The Slave and His Master Ch. 07

A note on subspace:

***DISCLAIMER*** I do not pretend to be an expert on bdsm but I have done my best to conduct through research, feel free to do the same.

Dear reader,

If you are not familiar with the term subspace or the effect it can have on an individual, then please let me enjoy you.

Subspace, is when the submissive experiences a moment where pain and pleasure get mixed signals in that cause a chemical reaction. This releases a rush of endorphins to the brain. The rush causes the sub to feel completely relaxed and as if they’re floating.

Subspace is not easy to achieve and it requires that the submissive have complete trust in their Dom. Additionally, it is interesting to note that scenes with intense amount of pain are usually what cause a sub to experience subspace, though Everyone is different.

Please know, it is very important that the Dom play close attention to know if their sub has entered subspace so that they do not hurt ther partner or cause them to experience a sub drop, which can be quite dangerous, both mentally and physically.

It is also vital that the Dom provides excellent aftercare with a lot of contact and pray towards their sub. This must be done in an effort to prevent a sub drop. It is possible that a drop could happen as long as 48 hours after a scene.

This is only a brief and basic summary on the matter and I encourage you to do your own research if you want to know more. I just wanted to provide insight for a scene you will read in this chapter.

As always, thank you so much for reading! Please comment, vote, favorite or whatever you wish. I greatly appreciate it. Without any further ado, please enjoy, days 4-6 of Aiden’s training!

Much love! XXX


Day 4

When Aiden weke the next morning he was happy to realize that his Master still held him tight. The boy moved, trying to stretch but found it difficult while in his Masters tight hold. Hesquirmed and let out a quiet whine, struggling to free himself but not wanting to wake the sleeping giant.

Sagi finally opened his eyes and chuckled at Aiden’s attempts, finally letting him free. He’d been awake for the entire fight but he had been having too much fun to let the boy know that right away.

Fun, Sagi thought to himself, completely innocent, non sexual fun. When had been the Last time he had indulged in that? There was something about Aiden that made him feel almost soft but he refused to be vulnerable around the boy until Aiden knew his true colors.

So far, training had gone well but Sagi was holding himself back. As the days went on the beast inside him crept closer to the surface.

But that wasn’t the plan for today. No, today was about taking the final step to build a sense of security for Aiden to cling onto, when things got challenging. Well… after one little thing.

“What are we doing today, Master?” Aiden asked, blinking up at him throug thick lashes.

Sagi gave the boy a smile and then spoke, “First, I think it’s important that you know that I intend on keeping you. Even if you don’t end up as my mate. I don’t like the thought of you belonging to anyone else. So, if you still want to be only mine, we are getting you pierced.”

Aiden’s eyes widened in shock. Until he’d hear of this mate thing His Master was always going on about, getting pierced had been Aiden’s ultimate goal. It was an incredibly significant thing for a lord to actually claim his slave in that way. It means that nobody could touch you besides your owner, for any reason, even if you touched on accident. It also means that you would never be sold, ever again.

Aiden had seen what terrible things could happen to a person that touched a pierced slave. When he was very young, he had seen a pretty female slave with her much older Master. A younger lord, had reached out his hand to touch the slave’s breast. Either he had not realized thatshe was very much owned or he was an idiot.

The young lord had his hand chopped off for the error in judgment. Class did not matter wen it came to this subject, because a Master wanting to pierce his slave was such a rarity.

Having this done to his body would make him important to his Master and everyone would know. He would be sacred.

“Y-yes Master, I… I want that very much,” Aiden stuttered, feeling nervous and happy.

Sagi tucked his fist beneath Aiden’s chin and stroked the boy’s cheat with his thumb.

“You’re getting three and they will hurt a little, but not too badly. When they’re done we will be putting a gel over them every hour. The gel will ensure you feel no pain on the area and it will speed the healing process. Tomorrow you’ll be good as new.”

Aiden nodded slowly, nervous about what piercings he was about to get, though he did have an idea. Though the act was uncommon, few slaves that were pierced all seemed to be identified in location.

Aiden gulped, a little afraid over how much a certain one was sure to hurt, no matter what his Master said.

At that moment, a harsh knock sounded on the door to the rooms of the lord and his slave, causing Aiden to jump. Sagi rose to answer it and in walked a tall, dark skinned man. He had thick bands of muscle covering his entire body, which was only covered by a pair a violent, silk, skin tight trousers.

In his hands, the mystery man held a thin metallic case. The man brought the case over to the large sitting room that Aiden had grown use to spending his time in.

“Strip him and lay him on the table. If you think he will fight the needle then restrain him now.”

The dark man spoke in a bored voice that seemed to suggest that it was a routine speech that he gave. Even so, Aiden didn’t really like that someone was telling his Master what to do.

The pale boy glared at the man for a moment but he became instantly distracted when his Master simply followed the man’s orders to undress him. When he was fully naked his Master led him to the sturdy wood table that they sometimes took their meals at.

“What are we doing today?” The other man asked.

“His tits and clip,” Sagi told the man in a direct tone.

Aiden could feel the prick of tears in his eyes at hearing how his Master addresses him but he fought them from failing. His Master hasn’t used those words during their scenes together and Aiden found that he didn’t like hearing them. They made him feel feminine and cheap but he tried to brush off his feelings. He was getting something done that he truly wanted. Aiden refused to let his emotions ruin the moment.

“Barbells or rings?” The man asked, still sounding bored.

“Rings,” Sagi responded.

Aiden watched the exchange, feeling tense. He nervously reached out his small hand and grabbed a hold of his Master’s larger one. Surprised, the tall man looked down at his anxious pet and he bent down to Aiden’s level.

“Do you think you’ll need to be strapped down, little one?”

Aiden frowned, not liking the idea of ​​being at the mercy of two large men, even if nothing sexual was planned.

“Can’t you just hold me down? Please Master?” He added at the end, trying to sound sweet and not at all terrified.

Sagi only nodded to his boy’s request before turning his attention back to the piercer.

“You have the gel?” He inquired.

“As you requested,” the man said, opening his case. He pulled out a large clear vile filled with thick liquid and handed it over to the lord.

“You could just let him deal with the pain and healing. This is going to cost you,” the piercer warned.

Sagi held the man’s eyes in a cold glare, “You’ll get your money but I wouldn’t test my generation if I were you.”

Sagi didn’t like the idea of ​​Aiden experiencing any pain that didn’t come from his own hand and he wanted to hurt the piercer for even suggesting it.

Aiden watched the exchange nervously but his heartbeat tripled in speed when the dark man came at him with a cotton swab. He brushed something on top of the boy’s nipples and head of his little dick.

A tingling feeling spread out over the skin that was touched by the swab before the affected areas started to numb and his dick became soft. The man then pulled on a pair of gloves and took out several scientific needs that were covered in protective wrappings. He opened two of the needs and prepared them and then he nodded to Sagi.

Aiden still had his Master’s hand in his and he squeezed tight as the dark man pierced his skin with the needle. All Aiden could feel was a bit of uncomfortable tugging at his skin before the job was done. The man quickly changed his gloves and pierced the opposite side. Aiden squeezed his Master’s hand tight as the second piercing caused him even more disappoint.

“Just breath, little one,” Sagi cooed into Aiden’s ear in an attempt to calm the boy.

Aiden bit his lip as he watched the piercer prepare the final need and he began to shake with fear.

Sagi stepped in front of Aiden’s view so that he could no longer see what the dark man was doing.

“Look at me sweetheart,” Sagi said in a soft voice. “It’ll all be over soon, just look at me.”

Aiden’s breath caught it his throat but his heart soared at being called sweetheart yet again. No one had ever called him that, besides his Master, and he much preferred it to anything else. Although, he didn’t mind when his Master called him little one either.

Aiden was so focused on the handsome man before him that he didn’t realize the piercer was about to strike until he felt a sharp pain coming from his tiny dick. The boy held in a scream as his nails dug into his Master’s hand. A small tea trickled out of his eye and down his cheek.

Sagi caught the tear with his finger and gently stroked the boy’s face and hair to comfort him.

Without turning to look at the other man Sagi asked, “Why did it hurt him that much?” His anger was barely concealed but the piercer could feel the weight of it, making the atmosphere tension.

The man was quick to defend himself, “He is the smallest I’ve ever done. I do apologize Lord Sagi. I did not have a need small enough to make the deed comfortable… I’m not sure that anyone does. It would have to have been specially made.”

Sagi turned away from Aiden to scowl at the man, “Well then you should have said something! Don’t expect me to give you anything more than your fee. You forfeitted the right to more of my fortune. I expected you to be more professional. Apparently your reputation has an inflated sense of self importance.”

The man had the grace to look embarrassed and he made another apology before taking his leave.

“You don’t have to get angle with everyone that hurts me, Master.” Aiden said in a soft voice that turned all of Sagi’s attention back on him.

“Don’t I? And why don’t you think so?” The lord asked, curios.

“I’m just a slave,” Aiden answered simply, “I’m not important enough for you to waste your concern on.”

Sagi grew and fought his instinct to slap Aiden for saying such terrible things. Instead, he spoke calmly, feeling that his wrath would not demonstrate his point very well.

“You are important. You’re mine,” the giant spoke in a possessive tone. “And now the world will know that when they look at your body.”

Aiden blushed a deep red. He said nothing but felt immense pleasure at being referred to as his Master’s. He also liked knowing that it was now an undeniable fact. He belonged to Lord Sagi. Forever.


A few hours later, Ivy walked into the suite carrying a gold platter filled with exotic fruits, cream and a bowl of dark brown liquid, as well as a bottle of champione. It all looked ripe and colorful and Aiden didn’t recognize a single thing on the tray, save for the strawberries.

When hewas a child he’d been given strawberries as a reward for obeying the rules of his harem but of course, disobedience was punished through starvation. Aiden had mixed feelings’s at seeing the fruit but he couldn’t deny that he wished to bite into the red flesh of the juicy berry.

Ivy set the platter down on the dining table and then walked over to Aiden, studying his naked form. Sagi was applying the healing gel to the boy every hour on the hour, with vigilance and he’d just finished placing a rather large glob onto Aiden’s tiny cock.

When Aiden noticed that Ivy was paying attention to his body he blushed but didn’t try to hide himself. He was proud to be owned and he wanted everyone to see.

“They look great,” she said with a smile to Lord Sagi. “Especially the Prince Albert. His penis looks so cute with that ring peeking out!”

Aiden turned at deeper shade of red and had to look away from the beautiful woman. He felt both pride and humiliation at being referred toas ‘cute.’

“Will you be needing anything else Lord Sagi?” Ivy asked.

“Just send someone to clean up when we are finished here,” he told the woman, giving her a kind smile in thanks.

“Have fun!” She said with a wink aimed at Aiden.

She giggled a bit when the boy turned red all over again. He was too cute. She took her leave and stood outside the doors to the suite. Her job was to make sure no one interfered with the liaison between the two men.

Once she left the room, Aiden got up and walked over to the gold platter, full of curiosity.

“Taste anything you like,” Sagi told him, happy that his pet seemed excited.

Aiden grabbed the first thing that called to him. The fruit had a rough, pokey outer shell and seemed to be cut in half. A bright, juicy, yellow decorated the inside. Aiden picked up the small serving knife that had been left near the fruit. He cut himself a small piece and then placed the bright fruit on his tongue.

He chewed fora moment and grimaced before spitting it out.

Sagi laughed at his sub’s reaction to the fruit.

“So, I take it that you didn’t like the pineapple?”

Aiden scrunched his nose at the question, “That’s what it’s called?” He asked out of curiosity.

Sagi nodded before encouraging the boy to try more by bringing the platter to the bed. In addition to the pineapple, Aiden tried cherries, slices of banana, balls of pink and green melon, as well as the strawberries from his memories. The ones before him tasted even better than they had when he was a child.

Aiden went to lick a sticky drop of juice from his wrist, all the way up to his thumb and noticed his Master’s star. The boy tried to look sexy as his tongue trailed up his arm and he gave the man an innocent look before taking his thumb into his mouth.

Sagi’s nostrils flared as the sight made his already large member even harder and bigger than he had been all day. He then placed his own finger into the bowl of warm, brown liquid and brought his candy coated finger to Aiden’s open and waiting mouth.

Aiden sucked gently and then used his tongue to clean his Master’s finger thoroughly, loving the taste of his Master’s skin just as much as the dessert.

“What was that?” The boy asked softly as his Master removed the finger.

“Chocolate,” Sagi said, a smile evidence in his voice.

“Oh, I could eat that off of you all day,” Aiden said blissfully before realizing how slutty he probably sounded just then.

He turned pink as his Master’s laugh filled the air. The man then dipped his finger in the chocolate once more and drew a line down his hard, defined chest and abdominal muscles, letting it stop just above the waistband of his silk trousers.

“Come on then,” he said with a grin aimed at His boy, “Eat up.”

Aiden leaned over on the bed to where his Master was reclining. His small, pink tongue darted out to taste the chocolate. Aiden licked and kissed down theline, cleaning his Master off. When there wasn’t any left, he stopped and nestled his face against his Master’s crotch.

Aiden loved the feel of his Master’s hard dick pressed against his face, even if it was hidden beneath the clothes.

“Aiden, look at me,” Sagi said, wanting to get his boy to pay attention to what he was about to say.

Reluctantly, Aiden lifted his face so that he could focus.

“Yes Master?”

“Before we got carried away, I wanted to talk to you about the next few days of training. Do you know what a safe word is?”

Aiden shook his head, “No, what is it?”

Sagi frowned that his slave hadn’t been taught but expected to hear as much, “When we play, sometimes, I’ll want to hurt you. There’s a part of me that needs to cause pain.”

Aiden’s eyes widened in shock, not expecting that his Master would ever need to hurt him. Immediately his eyes filled with tears.

“Because I’m bad?” The boy asked sadly.

Aiden knew he was. Hewas broken and damaged. Nothing could ever change that about him.

“What? No! Aiden, stop thinking you’re bad. You’re not and you haven’t done anything bad. You’re behavior has nothing to do with this. This is what I… it’s what I need. I don’t know why.”

Sagi hadn’t expected to feel a sense of emotion when he talked but it couldn’t be helped. The truth of the matter was that his heart ached at the thought that his needs may be too much for the boy.

“Anyways, as I was saying, a safe word is what I want you to say if you need me to stop.” He looked Aiden directly in the eye and held the boy’s chin so as to keep his complete attention. “You don’t need to be afraid of me. I will stop if you say it. If you find that after the next few days that you can’t handle when I’m like that… then we can’t be together. But I won’t get rid of you. You’re mine and I always take care of what’s mine.”

Aiden didn’t know how to respond. The happiness he’d felt earlier in the day was rapidly being replaced by anxiety. He didn’t want to be hurt. He wasn’t sure if he could like pain. Aiden had never wished more that he wasn’t a bad liar than at that moment. Because if he was good at it, he would lie to his Master.

He would tell him he enjoyed everything the man did, even if he didn’t. He was too in love with the man to just let him go. But Aiden was a terrible liar and his Master paid far too much attention to him. All lying could do, would earn him a punishment, on top of the separation.

“What’s the word?” He finally asked, in a defeated tone.

“You pick it. It needs to be something that wouldn’t just be in a casual conversation and it can’t be ‘stop’ or ‘no.’”

Aiden thought for a moment. For him, the word needed to be something he didn’t like.

“How about… Pineapple?” The boy finally said.

Sagi chuckled at his response but nodded in agreement.

Aiden turned shy once more and said, “If I say it then you won’t want me.”

“That’s not true. If you say it then I’ll stop. That’s all it means,” Sagi said, trying to sound reassuring but fearing that Aiden wouldn’t be able to handle the next few scenes he had planned.

He knew the boy was hurt, delicate and sensitive and he worried if his actions would bring harm to Aiden’s mind more than just his body.

Aiden distracted the man from his worries when he reached over to pick up the bottle of champione.

“Is this alcohol?” He asked with wide, innocent eyes.

Slaves seldom were allowed to have any. Unless their Master was forcing one to become intotoxicated.

“Yes, it’s called champione, would you like some?”

Aiden bit his lip and considered the question, “Do you want me to have some?” He finally asked his Master instead of giving an answer.

“I want you to enjoy today. Whether you drink this or not,” Sagi told his sub.

Aiden’s face brightened and he picked up a sparkling, clear glass and held it out to his Master.

“May I have some, please?”

Sagi popped open the bottle, which caused Aiden to jump in surprise and the man chuckled. He was having the best day with his little slave. Better than any he’d had in a long time. He poured the bubble liquid into his sub’s glass and watched him take a drink.

The boy grimaced, “It’s not my favorite thing but it’s not terrible.”


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