He was surrounded by the impenerable dark, hanging from the overhead beam, trying to discern sounds outside the totally silent room in the basement. His breath was the only sound he heard, aside from the occasional rattle of his bindings and spreader bar. His mind raced with his thoughts, wondering just what he had started and where it would take him from here.
He thought about all the conversations he had had with his Mistress online. She had probed all his kinks, fetishes, likes, dislikes and his hard and soft limits. He knew She had all the knowledge She needed to drive him to the heights of ecstasy and equally, into the depths of misery.
His cock betrayed his innermost feelings; no matter how much he thought of the possible risks he was taking, his cock brought him back to how much pleasure he was receiving from being in this situation. This was literally a dream come true, a wish that he had carried within him since he realized that there were people who lived thisDomme and slave lifestyle. His head swirled from the combination of unmet desire driven by testosterone mixing with adrenaline from having his fetishes come alive in the form of his Mistress and a touch of fear of the unknown.
His thoughts were interrupted by the rattling of the lock on the door and the sudden ray of light from the corridor outside. Backlit against the door opening, his Mistress stand, hands on hips, looking at him. “Well, slave – have you had time to think about our little lesson today? Hmmm?”
He licked dry lips and tried to speak. His voice failed due to his raspy dry throat. He swallowed, cleared his throat and then tried again to speak. This time his words came out of his mouth. “Yes Mistress i have thought deeply about the lesson that You taught. slave will do his upmost to obey Your every word, gesture and command. slave will strive to not provide any grounds for further punishment, Ma’am.” With that he closed his mouth and just watched Her.
She stood silently listening for a moment or two, then started to walk into the room. “Good slave – i see You learn Your lessons well. Now we shall move forward, shall we?” She smiled a wicked smile and turned on the feeble room light in the room. He then noticed She carried a small package in her left hand.
Mistress walked up to him, using a slow sultry walk to cover the ground between them. She stopped inches From him and looked him in the eye. “Now slave, we started the journey. She opened the package and brought out something metallic, the light dancing off the shiny metal.
“See this slave? You were kind enough to send me a detailed measurement of your cock and balls. This is a custom made cock cage, made just for you. It should fit just a bit snug, as we don’t want any play down there do we?” she stated with a wicked grin.
“Here are the rules slave. You are to be caged all all times. The only time this cage comes off is when I say so and at those times, your hands will be totally secured beforehand. You are to never touch your bare cock again. As a matter of fact, it isn’t your cock anymore, is it slave? I own them. This is my cock and my balls to do with as I wish. Is that understand, slave? And I wish them to be locked away at all times that I am not using them. What says you slave?”
He quickly replied in a steady voice. “Mistress, this slave and this slave’s cock and balls are Yours, unconditionally. You wish them to be only available to You for Your pleasure. Slave understands this” and he nodded in agreement.
With that She nodded and then opened up the cage using the key on a chain around Her neck. She started fitting the cage onto him only to say, “I see I need some ice to control Your cock. It seems he is just a little aroused by our discussion. Be right back – don’t go anywhere” she laughed as she left the room.
A few minutes went by before She reappeared, this time holding a bag of ice. Without any hesitation, She appliedthe ice to his cock and balls and before too long, She pushed his cock into the steel cage and slide all the parts together. A small ‘click’ was heard and then She stepped backwards, smiling and looking down. “There is now – one more step along the way to permanent slavehood.”
She reached up, grabbed and twisted his nipples. “Next thing is we need to get these pierced. A ring in each would be good, no?” she said. “One Always need points of attachment. But that will have to await for another day.”
With that She walked over to the walls, and undid the ropes allowing his hands to fall. She loosened the ropes from his restraints, unlocked the spreader bar and then snapped the leash onto his collar. Without any hesitation She lead him out of the room and into the room across the hall. Inside was a bed, a TV attached to the wall, a washroom and a meal set forth on his bed on a tray. She locked his collar to a chain secured to the wall.
“Tonight you will sleep here. The chain will allow you to move around but not to leave. The door will also be locked behind me. The TV will be showing porn – you will not be able to shut it off or silence it. I hope you will enjoy your night locked in Your cage, unable to escape the sounds and images before you, and feel the torment of your cage and how you have lost the freedom to engage in sex or pleasure ever again without my specific approval and under my guidance.”
With that She twirled on Her heel, turned off the room light, closed and locked the door. Shortly thereafter the TV sprung to life, playing one porn movie after another. His cock tried to grow only to be squeezed by the unforgiving steel. He ate his meal and tried to stop thinking about what he was watching, to no avail. He realized that this was going to be the first of many long hard nights.
(c) 2022 insubordinate1
(to be continued….)
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