The Slave Ch. 01

© Linnet Turns 05/01/2003

I knelt naked before my Master with my head bowed as I listened to his words.

“Your training begins today, cunt. You will be stripped of everything you think you are and everything you’ve learned. You will be reduced to nothing more than an animal until I deem you worthy of rising above that station. Since I do not wish to have to groom my animal, Your hair will be shaken from your head. I know you place a lot of pride in that mane of yours; it is part of who you think you are but no longer! Do you understand what I’ve said so far? Now cunt nod your head if you do.”

I humbly nodded my head once. Beneath my lowered eyes, tears filled my eyes, threatening to overflow. I was about to lose my hair and I I trembled from that point on I would belong totally to my Master; there would be no turning back. I trembled from the panic that welled up inside me and yet, I was aroused beyond anything I had ever felt before.

“Good. From here on you haven’t any privileges. That means you will not speak one word to anyone unless I specifically give you permission to do so. Your meals and drink, when I allow you to eat, will be taken from the dog bowl and your food will be eaten only with your mouth. You will not use your hands ever. A bucket will be provided for your body functions, I will explain the use of the bucket’s contents a bit later. Are you still following me cunt?” My Master laughed.

“Yes, Master,” I responded and immediately my eyes growing wide, realising I had spoken. A sharp slap from my Master’s hand fell upon my cheek, knocking sideways. I fell to the floor, and began kissing my masters boots beginning silently to him, worshiping him and hoping for his forgiveness.

“Stupid cunt, don’t let it happen again! Now, this blindfold I’m placing over your head will remain on your head during your entire training period unless I remove it or tell you to remove it. However, there will be certain occasions when it will beremoved for a short period of time. This collar I place around your neck is your training collar. Though it is easily removable, it will not be removed until your training is complete. Then at that time, I will replace it with a permanent collar which cannot be removed short of cutting it off your neck.”

My Master leaned down and attached a heavy chain to the slave collar and led me into a closet. There he chained me to a metal ring set into the floor. The chain was long enough for me to move about the small closet and to move a few feet outside of the closet.

“Cunt, if you feel around you will find your blanket and pillow plus your piss pot. That’s a good cunt. The blanket and pillow are not provided for your comfort but provided to keep you from getting sick. A sick slave is of no use to me. Concerning your piss pot, you are allowed to use it at will. Now, I have business to take care of. I will return shortly. While I am gone you will think of your station; you will stand outside yourself and see how disgusting you look naked and chained in a closet. “He laughed as if He had just heard a great joke then closed the closet door, locking me his slave into my new home.

I moved to the blanket and curled up like a dog. I was scared. What had I gotten myself into? My emotions were confused. Part of me wanted to scream out, telling my Master I could not do this. Yet the other part of me was in heaven. This was what I had dreamed of for many years. I had never told anyone about this because they would only think me crazy; even my former Master would never have gone this far to get my total obedience. Until this my new Master found me, but it did take me many months before I admitted to myself what I truly needed and to go to this new Master willingly. Now, I would not run scared this time. I told myself.

It was so dark, and quiet. Not a speck of light showed through my blindfold or a sound reached my ears. My hands moved up to the collar around myneck; a leather dog collar was all it was. My hands ran down the cold steel of the chain to the floor where it was locked to the ring. Chained like a dog, only worse because I was hidden away in a closet like an old pair of shoes. To be taken out only when it was needed by the owner. If someone were to see me now they would be aghast perhaps laugh at me, how strange did I become a willing humiliated slave hell if my master only knew I was thinking of this at least he wouldn’t be able to control them.

My Master returned, unlocking the closet door and ordered me his slave out. I stood up but was immediately pushed down to the floor.

“Cunt, you will never walk upright in my presence. Animals do not walk on two feet now do they! Now, crawl out here and knee before me. It is time to remove that hair from your head. “

I moved quickly to my master, stopping before him. I didn’t know whether to knee upright or stay on all fours. I became panicky as I tried to decide what to do. I decided to remain on all fours.

“Ah, very good cunt that’s right. You will never rise above all fours unless permission is granted otherwise. Believe me, cunt, you’re lucky I even allow you to crawl. You deserve nothing more than to be allowed to slither on your belly like a worm. Isn’t that correct, cunt?” He asked me.

I nodded my head, wishing my master would start shaving my head before I lost my nervous. “Rise up on your knees while I remove your mask.”

I did as ordered, keeping my head bowed. I felt my hair damp from the sweat of fear as the blindfold was removed . The time had come. I took a deep breath and exhausted. Then my Master laughed.

“Scared cunt I like that. OK, cunt from here on in you are property my property. This shake stands for many things, some I’ve already mentioned but it also is symbolic of the control I have over your body. Now, truly nothing will belong to you, cunt. Your belongings and clothing were all distributed of as you agreed earlier. Your last bit of property will now be distributed of.” With this said, my Master took out a pair of scissors and began cutting my hair close to the scalp until all my blond hair lay in long wavy strands on the floor. I cried silently, the tears streaming down my face.

Then my Master applied shaving cream and finished the job until I was completely without hair. Not even stubble remained. My Master stepped back to look at his new slave. “Now on your back and open your legs so I can finish the job.” The shock of what my master had just said stuck me. I lay back and arched my back and felt the last bits of my feminine sexuality being removed

”It is amazing what a difference hair makes to a person’s personality.” He said he seemed curious as to how it would affect me his newest slave. He took a mirror and held it before me. “Look at yourself now, cunt. You are now mine. You are nothing and have nothing except me.” He laughed,

“Who would want you now, cunt? Look at yourself!” You’re just a worthless, hairless cunt,” He said with disgust. You are nothing without me, cunt! You are nothing just an animal, less than an animal. Look at yourself! Don’t you dare look away! Repeat, cunt! Tell me what a worthless, disgusting piece of shit you are!”

I repeated his words. “I am nothing without you”

That right, cunt! Repeat it cunt!” I again repeated his words, the tears filling my eyes.

“Again, cunt!” He yelled. I said again that I was nothing without him. “Again, and again and again, cunt! Repeat it all again until I tell you to stop for all the words are true and I will make sure you understand it”.

“I am a worthless disgusting piece of shit and I am nothing without you,” I repeated over and over again, louder and louder as my Master commanded. The tears were flowing heavily now as I continued to stare at the completely bald person in the mirror, repeating his words to myself over and over again.

“That’s enough, cunt,” My Master said quietly after a few minutes and patted me on the head. Leaning down to whisper into my ear,

“But, you will become something when I am through with you, won’t you, cunt. You will be the perfect slave. One I will be proud of and you will be proud of yourself as well. The road will be long and it will be hard, cunt. So until then, you are only a lowly, stupid dog. And one day, if you are lucky enough and survive, you will bear my collar and bear the honour of the name ‘slave’.” My master placed the blindfold back onto my head and ordered me back into my closet.

As I curled up into a ball on the blanket and silently cried myself to sleep. I woke a few hours later. I wondered how long I had slept. I wondered what time it was. The blindfold was a bit less snug now that my hair was gone I thought. Oh god, my hair was really gone, I thought with disbelief. It has really happened. I wished to touch my head but I feared what I might find so instead I reached down between my legs then realized that there to I was naked.

I found the small bucket in the corner and carefully straddled it then pissed what seemed like a gallon and then returned to my blanket. I sat there for what seemed like hours. I was becoming bored. I was staring and thirsty. I had not eaten since dinner the previous night. I became a little angle that my new Master would allow me to go hungry. But then I remembered what I had agreed to and what my master had said to me, when He allowed me to eat. Suddenly I was frightened, I wondered how long He would make me go without. The door opened suddenly and my Master reached in, grabbing the chain and pulling me out without ceremony. He stepped in, then and saw I had pissed and shit in the bucket. He smiled. “Cunt, this bucket needs to be empty and you’re going to empty it.” He removed my blindfold and placed the bucket in my hands.

“Now, you will take the shit out of the bucket and rub it all over your body,” He ordered. I hesitatedtoo long and reeled from the smack across my face that my Master gave me.

“Who do you think you are, cunt? Do you think you’re too good for your own smelly shit? You are nothing, cunt except what I tell you to be! You are a dirty, smelly, disgusting piece of shit toilet. Repeat!! What are you, cunt?” He demanded.

“I am a dirty, smelly, disgusting piece of toilet shit, Master”, I repeated.


“I am a dirty, smelly, disgusting piece of shit toilet, Master”, the tears began rolling down my face.

“Now take that shit and start rubbing your body with it, now, cunt! Keep repeating those words as you do so, you disgusting animal or you will regret disobeing me, cunt!

I gingerly took the shit into my hand and slowly, lightly began rubbing it over my body as I softly continued repeating the words. The humiliation and degradation filled me to my soul.

“No, you stupid cunt rub that shit harder and all over your body. Let yourself get lost in what you are. Quit fighting it! Revel in that shit, cunt! Become that shit! Let yourself become what you are! Speak louder, cunt! I want the world to hear what you are!”

I was still hesitant at first, but I began rubbing the shit deep into my skin, speaking louder and louder as my Master prodded me on until I was screaming the words and the shit flew onto my skin. I reached into the bucket and Pulled out more and continued crying out and rubbing the shit into my skin like a mad woman until there was no more. I then stopped, panting hard from the exercise.

“Rinse yourself with your piss, now, cunt. Take that bucket and pour it over your head, now!” as he raised his voice to afford his authority over me.

I immediately took the bucket holding it up over my head, and then I poured it over myself. The pisses streamed down my face, into my mouth, down my back, over my tits, down to my cunt. I moaned in humiliation and exhilaration.

“What are you, cunt?” My Master whispered into my ear.

“I am a toilet, Master. A disgusting, smelly, piece of toilet shit, Master,” I said almost with a sound of relief.

“That’s right, cunt. You are my toilet and I advise you to get used to it. During your training you will feel this often. Every time your bucket needs to be emptied or anytime I or my other slave needs to piss it will go on you where it belongs now lay back and open up your cunt for me, cunt. I need to piss and I believe my slave here does as well.

Surprised and embarrassed, I realized my Master’s other slave had come into the room. I lay back as commanded, closed my eyes and spread my cunt as wide as I could with my fingers. My Master stood over me and let his stream flow into my pussy. My masters other slave then squatted over my face and Did the same. I moaned out in arousal from the degradation I was feeling and the relief at the beginning of the acceptance of myself and my new position in there life.

A new sound came to my ears andI opened my eyes, just as a whip landed across my stomach. An angry red welt rose as I cried out from the pain.

“Stupid cunt, rise to all fours stick that arse in the air and your face on the floor, I wish to use you. Every time you hear me shake this whip twice, you will assume this position immediately, cunt! Do you understand me?”

“Yes, Mas…” the whip landed hard and fast over and over again on my arse before I could complete the words that I wanted to say.

“God, are you stupid you ungrateful cunt! I let you speak once and you think you’re better than the toilet that you are! How dare you think any different!! You will never speak again if you continue with this insubordination, cunt. Lift that arse up higher.”

Shaking from my stupid mistake, I raised my arse high. My Master’s cock rammed into my arse hole and He began fucking me hard and fast. It felt like He was ripping me apart and I cried out from the pain. He grabbed the sides of my arse and pulled mehard onto him as he continued to ram his cock into me. I began crying and pleased for him to stop.

“Cunt, do you really think I care that it hurts you? The only thing that matters is that it feels good to me. You are only a reception for me or anyone else to relieve themselves on.” Finally, the pounding stopped and I fell to the floor exhausted, physically and emotionally. How I longed to crawl back into the darkness and to my blanket.

“Oh no not yet cunt, my slave has been a good slave lately so I allowed her to name her reward and she wishes to use you as well, on your back, cunt!”

Trembling, I obeyed wondering exactly what she had planned for my body.

My masters other slave planted her shit hole over my mouth, telling me to lick and start sucking. While I worked my tongue into her brown hole, the slave began pushing more and more of her hand into my Pussy until her entire fist was inside me. She then began fucking my cunt hard. I couldn’t believe the pain was starting all over again. With the slaves shit hole on my mouth it muffled my moans. But then the slave began pissing once again into my mouth as she rubbed her shit hole on my face. I swallowed fast in between the hard thrusts in my pussy, and almost choking with the piss flowing into my mouth. Then the pain in my fuck hole began to abate and I feel myself raising my hips up to meet the thrusts with an animal like abandon.

I continued to lick and suck her shit hole pushed into my face, every now and again sticking my tongue up to her pussy hole, tasting her sweet, sweet juices.

“Slave, this is not for her to enjoyment, fuck her harder with your fist! I want to hear the cunt’s pain,” our master ordered.

The slave obeyed by clenching her fist inside me and I cried out anew, unable to stop myself. Oh how it hurt. I cried from the pain. At the same time, the slave orgasmed with her pussy hard on my face releasing a flood of juices. Then pounding of her fist stopped thenand was pulled out.

We both lay on the floor, panting, and sweat streaming off our bodies.

“Cunt, get back in your closet. You stink like shit and cum, you disgusting pig. Blindfold on now until I come for you again.”

Gingerly, I rose to all fours and made my way into the closet putting on my blindfold. Then the door was closed and locked behind me. As I lay down exhausted on the blanket, I could hear my Master fucking his slave; I could clearly hear the moans of lust. This aroused me and I began playing with my clip until I came with those outside. Sleep came almost immediately.

When I next awoke, I woke with an extreme thirst and hunger and the soreness between my legs that I had never felt before. I was desperate for water and food. I did not know how long it had been since I returned to the closet. I hoped my master would be there soon, and I would somehow get him to understand my needs. The hours slowly passed, though, and there was no appearance of my master. I did off and on until all sense of time was forever gone.

As the hours continued to pass by, I began to get scared. It seemed like a day had passed, maybe two. Had they abandon me? Forgotten about me? Tired of me? Then relieve, as I heard the key in the door, then the door opened. Warm pissed covered me. I hungrily opened my mouth to catch the moisture and slurped the piss into my mouth. The door shut and I heard my master walk away.

It was all so unexpected; I didn’t have time to even think to let him know how thirsty and hungry I was. I needed him. He was my saviour; my god. I couldn’t survive without him. Did I do something to anger him? Was that why He was withholding food and water?

With relieve I heard my master return. I fell to his feet, kissing them “What’s wrong, cunt, are you perhaps thirsty and a bit hungry?”

I lifted my head from his feet and nodded yes vigorously.

“God, but you stink, cunt. Move back away from me. I supposetoilets do stink, though, don’t they, cunt. I suppose I better feed my little toilet slut but I want to hear you beg for your food and water, cunt. It better be convincing or you’ll go another day without.”

“Master, I beg you; this piece of toilet shit begs you to feed me. I am not worthy of…

“Slither to me, on your belly as you beg cunt.” My master commanded. I lay flat on the floor and began slithering to my Master as I continued to beg.

“Master, I am not worthy of being an animal. I am a toilet a worm and I beg you to feed this worm. I am so hungry and thirsty. Please, my Lord, please, I beg you…

“Much better that’s it, cunt. Slither like the worm you are. Beg me like your life depends on it because it does. Your entire life Depends on me and always will. If you ever try to make a decision on your own, you will be severely punished. You are not capable of making good decisions. OK, food and water is in the bowls in front of you, cunt. Don’t you dare thinkyou’re worthy enough to use your hands you will use your mouth only.”

I fell ravenously to the food and water. There wasn’t much food, though there was plenty of water. My stomach still felt empty. Oh how I longed for more food. I pushed my nose into the empty food bowl and began to wine like a dog, hoping my master would understand me.

My master grabbed his whip and began whipping my arse again and again. Surprised and stunned, I sat upright, only to be met with a slap to my face. I fell back down to the floor, confused as to what I had done to get this punishment.

“Still a stupid spoiled ungrateful, cunt. I can see your training may take longer than I figured. How dare you think you deserve more than what I give you, you stupid cunt. Get it through Your stupid head that you are nothing, you have nothing, and most importantly you deserve nothing! Repeat that back to me, cunt, while I whip some sense into you!”

I began to repeat the words back to him. “I am nothing, I have nothing, and I deserve nothing.” Over and over I repeated his words over and over again as my master whipped me. I thought it would never stop. The pain made me stumble over the words. I concentrated harder on what my master was saying, hoping to block out the pain. Then finally He stopped and He ordered me to stop as well.


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