The Smell of Sex Ch. 08

Please do not read if under 18 years of age or offended by sexually explicit stories and situations.

(c)2001 by Couture


A distraught Laura staggered back to her dorm room. She opened the door to the room in her disheveled state to find Monique reading at her desk. She ran to her roommate as tears began to fall from her eyes and collapsed at her feet. Putting her arms around the dark skinned girl, she began to bawl.

“Damn girl, what’s wrong?” Monique asked the weeping girl.

“Oh Monique, today was horrible, just horrible. What you did to me this morning worked for a while, but later on, my- my . . .” Laura sobbed as she struggled to find the right words, “pussy got all wet and gushy and made me do the most horrible things.”

Monique put her book down, and tried to sooth the hyperical girl, “It’ll be alright Laura, see I’ve been reading today to see if I can discover a cure for you.” Monique pointed to the thick psychology book she just put down.

“You see, according to what I read, as long as you didn’t cum today you should be fine. See, if you cum, it will act as positive reformation for your perviness. I think you kind of like one of Pavlov’s dogs. Cept’ instead of your mouth waterin’, your pussy leaks!” Monique prepared to reassure her fearful roommate, even though she already knew the little snob had cum. The blonde bimbo smelled like a walking pussy factory. “You didn’t cum today, did ja pervie?”

Laura’s body shook even harder at this horrible news! Not only had she cum, but she cum like crazy and it seemed like every cum was longer and more powerful than the last. “Yes,” she sobbed, “I couldn’t stop myself.”

Monique extricated herself from Laura’s arms Then looked into the girl’s red teary eyes. “In that case, I’m afraid we are just going to have to step up your negative reformer.”

Laura hated this reformer business, but she hated acting this way even more. “Anything,” she whispered, “please, just let me get control over my body again.”

“I already noticed that some of the things we were doing didn’t seem to be working like I had planned. So, I called a friend of mine who is a lesbian. Well, she isn’t *just* a lesbian. You could say she is a lesbian expert, because she actually has women that she keeps as slaves,” Monique said.

For some reason that Laura could not quite explain, when she heard the word slave, her cunt gave a sympathetic throb of pleasure.

“So I told her about your problem and she laughed and said she thought that you were a sub. Then, when I showed her the tape of you sniffing my panties, we both agreed you had to be one sick subby slut to do that.” Monique prepared to be serious, but just barely managed to stifle a laugh.

Laura looked up at her questioningly. ‘Who is this *sub* person?’ she wondered.

“You don’t know nothin’ about sex do ya girl?” Monique laughed at Laura, causing the girl to blush at her own inexperience. “Sub is short for submissive. A *sub* gets off on being tole’ what to do and being punished, dummy.”

Laura felt like she couldn’t breathe and turned a brilliant shade of crisis. She thought back and realized that when Beth, Dr. Adams, or Monique bossed her around or even spanked her, she had gotten turned on! ‘Oh please don’t let me be a sub!’ she thought, horrified that it may already be too late for her. No, she couldn’t admit this revelation to Monique. Not to Monique, who she had always felt superior to in the past.

“So my friend Latanya says I need to treat you like a slave and see if you get off on it,” Monique said, looking to see the resistance forming on Laura’s face. “I know what you thinkin’ girl. I said the same thing to Latanya. I’m not keepin’ no fuckin’ slave. Shit, that’s sick, ‘sides they got laws against slavery!” the dark girl said, thickly pouring on the ebonics to reassure Laura that she was just a dumb girl from the hood, trying to help in her own way.

“Well, she says if you a sub, you gonna be someone’s girl anyway. It would be better for ya ta find out with someone ya trust. She said it wouldn’t take long to find out if you one of these *sub* people anyway. So, are you ready to get started pervie?” asked Monique.

Laura lowered her gaze and blushed, “Yes,” she replied meekly.

“Yes, Miss Monique!” the dark girl corrected.

“Yes . . Miss Monique,” Laura replied, in a voice that shook with her helplessness.

“Good, then strip those clothes off, like we agreed earlier.” Monique ordered. In a way, Laura was glad to the be free of her ruined smelly clothes, but she also knew this would expose the effects of today’s activities to her roommate. She tried to hide them, but between the phone number on her breast, the puffy red swollen sex, and the pink ruler marks on her ass, there just weren’t enough hands to go around.

“Goddamn girl, maybe you’re a sub after all,” the dark girl said, asshe looked at the handiwork of Dr. Adams. Monique, ran her hand over Laura’s pink bottom to see if it still feel hot. “Did you enjoy it, slut?” she whispered in Laura’s ear.

A helpless while escaped deep from within Laura’s throat. “No,” she lied, while she arched her ass back to meet Monique’s retirement hand.

“Let me give you your chores to do, while I’m gone tonight pervie. Oh, don’t look so sad pervie, I’m going to the library to read books about your fetishes and shit.” However, Monique thought to herself, ‘Ha-ha, actually, I have a date with a *man* bitch!’

Monique walked over and turned on the video recorder. “First, record your journal and tell the camera all about how you got in such a state today. Remember, you must tell all!”

“Then when you are finished with that, clean up this fuckin’ room! It’s beginning to smell like your smelly pussy,” Monique said, as she arched an eyebrow up and looked accusingly at Laura.

Next, I want you to wash all thedirty panties in the hamper. Since you like to sniff them so much, I want you to smell every pair all over. Then, on a sheet of paper, write down which panties you liked the best and why. Just pretend you are at one of them fancy wine tastins’ and tell Miss Monique all about her panties. I want to know all about the bouquet or whatever shit they’re always saying on TV and you better tell me what you think I was doin to make them bitches smell and taste so good. Oh yeah, that reminds me. I’ve got a couple’a stains in them mugs and I’m all out of Shout. So, how about when you’re doin’ your tastin’, you put a little extra special attention to the dirty spots with your tongue.”

Next, I want you to rate how horny my panties make you from zero to ten. I’m warning ya in advance pervie, if my panties don’t get a good rating, then I’ll make your ass go ’round and collect some more from the other girls in the dorm.”

‘Oh please no!’ Laura prayed, trying to convince herself not to do the disgusting things Monique was saying. However, her juicy quim told a different story, as it opened and began to drip with desire. “Yes, Miss Monique,” she answered obediently.

Monique walked to the dresser and picked up some lacy under- things and a pair of heels. “Now, for the negative reformation; if you are going to be my maid, you have to look the part. I took up a collection from some of the girls down the hall for your outfit.” Monique tied the extremely large pair of white lace panties around Laura’s wait. “Every maid needs an apron,” she said grinning.

Next, she placed the tiny black satiny panties on Laura’s head and adjusted them, until they were just right, “and a pretty little bonnet, for her head. A cute little outfit, fo my cute lil’ pervie maid, hee-hee!,” she laughed.

“Go ahead and put your heels on Laura, while I finish up here. All maids wear heels when they clean.”

Laura thought back and she remembered her family’s maid wore a maid’s uniform, she didn’t wear heels. ‘Well, Rosa was probably too fat for heels anyway,’ Laura thought.

While Laura sat trying to put the high heels on her feet, Monique put a tape in the VCR and turned it on. As Laura finished donning the heels, she looked in horror at the image on the VCR. *It was her*! She was on the floor with her nose stuck in Monique’s discarded running shorts!

“Okay, I’m goin’ ta be leftin’ now Pervie. If you get all horny and shit, you can play with you cunt. Just remember, any orgasms you have, thinking about or smelling panties will positively reform your lezzie tendencies and ruin the hard work I’ve don for you. It’ll take me weeks of increasingly severe negative reformation to overcome any transg- I mean you Fallin off the wagon or some shit,” Monique said, catching herself before she slipped out of character.

“If you feel your pervie self getting’ out of control, just take a look at the TV and watch your sick self sniffin my stinky shorts fo’motivation. So remember control your slutty ass and above all *NO CUMMING*!”

Unless of course you *WANT* to become a total lesbian fuck slut,” Monique said, as she closed the door behind her, leaving Laura dazed and confused in her wake.

Teetering on the unfamiliar shoes, the dazed blonde looked at herself again in the full length mirror.

The perverted creativity she saw couldn’t be her! Yet there she was, formerly Ms. Straight A, Princess Prim and Preppy, but now – now, she was only Princess Panty. Even the lowly Mexican maid that served at her family’s house wouldn’t be caught dead wearing such a ridiculous outfit.

What was even worse, Laura loved it. She craved it.

“Oh God, what is happening to me? Why is my body doing this to me?” Laura asked herself, as she raised her makeshift apron up to examine her sex. “Ohh, my poor pussy,” Laura whimpered, looking down at her red swollen ripe quim. The suction from the breast pump had not only sucked out Laura’s juices, it caused her outer pussy lips to swell up to twice their normal size. Her monks and inner lips were also swollen and puffy looking. Her clip had become so large; it stuck right out of its hood and would actually bob up and down whenever she moved.

As she attempted to keep her hands off it, her eyes looked up at her bare breasts and thought, ‘I have only the chest of a very little girl, but I’ve got the pussy of a woman!’

‘No, that’s not right. Monique says I have to say it right! I’ve got the cunt of a whore.’ she thought, as her right hand naturally reached down, and began rubbing her sore labia between her sticky fingers.

The effect was electric! Laura had to stop herself from accidentally cumming. She spread her nether lips as she gazed longingly at her leaking sex. ‘Such a juicy quim; a cunt that was made to be fucked,’ she thought.

‘Damn! What kind of narcissistic slut must I look like to the camera?’ Laura thought, as she remembered the camera recordding her actions.

Then Laura had to subject herself to the additional humiliation of reliving today’s events, as she recalling each of them before the video camera.

She couldn’t help herself! She rubbed her pussy and cried as she was telling all the sordid details of the worst day of her life.

She wanted desperately to cum! But, she stopped herself short of cumming each time she came close.

How her clip ached for release, and Laura cried, but she did stop herself. Laura had to be strong. She remembered Monique’s warning, ‘If you cum too many times you would become a real-live lesbian slut forever.’

Trying to get her mind of her aching quim, Laura began the task of cleaning up the room. She moved around the room teetering around on the unfamiliar high heels. The uppity girl found that with every piece of lint she picked up, bed that was made ‘just right’, every surface that was cleaned, and every menial task that used to be beneath her, took on new meaning as she did it wearing her humiliating outfit.

Suddenly, cleaning the room and becoming the black girl’s maid had become sexually stimulating.

Laura mind wondered and she began to daydream while she continued to clean in her sexual daze. In her fantasy, she was Fifi the maid, and Monique was still in the room, ordering her around as she cleaned. ‘Come on Fifi, keep those legs straight and bend at the wait When you pick up my clothes maid! You missed a spot in the corner Fifi, maybe I’ll have to put you over my knee and spank your nasty little girl ass. Spread those scrapny legs bitch, when you are on your hands and knees, I want to see that wet juicy cunt. Come one bitch, wiggle that flat ass when you wipe up that spill. Look at yourself in the mirror Fiffi, see what a depraved slut you’ve become.’

Then when she looked into the mirror, she grew wetter with humiliation and desire. The heels did hurt her legs and feet, but she saw they made her ass and legs look extremey sexy. While the panties she was wearing on her head made her look like a dumb bimbo, her ass stuck pretty out from the back of her makeshift apron.

She also found that her panty-apron came in handy for wiping up the constant flow of pussy juice as it ran down her thighs, threatening to ruin her new heels.

Suddenly she heard the audio of herself cumming from the video that was playing. The image of her kneeling on the floor, hips humping in abandon, as she buried her face in her roommate’s shorts, caught her total attention. She knew she should be disgusted just watching it. Even the very idea that she would sniff her roomie’s nasty, smelly panties should have disgusted her, but the sight and sounds of it . . . brought back the memory of her first glorious CUM!

She so desperately wanted to do it all over again. Frantically, she looked for those soiled panties from yesterday.

‘I wonder if they are in that pile of panties on the floor?’ she thought. Then sanityreturned. Laura stopped herself! She could wait, she had to! At least until after she had cleaned the room as she had been instructed.

‘After that, maybe . . . just maybe. Gotta clean the room first then Monique’s gifts.’ Laura thought, but she just couldn’t wait! Her aching cunt NEEDED IT!

‘Damn the room and my imagination!’ Laura mentally cursed herself.

She quickly gathered all of Monique’s soiled panties and nights up in her arms. She tried to resist, she tried to be strong but, ‘Maybe just *one* little sniff. What could it hurt? Monique even said I was supposed to smell them.’ Laura bent her head down and inhaled Monique’s aroma from the lacy garments she was carrying.

She couldn’t help herself! Maybe she could sniff them just a tiny bit and then finish cleaning the room.

Carefully, she laid the soiled lingerie out on Monique’s clean bed, and then knelt down on the floor beside the bed. ‘Well, maybe I’ll just go ahead and write down what I think of each of her panties. After all, she did ask me to.’ Laura thought.

Laura got a pen and piece of paper. She also brought back a book to write on. Kneeling by the bed again, she began to rate each panty as if it were a fine wine.

Panty #1: Warner’s bright strips eggshell color. They were satisfied with vertical lines and a slight odor of sex. I imagine you must have hurt these to class this week. I rate them a six.

Panty #2: Victoria’s Secret black satin with lace front panel. They have a light scent of sex and a delicate perfume. I imagine you did these on a date due to the smell of perfume. I give them a six.

Panty #3: Victoria’s Secret solid satin and peach in color. These panties reeked of sex so strongly, I could smell them from the bed. I also detected a foreign odor and looking closely I see there is a drunk stain in the crotch panel. I guess you had sex with your boyfriend when you wore these. IF my panties were stained like this from sex, I wouldn’t even let anyone see them, much less taste them, like you are forcing me to do. I can’t believe how horny they made me, I should be disgusted with your soiled panties, and instead I’m disgusted with myself. I give them an eight.

Laura’s cheats burned red. ‘Why do I feel so jealous of her boyfriend?’ she wondered.

Panty #4: Haynes white cotton brief. These have the strongest smell so far. They are still damp to touch and smell strongly of sweat and sex. There is no boyfriend odor, yet the smell of your arousal is even stronger on these than the peach panties. I imagine you exercised and then masturbated while you still wore them. These panties are the hottest so far and they make me want to do bad things. The taste was slightly salty and extremely musty. I don’t think I can bring myself to wash them. Part of me wants to save them for later. I rate them a ten.

‘Oh God, I am so fucked up!’ Laura thought as she considered how perverted she must look right now, rating soiledpanties, like others would rate wine. ‘If this video of what I’m doing ever got out, I would be ruined forever.’ As much as she would have liked to have stopped, the poor blonde couldn’t help herself. Her will silently crumbling, she bent down and buried her face in her favorite pair of panties.

She couldn’t help it! She sucked on the crotch and began to masturbate.

As she stroked her over-heated pussy she remembered the events from the previous night. In her mind, she could hear the dark girl ordering, ‘Go on! Rub those small tits you lezzie bitch. Finger fuck that sloppy white pussy for me girl. You know ya loves it!’

Laura felt another orgasm coming on strong. She couldn’t help it! She forget all about her instructions in the letter and the video camera recording her every action. All of the desperate girl’s attention was consumed by the smell and taste of panties. ‘I am a sub,’ she thought, as she began struggling her enlarged clip and viscously twisting her tiny nipple.

All she could think about . . . all she cared about was RELEASE!

Just then, at the most inopportune time in the world, there was a loud knocking at the door. It wasn’t the kind of know that said, will you open the door please? Instead, was a police knock. The kind of knock that says, open the door right now, if you know what is good for you. Then a loud very crass female voice boomed out, “Girlfriend let us in right now. We knows you in there!”

‘Go away please. I’m almost *there*,’ Laura thought, as her index finger began to rub her clip even faster.

“Girl, you gotts to the count of three to open this door *Lezzie Laura*.”

To be continued . . .

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