The Sex Show

At the age of nineteen, wanderlust had driven Aaron to pack a rucksack and hit the byways and highways of America. He had planned on trekking through the country for a year, thinking about his future and what he would study, and seeing a few sights. He mostly travelled by hithiking or walking, and after two-months of roving he found himself in a small Mid-Western town after sunset.

He was tired and footsore from the day’s walk. He’d been unlucky trying to catch a ride and had been walking for the past six hours. He was also hungry and wanted to find a movie to spend the night.

He found a good room easily enough, but they had nothing in the way of dinner. So carrying only his wallet and keys he took to the small-town streets to find a dinner.

He noticed that for such a small town, it was oddly busy. Many cars drive past him. City cars as well as the farm pick-up trucks he’d seen all week. They all headed in the same direction towards the centre of the town. Curiosity got the better of him and he followed to see what was happening.

After a short walk he found the centre of the fuss. A large two-storied, free standing bar with a massive line stretching from the closed door. The bar looked fairly normal, although he judged it must be very roomy inside. The lurid pink neon proclaimed it as: “Cherry’s Pie”. Beneath the suggestive name in smaller blue neon: “Bar, cocktails and shows”.

He reckoned one of the alienated shows was on tonight.

Curiosity sated (and knowing he’d never have the patience to wait in that line), Aaron walked past the bar and around the corner. As he did he noticed an alley leading up to the bar’s delivery entrance. A large, heavyset woman in jeans and plaid shirt was standing just inside the alley with a lit cigarette and fretful look.

She glanced up as Aaron walked by. “Hey kid! Wanna make some money?”

He stopped and looked at her. He knew that one day he’d have to take on casual labour to payhis way, but he still had several hundreds in his wallet.

Years of politeness training kicked in before he could say no.

“Depends on the work ma’am.”

“Well ain’t you polite?”

“Good upbringing,” he joked with a smile.

“Believe me. Good upbringing ain’t what you need for this job.”

“What do you need done?”

“I’ll cut right too it. I’m trying to put on a live sex-show , and the male half has food poisoning. Need you to take his place.”

Aaron was taken by surprise.

“Say what?”

“Yeah, food poisoning. Musta ate summin bad.”

“No,” explained Aaron. “I got that part. Sex show?”

“Oh yeah,” she said casually before sucking on her cigarette. “Do one every month. Fully legal, gets business all the way from Newtonville.”

He remembered Newtonville. A much bigger town, he had lingered for a few days before drifting on. It was two-hundred miles away.

“How do you get it legal?”

“Look kid,” she said impetiently. “Ifyou want to see the papers and talk to the county sheriff, come in. Got ’em both in the office. But if you wanna have a hot bitch do crazy stuff to you on stage, for money, then quit talkin’ and get inside.”

Aaron thought about it for a second. “How much?”

“Two-hundred bucks,” she said without hesitation. “Don’t be misled, fucking is hard business. If you can’t perform, neither can my wallet.”

Another second of thought. “Is it safe?”

“Aw sweet Jesus! Do ya; want to do it or not? My girl is clean enough to eat off of! If you can’t handle it, fuck off and I’ll get someone else!”

“I can handle it!” he retired. He had only recently lost his virginity to an older woman, but he’d taken to sex like a house to fire, and left a string of pleasured woman all across America.

“Good! So how about it? Ready to earn the best pay check of your life?” she said extending a smile and hand.

He Shook it. “My name’s Aaron.”

“I’m Cherry. Own the place.”

>He internally recoiled. If this was Cherry, he had no desire to see her ‘Pie’. Cherry tossed her cigarette (now burnt to the filter) and walked back up the alley. Aaron followed without question.

“So why me?” he asked.

“Cause you’re young, pretty and I’ve never seen you before. So neither will the audience. They like to see new meat.”

They passed through a red door and into the dark, yet well scrubbed store room. Crates of alcohol and sundries were stacked all around. Cherry locked the door behind them and ushered him into a brighter room.

This one caught him by surprise, because there were seven half-naked women dressing up for the show.

“Girls!” called Cherry. “This is Aaron. He’s standing in for Bradley tonight.”

Aaron raised a hand. “Hi there.”

A few greeted back politely, one over-enthusiastically and one just flipped her hair and looked away. Five were dressed in sexy, colour-coded nurse uniforms, one in a white leather corset with a redCross over the breast and stethoscope around her neck. The last was dressed in black leather pants with an ordinary leather tank top. She was the one who ignored him.

“Lucy and the 5 nurses are putting on a doctor-breaking-in-new-girls act. Very hot, nice twist at the end. While Alexienna (her in the black) is stripping.” Said Cherry.

“Who will I be with?”

“Oh, you’re up first with Lily. She’s in her dressing room. You’ll see her soon.” She glanced at her watch. “Jesus wept! Time to get you on stage! Alex, come with. You’re best with knots.”

“Knots?” He asked as they hurried away, girl-in-black following.

“Oh yeah. I wrote the act myself. You’re a Marshall deep in Cherokee territory. You get captured by a hot squaw, who ties you to a tent pole. She comes back later and does shameful things to you…And no, I don’t care about offending beliefs or cultures or whatever.”

Aaron had to admit. He was getting pretty excited.

They stopped before a doorway that lead onto a small stage. The stage extended out a bit, like a catwalk. Near the end of the cat walk was a bright red stripper’s pole.

“Alright kid,” said Cherry. Lose the shirt, shoes and empty your pockets. Don’t want to break the illusion.

He did as he was told, and by the time he was shirtless, shoes and wallet-less Alex had returned with a pair of cowboy boots. He slipped They on, although they were a little tight.

“You look all set!” said the big woman. ” You don’t have to act much, they wanna see a fucking, not a Broadway musical. Just try not to look too into it, ok? Easy money, now go! On in five!”

Alex took his hand and lead him onto the stage. The large red curved blocked out the sight of the crowd, but not their sound. It was making him nervous, but he was determined not to show it.

Alex led him to the pole, and beckoned him to sit down. She croouched behind him and gently (but firmly) pulled his arms behind his back. Using a nearycoil of rope, she quickly bound his wrists tightly together. He then tied them to the pole with another length of rope.

“Can you move?” asked Alex. Her voice was soft, sultry and had an Eastern-European accent.

Aaron wiggled the ropes, but they weren’t going anywhere. “Not at all.”

Alex didn’t say anything else. Just moved to his legs and started tying them. Very soon his legs were tightly bound and immobile.

She looked up and him with big dark, pretty eyes and spoke again.

“When you are finished, leave as quickly as you can.”


“Just take your money and leave.”

She got up, checked the ropes again and walked off, ignoring his questions.

“Humph,” Aaron witnessed to himself. He got the feeling she didn’t like him much. Although she hadn’t expressed an iota of emotion. Strange girl.

He sat on the stage, shirtless and tied to a pole for long enough to become uncomfortable. When suddenly all the stage lights went out and plungedhim into blackness.

Cherry’s booming voice filled the gap left by the light.

“Welcome back folks! Looks like we got some new faces in the crowd! Always good to see the word is getting out! Is that you Shelly? Better buy me that fuckin’ beer now!” Hoots of laughter erupted from beyond the curtain.

“But enough talk. You all came here for a good reason, and that reason is just behind the curtain. I want you all to imagine, if you will. A young Marshall, lost deep in Cherokee lands. At the mercy of the deadly beauty, Firelily!”

More applause and chefs greeted this. Aaron couldn’t properly guess, but he reckoned the bar was packed.

“Will she help or harm? Save, or suffocate? Let’s find out!”

The curtain rose swiftly. Aaron had a few seconds to take in the multiitudes of (mostly female) faces staring at him before a spotlight fall and blinded him. He groaned and looked away, trying not to be blinded.

Cheers of approval went up. Clearly the audienceLiked what they saw. The chefs changed to wolf-whistles as the light drifted away from Aaron and back to the stage door. It was then he noticed the mirrors. Quite high up, they reflected the stage well. But only so that those on it could see it.

As the light stopped moving, a drumbeat started playing. It sounded stereotypically Native American. He then saw the light had settled on this partner in the show.

The nurses and doctors in the changing room were cute, and Alexienna was sexy, but the woman reflected behind him was one of the most gorgeous he had ever seen. Long dark hair pony-tailed with blue-beads, full, swelling breasts, narrow waist, perfectly curved thighs and long legs. Aaron thought she could have easily become a model.

She slowly sashayed forward, hands akimbo, perfectly toned legs catching the light. She had high-cheek bones, full lips, and dark skin. Clearly of some Native American heritage, she was the most exotic beauty Aaron had ever seen.

And they were paying him for this.

Her small feet were bare, save for a few beaded anklets. She wore a tight brown dress that hugged her body like a coat of paint and an eagle feather in her hair. She looked every bit an Injun’ stereotype, but by god she could pull it off.

By then she was behind Aaron and the spotlight was blinding him again. He couldn’t see as she squatted behind him, spreading her muscled thighs to either side of the pole, caressed his chest with one hand and lightly bit his neck once. The pose was sexy enough to break the silence the crowd had been keeping in a communal moan. Enough of her dress covered her sex and kept her completely concealed, while almost every inch of her thighs was visible.

Aaron suddenly felt playful, and decided to act the part of the captured Marshal. With a fake look of revulsion he jerked forward and out of her care. That amused the crowd, and drew forth a short, yet geneuine, bout of laughter. Firelily was also amused, and she jerked up to her feet with a startled look on her face and a hand half-covering her surprised O-shaped mouth. It looked like she was saying: “Well I never!” (Most of this Aaron only saw later on a recording of the show).

Trailing her long, manicured nails over his shoulder, Lily (he refused to think of her silly full name) simply walked around and in front of Aaron with her back to the crowd. She gripped His shoulders and leaned close, popping up her rock-solid ass for the entire audience to savour.

Lips brushing his ear lustfully she whispered: “I think I’m going to enjoy you…”

She trailed off as she pulled back and straightened up. Behind her an entire bar was cheering and drinking a toast to her ass.

Still holding his shoulders she began to sway her hips to and fro, driving the room wild with desire. A large pink tongue escaped her mouth and moistened her plump lips as the swinging picked up speed.

Suddenly she thrust her perfect hips forwardtowards Aaron’s face, stopping at the last second and grinding slowly upwards. As she did this the lighting changed and soft stage lights blinked on, replacing the glaring spotlight.

She dragged her hips to their original position and jiggled them swiftly, making her woven beads rattle. The lights pulsed and she thrust again, somehow coming closer to his face without making contact and pulling out again. The lights pulsed a second time and she did it again. And again and again with each pulse, as though following a rhythm of lust. The last time she did it, her hips came close enough for the rough fabric to touch Aaron’s nose. He caught the smell of her for the first time. She smelt of berries, although there was a definite musk beneath it. He could tell she was just as into this as he was.

After the last pulse the stage lights turned blue and she thrust backwards, grabbing the pole and swung around behind him. Biting her lip she squatted again, pressing the stripper-poleBetween her large, firm breasts. She slide them down slightly so they grazed the back of Aaron’s head. He half-heartedly tried resisting, but the teasing was proving too much. He had never wanted to bone as badly as he did then.

Half-hearted or no, Lily grabbing his escaping head and held it firmly, continuing to stroke it with her tits, head tilted back in (possibly fake, yet believe) pleasure.

Abruptly she stood again, still behind the pole, and upped the ante. She grinded on the red shaft and slide one leg over Aaron’s shoulder with liquid grace, her bare foot planted next to his hip. She squeezed the leg, crushing him a little and showing the strength those perfect toned muscles held before sliding the next leg over in the same way. Now her legs were wrapped around the pole and him.

She squeezed and released, crushed and relaxed a few times before grinding her covered pussy against the pole (to the appreciation of the crowd). She then proved just how limber and flexible she was. Releasing the pole with one hand, she went backwards until the hand could support her. She moved her other hand and arched her back, again grinding on the pole. Aaron could feel it all just behind his head. The movements, the heat of her pussy, the material of her dress and the hot bulk of her thighs next to his face.

Without warning those thighs closed like a trap, shutting him in darkness and cutting of his air. After a few seconds of shock he struggled violently and Lily released the pressure. As he gasped for breath the crowd around him screamed approval and Lily got back up to her feet.

She walked quickly (but not without a sweep of the hips) to his feet. He picked them up by the knot and dragged him around the pole until his back now faced the crowd, and he faced the back.

He was also facing Lily’s back. She had turned around and grasped the pole with both her hands above her for support and was inching her curved, rock-solid ass towards his face.

He had time to note the drum tempo had increased to a fever pitch before her ass touched his face. It was gentle at first, just a few motions in all directions, barely grazing his skin with the dress fabric.

“DO IT ALREADY!” Shrieked a voice from the audience. A female voice accompanied by more voices agreeing.

Lily took it as permission and slowly pressed her rear into his face.

He had time to say: “Hey wait!” before the flesh and clothes of her dress-bound ass enveloped him completely, cutting off air, light and his words.

Smothered now, he felt the pressure grow. The bitch was still pressing her ass into him! He struggled, but it was feeble. Bound hand and foot to a pole he had no leverage to push her off with. At the mercy of her ass, he thrashed his head around in panic. He suddenly recalled what Cherry had said before the show: “Will she save or suffocate?”

After a few seconds of total smoothing she relieved the pressure and pulled off. He had time to gasp down a few breaths of air before she ground her ass into him again. This time she pinned him even longer, gyrating her muscle ass, grinding his face into the pole and robbing him of air. She pulled off after his lungs began screaming in protest and let him get a few lungfuls of air.

She stood up straight and twirled around, now facing Aaron and the crowd. Still gripping the pole she straddled him again, slowly slipping one leg past his face and behind him, then another. The drum music changed, surging into a ferocious tempo as she slowly moved her dress-bound pussy closer. There was less authentic this time. She simply pushed his face deep between her legs while squeezing tightly with her thighs and calves.

He could breathe a little better. His nose was fully smoothed, but he could gasp for air Through his mouth. He might have been turned on by this if he was on a comfortable bed, not on a hard stage with a bar-full of voyeurs and rough fabric chaffing hisface.

Then she upped her game again. Slipping her hand between her breasts, she drew out a knife that had been sheathed in on a thong hanging from her neck. She carefully slice her dress open at the navel and sliced ​​a neighbor tear all the way down, exposing her underwear.

Matching the dress, her panties were brown material, although they looked much softer. She cut her dress down her back to expose her Rear, stood the knife, and then suddenly lunged her pussy into his face.

The crowd roared as she clung tightly to Aaron and thrust again and again, dry-humping his face. She throw back her head in ecstasy and began to moan, squeezing him tighter and fucking him harder. Her last three thrusts were the hardest, each corresponding with a pulse of lighting. On the final thrust the music died, the lighting dimmed, and she cried out as an orgasm ripped through her and out her mouth.

She didn’t let go, continuing to cling and crush Aaron’s face. He could barely breath andHis face was on fire from the repeated attacks.

She stayed like this for maybe ten more seconds before standing up again. She stepped away from Aaron and looked down at his gasping form. Teasingly, she blew him a kiss, eliciting a laugh from the crowd. They were enjoying this, and clearly she was too.

Still standing in front of Aaron, she slowly spread the flaps of her cut dress aside and bared her lingerie for the crowd to see better. She then hooked her thumbs into the band and slip them down smoothly. As she stepped out of them the audience began roaring their approval again. She stoked them up even more by lightly tossing the panties into the crowd, prompting a brief mosh-pit.

Aaron had replaced his breath and a little of his fight, so when Lily stepped in front of him and grabbed his head, he started thrashing around.

“No! Don’t you fucking dare bitch!” he shouted. He immediately regretted it, because the crowd loved his struggle.

Lily just smiled,grabbed him by the head and shoved her bare pussy into his face roughly. There was no build up, no erotic teasing like before. She simply rammed her clean-shaven sex as hard into his face as possible, screaming out in ecstasy as she did so.

He’d gone down on women before and in fact he quite enjoyed muff diving. It didn’t beat Cowgirl or Missionary in his opinion, but he liked to lick out a woman before having sex with her.

This was different. Here his face was being roughly used as a sex toy for the entertainment of a crowd and a sadistic stripper. The clean shavled lips and moist folds of her pussy sealed his nose and mouth from air, and the crushing force of her body was hurting his head against the pole.

She smoothed him for almost a minute, pulling off as his lungs burned in oldy. She let him catch his breath then shoved her sex into him again, smoothing him completely.

This time it was different because she began fucking his face.

There was no otherr way to put it. After a few seconds of smoothing, she began grinding up and down slowly, rubbing her snatch over his nose and mouth, panting and moaning as she did so. He kept struggling, trying to wrench his head free of her trap, but she held and fucked him too hard to move. His struggle actually seemed to excite and encourage the bitch even more.


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