This chapter is lighter on action, and focuses more on character, but it does set up a lot of things that follow in the rest of the chapters. I promise a lot of the conversation is at least about naughty topics.
As always, I appreciate the stars, favorites, follows, and comments everyone has left.
Chip Key
Clouds: 1, Touching, White
Canaries: 2, Kissing, Yellow
Lipstick: 5, Oral, Red
Skies: 10, Sex, Blue
Grass: 25, Anal, Green
Doubles/Oranges: 50, Double, Orange
Fucked: 100, Forefit, Black
Cyn sat in Vincent’s car for most of the next morning, well before he was up or ready to go. She guessed she’d actually been sleeping far earlier than a lot of the spa-goers; despite the intensity of the event, her whole escapade with Bill and Sylvia probably hadn’t lasted more than thirty minutes, meaning it had been maybe an hour before she’d gone to sleep. Plus, she’d had a nap while most of the others were playing or watching the Saturday night game.
Carl had also been up, and she’d told him she’d be waiting at the car, ignoring his questioning look.
She’d considered finding Bill and Sylvia but realized she’d basically kept them apart most of the weekend. First, she’d used her chips to get her lessons in lesbian love from Syl, then the set-up for the dominance scenario last night had forced Bill and Sylvia to remain apart to enhance the reality. Then Syl remained tied to the chair and watched while her boyfriend fucked every one of Syl’s holes in succession. They needed 12 hours together without Cyn.
Still, she wished she had someone she could process her emotions with. She felt silly about being this introspective; from the outside, last night had been nothing. She’d been the third wheel for a couple’s BDSM scenario. She’d lost her anal virginity, but what did that even matter? Clearly, she hadn’t been saving anal penetration for any special reason; she just hadn’t had the desire or opportunity before. They were basically friends with benefits, and the benefits were closely controlled with the damn poker chips. Cyn briefly wondered if they’d even have that relationship outside of the spa. Syl had claimed to enjoy the openness of her relationship, but she wondered if Sylvia would be as promiscuous without the implied pressure of the chips. Would Bill and Sylvia have invited her back after that first time?
She was jolted out of her introduction by the car doors opening.
“You all right girl?” Robin asked as she slid into the seat beside her.
“Yeah, fine,” Cyn replied, and returned to looking out the window.
“Sweet!” Robin said, and spent most of the ride back pushed between the front seats, mostly talking to Carl About what juicy hookups happened over the weekend. She avoided mentioning any of her own escapades, but Cyn was getting better at reading tells, and she sensed a bond with Robin and Carl a little more than previous engagement. She stopped her own musings to listen to their conversation, though she kept looking out the window.
When they got back to their dorm, Cyn was about to head down to the laundry but Robin stopped her.
“Cyn, are you okay?”
“I said I’m fine,” Cyn insisted.
“Yeah, but Carl said you were weird this morning. Went out and just sat in the car.”
Cyn shrugged. “I got up early and didn’t want to wait in the house. I figured I’d just wait there so you guys wouldn’t have to come find me. You seem like you had a good weekend,” she said, trying to change the subject.
Now it was Robin’s turn to shrug. “I got a few good hands, and Vincent and Carl helped me out with something.”
“How? Isn’t Carl the banker?”
Robin sneered, “Oh you’ve been in a month and suddenly you’re challenging other people’s play?”
“What? No!” Cyn said, caught totally off guard.
“Are you sure everything you’ve have beendoing with your new friends is legal?” Robin said. “You’ve been spending a lot of time with them, and I haven’t seen you win big pots.”
“You should get up early more,” Cyn said, grabbing her laundry and fleeing the room. She’d been a little bit annoyed at Robin’s bubble, but she realized it was from her own weird reaction to last night. Robin, on the other hand, had been downright bitchy. What the fuck was that about?
While her laundry was tumbling, Cyn texted Sylvia.
“Tell me to fuck off if I’m bothering you, okay?” she texted.
“It would be wrong of pet to ignore her mistress,” Syl sent back with a winky face.
Cyn felt a tension she didn’t realize was there lift a bit, and her eyes actually stung with tears. “Robin just laid into me about spending time with you guys. Came out of nowhere, and she seemed in a good mood before it came up.” Cyn paused. She’d been about to write, “Can you look into this for me?” but decided to go for broke.
“Mistress needs to know what set her off. Find out for me.”
Cyn avoided Robin as much as possible for the next few days. Every time she saw her roommate, barely any conversation happened before Robin would throw out a snarky comment. They weren’t mean, precisely, but they did get annoying quickly. Cyn wasn’t gifted with a quick wit, and frequently berated herself for coming up with a perfect retort half an hour after a taunt.
On top of that she still had some niggling confusion over her experience on Saturday night. Movies and TV would suggest unloading that stuff to her roommate would be cathartic, but at the moment Cyn would rather let Steve fuck her ass dry than go through that. She briefly considered going to Vicky, but her ersatz best friend had have been somewhat scare since Cyn started going to the spa. Cyn hadn’t reached out as often, but in her defense Vicky hadn’t either. The few times she talked to Vicky she’d been gushing over Lawrence or just talkedabout schoolwork. Even if they’d been in a better place she realized telling Vicky about the spa would be a disaster; she’d met very few people worse at keeping secrets.
She felt a wave of relief when she got a text from Syl. It was emojis only; a cat with a collar on and a sheet of paper with an “A” grade on it. “Pet has a report,” Cyn mentally translated.
They met up at an on-campus coffee shop on Wednesday after classes. Syl waited for Cyn in a booth near the back where at least some privacy was possible. She was dressed nicely in a long skirt and blouse, but Cyn noticed a new accessory immediately; Syl wore a solid gold picker with small diamonds spaced around it. It was not the one she’d seen the first time she was with the two; it had no loop to clip a lean to. Cyn stopped at the table, looked pointedly at the collar, then at Syl. Syl nodded. If Cyn was interpreting their nonverbal communication right, the collar was a gift from Bill, or at least one they had both picked out, and it essentially means “game on.” Cyn briefly considered bending down and claiming Syl’s mouth, but she knew that was way beyond where their relationship was, and while many people on campus probably knew Sylvia and Bill were a couple, Cyn guessed the amount of bisexual activity Syl enjoyed was probably not something she advertised.
That said, Syl was sitting far back in the booth, at an angle where she was hard to see unless someone stood obviously near, and it gave Cyn a naughty idea. It might be pushing the edges of their relationship, but Cyn felt like she needed to try.
She sat down and slipped the sandal she’d been wearing off her foot.
“Hello,” Cyn said quietly.
“Hello Mistress,” Syl replied just as softly. Their volume should make it hard to hear what was said, protecting their game.
“Does my pet have information for me?” Cyn asked. Syl nodded.
“Good,” Cyn said, then smiled.
Cyn took the arch of her foot and ran it slowly up Syl’s calm. She’d shaken or waxed recently; her leg was very smooth. Her leg twitched from the unexpected contact, but Cyn kept pushing her foot higher, slowly and steadily.
“So, tell me what you found out,” Cyn said. She looked Syl dead in the eyes as her foot reached Syl’s knees. She had her legs crossed, so Cyn’s foot couldn’t go any higher. They sat staring for a while and Cyn expected to see Syl shake her head or even say “rainbow.” Cyn started to pull her leg away.
Syl uncrossed her legs.
She also shifted forward on the seat a bit. Cyn allowed a different smile to spread on her face as her foot crossed firmly into the realm of Syl’s thighs.
“Pet has a few more contacts in the spa than Mistress, so she subtly reached out to some people. I know Mistress was away from much of the activity, particularly on Saturday night, and it seems like that’s when most things happened to make Robin-“
“Mistress’s roommate,” Cyn corrected quickly.
She saw a flash of confusion on Syl’s face, but it disappeared quickly, and she continued, “Mistress’s roommate did some things Saturday night that improved her mood.”
By the time Sylvia finished that part of her story, Cyn’s leg was fully extended under Syl’s skirt. She’d reached the junction of her thighs and let her toes and the ball of her foot travel down to the warmest and, interestingly, wettest part of the area. Sylvia was wearing panties, but based on the amount of skin Cyn found, they were more naughty than proper. She began to flex her big toe near where she thought it would do the most good.
“Tell Mistress about Saturday night. You were there, for one?”
“Yes,” Syl said and Cyn thought she heard a bit of a gasp, “Pet was helping Mistress, and would soon be punished for ignoring Master. She saw what happened, but did not understand the significance. It was a hand with decent action. Mistress’s rommate was playing, apparently attempting to reclaim some of her chips. Shehad been forced to fuck-“
Cyn slapped down with her foot, making Syl stop and gasp, looking a bit wide-eyed. “Language,” Cyn scolded, “Pet should be more proper when speaking to Mistress.”
“Sorry mistress,” Syl said, and Cyn started rubbing with her toe again. “She had to…sleep with?” Cyn nodded, “She had to…service and sleep with Charles the previous week due to her losses, but all knew Kathy had a large number of her chips, most orange. If you remember, orange is double, and when cashed in the one calling in the favor may ask for another to join. When Kathy had a full set of doubles on women in the past, she has forced them to service her and bullied Steve into taking their…behind at the same time.”
Cyn felt herself blank. She knew the amount of prep work she’d needed to take Bill’s cock in her backdoor without it being horribly painful, and Bill’s unit was four inches shorter and maybe half or two thirds as thick.
“It rarely works well for Steve. He tries because he is afraid of Kathy and…because Mistress is the only one who really trades favors with him beyond once. It is a chance for him. Few women blow him; he does not force himself in much, only enough to appear Kathy, who usually becomes distracted by her own pleasure…oh!”
Cyn decided to distract Syl more. Impressing herself with her own dexterity, she managed to use her toes to move Syl’s panties aside, giving her free access to the girl’s vagina. Though she couldn’t feel as many details as with a finger, she was able to find at least the right area with her toe and resume rubbing. Syl’s shudder and clenched fists told her she’d found her mark.
“Pet, you can play later, you have to finish your report now,” Cyn said, smiling as she saw Syl’s nipples tenting her blouse.
“Yes…Mistress. To continue, on Saturday an ante came up with several green chips of Mistress’ roommate. She bet heavily to secure them, but both Vincent and Kathy stayed in the pot. Petconsidered it, based on Mistress’ request, but her cards were too feeble. Still, pet sacrificed some of her chips to see the flop. Unfortunately, Pet could not maintain. I hope,” Syl gulped, “I hope you will not punish me for that.”
Cyn’s toe was coated in juices at that point, and gliding over Syl’s pussy and clip with little resistance. Still, Cyn kept the pace slow.
“Pet cannot control what cards appear,” Cyn said, “I appreciate you trying.”
“Thank you, Mistress,” Syl said, now breathing heavily and seeming to strain while speaking, “Mistress’ roommate soon lost control of her bet. She held on after the flop, but Kathy began pushing up the bet and she did not realize Kathy was baiting her. She finally realized her error when the river came down and four diamonds were visible. Pet did not know until after, but Mistress’ roommate had two kings, and got a third on the flop. Kathy had gambled on a flush and got it on the turn.”
“I fail to see how this turns out well for my roommate,” Cyn demanded. She also varied her rhythm as a tease; she knew from experience changing up the rhythm of a good rubbing fouled any impending orgasm.
“Please Mistress,” Syl said intently, almost loud enough to carry, “let your pet continue.”
Cyn nodded with a smile and resumed her regular rubbing.
“Kathy had focused too much on Mistress’ roommate and ignored Vincent. At the end, Kathy laid down her flush after nearly clearing out Mistress’ roommate. But Vincent had the same flush with higher cards and collected the pot. Kathy glared and warned him that she expected evidence those chips were spent and not simply given away. Mistress’ roommate barely played from then on. She could not withdraw, but she folded unless she had the blind.”
“So how Did my roommate deal with her losses then? She would have been a lot more than snippy with me.”
Syl nodded. Cyn could feel her starting to rock a bit against her foot, and her fists were getting white. “Mistress…please.”
Cyn looked at Syl’s eyes and her expression was pure desperation.
“You will finish your report?” Cyn asked, and Syl nodded frantically. “Then…finish.”
Syl seemed to deflate and she put her head in her elbow, letting out a moan. Cyn’s foot also got wetter. She trailed it along Syl’s thighs to clean it off as she pulled back. She gave Syl a minute to recover, then handed her some napkins.
“Thank you, Mistress,” Syl muttered.
“The rest?”
“Vincent probably had enough chips in count to get oranges for Mistress’ roommate, but many of her chips are now black thanks to Kathy and others. However, that means many greens of hers were in the bank. She spoke to Carl, and they both approached Vincent. The result was that Vincent spent three stacks of skies, and Mistress’ roommate was double teamed by Vincent in front and Carl from behind that evening.”
“That must have been a strain on Vincent’s purist sensitivity,” Cyn mused. She spent a moment totally in her mind’s eye, imagining the scene. She had actually never seen Robin naked at the spa; her only sense of her roommate’s body came from accidental views of her between shower trips and while changing, though she now suspected Robin was more of an exhibitionist and several of those “accidents” were anything but. She had no idea what Vincent actually looked like naked, but there were several pictures that had circularized on campus of him in a swimsuit and Cyn had heard many women say it really didn’t matter what the suit concealed; as long as something was there, any measurable length or girl was merely a bonus. Carl wasn’t remarkable looking, but he was hardly out of shape.
She pictured the bedroom she usually shared with Sylvia and Bill, or one like it. Robin’s tall, model-physique body would be facing Vincent, her long, smooth, olive legs wrapped around his hips and her shaped tits bouncing in front of his face as she bounced on Vincent’s rod, whileCarl’s chocolate-colored body supported her from behind, his cock buried firmly in Robin’s ass. Robin wasn’t light, but between the two men involved, keeping Robin aloft on their manhoods would have been minimal effort, especially since Robin would have helped them keep her there. In her imagination, Cyn thought they’d continue like that for a while before Vincent fell on the bed and Carl climbed on top. At that point their thrusting would increase, pistoning into Robin’s holes and forcing her to moan and scream as the dual stimulation overwhelmed her.
“I need some clarification, pet,” Cyn said. “Carl’s the banker; how can he trade in favors?”
Syl smiled. “Whoever set up the spa recognized forcing the banker into celibacy wouldn’t work, but there would be a huge conflict of interest if they were playing. They also have a lot of extra work to do as far as tracking transactions with the bank, coming up with antes, and so on. So, the rule is that any chips people trade in forhigher denominations are technically available for the banker. It means they never have access to most of the higher chips; most people with oranges or blacks are going to cash in on the favorites rather than trade them, but the banker can still end up with skies and grass sets for a lot of people, especially later in the semiconductor.”
“And I suppose Carl wouldn’t mind being with my roommate as long as it was her ass and he got to look at Vincent’s body the whole time.”
“Mistress is wise.”
Cyn smiled warmly and took Syl’s hand. “Can we…um…not, for a little while?”
Syl leaned forward, “If mistress would undo her pet’s collar?”
Cyn reached around and found a relatively simple catch that undid the back of the collar. Once loose, Syl reached up herself and removed it. It folded on a hinge at the front and actually twisted into a semicircle.
“So, spill,” Cyn said, gesturing towards the collar.
“First of all, fuck you,” Syl said with a smile, “I’m sitting in a puddle over here.”
“Weren’t you the one that told me the sub has all of the power in the relationship?”
“Touché. As for the collar, I was talking to Bill and brought up our conversations, and how much we tend to switch back and forth. I realized it was happening with Bill too, and we were starting to make assumptions about what…mood each other was in. That’s…not a good idea based on what I’ve read. The boundaries need to be clearer, and we can’t keep using the safe word as an on/off switch; it’s really supposed to be an emergency stop, and it means we need to have a conversations right away. So, Bill and I picked this out as a subtler thing. If it’s on, I’m pet. If not, I’m Syl.”
“That’ll probably help me out, too, so thanks,” Cyn said, “And it looks good anyway, I don’t think anyone will guess unless they pay attention.”
“It’s a risk, because most of the spa will get it without thinking too hard. We’re basically relying on professional courtesy. Bill’s and my arrangement is considered spa business because we only tell people about it there, so spilling it would be like betraying the spa. But now that we’re doing it more outside it gets grayer.”
Cyn nodded, “So back to what you told me, that doesn’t explain why Robin was a bitch. I mean, she got double-teamed by Vincent and Carl, there are definitely worse ways to spend an Evening.”
“Well, I don’t know this for sure, but rumor is you’re the catalyst that put her in the tough spot with Kathy. Robin blabs a bit when she’s drunk, and she likes to hold court with Noelle, Amy, and Purna if she isn’t trading favorites. That weekend when you didn’t show up she got pissed at Vincent. I guess she and Vincent had planned to bring you in and they assumed they’d Take you under their wing until you got the hang of things.”
“Didn’t they? She and Vincent were the first ones who traded favorites with me!” Cyn insisted.
“Yeah, I think they were hoping it would last a lot longer.Robin assumed Bill and I had scared you off after that first weekend, but she didn’t blow us because everyone knows what we’re about, so she took it out on Vincent for maneuvering you into losing your chips to me. After allegedly chewing him out, which everyone assumes but nobody saw, she went crazy at the tables. Nobody knows exactly what happened to her that weekend, but we know she spent one night with Charles.”
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