The Slave Contract Ch. 03

“Who’s next up?”

“That would be me,” A blond woman pushed herself to her feet. Around her, the waiting room was sterile and dull. A false plant had been placed to one side in the hope that it would introduce some life to the place.

It did not.

The interviewer led her into a smaller room. There was a desk there, and a series of chairs. Two more people were waiting, a man and a woman. They were dressed well, and each bore a rare plastic-looking expression of welcome on their face.. They had already talked to several people today and after her, they would talk to several more. She sat down carefully, brushing her dark skirt as she settled.

“You’re Lynna Richards, yes?”

“That’s right,” Lynna said. She smiled at them, though her heart was not fully in it. She was torn with a doubt that she carefully did not allow to show on her face. “I sent you my CV earlier.”

“Ah yes,” The man said. “You were a secretary at one of the big offices, weren’t you?”

“That’s right. There was a downturn and they had to get rid of me, but I did good work. You’ll see from my references.”

“We talked to them already,” the woman said. “They were impressive references.”

“Thank you,” Lynna tried to look confident and at home, but clothes felt strange to her now. She wasn’t used to them. They were confident and she had a vague feeling that she was doing something wrong by wearing them. Her bra annoyed her. After nearly a month spent naked, Lynna felt oddly out of place in the civilised world.

One month ago, she’d lost her job. It hadn’t been an economic downturn. An executive at her old company had gotten a bit too greedy and lost a bit too much money. Of course, the company wasn’t going to fire them. Oh no, that would be too much. It was a simple mistake, easily made. Couldn’t blow a chap for that, could you? Anyone could have done it! Second chances, don’t you know…

Instead, they’d fired a bunch of lower-ranked employeesto make up the difference in pay. Lynna had been unfortunate enough to be one of them. She lived in a rented apartment with four other people – three guys and two girls including herself. That day, she’d come home with the bad news that she would not be able to pay that month’s rent.

She’d expected to have to work something out with the others. They were friends, after all, and she wasn’t worried about being kicked out. Instead, one of them – a man called Trevor – had made a proposition which took her quite by surprise.

He would cover most of her rent by himself so long as she agreed to live by a set of rules as set down by the apartment. Almost as soon as he’d said it, she’d known it would be sexual. Indeed, as the rules kept coming, they grew more and more so. She would be naked at all times. She would obey any command. She could be punished by any member of the apartment for nearly any reason…

The idea had turned her on massively. Even now, the memory made her alittle bit wet. Lynna had never been a stranger to her own sexuality, and the picture that Trevor had painted honestly intrigued her.

The only one who hadn’t been interested was her best friend, Samantha. A freckled redhead and the other woman who lived in the apartment. She’d been horrified, pointing out how degrading and abusive it all could be. Yet even despite her protests, Lynna had agreed to become the apartment’s slave so long as her rent was paid.

The following month made her head spin. She’d been pushed harder and further than she had ever thought before. She’d been fucked, used, made to masturbate, recorded mid-orgasm and climaxed more times than she could remember. She’d been degraded, humiliated, shamed and toyed with by her new masters.

She’d loved it all. During that time, Lynna had discovered a part of herself that she had not expected to be there. She’d always been sexually open. She’d always enjoyed her body and loved to fuck and be fucked. But her life as a slave had been so much more intense. She had started to realize that she was sinking deeper and deeper into it. This new existence was gradually subsuming her. She woke up each day wondering what new things would be done to her and anticipating her punishments and her rewards.

Even Samantha, who had been against the whole thing, gradually became more and more okay with what Lynna was doing. It took a heart-to-heart chat before she finally admitted it even to herself, but Samantha was just as in love with the idea of ​​using and fucking Lynna as Lynna was with the idea of ​​being used and fucked.

But all good things did not last forever. Lynna knew that her new existence could not be a permanent one. The helpless feeling of being forced to rely on others was fun and intoxicating when one had a fetish for being a slave. But at some point, she really would need her own source of money again.

That was why she was here now. An invitation had been extended due to her previous role, and she had been allowed to interview for a position not unlike her last one. If she got it, she’d be making more money than she used to and be able to cover the rent again.

But her days as a slave would be over.

That was stipulated in the contract too. She was the apartment’s whore for as long as she had no money of her own. The moment she did, she was equal to them again. Her new life, her new existence of pleasure and humiliation would come to an abrupt end.

She didn’t know if she wanted it to. As the interviewers gave her a short speech about the company – nothing she didn’t already know – Lynna reflected on the two paths ahead of her.

If she got the job, her time as a slave would be over. No one would speak of it again and it would go back to the way it had been before. If she failed to get the job, she’d be punished. Her clothes would be taken away and she would be forced to apologise to each of her flatmates personally. Then, they’d vote on agroup punishment to really drive in her failure.

Lynna felt a flush of heat bloom between her legs. Shifting slightly on the chair, she tugged down her skirt with one hand.

There was nothing sinister going on. There were no toys, no hidden traps, no fiendish orders or tricks to intentionally force her to fail the interview. She had the credentials, she had the history. As far as she could see the only thing that mattered here was whether she honestly wanted things to turn out one way or the other.

And the problem with that was that she didn’t even know the answer to this herself.


Several days before the interview, they gathered in the living area of ​​the apartment. All five of them were present. Trevor, a lean man with glasses and a commanding presence, Dave, a strong man who know how to work with his hands, Andrew, some what mysterious and thin as a stick.

And then there was Samantha. Her copper hair was bound up in a ponytail, and she was clad in a slim black dress which hugged her figure and body. Her legs were long, and her expression was conflicted.

Lastly, there was Lynna. She was naked, a collar around her pale throat. A leather strap had been wrapped about her wrists, locking them behind her back and forcing her into a position that thrust out her chest. She was kneeing, her legs spread just narrowly enough that her pussy could be seen by her superiors. She felt hot and wet, turned on by the attention she was getting. Lynna didn’t know what was about to happen, but she knew it was related to her future.

“As you all know,” Trevor said. “In a few days, Lynna will be taking an interview. If she gets the job, the contract between us all is cancelled and nullified.”

Everyone nodded at that, though each person had a different expression. Lynna looked from one to the other. Dave was the easiest. His face was sullen and bitter. Out of all of them, he wasthe one who enjoyed her new position the most and the one who was most keen to keep her in it. He was not an intelligent man, though nor was he particularly stupid and having her as a direct inferior was arousing to him in more ways than merely one.

“I still don’t see why we can’t order her to fail,” He said. “She obeys us, yeah? Do we really want to lose our new slut?”

Samantha flushed and glared at him.

“Lynna is doing this of her own free will,” She snapped. “It was an agreement. She’s not literally your slave. If you refused to allow her to stop, that would be a crime.”

Dave was about to bite back a response, but Trevor raised one hand.

“Samantha is correct,” He said. “I will not allow anyone to break the rules of the contract. If anyone does, for ANY reason, then the whole thing is nullified on the spot. Do I make myself clear?”

There was a sea of ​​nods. Even Dave seemed unwilling to go directly against the smaller man.

“Lynna is our slaveand whore,” He went on. His words felt like a slap on the face, and she felt herself getting hotter. “But that is only true to a certain extent. It is a game. A game of power and subscription, but still a game. No one is forced to play and if anyone cheats the whole thing is off. I hope I make myself absolutely clear to all concerned. I will be looking out for any signs of foul play.”

“Yeah, yeah,” Dave snarled. “I understand. You’re the boss and we do what you want.”

“Amazing how you say you understand and in the same sentence prove that you don’t,” Trevor surprised. “Lynna is the boss. She is the one who chooses when to end the contract. If you push her too far or try to do things that are explicitly disallowed, I would not be surprised if she does so early. Remember that.”

Dave nodded tightly. His eyes flickered over towards her naked form. Lynna felt her heart speed up. What Trevor had said was true, but Dave was feeling humiliated by being so totally broken down. She was sure he’d find a way to punish her for it.

It made her feel hot and filled her with anticipation. Desire coiled through her mind and she wondered if she even could go back to who she was before.

“In any event,” Trevor said. “We have a few days yet before the interview. I think it may be a good idea to make our case, so to speak. We all know what Lynna will get if she takes the job. Money, freedom, and the ability to act on her own again. A return to her former status. But what does she get if she fails it?”

“Punished,” Andrew said. “Not to put it too bluntly. According to the rules as written, if she goes to an interview and fails it, we’re allowed to assign her a group punishment.”

He turned his eyes towards her. His gaze was hungry and she shivered. She felt exposed with her chest sticking out and her arms behind her back. A month ago, she never thought a man would look at her like this, nor that she would be so turned on by it.

“That is true,” Trevor said. “But I mean beyond merely that. I propose that each one of us be given a night to spend with Lynna on our own. During that time, we can reward her – or punish her – as we see fit.”

“Within the bounds of the contract?” Samantha asked, her voice soft but firm.

“Of course,” Trevor said. “I just think that each one of us should have a chance to show Lynna the future that awaits her if she does not take the job. That future may be pleasant, with rewards or cruel with punishments. It is up to the individual to decide.”

Samantha crossed her arms, her face was stern but there was a sense of intrigue dancing in her eyes. “So each one of us gets her for a whole night? And none of the others are allowed to interfere?”

Lynna said nothing as her fate was decided. Her throat was dry, her skin was hot. Desire pulsed through her in waves, each stronger than the last.

She sat and watched as they hammered out the rules.


In the present, Lynna tried to focus on the interview. The initial speech was followed by a series of back-and-forth questions that she knew how to handle. She had plenty of prior experience, and she knew how to work her credentials. Her references had all been good and solid, and she was more than qualified for the role.

She did her best not to let the inner conflict rise to the surface, but it was difficult when even she didn’t know whether she wanted to succeed or fail. She presented the perfect mask, moulding herself into the employee that she knew the company expected her to be.

But within, she was unsure. Did she want this? Was this truly what she was after? The last month had been some of the best times of her life, the most intense times too. Even if it had not been exactly something you’d tell your friends about later, Lynna feel somehow different after experiencing it. It wasn’t something as cliche as saying that she had matured, but rather she felt that she knew herself a little bit better now. Having indulged in a side of her nature that she never would have otherwise, Lynna felt a bit more confident. A bit more secure in her skin, so to speak.

But did that means that she should leave that time behind her now? She’d said before both to Sam and to herself that nothing could last forever. Her time as a slave was no exception to that. She’d enjoyed it massively, but did she see it lasting much longer? A year? Two years? A decade?

The answer to that was no. She did not. Not as it was now, anyway. Lynna understand that things were unsustainable. It was fun and charged for a little bit – a month or two – but if it kept going for too long it could become unhealthy, even toxic.

Yeah, it was sad to say and a little part of her didn’t want to admit it, but Lynna’s time as the apartment’s slave had to come to an end fairly soon.

But was today the day? That much she didn’t know just yet.


The first one to have her for the night was Andrew. Lynna spent the whole day anticipating what he would do to her. Her body tingled, filling her with warmth and heat. While the others were at work, she spent her time looking after the house. She did some exercises to keep her figure, and she cooked food and prepared.

Eventually, Andrew returned. She was waiting for him, naked and on her knees. She’d been told to make herself as presentable as possible, so she was wearing her make-up, her blond hair brushed and combined. Dave glared at her from across the room, looking with envy towards Andrew.

The tall, thin man looked down at her and adjusted his glasses.

“Follow me,” He told her. Then, without a backwards look, he moved to his room.

Stomach churning, Lynna followed. In her time as a slave, she’d discovered that each of her fellows had different kinks and desires for her to fulfill. Dave was blunt and aggressive, he wanted to fuck her. To feel himself inside of her, hear her moan and gasp. Trevor craved dominance and control, and his games were clinical and somewhat cold. The act of sex mattered less to him than the power he held over her by it. Samantha also liked dominance, but to her, it was more personal. Their connection as friends since childhood made it all the more intense for both of them, she both enjoyed and was ashamed by how placing Lynna in submission positions aroused and turned her on.

Then, there was Andrew. Andrew was something like Trevor in that he rarely seemed to get the maximum pleasure merely from fucking her. Andrew delighted in tools, toys and games. He used machines to tease and titillate, to drive her to the edge. Vibrators, clamps, chains and wands were his tools of choice.

Lynna did not expect to face anything different today. Andrew’s desires typically focused around testing her limits, pushing her as far as he could. He’d make her climax againand again, or tell her to resist the need to cum until she was desperate. It would be intensified in places but she could handle it.

Once inside his room, he closed the door and turned to her.

“Get on the bed,” Andrew told her. “Arms out, legs stretched.”

Needless to say, that position would leave her exposed. Lynna’s anticipation built as she moved forward. The bed was soft beneath her body. She stretched her arms and legs out as she had been told and Andrew locked a cuff around each in turn. Her wrists and ankles were bound to the wooden bedposts. Her heart beat faster. The cuffs were cold and hard against her skin, made of metal and uncomfortable. Once he pulled them tight, she realized she really couldn’t move at all.

Andrew’s shadow fell over her.

“So this might be the last time I get to do this, huh?” Lynna said nothing. He was talking to himself more than her. “I suppose I should make the most out of it.”

For the rest of the night, Andrew made itHis personal responsibility to make her squirm. He was methodical, pushing her limits. Forcing her body to respond with greater and greater urgency.

The start of it was the vibrating egg. It was pink and he showed it to her cupped in one hand. His other hand trailed across her body. Lynna shuddered. Her pussy felt warm and wet. His fingers pressed against her vulva, stroking it firmly. Her clip was hot, and she was breathing fast. Helplessness, lust and desire all pounded through her at once.

With deft fingers, Andrew spread her labia. He forced them aside with two digits, spreading her and making her bite her lower lip. Feelings surged through her, heat washed across her skin. Her nerves tingled with anticipation.

The plastic egg was placed inside of her, and as soon as it was, she felt the vibrations. They rippled outwards, tearing a low moan from the back of her throat. Her face flushed red.

But Andrew was just getting started. He removed another toy from hisselection. This one was a stick-like device, long and thin. He pressed the tip into her side and slide it across her skin. Her body tingled in its wake, and when he turned it on the tip sparked with a current that made her jump!

It wasn’t painful or sharp, it just tingled a lot, charging her nerves and senses as he moved it up and down, tracing a semiconductor path across her body. The path of the wand felt unbearably good, her skin crawled with pleasure in its wake. The electricity ticked her skin and engaged her senses. Lynna lay back and shut her eyes, but could still feel the wand as it climbed towards her chest.

The buzzing between her legs shook her body and flooded her with pleasure. Her inner tights were soaked by now, and her pussy felt hot and tight.

Andrew was slow and careful, the wand moved methodically, edging forward with enough time to let her anticipate its path. The current that it projected made her body tingle, stimulating with her skin as it passed.The feeling was delicate, but overwhelming and as it traced towards her chest, it seemed to become stronger and harder to ignore.

Lynna was breathing quickly now. Spikes of pleasure were rippling between her legs. Wetness gleamed across her lower lips. She could feel the leather collar bound around her throat, the cuffs which held her arms and legs apart. Helplessness, shame and arousal all surged Together.

She was a slave, she was a whore. She was…

She was loving it. Bound and tormented by these devices, Lynna had never felt more alive. Andrew stood over her, watching as if she was some sort of experiment. Listening to her moans and gasps. The wand flicked across her breast suddenly and she jumped! The current was much more potential against her sensitive chest! Anddrew noticed and did it again, enjoying the way she squirmed.

Her nipples were tight and hard, and she swallowed as the tip of the wand pressed towards her left one. The air grew hot, and she felt the spider-like care of the current before the metal even touched her flesh. When the wand did touch her, she couldn’t suppress a gasp of pleasure. This time, it was a sharp feeling. Not painful, but powerful. The current tingled her nipples and made her body shake.


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