The Slave Contract Ch. 02

One month ago, Lynna had sold herself to her flatmates.

It had been a logical choice; she’d just lost her job as a secretary and the rent was due. There were five of them there, three guys and two girls including herself. When she had admitted that she was not able to pay her share of it, one of those guys – a small man named Trevor – had suggested a form of alternative payment.

Despite her Shock, Lynna had found herself intrigued. She’d never been a conservative woman when it came to sex. The idea of ​​being used in this way was very interesting to her. And the others agreed that they would cover her rent. Actually, they would cover it even if she didn’t agree. But Trevor was the most wealthy one and he had agreed to cover half of it on his own if she did. Her rooms were her friends and she didn’t want to be a both to them if she could avoid it. The logical choice was to simply agree and-


No, she couldn’t lie even to herself. She hadn’t accepted because of the others. She’d agreed because it was a doorway to a world she had not had a chance to discover. Trevor painted a picture of free use; of herself as a slave who was forced to obey the orders of anyone else in the flat. Used by them or punished by them if she displeased. She would not even be allowed to wear clothes.

It should have been horrifying and for one of the rooms, it had been. Samantha – a freckled redhead and her closest friend – had been absolutely against it from the start.

But Lynna had been aroused. She’d wanted to see what this life was like. So long as the others covered her rent, so long as she could cancel the contract at any time, she agreed to live under a set of rules as set down by the others.

That had been a month ago, and this was now how she lived:

Her room was barren. All of the books, her clothes, her laptop, and even her phone and money had been confiscated from her. She was allowed a single bed with thin sheets, an old desktop set on a desk in the corner and a lamp for when it got dark. Her bed had been modified with restraints. Leather cuffs connected to the four struggle wooden legs. Most nights, she would be made to lie down on the bed and the others would take turns to secure each one around her wrists or legs. They could be done up so tightly that she was forced to lay spread-eagled all night, or they could be done loosely enough that she could toss and turn. The option was left to the one who was putting her to bed that night.

Each morning she would be tired up by a member of the group and released from her bindings. Sometimes, they would take their time and enjoy her body first. The contract allowed them to do this, and Lynna had gotten used to being fucked or giving blowjobs while restrained to the bed. Once she was released, her Attire would be chosen. This was decided by a group vote.

She didn’t get a say, of course.

Lynna wasn’t allowed to wear clothes unless they were arousing. Trousers or skirts were out. She wasn’t allowed blouses or shirts. She was allowed panties, bras, stockings and fishnets. Sometimes if the group felt she was getting stale, they would dress her up in those but usually, she would remain naked.

After this, she would make breakfast. A role which had fallen to her as part of the contract. She would present the food and then knee on the ground as the others ate it. Dave, Trevor and Andrew would all tuck in without a backwards look. Only Samantha, her former best friend, spared her any sympathetic glances. In the month since she had accepted the contract, all of the men had grown used to her new role as a slave. Only Samantha still bucked it and tried her best to spare Lynna from the ravages of the others. But she was one against three and often outvoted. Usually, the Only thing she could do was to give encouraging smiles and try to show empathy.

Once the others ate, they would variously depart for their own jobs. Lynna would therefore have most of the day to herself. She still had her orders, however. She was not to wear clothes. If someone came to the door, she was to answer it naked. She was not allowed to use her computer for anything but searching for jobs or applying for them. To make sure of that, Trevor installed an activity tracker and checked it regularly.

They often left her tasks to do as well. Usually, these were cleaning or cooking. Sometimes they insisted she do exercises to keep herself fit and attractive. At other times – especially if she was being punished – they would demand that she record herself doing various things. Sometimes, she would be given a number of climaxes that she had to achieve before they returned. She would sit in front of the burning gaze of the camera, her pussy drenched and her fingers furiously penetrating herself. She felt such shade and arousal that she came scarily quickly, which the others didn’t fail to mention when they got back.

Today was a daylike that. She was being punished for burning last night’s food. There was an egg vibrator strapped to between her legs and two more taped to her nipples. They’d been set to alternate patterns, and she had been ordered to avoid cumming as much as possible. If she came more than five times, the punishment would be worse when they got back.

She’d already cum twice. The vibrations were bouncing through her body, making her skin hot and tingly. Her pussy was growing tighter, the tiny plastic egg pushed inside of her so strictly made her legs weak and her chest heaven. Her nipples were hard, and she desperately tried to think of anything other than the feeling of the eggs pressing into her chest.

There was no one there to see her cum, but it was being recorded. There were security cameras installed all over the apartment and Lynna had quickly realized that this means she was always being watched. Once everyone got back later, Dave and Trevor would insist that they watch the highlights of her day. Sometimes, they made her sit and finger herself as she watched her own recorded climaxes.

Lynna had lived like this for a month and at this point, her previous life seemed almost like a dream. It was as though she had stepped from one world to another. One of primary feelings, desire and arousal. Each day, she was pushed, edged, teased and tormented. Made to cum in front of her friends, made to beg them for their cocks. She was fucked, cleaned up and then fucked again. Ordered to serve them in the most demeaning and humiliating ways, and all the while know it was being recorded for later viewing.

She’d never known a month like this in all of her life. She’d never known that it was possible to live like this. If you had told her a month ago that she would end up being the whore of the apartment, she probably would have laughed at you! Not anymore, though. Now she understand. Now she saw.

The vibrators pressed against her nipples brought tears to the corners of her eyes. She was lying on the sofa, her legs slightly spread. The machines made an auditory buzzing sound which was broken by her moans. She was wet down there, and her pussy was already swollen and red from her previous climaxes. Lynna had never felt more exposed. The cameras were watching her, taking what was supposed to be an intimate moment and making it public. There were no rules about what the others She wondered if they would end up getting uploaded to certain sites. If she was even now recording porn for strangers.

The feeling made her feel hot and another climax lanced through her. She moaned, her chest rising and falling quickly as her breathing hastened.

Three climaxes now. She could afford only two more.

Blissfully, the vibrators slowed, entering a less Intense pattern. Lynna lay for several moments as she tried to gather her wits. This was her life now. Sexual pleasure, humiliation, degradation and punishment. Everything that she had been before had been washed away. She made no money but paid for her expenses with her body. She’d been fucked, masturbated, tormented and she loved it.

Once she had gathered herself, Lynna forced herself to her feet. Her legs were long and shapedly, her hair was blonde. She could still feel the gentle vibrations of the plastic eggs gradually spreading through her, but it was something she could endure for now. Lynna moved back to her room, closing the door behind her didn’t mean much. There was no lock. She saw the straws on the bed, and the closet full of sex toys that Trevor had bought. Near the corner, there was the desk and the old computer. She sat there and turned it on. Biting her lower lip as the vibrators kicked up a notch.

The first thing she did was check her emails. She’d sent at least a dozen applications out. It wasn’t that she wasn’t enjoying herself, she had made a silent promise that she would at least try to get back on her feet. She had done some checking around, compiled a new CV and resume.

The first few were all rejections. She’d expected that. Getting a job could be difficult at the best of times, and now was certainly not the best of times in terms of the economy. However, the last one caught her interest. It was an invitation to interview.

Lynna felt her heart speed up. She hadn’t expected to get so far in the first attempt. The email was asking for confirmation on whether she would attend, so what did she say? On the face of it, a new position would make her able to pay the rent again and remove her from this position of servitude.

But did she want to do that? As much as it was weird to say, she was enjoying herself here. She liked the way things were going, the feeling of being used and exposed. Forced to please her friends and humiliated. It made her body feel all hot and filled her mind with visions of things to come.

Lynna had always been a sexual woman. She’d always loved to be stimulated and fucked, but this month had been a step above and beyond anything she had ever felt or done before. She swallowed, the violences pressing against her nipples grow stronger. Did she really want all of this to end?

She frowned, picturing the red-haired Samantha. Her closest friend among the rooms and also the one who still seemed to have lingering doubts about her new place. She knew that Sam would tell her to get a job as quickly as possible. To get herself out of this situation.

Samantha didn’t understand. Lynna loved her as a friend and loved how she still kept trying to help her, but Sam just didn’t seem to get that for Lynna, this was more than slavery. She truly enjoyed her time like this. Given a choice, she would never let it end.

But it had to end eventually, didn’t it? She couldn’t stay like this forever. As fun as it was, she was going to have to go back to the real world at some point.

She sent and responded to the email, agreeing toattend the interview. She knew that Samantha would be happy with her but Lynna herself felt very differently on the matter.


Later that day when everyone had returned home, Lynna told them of what she had done. They were sitting in the main room, the TV was on and Dave was sprawled across the sofa. Trevor was sitting by the table, reading some books while Samantha was sitting on one of the chairs near the far wall.

Andrew was the one spending time with her that day. Lynna was kneeling near the centre of the room, her arms had been pinned behind her back. Andrew’s cock was in her mouth, the taste of his arousal in her throat. She moaned, moving her head back and forth as he gripped her blonde hair. Sam kept shooting worried looks at them but said nothing. There was a hint of colour to her pale face and Lynna wondered if she was turned on by what she was seeing.

She gasped and gagged as Andrew finally climaxed, tasting his cum in her mouth. She swallowed it, knowing that nothing else would be acceptable to the others even though she disliked the taste. When she was done, he was already doing up his pants. He patted her on the head as if she was some sort of pet.

“Good work, it felt very good. You were saying that you applied for a job?”

“Yes, master.” That was one of the rules they had set out. Everyone was ”master” or ”mistress” to her now. All of her former friends were above her in status and she served only to be used by them. It turned her on more than she would admit.

“I’m not sure I like that,” Dave looked up from the sofa. “If she gets a job, the whole thing is over.”

“She’s allowed to apply,” Trevor said without looking around. “It’s in the rules.”

“Can we order her to fail the interview? I sort of like having her as our own personal slave.”

“That would be wrong,” Samantha said, glaring at Dave. “Lynna agreed to this position though god knows why. She can leave it any time she wants, job or not.”

“That is correct,” Trevor said again. “Besides, the rules also state that we are not allowed to directly interfere with her attempts to get a job if she wants one. We are not allowed to order her to fail the interview, nor punish her or give her any orders which would make that more likely.”

“Memorised the rules, did you?” Andrew asked.

“Of course I did,” Trevor said. “They’re the rules. They matter. They are the physical representation of the agreement. I will do exactly as I am allowed to do and no more. Do not think that I do not desire her. I do. Lynna is extremely sensitive and I have grown to love the sight of her naked body. The feel of her mouth on my cock and the sound of her moans is like music.”

Lynna’s face heated up as Trevor described her like that, and Sam turned away. The man went on.

“However, I do not intend to ever do more than I have been allowed to do. The moment that happens. The moment that anyone even thinks about doing that, the game is over. The rules are everything, agreed?”

“Yeah, yeah,” Dave said with a scowl. “I get you.”


“I understand,” Andrew said. “It’s nothing that I didn’t know before.”

“Good,” Trevor said. “I just wanted to make that understand to everyone here. What Lynna is now, she is by her own choice. That choice can change and this state can end. Do not ever forget that.”

He gestured to her and she started to crawl towards him. She moved on her hands and knees, her body swaying as she went. Samantha looked away again, but Trevor appreciated the view. His fingers caresed her breasts as she settled down next to him.

“Besides,” he went on, “If she fails the interview, we’re allowed to punish her.”

“That’s right,” Andrew said. “I’d forgetten about that part. In exchange for being allowed to do interviews without being interfered with, if she doesn’t get the job, it’s our duty to punish her for that failure.”

“Indeed,” Trevor’s thin mouth curled into a smile. Lynna’s heart started to beat faster. “That is the other side of things. We will take a vote on it later. Everyone gets to have their voice heard, even Lynna here. If she fails to get the job after all of this trouble, we’re entitled to force her to make it up to us in other ways.”

She shivered at that but also feel a tiny spark of excitement. Lynna’s face was flushed, and she looked towards the ground, slightly ashamed of her own arousal.

What would they make her do if she failed the interview?

Why was it that she wanted so badly to find out?


It was later that night and Lynna was in her room. It was dark and the others had long since gone to bed. She was lying with the covers over her; for once she had not been strapped down and she was taking advantage of that to trail her fingers along her pussy. She was wet down thee and hot, her breath came quickly as she built herself up. Her fingers caresed her womanhood, drawing soft moans from her mouth that were hard to disguise.

She wondered what would happen if one of the others came in now. Would she be punished for touching herself? No one had said that she could’t do it, but they might insist she continued on with them watching. Make her give them a show.

God, that thought made her so horny. Why was she like this? It was a question she had pondered a lot in the last few days. Lynna had always been a sexual woman but only in the last month had she really dove deeply into her sexuality. Being a contract slave turned her on, being told what to do, dominated and controlled made her hot. Never in her life had she thought she would sell away her freedom, but now she was questioning why she had not done it before.

Yet there was danger in this. She knew that. The others… Well, Samantha still treated her as a friend, but Dave had started to see her just as an object. Something to fuck and control. She wondered how much further that could go before it caused problems.

And as for Trevor…

She didn’t know what to say about him. He was the one who had proposed this whole thing and set it up. The one who was constantly driving her onwards, making her do more and more. Yet at the same time, he had also been the one to remind Everyone else about the rules. Of them all, Trevor had always been the coldest and most isolated. The least friendly member of their group.

Yet now he had taken charge and was the dominant one. He was the one who planned her punishments, who gave her her orders, who enjoyed her body first and most. The thought made her throat dry, but it could not be denied. Her fingers moved faster, a soft hiss escaped her throat.

Suddenly, there came a sound. Someone was coming into the room! Instantly, her hand snapped away from her pussy, and she felt like a schoolgirl caught touching herselffor the first time. Her face heated up, and she was glad of the darkness which concealed her embarrassment.

“H-hey, Lynna.” There came a voice which she recognized. It was Samantha. “I saw that no one else was…well, using you and thought I’d drop in for a chat. We uh, haven’t really gotten a chance to talk lately, have we?”

“I suppose not,” Lynna said. She pushed herself up on the bed, into a sitting position. The blankets curled around her, but it was obvious that she was naked when Samantha turned on the lights.

Her friend was wearing her nightdress, a dark and silky number that clung to her skin and left her legs exposed. Lynna guessed she’d been in bed before coming here.

“Do they not let you wear clothes even to bed?” Samantha asked, a sharp tone in her voice.

“Of course not,” Lynna said. “That would make it harder if anyone wanted to come in and use me during the night.”

“You say that like it’s such a natural thing,” her friend surprised. “I’llbe honest, Lynna. I can’t believe the way things have gone over the last month. I keep thinking that I’ll wake up and it’ll be over, you know? Like a bad dream. But it keeps going on.”

Lynna chuckled despite herself.

“A bad dream for you? I’m the one living it.”

“Yeah, but you’re enjoying it!” Samantha said. “I can see the look on your face when one of them tells you to suck their cock, or finger yourself, or use a toy… You’re in heaven. I keep seeing you get fucked and dominated, everywhere I go in this house there are signs of it. My best friend is on her hands and knees sucking cock. The sound of her moans as she gets fucked for the third time that day, the sound she makes when she hits orgasm again and again…”

Lynna felt her face flush but shook off the embarrassment as best she could.

“Is that so bad? I mean, I did agree to it all, Samantha. And I do enjoy it.”

“I know. That’s what makes it so weird to me. Why would any woman enjoy this sortof thing? Why would you agree to it, and why would you keep agreeing to it? You heard Dave earlier. He’s not even seeing you as a person anymore.”

“Yeah that, uh, it turns me on a little.” It was surprisingly embarrassing to admit that to her friend. “I’m sure it’ll be fine.”


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