The Slave's Catechism

WARNING!!! All my stories involve total power exchange, where one party assumes total control over the other. To my mind, total control is meaningless without limits being stretched and shattered. There is no point in total power exchange if all you are going to have is Missionary position sex. In a previous story, GREAT DAY TO BE A SLAVE, someone issued an anonymous comment saying he was Shocked, absolutely shoveled to discover that my story involved fetishes. Since the fetish in question was revealed in the first section, it would not have been too much trouble to the reader to stop reading after the first sentence.

Anyway, that story was the most romantic that I have written. This story is rough, not romantic at all. It begins with an elaborate scheme to force a young man into the harshest slavery for a year and is filled with abuse and many types of fetishes. If this disorder you DO NOT READ.

OTOH in real life I am the most vanilla person you can think of, so Iam obviously able to distinguish fantasy from reality. With that said, enjoy the story, and DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME.


“What are you?”

“I am a slave.”

“Are you Male or female?

“I am whatever Mistress Varian wants me to be. My genitalia are male.”

“What do you do?”

“I do whatever Mistress Varian wants. I do nothing without her permission.”

“What is the purpose of your life?”

“My sole purpose in life is to give pleasure to Mistress Varian. I do this by my obedience and my service.”

I have been a 24/7 slave for close to a year. Mistress has trained me to please her in all ways, but mainly my slavery was private, between the two of us. Yes, occasionally she had shared me with a friend, once or twice even with a couple. But for the most part, my place was in her home, specifically in her bedroom. I had a dog collar, of course, and Mistress had set a silent invisible fence around her bedroom. I could not even enter her bathroom unless SHE permitted it by turning off the sonic fence on the door. When I first started, I tried every way to escape, but each time I tried I was puzzled most painfully. Eventually I gave up.

My slavery started when Mistress tricked me into breaking into her home. She told me this was a fantasy of hers, and she would be waiting for me, naked, in her bedroom. That she was, but when I started to fuck her, she kicked me hard in my balls, knocked me out, handcuffed me and put the dog collar around my neck. When I avoided consciousness, Mistress explained that there were video tapes of me breaking in to her home and attempting to rape her. If she went to the police, I would get five to ten years in jail. She would release me after one year of slavery. Not knowing what I was getting into, I chose slavery. This was a mistake. Yes, my jail term would have been more years. I was 20 years old, dishonorably discharged from the army, rootless and shiftless. No one would take my word, especially since Mistress Varian had videotapes. But ten years of jail would be better than 1 year as the slave of Mistress Varian.

At the beginning, Mistress treated me very harshly. She placed a cock restraint on me, so I could not even get an erection. I could not get through the sonic fence to the bathroom so I had to use the bedpan that she left for me. She trained me to eat her pussy by placing all my food in her pussy. Bread, cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, sliced ​​apples, whatever. I had nothing to eat that did not come out of her pussy.

The first week of slavery I rebelled constantly. Mistress punished me, but that did not stop my constant mouth off. Mistress took me down to the basement and challenged me.

“I am going to release you. If you can defeat me, I will give you the tapes and Your freedom. If I defeat you, you will behave like the slave that you are.”

I was a pretty good brawler, I was on the boxing team when I was in the army, and I realized that thismight be my only chance for freedom, so I forget that I was fighting a woman and came after hard and fast. I was shocked to receive a kick in the teeth, a debilitating kick to the inside of my knee, followed by a harsh kick to my balls that left me in the fetal position for a full five minutes. When I recovered enough to come to my knees, Mistress smiled at me and asked if I wanted to try again. I may be dumb, but I am not Stupid. I knew that I was outclassed. Mistress was an expert in Judo and Karate. I shook my head for no.

“Say it the way I have told you.”

I was defeated. “No Mistress Varian, I will behave as a proper slave.”

After a few weeks, I became reconciled to my slavery and my treatment grow less harsh. Mistress released me from being confined to her bedroom. Although the entire house is protected by the sonic fence and although I am ordered to clean the house meticulously, it is still better than sitting claustrophobically in her bedroom all day. Still, itis her bedroom that is the heart of my slavery. I sleep on the floor next to Mistress Varian’s bed. Sometimes she is kind and throws me a blanket, most of the time she does not.

Mistress keeps me naked all the time. She is constantly teaching me my “slave’s catechism” which are my duties to her in question and answer form. As she expands my duties, she expands the catechism, the main point being that as a slave, my sole purpose in life is to give pleasure to my Mistress. The way to please my Mistress is by humble and immediately obedience to her whims and commands.

Every morning begins with Mistress sitting on my face, smoothing me with her ass. I am to lick her as Mistress farts in my face. I am to thank her for the privilege. Then Mistress moves up a little on my face so my mouth is under her pussy. But this is not yet the time to please my Mistress sexually. Mistress has trained me to swallow her piss, and I must beg for that wonderful privilege. Then Mistress attaches my hands and legs to the bedposts so that I am spread eagled, and then remove my cock restraint so that I can have an ection. I am hard as a rock, but this is the worst torque of all. Mistress has said that she might let me cum if I please her, but if I cum without her permission I will be punished severely. Then she sits with her pussy over my mouth, I am to bring her off as many times as she wants while she plays with my cock, keeping me on the verge of cuming but never allowing me that privilege. I should not say never. Mistress Varian did allow me to cum four times during these long months of my slavery. She said it was to reward me for pleasure her, but I never sensed any difference either in what I did, or in Mistress Varian’s reaction to my efforts.

Once I was trained not to cum while being stroked, Mistress moved on to the next stage of my training, where Mistress used my cock as a dildo, riding it as she pleased, fast or slow, gentle or hard. I was under strict orders, under the threat of most painful and permanent punishment, to restrain from cuming, and this was one threat I took very seriously. When Mistress started this part of my training, she gave me a code word, so she would lift herself from my cock if I felt that I was in danger of cuming. After a while that fail safe was eliminated, but I was given a time limit. Mistress would ride me for two minutes, then three, then five then ten full minutes. Now, there is no longer any limits or fail safes. The excite torque of Mistress riding my cock goes on for as long as it pleases my Mistress, for, as Mistress constantly reminds me, my sole purpose is to please her. I am not entitled to any pleasure besides the pleasure I might find in pleasure her. When Mistress is satisfied, she squeezes my balls hard, until my erection goes down. Then she replaces the cock restraint, so that even attempting to have an erection brings me great pain.

Although Mistress did not use me as her dildo whileshe was having her period, her monthly cycle did not affect her orders to drink her piss or to lick her to climax. I was made to beg her for the privilege of proudly wearing the “Red Mustache”, the color that would stay on my lips all day. Naturally this was not something that I looked forward to, but Mistress whipped me so harshly that I had no choice but to obey her. It was clear that Mistress would have me obey her, would cause me such pain as to leave me no choice at all. After a while I realized that my objecting was getting me nowhere and I might as well give up. I was totally broken. I would obey Mistress without question and spare myself as much pain as I could.

Mistress realized that I was now broken to her will. She was more independent on my verbal submission as well as my actions. I would have to beg humbly for whatever Mistress wanted to inflict on me, whether to eat her pussy during her menstrual cycle, or to be used as a human dildo and not cum. Now Mistress decidedthat she would be amused to fuck my ass with a straw on dildo. I am not gay, have never had my ass penetrated, but by this stage I was trained. The only thing that I wanted was to make my Mistress Varian happy and if Mistress Varian wanted me to beg her to fuck my ass, I would beg her to fuck my ass. I knelt with my ass up, my knees wide apart and thanked Mistress as she penetrated my ass. She showed little mercy as she fucked me as hard as she could. After she finished, she explained that she used her smallest strap on, and I would be stretched to accommodate the largest ones.

The ultimate humiliation came after I was stretched enough to take the large size dildo. Before she fucked me she removed the cock restraint and ordered me to stroke myself until I came. Mistress was shouting at me that I was a faggot, getting hard and cuming while being fucked in the ass. Afterwards I had to thank her for fucking my ass and for allowing me to cum like the faggot that I am. I was crying.Mistress whipped me harshly for crying.

Meanwhile, Mistress filled my day with constant humiliation. I no longer ate my food from HER pussy. Now I ate from HER mouth. SHE chewed on her food and then kissed me, moving her chewed food from her mouth to mine. I was required to beg her permission to piss and shit. And since Mistress would not be home for most of the day, relying on the sonic gates to keep me locked up, I would wear diapers so I would dirty her house if I had an “accident”. Of course I was forbidden to have an “accident” so if I should dirty my diapers not only would I walk around with a wet or dirty diaper, I would be whipped for disobeying her orders when Mistress came home. And of course, Mistress found it amusing to load me up with laxatives before she left for the day.

I learned quickly that whenever I thought that my life could not be worse, that I had hit rock bottom, Mistress could be relied on to prove that it was not so. She found constant ways to makemy life even more miserable. One day, after a heavy dose of laxatives had forced me to shit in my diapers, Mistress came home with a young girl friend. This was the first time that anyone but Mistress had seen me as a slave, and here this beautiful young woman, who could not have been a day older than 20, was seeing me naked, except for diaper filled with shit. I must have turned all sorts of colors as the young woman giggled girlishly and said laughingly to my Mistress: “You said you had a well trained slave, but all I see is a bad boy with dirty diamonds.”

Mistress turned to me and said “you have humiliated me. I will punish you later. But I have promised Elizabeth that you will serve her for this evening. I expect you to be most humble and obedient. I expect you to treat Elizabeth with the same respect that you treat me.”

With that Mistress took a seat and I knelt before Mistress Elizabeth and recalled humbly; “Mistress Elizabeth, I beg to be allowed to serve you. I willstrive to bring you pleasure.”

Elizabeth turned to my Mistress and giggled softly. “He is not well trained, he does not even know how to address me.” Then she turned to me and said kindly, for, I was to learn, Elizabeth would always speak softly and kindly, no matter what outrageous punishment she would be devising; “No one said I was a Mistress, I am not any kind of Mistress. I am your Mistress’ hair dresser. I mentioned to your Mistress how happy she was looking lately, and she mentioned that having a slave made her happy. Now between you and me, I could understand how having a well trained slave would make any woman happy, but you?” she giggled again, “I cannot believe that you could bring happiness to any woman.” This was said in the kindest, gentlest voice, which of course made her opinion all the more hurtful.

I must have looked as if I were about to cry, so Elizabeth ran her hand gently over my head and said; “you must call me Elizabeth, not Liz, not Beth, just Elizabeth. Now you must ask me to remove your stinky diaper and clean your filthy ass.”

Before I could say a word Elizabeth turned to my Mistress and giggled “I cannot see how this makes you happy, but you say it does…”

I knew Mistress was furious at me already, and was determined to give her no further cause for punishing me. At the same time I realized that if Mistress talked About me at her hair salon, who knows how many people know about my slavery and humiliation? I would think about that later, but for now I had better instantly and humbly beg Elizabeth to change my stinky diaper and clean my filthy ass. Elizabeth giggled, patted me on the head and said “Of course dear boy, but not in your Mistress’ living room. Follow me to the basement, I am sure there will be a suitable place there.

(I later found out that Elizabeth was Mistress Varian’s giece, and was training to be a Mistress. This was all plotted by Mistress Varian to further my humiliation. Needless to saythe plot succeeded as I was made to feel like a shamefaced little boy.)

So I crawled on my hands and knees, down the stairs to the basement, where Elizabeth had me lie on the cold hard floor with my legs back around my ears while she removed the diaper filled with shit and cleaned my ass with warm soapy water. I thought that I was through with this humiliation but Elizabeth had something more in mind. “I can Understand how a little boy might have an accident, but we must insure that this does not happen again, don’t we little boy?”

“Yes, Elizabeth,” I was forced to agree.

“So if you ask me nicely, I might be prevailed upon to give you an enema, so that you are nice and clean and will not have another accident.” Put like that, I really had no choice but to agree, so I begged Elizabeth to please give this little boy an enema, to clean his ass, so he does not have another accident. So Elizabeth gave an enema, with warm soapy water, a lot of it. When she finished with onebag, she used a second. My bowels were full, my stomach distended. When she finished I begged her, in tears, for permission to release.

“I will allow you to insert a butt plug to assist you in keeping the water in, but I will not allow you to release, because everyone knows that the longer you retain the water inside you, the better it cleans your ass. You may thank me for my kindness.”

So I did. Elizabeth gave me a very large glass butt plug to insert in my ass. She allowed me to lubricate it with my mouth before inserting it, painfully and humiliatingly in my ass.

Then Elizabeth said that it was time for me to clean my own dirty diaper. “It is bad enough that I was forced to change your filtered diaper, surely you do not expect me to wash it?” so with Two bags in my ass, being kept in by a big tight butt plug, I washed the shit out of my diaper. When I deemed it clean enough I signed to Elizabeth by licking it all over. I thought that surely now I would be allowedto release the enema, but Elizabeth again refused.

“All this dealing with your shit has gotten me to want to shit myself. Follow me upstairs to the guest bathroom.” So this time I went up the stairs on all fours. Elizabeth sat on the toilet and I knelt at her feet my lips kissing her feet. I was straining to hold my enema inside me, while Elizabeth strained to move her bowels. Finally she finished, and instructed me that if I asked nicely, I would be allowed to wipe her ass. So of course, I begged permission to wipe Elizabeth’s ass. I was given that permission with the warning that I should do a careful job, as I would be “allowed” to worship at her crack when I was finished with the cleaning. I finished the cleaning and licked her ass and again begged permission to release.

“Not quite yet, I want you to breathe in my aroma for two minutes.” So I knelt, my ass in the air and my head inside the shit filled bowl. “I am going to punish you for dirtying your diaper. I am goingto paddle your ass for two minutes. You must remain completely still, because if I miss your ass cheats and hit the glass dildo it will shatter in your ass, and it will be extremely painful.” Then she turned to Mistress Varian and asked if she might want to join in. With that Mistress Varian took out two wooden paddles, each with holes to cut down on wind resistance. The two of them stood on each side of my ass and paddled away for a full two minutes. It was two minutes of constant pain. My head fell into the shit filled bowl and I had to struggle to keep my head up so I would not thrown. I struggled to keep my ass still, as the thought of the glass dildo shattering inside me terrified me. Finally the time was up, and I thanked Elizabeth and Mistress Varian for punishment me. Finally, through my tears, I was allowed to crawl down the stairs again.

Finally the big butt plug was painfully removed and I was allowed to shit. I cannot tell you what a relief that was. I must have been onthe toilet for 20 minutes, maybe a half hour. Finally, I was through and Elizabeth said that it was now time for me to please her. Well, that was something that I was well trained in, and I looked forward to this aspect of my service. Even though the cock restraint made it impossible for me to have an erection, it was still fun for me to use my mouth on a woman’s pussy, to feel her climax due to my efforts. And Elizabeth had gotten the key for my cock restraint from Mistress Varian. She was releasing my cock! The evening was looking up. I immediately got an erection. Elizabeth took notice and brought my joy to an end.

“I did not give you permission to get an erection. I thought that you were well trained, I am sorry, but you must not get an erection unless given permission. What you are to do, since you cannot control yourself with your mind alone, as a well trained slave can, is to cup your balls in your right hand, and any time you feel yourself getting erect, you have my permissue, and my order, to squeeze your balls hard. Hard enough that getting an erection is the last thing on your mind. This is how we shall train your cock to obey your betters” All this was said in the kindest, most gentle voice, as if Elizabeth had no idea of ​​the torment to which she was condemning me. To be the instrument of my own torture, to be forced to squeeze my own balls, to prevent me from showing the natural reactions to pleasing a woman. So I lay on my back, Elizabeth sitting on my face, her ass toward my face, her pussy on my mouth and her eyes on my cock.

My cock immediately became erect. I was forced to squeeze my balls as hard as I could to shrink the erection. As I gasped through the self-inflicted pain, Elizabeth gently “reminded” me that I must continue to concentrate on pleasing her pussy. As I once again turned my attention to her pleasure, my cock once again grew hard. This time I was a bit slow in squeezing my balls, and Elizabeth reminded me that the sight of my erection was a sight that she, and other well-bred women, found disgusting, and seriously interfered with her pleasure. So I was compelled to keep a constant painful pressure on my balls, to prevent my cock from showing any sign of life, while concentrated all my attention on bringing Elizabeth to her orgasm. But Elizabeth was not content with a smooth ride to the summit and over the top. Elizabeth stopped my efforts four separate times as she was nearing her climax, keeping my tongue away from her clip, letting herself climb down from the edge before she would allow me to take her higher and higher again. Finally, on the fifth try, she climaxed. She shot her juices in my face and made loud grunts of satisfaction of pleasure.


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