tightly with tears in their eyes and Syl’s collar off. As the relief swept over her at being OK with her friend again, Cyn chuckled.

“What?” Syl asked.

“We’re hugging, naked, your face, hands and legs are covered in my pussy juice, I have your teeth marks on my nipples and we were able to taste each other’s cunts when we kissed a few minutes ago. This is the most fucked up friend I’ve ever had.”

“I know,” Syl said, playingfully nipping at one of Cyn’s breasts, “I love it too.”


Robin, meanwhile, had gotten rowdy again.

Shesnapped at Cyn one day for something completely unrelated to the spa or even their friend; Robin was just in a bad mood. But Cyn took note and went back to baggy clothes that disguised her figure. This time Cyn was sure Robin noticed because she asked if Cyn was cold and offered to turn up the heat. Cyn refused, but Robin started accommodating Cyn’s requests much quicker. Cyn smiled to herself During the whole process, thinking it would be coming to a head this weekend.

The spa session arrived and Cyn spent all of Friday preparing. She talked with Steve and did some trading of chips, but she didn’t actually trade any favors with him, though he did look rather pathetic when she informed him of it. She also made her way around to some others who weren’t playing and offered some chip trades. Noelle in Particular was surprised at the offer of a trade, but still jumped at the chance.

Cyn spent the small hours of Saturday restless, wandering the halls and listening to the sounds of sex and lonely silence.

Saturday morning Cyn sat down at the table and went to work. She barely spoke, bet quickly, and made decisive moves with all her cards. She didn’t establish a pattern of betting anyone could fathom, but basically when she bet, they got out of her way. It was a lower-stakes version of the performance she’d put on two weeks ago at the big table. By the end of that game, Cyn had snagged several key piles of chips. She spent the break remembering and re-sorting her stack. She had almost 2,000 worth of chips she could be freely without ruining her plan, and another 1,300 she could part with though it would be painful. Beyond that her personal goals were at risk. The problem was 3,300 in chips could vanish in three hands at the big table if things went south.

The start of the game was a bit rough. 900 of the chips Cyn had earned vanished on the third hand. She played for an ante with a mix of Kathy and Robin’s chips and of course the two other women stuck around to play. The flop had not been kind to Kathy and she had to fold after Cyn hammered her with another 300-chip bet. Cyn herself only had a three of a kind, but based on Robin’s face she was holding garbage; Cyn had Robin’s tells nailed down a long time ago. Unfortunately for Cyn, Robin stubbornly stayed it out, throwing piles of her own black chips into the center, and then the river provided a third club. Robin ended up with a flush out of sheer luck and claimed a sizeable pot.

Cyn was annoyed but it didn’t last long. Robin’s playstyle was known; now that she had chips, she would obviously try to secure antes with her chips in them. Unfortunately, that means Cyn was playing against Kathy and Vincent most of the night. Vincent still seemed to have a soft spot for her; there were some pots she was sure he could have suckered her into with more deceptive betting, but he played it straight with her most of the time. Kathy, predictably, used all of her poker skill to eviscerate Robin whenever she could, even more so now because she wanted Vincent and Cyn to be annoyed. The two of them were untouchable now; both Cyn and Vincent had enough chips to play for hours without betting anything with their own name on it, so Kathy had to target proxies.

Cyn snagged a good portion of the chips she’d lost by bluffing or betting people down. By 1:00am she was up by another 2,000 from where she started, but by Cyn’s own estimation she didn’t have the right mix. She wasn’t sure she’d get it either.

The pivotal hand of the night came out hot. 100 chips worth of Robin’s favorites were in the ante and Cyn picked up a queen and king of spades, which wasn’t a bad hand to start with when she had the big blind. Unfortunately, while several people put up the money to match the big blind, Kathy decided to drop the hammer and pushed the bet to 300. Cyn thought her chances of getting most of her chips back that evening were fading, but apparently good cards had been dealt around. Syl jumped in, as did Charles, Vincent, and of course Robin. Cyn paid her way into the hand.

The flop came down ten, jack, and four of spades. All the players quickly scanned the table; anyone holding spades in their hand just jumped ahead. Cyn was sure she didn’t give anything away, and she quickly picked up that while Charles had something, it wasn’t a flush. Charles apparently decided to buy his way out and dropped 300 as the opening bet. Everyone called.

Cyn did the math while the chips were moved to the center. It was possible everyone still playing had competitive hands, but mathematically it was unlikely. The turn didn’t help matters; it was a 4 of hearts. A full house was now on the list of possibilities, and everyone who stayed in with a flush should be smoking; Cyn definitely was. She saw Robin brighten; there was a good chance she now had the full. Charles folded but Syl bet high with a wink at Cyn. Cyn worried that Syl was trying to feed her chips and she was no longer confident of her hand, but she had no way to signal that. Vincent kept the bet at 200 but Robin pushed it to 300; she definitely scored a full boat. Kathy called and Cyn followed. At this point she wanted to see it to the end; her chances of finishing her plan this weekend were dwindling fast, so the outcome of this hand mattered less to her now. Syl also stayed in but Vincent bowed out. That saved Cyn more than it should have.

Except for the fact that she was sure Robin had a full house, she was in a really good position; with the king and queen of spades in her hand it was unlikely she’d be beating by anyone else’s flush, but she figured with this many people in the game, at least one of them had to be holding a pair of aces, and there was a 25% chance one of the aces was the spade.

Then the River came down. It was the ace of spades.

Cyn almost throw up from shock. She recovered, but if anyone was looking they had to have seen soething. She expected everyone around the table to fold. Charles cursed, and Cyn figured out he’d been holding a pair of aces. Robin was still smiling, but so was Kathy. Cyn looked across the table and saw Vincent’s eyes boring into hers. He gave a very subtle tilting nod that seemed like a salute.

Syl throw another 100 chips in, knowing she’d lose them. Syl’s body language told Kathy she knew her hand was garbage. Robin immediately raised it to 300, Kathy called just as quickly. Cyn slowly pushed her own 300 into the middle, and Syl filled out her bet.

“Flush, Jack high,” Syl said with a shrug.

“Full. House.” Robin said triumphantly. She laid down a pair of jacks, one card at a time as she spoke. Other than the pair of aces Charles already throw out, it was the best possible full house that could be made. Cyn thought Kathy’s smile would die, but her grin just got wider; she was reveling in the kill.

Kathy wordlessly dropped two fours on the table and Robin’s face crashed into the floor. “Four beats full any day of the week dearie,” Kathy said. She leaned forward, her arms already reaching for the chips.

“Kathy,” Vincent said, his voice soft but penetrating.

Kathy stopped and looked at Vincent, who merely nodded towards Cyn. Except for Syl, who now had her hands over her mouth, no one had been looking when Cyn laid her cards down. Now everyone turned.

“Holy shit!” Charles burst out.

Murmurs and muttering erupted after that, as well as a few bouts of laughter. Cyn had the highest hand in poker laid out on the table; a Royal Straight Flush. She’d won the pot, worth about 6,000 in chips. Cyn scooped the chips and counted out 400 in random people’s chips, which she handed to Carl, who still looked at her wide-eyed.

“Deal me out, those should cover the blinds.”

She retired to a side of the room and started counting, mixing, and matching chip sets. She had what she needed. Cyn finally let herself grin like a madwoman, and the release of tension almost made her burst out laughing. She found Steve in the crowd and nodded to him. He came over and they exchanged some more chips.

In the middle of the room, based on the sounds, the game was basically over. Antes were put up and hands were dealt, but nobody bothered to bet past the blinds, and nobody pushed the limits. The adventurous players had been hamstrung by the last hand, and Everyone else was ready for the game to end. Carl ended up calling it early.

Kathy was the first spectacle of the night as Steve walked forward.

“Kathy,” he said.

“What do you want?” she snapped.

He put three stacks of her green chips down on the felt. “I want Vincent to observe,” he added, “for…compliance”

Several people in the room gasped and Cyn saw Purna wince.

“Fuck you,” Kathy said.

“That’s what the chips are for,” Carl quipped.

“No!” Kathy yelled, “No fucking way he has those chips! That red-suited bitch gaveThey to him illegally.”

Carl turned to Cyn, still sitting on the side, “Cyn?”

“Steve won those chips legitimately in Saturday morning games. They’re high antes. And you all know I play in them. Purna and others can confirm I lost several hands with Kathy’s chips in them. And Steve won some pots on his own too. I did trade him some chips I was interested in, using Kathy’s chips as payment, but I believe that’s allowed.”

Carl looked to Purna and a few others known to frequently the Saturday morning game, all of whom nodded.

“Whose chips?” Kathy demanded.

“Kathy, that’s irrelevant,” Vincent said, “Now either you’re honoring the favor or Carl will be accessing your fund.”

Kathy tried to maintain a regular baring as she stood and glared at the Two men. “I’ll see you both upstairs in ten minutes. Unless you want this to be worse than it is now I have…preparations to make.”

When Kathy left the room there was low chuckling and a few claps. Zach and Charles both patted Steve on the back. And Robin was almost doubled over at the table.

“Oh she does not like her ass played with. Make sure she behaves, Vin, Steve deserves a good time for all of us. Hey you-“


Cyn hadn’t spoken loudly, but her voice seemed to cut through the crowd somehow, as many people stopped talking and looked at her. Cyn Walked forward with a stoic expression and stopped at the table. Robin’s grin had faded and she had a worried look in her eyes. The chip trays Carl used to hold chips held exactly 10,000 worth of chips, assuming all of the chips in the tray were 100s. 100, 100 denomination chips. The ones with “Forfeit” embossed on them.

Cyn put a tray full of black chips on the board and slid it towards Robin.

“Cyn…?” Robin said, sounding legitimately scared.

“I’ll see you upstairs,” Cyn said.

As she turned away, she heard someone mutter “Oh holy fuck” as Robin slowly pulled the tray towards herself, examiningall the black chips with her name on them.


Cyn sat in a chair, watching, as Robin immediately entered the room. She’d commandered a bedroom and set it up earlier in the day, asking Bill to keep an eye on it. She felt bad at depriving him of the show at the game that night, but she hadn’t expected it to turn in to such a spectacle. She was sure Syl would fill him in.

The bedroom currently had all of its lights off and was lit only by several artistic candles casting flickering yellow light around the room. Cyn sat in a plus chair in a dark corner.

“This is a bit melodramatic isn’t it Cyn?” Robin asked.

“Get on the bed,” Cyn said. Her voice was clear and low, with a defined tone of command.


“On. The Bed,” Cyn reiterated, a defined tone of anger in her voice now.

Robin scampered over to the queen-size, four poster bed and scrambled onto it, but seemed unsure what to do then. She started on all fours, then sat down,Then scooted to the center.

“Kneel upright on the end, facing the headboard,” Cyn said.

Robin seemed a bit relieved at finally receiving direction and assumed the position Cyn dictated. Kneeling like that she was actually slightly taller than Cyn standing, which she did and walked towards the girl.

Cyn had changed out of her red suit. The outfit she wore now was technically a dress, but only Because a fashion designer had decided it so; it could easily pass for lingerie. All in thick black silk, the bottom of the dress was a miniskirt that barely touched Cyn’s thighs; any time she sat down part of her ass contacted the seat, and if she bent over with straight legs the skirt did nothing to hide her goods from view. Above the skirt, four thick straps of silk twisted around her body, outlining her stomach in a diamond, forming a horizontal band just under her breasts, coming diagonally up across her breasts to cover her nipples, looping over her shoulders and up through the band again, and finally tying off around her neck to form a tight collar. The store attendant said that it was one of the most sexually intimidating outfits she’d ever seen, especially with Cyn wearing it. Cyn had also pulled her hair back into a bun. Her goal had been dominatrix without the leather or whip, and she was barefoot rather than wearing siletto boots. Robin’s wide-eyed and worried expression seemed to confirm she’d done the job well.

Cyn walked behind Robin and started caressing her back. “You seem scared Robin. Why?”

“You…those were fucked chips. You didn’t have to do that. Why did you do that?”

“The chips scar you?”

“Fuck yes they scare me!” Robin insisted. “You could make me wait until Steve’s done fucking Kathy’s ass, then make me clean him off with my mouth and bend over to be round two while I ate your pussy until my jaw locked up.”

“Would you like that?”

Robin hesitated and Cyn immediately said, “That was a fairly specific scenario you just laid out. You’ve thought about it before, haven’t you?”

Robin still didn’t answer. Cyn reached over and yanked on Robin’s shirt. It was a fairly basic t-shirt despite being from a designer label, but the feature Cyn focused on was the collar; it had a small “v” at the neck but was meant to look as if it had been cut out rather than sewn. Fortunately, it looked like it didn’t have a sea because it didn’t have one, so the quick force from Cyn tore it straight down the middle. Cyn grabbed Robin’s breasts over her lacy bra hard enough to be uncomfortable.

“Ah! Cyn that hurts!”

“You aren’t answering my questions,” Cyn said, practically hissing in Robin’s ear.

“What question?” Robin said, and despite her winning, Cyn could feel Robin’s nipples hardening under the bra.

Cyn let go of Robin and moved her hand to the back of Robin’s bra, undoing the catches slowly. “Do you remember what happened two weeks ago?”

“Kathy cashed in some skies with you,” Robin said, still with a nervous edge to her voice.

“What else did she do?”

“She…cashed in grass chips with me,” Robin said, and gasped when her bra came undone and Cyn pushed it off. Cyn then began to run her hands over Robin’s back and shoulders, her palms flat against the girl’s skin.

“What did Kathy do in the room?”

“She…she made me strip and then had me get on the bed. Then she…I mean she fucked me, is that what you want me to say? She fucked me and had you watch while you ate her out. I said I’m sorry-oh.”

Cyn had moved her hands around and was now gently running them over Robin’s breasts. Robin’s height and their shape made them seem shallow, but Cyn realized they were nearly as big as her own, as she moved her hands over them. They were so perky they barely moved in response to the caressing, though Robin’s small nipples were now rock-hard nubs.

“How did she fuck you, do you remember?”

“She…um…she used beads. Do…doyou want to do that? Use those on me?”

“Do you want me to?” Cyn asked.

“I…I don’t know. Your hands feel good.”

Cyn began to actually cup and fondle Robin’s breasts and the girl let out a moaning sight. Part of Cyn wanted to give this up and just us the time to explore Robin’s body; ever since Robin had eaten her out and opened her mind to how much fun being with a woman could be, Cyn had wanted to play with her roommate’s physics, feel the ab muscles and the tight back, and discover just how her breasts feel, along with what the smooth muscle thighs might feel like on either side of her head. But she had a goal to achieve, and simply diving in wouldn’t accomplish it.


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