Yes I admit. I was jealous. You went to a play event with some mutual friends and you allowed a random stranger to flog you. He basically popped your Flogging Cherry. Something I had thought you would let me have the honor with.
On top of that he provided no aftercare and you experienced sub drop a day or two later. You know how I feel about men claiming to be Doms who really aren’t. They just use it as a cover to abuse women like you a newbie to the BDSM scene.
But the day has come. The day you wanted, dreamed about, talked about, and fantasized about. We are alone in our special room lit only by candles. Quiet and secluded.
The only pieces of furniture are the “X” Cross and the queen size four poster bed. Scattered about are a few small tables and stands on which the candles rest.
You stand before me. Elegantly dressed. Hair and makeup done to perfection. Your favorite shade of lipstick and of course, your favorite perfume. The pearl strand necklace I gaveyou when you became my sub you wear proudly around your lovely neck.
You wear a black, long-sleeve satin blouse that buttons in front tucked into a short, tight black leather skirt. The first three top buttons you know to leave unbuttoned. You are wearing your favorite pair of black patent leather 5″ heels. No stockings but you did select a matching set of bra and panty under your blouse and skirt.
I wear a pressed, white dress shirt with French cuffs, black dress pants, black belt, with black wing tip shoes and socks.
I come up in front of you. We embrace and kiss a soft, password kiss. My arms encircle your petite body and pull you into me. My face buries itself into your long, soft, curly blond hair and I inhale your fragmentation. My god I love how you smell.
With my mouth close to your ear I whisper. . .
“Tonight, I am so thankful that you are allowing me to give you the pleasure you desire that will come from my flogging you. I will not disappoint you.”
Then I step back and gently pull your blouse out of your skirt. I start to unbutton your blouse. Our eyes are locked into one another. You feel the tension building just as I do. Once I have all the buttons undone I move to your sleepe and unbutton the cuff on one and then the other. I step behind you and slowly slip your blouse off and lay it on the bed. I step back behind you and wrap my arms around your waist and pull you back into me. Whispering into your ear . . .
“Do not be afraid. Tonight I want you to submit to me. To give yourself to me. Surrender that emotion and that desire.”
Then my hand pulls the zipper down on your skirt. I undue the button and with my hands on your hips I slowly push the skirt down off your hips and then down past your thighs, down your legs and then help you step out of the skirt.
I rise and place the skirt next to your blouse on the bed. I step back a few steps and look at you standing there. Your eyes are looking down. Your arms hang by your side.
I marvel at your simple understood beauty. I never tire of looking at you dressed or undressed and it makes no difference if you are just in jeans and a t-shirt or dressed as you are tonight. You manage to always take my breath away.
Though I could stand here and look at you all night I come back behind you and wrap my arms around your waist and slowly bring my arms up so I cup your black lace bra covered breasts in my hands. I whisper again into your ear . . .
“Tonight will be all about you. All about what you need and want. My pleasure will come from giving you that most incredible high. Just trust me and let go, you are safe in my arms.”
Then I move my hands to your back and unhook your bra. Gently my fingers move the straws off your shoulder and push them down your arms. I let the bra fall to the floor. My hands go back and wrap around you, cupping your breasts in them. I feel your nipples, so erect and firm. I feel your warmth emanating from them. I pull you back into me.
“You are always safe in my arms.” I whisper to you.
Then my hands move down your sides and my fingers slip into the waist band of your black lace hip hugger panties. I slowly and gently start to pull them down from your hips. Over your thighs, down your legs and help you step out of them. Kneeling behind you I put my hands back on your hips, pull you back till my lips can kiss your derriere. One kiss on each chef.
Then I stand and come around to face you. I reach for your hand and lead you over to the “X” Cross. I help you into position facing it. Spreading your legs apart I bind first one ankle then the other.
Then I gently take your hand and lift it up so I can bind your wrist. Walk over and do the same to the other. Now you are set.
I stand next to your left side. My left hand finds yours and our fingers intertwine. I lean in and kiss your shoulder and then your cheese as you turn your head to me.
“Thank youagain my dear sweet sub. I relish the opportunity to satisfy this need. Remember the Safe Word but I hope it never escapes your lips – for if it does I have failed you and I never want to fail you.”
Then with one last soft kiss on your cheek I step back and grab the flogger. The one we both picked out. The one you said only I can use on you. A simple gift you gave me but one that means so much to me and our relationship.
I ask are you ready and you just nod once. The first swat will be strong, very strong. I want to wake up your senses, your nerves and tell them it is time to help you achieve your pleasure.
You hear it makes that swishing sound as I raise it up and bring it down across your shoulder blades. No matter how you try and anticipate it – that first smack startles you. You flinch.
I pause and allow you to comprehend that pain. Then the next seven or eight follow in some rapid succession. I pause just long enough to switch sides and repeat seven oreight swats from your right side.
I walk up to you. My body leans into you and my fingers find yours and we intertwine them. I lightly kiss your shoulder several times and then ask. . . .
“Are you starting to enjoy my love? I just want to warm you up and set the path we will take to give you your pleasure.”
I step back. This time I administrator ten or twelve swats from the right side before I switch sides and repeat the same number of swats. I see you flinch with each strike. I gauge your breathing and how your hips are moving. I have touched you intimately before so I know how that touch arouses you and begins to turn you on. I see it now in your hips and your breathing. This is working. It is beginning to build. But there is no rush is there? We have all night to play.
I resume the flogging. Varying the pace and the intensity. Switching sides. Sometimes across your ass cheats or the back of your thighs. But not too many there. Those have very sensitive nerves andI surely do not want you to reach that high this soon. I see your skin start to show the effects of the flogger. Such a wonderful shade of pink.
Somewhere along the line – I stop and come up to you. Our fingers intertwine and I kiss your shoulder. My free hand softly cares your back, down along your side, over your hip and on the outside of your thigh. Then back up over the back of your thigh and up to your neck. You love that touch, crave that feel from my fingers. You know that touch means I care deeply about you.
I let my hand trail right down your spine. Normally it ticles but tonight it is masked by the flogging. My purpose though is to let my fingers part your ass cheeks and let my fingers slide over your asshole as I want to let my fingers test your wetness.
With your legs spread on the “X” Cross it is easy to slip a finger or two into the bottom of your pussy. No surprise to feel how wet you are. But we have such a long way to go yet. One more quick kiss on your shoulder and I step back to resume your flogging.
Your body flinches with that first resumed swat but then we settle into a very nice rhythm and it is like a dance. I swat – you flinch. Your hips move and your breathing has a pattern. You gasp when it hits and you exhaust as I pull back to swat again. It is a lovely dance we do.
Now I pick up the pace – still varying the intensity. Varying the location and the sides I attack from. I watch your hips and your breathing. They tell me when I am close. You have told me you need this and want it. You want it to be the best experience we will have shared. You trust me to give that to you. Your body begins to react to the play. A fine sheen of perspiration shows on your arms and your tights.
Time becomes an unknown. I have lost track of how long we have been at this and I don’t really care. My focus is on you. The flogging is building. I can partially see your face and I sense that we are close. I want this for you.
Knowing we are close renews my vitamin and the swats carry a new strength. Your flinches are more pronounced. Your hips dance wildly. Your breath becomes short and rapid.
“Give it up my sweet love – give it up to me. Surrender yourself to me.” I say above the noise of the flogger as it lashes your back.
And then I sense it, see it, watch you reach that point. You shudder. Tremble. Push your body into the Cross. You are trying to catch your breath. Gasping. Your fingers are clenched tight. Your head is arched back. Each new swat of the flogger and I hear that beautiful moan as it escape your lips. That audible pleasure signal indicating we both know you are almost there.
Two more swats – strong and direct across your shoulder blades, your skin red. Your hips push into the center of the cross. Your chin pushes your head up – your mouth opens – and I hear it.
“Ahhhhhhhh. Yesssssss Yessssss”
Your hips buck back and forth into the cross. Your fingers clenchand unclench. Gasping. You are shaking, trembling. Every nerve is firing. You cannot catch your breath. It feels as if you have had one huge orgasm but it was not centered in your cunt. It is like your whole body had an orgasm. You pull at your restraints. You want release from this. You need arms around you.
I drop the flogger and quickly unbind your ankles then Your wrists. I grab the robe and pull you into me and wrap the robe around you. I pick you up and carry you to the bed. I lie you down and slide in next to you. I pull you close and wrap you up in my arms and hold you tight. You still tremble in my arms. I wait till I feel your breathing calm down. Soon the trembling stops.
“You make me so proud. You were wonderful. You Did an amazing job. How you took it all and gave it to me. You have no idea how much I wanted this for you. You are so beautiful and so deserving of this.” I whisper to you.
We rock gently in each other’s arms. I hold you tight. Safe. Protected. We lie there till you have come down enough to look up at me. Your smile says it all. I see that look on your face. The one I dream about. The one I fantasize about seeing when I become the Dom you desire. I kiss your forehead and tell you to rest. I will not leave your side tonight or any night. You close your eyes and drift off to sleep comfortable by the fact that you Know you are safe and treasured.
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