Please do not read if under 18 years of age or offended by sexually explicit stories and situations.
(c) 2001 by Couture
Chapter VII
Laura rushed to Dr. Adams’s class, opened the door quietly, and sat down in the back row trying very hard not to be seen. When she finally had the courage to look up, she saw the disapproving scowl on her professor’s face.
‘Damn!’ she thought, ‘I’m going to be in trouble; that old bitch doesn’t miss anything.’
She made it through the class without drawing further attention to herself, but all she could think about was sitting naked, with her legs spread wide in Dr. Adams’s office, and having her professor look at her like she was some kind of slut, while all the time that horrible fan blew, teasing her aroused sex.
After class, Laura waited for Dr. Adams at the front of the room, just behind the other girls who were waiting to talk to the professor.
‘I used to be one of those girls staying after class toAsk a few choice questions. It never hurts to score a few quick brownie points with the teacher.’ Laura’s eyes dropped down and gazed at the outline of the other girls’ panties. It made her consciousness of the absence of her own, and re-awakened the desire in her own sex as well. ‘But now I’m just a horny slut craving the humiliation of spreading my legs for my teacher while a fan dries my sex.’
Laura stood there, eyes downcast, as the last of the girls left the class.
“Well, if it isn’t little Laurie. So nice of you to make it to class today, young lady.” Dr. Adams packed up the papers on her desk, not even glancing up at the nervous girl.
“We will discuss your tardiness and take care of your *problem* in my office. Follow me young lady.” Without a backward glance, Dr. Adams turned around and walked briskly out the classroom towards her office.
A meek Laura walked a few steps behind her teacher. Her gaze naturally falling on her teacher’s full, womanly ass as it swayed. Laura could see the outline of lacy panties through the material of her skirt.
When they were inside her office, Dr. Adams paused at the entrance and locked the door behind Laura.
“Laura, I’m very cross with you. Yesterday you cut my class entirely. Now today you show up late.”
Dr. Adams grimaced and turned up her nose after smelling Laura’s hair. “After doing God knows what,” she added.
Laura’s eyes grew wide and she began to nervously twist a straight of her hair around her index finger.
“I’m sorry ma’am, but you know my c-c-condition. It makes some things very . . . um difficult for me,” answered Laura, peeking out from under her bangs, trying to play the poor-little-girl-lost look for all it would be worth.
“Well, let me see how bad it is today. You know the routine: take off your clothes and sit in the chair so I can see how wet you are. Hmmmpf, I’m sure you are leaking like a faucet, since I can smell you from here,” said her disapproving professor.
“Um-ah, it was just that, I-I was in such a rush to get to your class ma’am, that um . . . I didn’t have time to clean up,” murmured the horrified blonde, when she realized she hadn’t even rinsed off after her earlier escapades with Beth.
To delay her fate as long as she could, she started striping off her clothes slowly. Then, she carefully folded each item and placed them on the corner of her teacher’s wooden desk. As she bent to remove her Mary Janes and socks she heard Dr. Adams says, “Leave on the cute little socks and your pretty Mary Janes, Laura. There will be no need to take them off, will there?”
Blushing and looking at the floor, the young blonde shook her head indicating no. ‘Let’s get this over with,’ Laura thought, as she sat down on the wooden chair and spread her legs slightly.
“Laura,” Dr. Adams chided Laura disapprovingly, “You know your legs go over the arm rails.”
Laura dreaded showing off her denuded aroused sex, but she obeyed her teacher and placed her legs over the arm rails.
Dr. Adams began to circle the blushing girl, tracing various parts of her body with a ruler.
“What is that written on your chest Laura?” Dr. Adams said, as she slapped the breast on which Beth’s name and phone number were inscribed with her wooden ruler.
“Ouch! . . . um, it’s a friend of mine. I’m supposed to call her and ah . . ask her to meet me at my dorm tonight to ahh . . study. I-I forget things so she — I mean, *I* wrote her phone number on my b-breast so when . . . um . . I change clothes tonight, I’ll be sure to s-s-see it and remember to call her.”
“Uh-huh. Sure it is, Laura,” Dr. Adams said skeptically. Her voice sounded unconvinced.
To Laura’s horror, her teacher picked up the phone from her desk and made a call. Then after a short period of time, she said, “Hi Beth, this is Dr. Adams. Laura wanted me to tell you to meet her at room 314 in Parker Hall tonight at 8:00 to *study*.” Smiling, she hung up the phone.
“Wouldn’t it have been a lot smarter to just leave a message? Well we can’t expect too much out of some people can we, Laurie?”
‘God! She must think I’m the dumbest blonde on the planet,’ Laura thought, as she shook her head indicating her agreement.
Dr. Adams bent down and traced Laura’s bare sex with her ruler. “I see you’re going for the *complete* little girl look now. I like it! It suits someone like *you* so well.”
“Why, with those small breasts of yours, the hairless vagina, and schoolgirl clothes, if I didn’t know better, I could swear that you were about — oh — say twelve years old. You definitely acted like a little girl today when you didn’t show me the proper respect and failed to come to my class on time. I think we will have to address that *right now*,” said the stern, older woman, as she pointed her ruler at the cowering student.
“Okay, you want to be a little girl, then we’ll just have to treat you like one! I want you to stand up facing my desk and lean over and grab the far edge with both of your hands . . . *this instant*!”
“Good girl,” Dr. Adams assured the blonde, as she assumed the correct position. “Now, bend way on down there and lay your forgetful little head on the desk. You will keep those legs together and straight, if you know what’s good for you. Remain completely Still and silent, until I’m finished,” commanded Dr. Adams. “That’s my girl. Posture and respect are so very important for young women.”
Laura was very uncomfortable with this new position. She couldn’t see Dr. Adams or what she was doing, but she could feel her Achilles tendons stretched tautly, from her ankles to her naked ass. Her breasts were mashed against the cold glass top of the wooden desk.
‘Why does she have me positioned like this? She can’t dry me in this position,” wondered Laura. Then a cold realization struck her. She was about to be spanked – for the first time in her whole life. Just like some disobedient little girl.
“Well Laura, tonight when you look at your tiny breast, you will remember your friend – um, Beth, was it, is coming over to study. But, for the next few days, when you attempt to sit down, you will think of *me*, and you will remember to come to my class . . . “
Dr. Adams brought the ruler down smartly on the tender flesh of Laura’s milky white bottom.
“. . *ON TIME*!”
“Oooo, please . . . don’t do . . OHH!” Laura pleaded.
“Oooo, please . . . don’t, I’ve OOO . . . “
“OW OW OW!!!” Laura surged forward onto the desk knocking off some papers as she lay across the cold glass surface and brought both her hands back to cover the delicate cheeses of her now smarting ass.
“God! Please . . that hurts . . please!” Laura begged, as she rubbed the burning ass cheeses, of her still wiggling rump.
“Laura! Behave yourself girl. You moved and talked, when I said not to, so I’m afraid those don’t licks don’t count,” the professor chided her errant student.
“Now we’re just going to do this, *all over again*. We can keep at this till you take the twenty-five licks you deserve like a grown woman, instead of some spoiled little twelve-year-old brat. Now get back where you were and we’ll begin again.”
Laura blushed hearing her fears realized. Dr. Adams no longer saw her as a grown woman with opinions, but as a spoiled, disobedient child.
‘Well, I’ll prove to her that I’m not a child,’ she vowed, as she got back into the humiliating position. She was determined to end her punishment like a grown-up *woman*!
“That’s much better. Now, count them out little girl!” sneered Dr. Adams.
“Gasp . . um . . . one.”
“Louder, you little baby.”
“Owww . . TWO!”
“As we’re doing this for you own good, ‘thank me’ and tell me that in future you will do as you are told, you spoiled brat!”
“Thank you Dr. Adams, I will do as I’m told from now on.”
“That’s my good girl – keep going”
Laura’s cheats were turning a dark shade of red as she struggled to keep her hands on the desk, her Mary Janes on the floor, and her ass right up there for her deserved punishment.
“FOUR! Thank youDr. Adams, I w-w-w do as I’m told from now on.”
“Awww. Is the poor width baby crying?”
Humiliated by her tears and nakedness, Laura’s strong will caved in. She openly cried like a baby in front of the older woman.
” FIVE . . . thank you Dr. Adams, yes . . . I’mc-c-crying . . . because IT HURTS!
“Keep those little girl shoes of yours flat on the floor and that ass up high, little Laurie!”
It went on and on, and Laura’s ass now seemed to be on fire.
“Seventeeeeeennnnn! Please Dr. Adams I-I-I can’t t-t-take it any. . . I’ll do anything . . p-please just stop spanking me . . . ” blubbered the girl openly crying, who had long since given up on her proper position.
Dr. Adams was very upset, both with Laura and herself. Why, she had gotten so aroused from spanking the spoiled slut’s ass that she had let the little bitch get all out of position. Even though the small blonde looked good enough to eat, sprayed out on top of her desk crying like a child, it was no excuse for her to get lax. The goal she was hoping to achieve was much larger than her own arousal or the discomfort the little brat on her desk was undergoing.
‘I’ve been waiting for this moment for nineteen years, I must keep control of myself,” thought the professor.
“Laura, Laura, Laura,” Dr. Adams tsked, “I’m afraid those didn’t count either. IfYour mother had brought you up properly, instead of turning out a weak-willed spoiled whiny brat, none of this would have had to happen.”
“Rule number one is that you don’t get out of your licks, ever; especially from ME!”
We can maybe postpone them or maybe you can work them off, just maybe, but you can never get out of them.” The older woman addressed her remarks to her student’s now bright red ass, as she rubbed her own smoking hands over Laura’s burning ass flesh.
Laura didn’t object. She would do anything to avoid that ruler, besides, the soft cool hands actually felt nice on her aching ass. Laura regretted her mother hadn’t been stricter with her when she was growing up instead of leaving her to learn about such things on her own.
“Come on girl, get up and clean up that mess you made on my desk, and be quick about it,” demanded a stern Dr. Adams, who stood over Laura, menacingly holding her wicked ruler.
‘Oh God!’ Laura thought, as she looked down.She had covered the glass desktop with a nasty smear of her sweat, tears, snot, and girlie cum. Laura frantically looked around the room for napkins, tissues, or anything, but could find nothing to mop up with. Reluctantly, she picked up her precious cashmere sweater. As she ran it over her tears-stained face, she thought, ‘Goodbye baby, you were a beautiful sweater.’
Then she commenced using it to wipe her fluids off the glass desktop.
Dr Adams inspected as she worked and observed, “Very good Laura, at least you are good at cleaning up. But it’s getting late and I have another appointment, so we need to finish up here.”
Assume your drying position in the chair over there. You can remember that, can’t you?”
First, lay your nasty sweater on the chair seat. That will help keep your odious juices off my nice clean chair, little girl. We’ll come back to the subject of your licks at a later time.”
Laura placed her sweater on the chair and then sat on it. Then she spread her legs over each arm rest facing her demanding, stern professor. She was still totally embarrassed at showing her open sex to anyone, even another woman. However, the downright fear of her harsh teacher and her ruler had the shy girl displaying her body almost with enthusiasm.
“Let’s see that nasty crack of yours today. Come on girl, spread those lips for me!” the teacher said, as she watched the young girl reach down reluctantly and spread her labia wide.
“Ugh! It’s as sloppy as ever. Worse even. Why, your pussy is leaking like a faucet. Ha Ha. I think I’ll call you *Leaky Laurie*!” Dr Adams laughed, as she scraped the flat top of her ruler between Laura’s spread lips, causing the young girl to gasp. Finally, she wiped the soaked ruler top on Laura’s face.
“Well, let’s try to dry your sloppy cunny before your condition gets worse,” Dr. Adams said, as she turned her desk fan on high and pointed it directly down at Laura’s spread-open sex lips.
“You kNow, Laura, or should I say, *Leaky Laurie*, I think I’ve come up with an idea about how to get at those nasty juices hiding inside your vagina. See?”
The doctor had opened her left top desk drawer, and pulled out a curious plastic device, which she held under Laura’s sniveling nose. “This thing is called a breast pump, Laura. Women use this to pump milk out of their breasts to feed to their babies.
“We’re going to use it for a slightly different purpose. I’ve modified it a little and we’re going to use it to suck all that nasty girl cum right out of your vagina.”
“So, it’s actually a good thing you shacked your pubes. This way, without all those pesky hairs in the way, we can really create a much better vacuum. Now hold still while I . . .”
She had plugged the thing in and was now placing the modified cup over Laura’s gaping sex hole.
‘Oh! Oh! Ooooo shit! OH! That feels good,” thought Laura, as the pump started to suck at her flowing pussy. It pulled thejuices out of her and deposited them into the small cup below. Then it paused . . . and sucked at her cunt again.
“Oh!! damn! Oh damn!” Laura gasped. ‘This thing is gonna make me cum.’
“Does that hurt, Laura?” asked the amused professor, as she observed her creation’s work on the little blonde’s sex.
“Ahhhhhh . . . No-no, it doesn’t . . . Ohhhh — h-u-r-t,” Laura pursued from deep within her chest, as she bucked her hips into the pump’s cup.
Dr. Adams held the pump against Laura’s bare, thrusting sex until it looked as though the poor shaking girl was on the verge of an intense orgasm. Suddenly, she pulled the device off at the last second.
Just as soon as Laura felt the warm delicious wave of pleasure began to permeate her body, the sucking stopped. Her climax dissipated, fading back from when it had come. Laura’s body sought her mechanical lover: her ass rose off the seat and into the air searching, praying that the pump was there just out of reach.
Laura opened her eyes and looked up at Dr. Adams who was ignoring her and looking curiously at the secretions collected in the cup. “Please?” Laura begged meekly, as she lowered her hands to her cunt.
Dr. Adams looked down at the frustrated girl, “Stop that this instant! This is supposed to be for your medical condition, *not* your perverted pleasures!” sneered the stern woman slapping Laura’s questing hands away from her bare sex.
The older woman watched as Laura blushed and began to settle back down into the chair. The young girl looked up at her with her hopeful, bright blue eyes as she willed her body back into the required position. When Dr. Adams was satisfied her student was going to behave, she again applied the pump to the eager girl. She took the frustrated girl to the compromise of climax, not two, but three more times.
Each time the warm flush of arousal would spread down between the young girl’s immature breasts that rose and fall with her shallow gasps. She spread her long lean legs and tried to still her body’s reaction, as if the older woman would reward her for her obedience.
However, as sexy as the young girl looked biting her lower lip and her face scrunched up delightfully in pleasure lookededd, Dr. Adams once again withdrew the pump, causing the young girl to moan in disappointment.
Laura reached to grab the pump, but then hesitated under the teacher’s harsh glare. Then she will her hands back down and grabbed the back legs of her chair, her knuckles turning white from the force. She looked up into her teacher’s condescending eyes, then glanced down, staring at her swollen pink sex. “Please . . .” she whimpered.
“Please what, Laurie?” Dr. Adams asked, as she lifted Laura’s chin up, so that the young girl faced her.
‘Please, don’t make me say it. Don’t make me expose my dirty thoughts and then laugh at me,’ Laura thought, trying to win a battle against her body, but losing.
“Please, leave it on untilI . . cum.”
“Laura, I know you can’t help how you were brought up. I sympathize, I really do, but do you think that it is fair for you to have an orgasm all by yourself? What about me?” Dr. Adams explained to the frustrated girl as if it was the most natural thing in the world. “Anyone but a spoiled, self-centered, little brat would know that to get someone to do something nice for you, you have to do something nice for them . . *first*!”
“OH GOD PLEASE . . . I’ll make you cum Dr. Adams . . . I swear I will!” cried Laura, clutching the doctor’s left arm, her wishful red face peering up beneath her wet sweaty hair. She prayed the older woman would relieve the burning need in her cunt.
“Well Laura, I am a proper woman and I have special needs. It’s just that it takes longer for me to get off than some slutty little brat like you.
“Do you think if I let you try, you could maybe . . . make me cum? If you could do that, perhaps I could see my way to leave the pump on until you have the best climax of your pathetic, self-centered, little life.”
“Oh please, Dr. Adams, I know I can. I’ll do a good job. I promise. Please?
“Please let me try . . . *PLEASE*!” Laura begged.
“Well, okay, I’ll let you try,” said a smiling Dr. Adams, as she picked up Laura’s clothes and the breast pump. She Carefully placed them into her lower left desk drawer, then reached up under her skirt and pulled off her lacy black panties. She was going to put them in the drawer as well, but when she saw the little blonde girl’s eyes she decided to place them over the girl’s head. “Taste me,” Dr. Adams said as she centered the wet crotch of her panties over her face. Then, with her finger she pushed the silk fabric into the lusting girl’s sucking mouth, causing the young girl to moan.
“Laura, if someone comes by and hears you making grunting and moaning noises while my door is locked, we could both get in a lot of trouble. So, while I go and unlock my door, you hide underneath my desk.”
‘Wait, I’m not dressed!’ Laura thought, but the older woman was already on her way to the door. Laura flew out of the chair and then scooted under the desk, just as Dr. Adams unlocked the door.
Dr. Adams walked back to her chair, looked down at the kneeing blonde and smiled. She picked up Laura’s cashmere sweater and spread it on the seat of her chair. ‘No sense in wetting my chair,’ she thought, as she raised the back of her dress and sat down on her bare ass. Then she removed her panties from Laura’s head. “Don’t be selfish, you’re about to get the real thing now,” she said. “See, now, I can put my legs over your shoulders like so,” the teacher said, placing her tights over the blonde’s shoulders and sliding forward, filling the submissive girl’s face completely, providing Laura total access to her hairy wet cunt.
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