The Sex Shop Ch. 02

Julie couldn’t contain her excitement as she walked throw the shop door to started her shift.

“Hey Julie why you early and what coffee too, you sick or something,” Bonnie the owner asked with a smile? “Now that I mention it, you always seem early and real bouncy on Thursdays lately. I can see Saturday but what’s so special about Thursdays?”

She smiled at Bonnie, “Remember two weeks ago I told you about a really sexy customer who came in just as I was closing? We…ll he’s been coming in every Thursday the same way ever since.” She jiggled her eye- browser up and down and smiled.

“Really, didn’t you say he asked you to model some cuffs and a ball gag for him, before he bought it? Ah Julie sometimes we can get some real strange people in here, you should be careful.”

Julie looked at Bonnie then past her one of the coffees, “I know I will but,” she took a sip from her coffee.

“But what you don’t know him Julie it could be dangerous.”

“I know but thereis just something special about him that I’ve never felt with any other guy.” She looked at her again while she took another sip from her cup.

“Humm well you just watch and be careful alright? Hey since you’re here early do you mind if I leave a half an hour earlier today, it’s my daughter’s birthday, I was going to take her to the Super Burger then shopping? Girls night out Jim is working late.”

“Oh sure go on enjoy yourself, how old is she now?”

“Eight, do you believe that? I tell ya, time sure flies.” She throw her coat on and grabbed her pursuit from under the counter. “Hey thanks a lot for this eh and you be careful tonight promise?”

“Ya, ya don’t worry about me I’ll be fine, you enjoy your daughter’s birthday and tell her Julie says’s happy birthday.” She took off her sweater and placed it and her pursuit under the counter as Bonnie opened the door to leave.

“Ok I will, bye see you tomorrow Julie.”

“Bye you have fun!”

It was a slow night in the shop and the night dragged on painfully slow. She was watching the clock so much it hardly seemed like the hands where moving at all. She started to daydream about Master Jay and wondered what he would ask her to model tonight. “That’s if he comes,” she said to herself. She shook her head, “don’t even think like that Julie.” She looked up at the clock and noticed she had only 20 minutes till she closed up for the night, “till he came,” she thought then smiled to her self. She was getting wet just thinking about him and what he would do tonight suddenly a customer came in and interrupted her thoughts.

She walked over to him, “can I help you?”

“Ya It’s a office party and I have to get a joking gift it’s for a female co-worker.

She brought him over to one corner of the shop where there was sex games and sexual strategies shaped like penis’s. “Here you can buy a box of these,” she handed him a box of the strategies. “There are also mugs, here is one with a penis whistle as a handle, or if you want to spend a bit more money there are variety of sexual games here.”

The man picked up a mug and laughed, “She’ll get a laugh out of this,” he said, “I’ll take this one.”

As she turned around to walk to the counter she looked at the time. “It’s 10: 55 only five minutes to closing time.” As she rang up his purchase but she found she could not stop watching the door.

“Ah mam you gave me five dollars to much.”

She looked at the five dollars bill as he handed it back, “Oh ya sorry,” she gave her head a shake, “good luck at your party.”

He smiled, “Thank-you,” then he walked out.

“Wow I can’t even concentrate,” she looked at the clock, “10:59 maybe he won’t come tonight. I’ll have to lock up soon. Maybe he just couldn’t make it tonight.” She leaned into the counter feeling a sad disappointment growing deep in her belly. She was so deep into her thoughts she didn’t even hear someone come in.

He leaned towards her ear, “hello my little Jule.”

Julie almost jumped out of her skin. “Oh you’re here, I mean hello Master Jay.” She smoothed out her skirt and gave him a relieving smile.

He looked darkly at her for an instant then lifted her chin with is fingertips, “Julie did you think I wouldn’t come? Julie I’m a bit disappointed in you. Did I not promise to come?”

“Yes, Master Jay but I…”

He held her chin firm not allowing her to look away.

A tea escaped from her eye, “I…I’m sorry Master Jay I should have had more faith.”

He wiped the tea away with his thumb, “That’s ok Julie I’ll find a way you can make it up to me, yes?” He smiled then after letting go of her chin headed towards the lots.

“Yes Master Jay,” she said as she quickly ran around the counter then after locking the door and putting up the closed sign she followed him over to the lots.

After looking them over he picked up a red bottle, “humm cinnamon and spice eh, caution: gets hotter the more you blow. Are you ready to be my model tonight Julie?”

His Blue eyes where darker tonight as he looked down at her. She didn’t hesitate, “Yes, I’ve been…ready all week Master Jay.”

He smiled down at her, “good that pleases me Julie. I want you to remove your all clothes from your pretty neck down.”

Julie lifted her top off her head, took off her shoes and socks then removed her skirt showing Master Jay she again wore no underwear under her skirt. She folded them neatly, place them on the counter then after removing her bra and placing it with the rest she walked back to stand beside Master Jay.

“Very good my little Jule now spread your legs really wide. I am going to put this all over your nipples and your cunt.” When Julie spread her legs really wide he opened the bottle and put some of the lotion on his fingers. Rubbing the lotion on with his fingertips he coved her right nipple then covered her left nipple then started to pinch them stetching them a bit ashe did. “How does that feel my little Jule?” He looked right into her eyes and smiled.

“It makes my nipples warm Master Jay.”

He started to blow on her nipples and the more he blew the hotter her nipple got till he heard a moan escaped from her lips. He straightened up “Is that making you uncomfortable Julie?”

“It gets really hot when you blow on them sir.”

“Julie that is not what I asked you is it?”

“No sir sorry sir, yes it makes me uncomfortable Master Jay.”

His eyes smiled into her eyes, “good.” He got down in front of her and started to put the lotion all over her lips and clip, then got up again. “And how does that make your little Jule feel Julie?”

“Warm sir.”

“You know what’s next don’t you Julie, are you ready?”

“Yes Master Jay.” She tightened her jaw.

He bent down in front of her and started to blow until he noticed her legs shivering a bit and her body stiffening. He stood up to see tears coming from her eyes. “Nowhow does it feel Julie?”

“Oh Master it is really hot down there.”

“I bet you would like to cum wouldn’t you Julie?”

She looked into his eyes, “Oh yes Master Jay very much.”

“Well I am going to take the lotion because I’m extremely happy with it, but I don’t want you to cum yet my little Jule.” He reached down and petted her smooth pussy lips. “Your very wet aren’t you my little Jule.” Still looking into her eyes he bought his fingers up to his mouth and then licked them one by one.

“Yes Master Jay.”

He placed the bottle of lotion on the counter then walked over to the dildos. Even thought it was a bit uncomfortable she managed to go stand beside him.

He looked them over then decided on a thick one that was eight inches long. “Your so wet, I’m pretty sure you can handle this one,” He smiled. He walked over to the lotion and placed some on the end of it, “now where can we try this one out Julie?”

There is a couch and coffee table in the staff room will that do Master Jay?”

“Yes that will be perfect.”

Trying not to walk with her legs to close to each other she showed him to the back room.

Lay your back on the table Julie and spread those legs as far as you can for me. I want full access to my little Jule.”

“Yes Master Jay.” She lay down and spread he legs as far as she could.

He stood over her looking down into her eyes then blew on her nipples again heating them up. He smiled then knelt down between her legs then blew on her clip.

“Oh god Master Jay, please may I cum, I’m so hot down there?”

“No my little Jule.” He made the dildo vibrate then pressed two inches into her cunt then wiggled it and then pressed it in two more inches. He kept easing in every two inches until it was in. He wiggled it, pulled it out a couple of times finally pulling it out he got down between her legs and started to blow into her cunt hole. She could feel the heat as he blew in side her hole, causing her to get so horny it drove her over the edge. Her body lifted from the coffee table as drops of juice dripped from her opening.

He looked down into her glassy eyes with tears running down into her ears. “Hot Julie isn’t it? Tell me my little Jule what would you like from Master Jay?”

“Oh permission to cum Master, please can I cum for you?”

He smiled at her then rammed the dildo all the way in then out, faster and faster until her cum exploited all over the coffee table and the floor.

“You’re a good girl Julie. I’ll be taking this as well.” He placed it near her mouth, “open up Julie.” Using her mouth he cleaned it off. She was just about to get up when he leaned over her looking down into her eyes. “Remember how you disappointed me when I came in Julie?”

Julie looked up at him, “Yes Master Jay.”

“You’re going to do something for me Julie. The first one is; you will not wash yourself or cum till you wake up tomorrow morning. You take the bus don’t you Julie?”

“Yes Master Jay.”

“I want everyone you meet till you get home to smell you’re cum on you. Second I don’t want you to wear underwear or bras anymore not just on Thursday. And third I will be coming right at 11:00 next Thursday and I want to find you naked. Now get up and cash me out.” He kissed her hard on the lips then turned towards the door.

As she walked towards the cash drawer she could feel the air warming the lotion and her cum crusting on her skin. She cashed him out and walked with him towards the door, “Master Jay what about the lotion, does that stay too?” She looked at him but then looked away knowing the answer.

“Yes Julie it does because I wish it and it will show me that you respect my word and my promise.”

She looked down at her feet, “Yes Sir, I’m sorry about earlier, I don’t want to disappoint you Master Jay. Sir can I do anything else for you before you go?”

He stopped and firmly grabbed her chin, “like what Julie.”

He stopped and firmly grabbed her chin, “like what Julie.”

She looked at his crotch then at his eyes. “Master Jay you have given me pleasure but not once have I given you any.”

“The desire filled pain you show in your eyes and your obedience gives me pleasure besides when we take our final step I plan to take, all of you then you will be bringing me lots of pleasure my little Jule. We will talk more about this next week so until then my little Jule good night.” He smiled as he slipped out the door.

The Sex Shop

Part 3

Julie sat in the coffee shop it was only three o’clock, way to early to go into work yet. “Bonnie would think, I really flipped showing up this early.”

She sat and sipped on her coffee, her mind drifting to thoughts of last Thursday and what was to come at 11:00. She Remembered how soaked she was by the time she got home from work last Thursday. She got odd looks from people on the bus home and there where even some young guys who kept smelling the air and looking up her skirt. She was so ashamed yet knowing she was pleasing Master Jay made her so hot she was dripping by the time she opened her door to her apartment. She had a hard time sleeping, tossing and turning all night. The lotion and dried cum was still on her and it made her so horny and uncomfortable she wanted to cum but Master Jay told her she had to wait till the morning. In the morning she took a cold shower then masturbated right in the shower, giving her self several orgasms Until she was spent. Not wearing a bra or underwear didn’t seem to both her now since she had been without them all week. The only time it made her uneasy was when she was on the bus, she tried to get a seat on the side where people couldn’t look up her skirt of course at rush hour it wasn’t always possible. When it started to both her, she just told her self it was for Master Jay then it didn’t seem so bad.

“What would he do tonight she wondered and what did he mean about us taking a step and taking all of me? She felt a scary buzzing feeling deep down in her stomach then suddenly felt her self get wet. She grabbed her purse and headed to the washroom. She prepared she had to go pee and wiped her soaked pussy, “god I can’t go in to work smelling like this.” She washed her hands and face with cold water, brushed out her hair and sprayed some perfume on her self. After she bought a couple of coffees she headed to work.

As her shift progressed it got busier, the clock hit 10:50 and there were still two couples and a young man in the store. “How am I going to be naked for him if there are still people in the store,” she thought to her self? One couple bought a game and the young man bought some triple xxx movies. It was 10:58 and the other couple were still looking around, finally after buying nipple clamps and some lotion they came to the cash with their purchase. As they where leaving he came in. Julie looked at the clock, it was 11:00 and sadly she walked over to the door and locked it.

He was leaningagainst the counter, “Julie come here.”

Sadly she walked over to stand in front of him with her eyes cast towards the floor.

“Look at me Julie.” Julie raised her head to look in to his eyes.

“Julie did you do everything I asked you to do last week?”

“Yes, well almost yes but It was so busy the last two hours of my shift I didn’t have time to take my clothes off and be naked for you Master Jay.”

Julie’s eyes drifted downward. “Julie I said look at me,” he said a bit more sternly.

Julie’s eyes whipped up to look directly into his.

“Now is there any excuse good enough to disobey the master’s orders?”

“No Master Jay, I’m sorry I have disappointed you, may I undress for you now sir?”

“Yes but the need for correction will be addressed won’t it my little Jule?”

“Yes Master Jay.” Julie quickly took her clothes off and after folding them nice and neighbor placed them on the counter.

Master Jay moved around the room and stopped at the anal plugs. As he looked them all over his eyes finally settled on one with a tail attached. Then he grabbed a plain one off the wall as well. “Your going to model them both for me aren’t you Julie?”

With a bit of fear showing in her eyes she said, “Yes Master Jay, both.”

He walked over to where the anal lube was and grabbed a tube. She showed him to the back room where he told her to pull Two pillows from the couch onto the coffee table. “Julie I want your arms drawn over the side head down on the pillow. You will knee with your legs spread with your ass up. You will not move or scream Julie or I will make sure you feel pain on those nice ass cheats of yours, understand my little Jule?”

“Yes Master Jay.”

He dug into his bag and took out the wrist cuffs and Some rope. He secured each wrist to a leg of the coffee table. “My Jule is ready to please Master Jay isn’t she?”

“Yes your Jule is ready.”

He placed some lube on his fingertips and spread itall over her little bud. “Have you ever had anything shoved into your little ass bud Julie?”

“No Master Jay and I think I’m a bit scared sir.”

“Well Julie by next week this will not both you at all, except maybe make you a little horny.” He put some more lube on his fingerprints and stuck two fingertips in her ass hole.

“Oh!” she jerked her ass forward. Two hard slaps from his hand came down on her ass.

“I said do not move didn’t I Julie?” He said crossly.

Tears were in her eyes. “Yes Master Jay. I am so sorry and will try to do better.”

He pressed his fingers back into her bud slowly dipping them deeper until both fingers where inside then he pulled them out then jammed them in again. She moaned from the pressure and tried to stay still but Her body shook with the struggle. “Since your hole is virgin this will take some time and might be painful for a while.” After going in and out for a while the pressure eased up so he pulled them out and smelledlube all over the end of the plain plug. Slowly he eased it into her ass deeper and deeper until it was in all the way.

“How does that feel Julie?”

“Not comfortable master.”

He ran his finger over her cunt lips. “Julie your dripping cunt juice like a waterfall. The plug in your tight ass hole makes you horny doesn’t it?”

“Yes very much Master. It tingles in my cunt but it is painful too.”

“Good that is what I want. Now Julie I am going to buy this one but you are going to take it home with you. I want you to wear it to bed every night. You will insert it at 1100 P.M. and leave it in till 1100 A.M. till I come on Thursday. Julie on Thursday you will place the plug in your sweet little ass before you leave for work and will keep it in until I come at 11:00 to give you permission to remove it.”

“Yes Master Jay.” She paused for a minute in thought, “Is the plug a punishment Master Jay?”

“It will stretch you for my use but Yes it is also a punishmentment.”

“Thank-you Master Jay.”

“Your very welcome my little Jule.” He pulled out the plug making a little popping sound then smeared more lube on her little bud. He picked up the plug with the tail and slowly inserted it into her ass. He pushed, twisted, and turned it until it was all the way in. He could see her silent shakes and hear her moans as he forced it into her ass. “There it looks beautiful in your ass my little Jule.” He went to knee in front of her and after releasing her wrist from their bindings he grabbed her chin making her look into his eyes. “Julie, you want to be my special Jule don’t you?”

“Yes Master Jay I would like that a lot.”

“Ok we need to take two more steps before that can happen. Your going to leave this plug in. I am going to buy them both along with the lube here but you are to take them home and you will change into the plain one but first you will come to have coffee with me then when I am ready I will drive you home. Now cash me out and close the shop I will wait at the door for you.” He picked up the rope and cuffs and stuffed them into his black bag while she straightened out the couch.

Quickly she rushed out of the back room; cashed him out, got dressed, locked the cash in the safe, placed lube and plug in her purse, then grabbed her sweater. She walked over to the door as he opened it for her then she locked the shop and walked over to his car With him. It was a red Porsche and as his finger hit a button on a remote the door opened up. “Go on get in my little Jule.” When the door closed on her she felt fearful and excited at the same time. She knew going with him like this was dangerous as Bonnie had said but for some reason she just knew she would be fine with him.

As he drove he talked, “Julie how does the hole in your ass feel?”

“Master Jay it is uncomfortable but if it pleases you I will suffer with it for you.”

“It pleases me,” he looked at her sideways and grinned. “Julie I want you too pull my zipper down and take my cock in you mouth. I want you to suck on it until I cum in your mouth and you are to swallow every drop Julie.”

Julie undid her seat belt and kneeing on the seat she pulled his zipper down and slipped her lips over his cock. Taking one of his hands off the wheel for a minute he pulled her skirt up to her waist exposing her ass to any drivers that past them. The tail could be seen sticking out of her ass throw the side window.


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