Prince Edward woke slowly. His shoulder throbbed. Groaning he felt his aching head, moved the hand to his shoulder, surprised to find it banded. Snapping his eyes open he looked around, hoping the man attacking him in the forest was just a dream. He lay on a thick fur blanket on the ground. A small fire smoldered across from him with meat roasting on it. He was alone. For a moment he wondered if the whole thing had have been a night mare … maybe he had fallen off his mount and been knocked out and the horse had ran off back to the village…. No that man had been all to real.
He sprang to his feet and ran blindly from the camp. He didn’t know where the handsome stranger was, how far he might be but Edward would not lay there and wait for the savage man to return. The soldiers had taught him basic survival but he had no bow and arrows no water….. Now thinking about it he noticed how hungry he was … He stumbled through the unfamiliar forest, unsure how far he was from his castle. He pushed down his ever mounting panic. If he could get far enough away before the man returned he might have a chance. Could hide if he came searching for him and eventually make his way back home.
His mind spun as his feet scrambled through the thick undergrowth. Why had the strange attacked him? Why had he kidnapped him? Was he wanting a ransom? Did he plan to attack the castle and he had been in the wrong place at the wrong time? He’d seemed to know him…which was impossible because he sure as hell didn’t know the very unforgettable stranger. Yea he was definitely not the sort of person you forget…
The vines and rocks hurt his bare feet. the unseen branches slapped at his face and the farther he got from the campfire the colder and hungrier he felt.
Rain started pouring down causing Edward’s foot to slip and hit a root and he flew forward, landing heavily on the ground in a heap. So much for a stealthy escape. He groaned, his shoulder renewed its throbbing and now his knees and hands were covered cuts and bruises. He struggled back to his feet and found himself staring into ererily familiar gray eyes.
The biggest wolf-like creativity he’d ever seen stood a few paces away, eyeing him critically. The animal had thick black fur that glistened in the scar sun that peeked through the trees. There was something off about him…not fully wolf. He shook his head, keeping his eyes on the animal. It didn’t matter what it was. It was going to eat him alive without his sword or bow.
The beast took a menuing step towards him and he cast around, looking for anything to use as a weapon.
He grabs a branch and looking back to the wolf he froze. The animal…rippled. Again, his mind rebelled. Edward gasps as suddenly the wolf’s limbs shifted, the sharp muzzle smoothed back. The hair received back into his body. His recovered upright and suddenly he was a man. A savage gray eyed man that watched him carefully.
“Where are you running to?” his low voice rumbled. He cocked his head, humor began to fill his eyes as he studied the boy’s puzzled expression
He flushed, desperate to keep his eyes on his face though he now stood again naked in front of him. The prince had never seen any nude person especially a man and yet on this day he had seen this man naked as the day he was born and unashamed now twice. Somehow focusing on THAT kept his mind from truly spiraling away into hysteria.
“I just want to go home,” he said, surprised at the force in his voice. “you wont get ransom from me.. My oldest brother is the next king not me. I will just be a soldier “
He chuckled and the deep sound of it seemed to reverberate through the young prince’s bones. ” vaša nije otkupnina i Da. Dom…. To je smjer u kojem ideamo.”
“I don’t understand …”
“your not ransom and Yes. Home.. That’s where we’re going.”
He stepped towards him and his eyes betrayed him. He dropped his gaze to the stranger’sswelling cock and his face reddened as fear rose in his chest.
He turned-unsure what else to do-and tried to run. Knowing it was futile but unwilling to be sedately led back to his camp.
Adam caught him before he’d moved more than a few steps. Wrapping his massive arms around him, he pulled Edward in close to him. Tucked him back against his chest as he leaned down to nuzzle at his neck. He smelled amazing, like pine and smoke and musk and his cock throbbed in delight at the feel of the boy against him. He struggled and tried to jerk his ass away from where he pressed against him.
“If you don’t want me to take you right here it’s not a good idea to run. I like chasing.”
Edward immediately still, though he tried to twist his head away from the stranger. He smiled and caught the boys ear between his lips, whispered, “I’ll only hurt you if you want me to.”
The prince swallowed and let his head loll forward in surrender. For the briefest of momentshe actually felt a bit of disappointment. He released the boy and stepped back though his cock yearned for him. He whipped around and tried his best to punch his face, giving it all he had. The training from the soldiers might as well had been the training of a toddler the stranger easily dodged the blow.
“You’re a fucking monster,” he screamed.
Anger rose within Adam the boy’s words stalled into him. HE was a monster? When all he’d thought of these last eighteen years was finding him and his twin sister. Finding the children abandoned by the Alpha of his pack before he died. He’d SAVED him from monsters. Adam lunged at him, caught up the wrist that had tried to punch him in one of his huge hands. He yelped in terror as the strange grabbed him, nearly falling to the ground in his fright. He jerked Edward’s wrist up to Pull him against him. This time he stared up at him, his sparkling green eyes now wide as they darted across his face.
He lowered his face to Edward’s,eyes going savage. “prestati…… Stop ….Don’t test me Edward,” he said quietly, trying to tamp the rising anger down. With his cock again pressed to the boy the blood rose too high within him. He could feel his heaving breath against his chest. The scent of him overcame him and he had to give in, if only for a moment.
He kissed Edward, forcing his lips to open under his. He shoved his tongue down the boy’s throat, showed the prince all the ways he was going to fuck him… eventually. He tried to pull away but he grabbed his long bronze hair with his free hand. Twisting his fingers through the thick waves he pressed his pale young face into his. Held Edward so he could not retreat, could not twist away. He bit his lower lip, hard enough to draw a bit of blood and he gasped. But then he felt Edward’s body respond to him, in the way he knew it would if he forced it to its true self. The boy pressed his hips into his captor. Adam grew, deep in his throat as he sensed the instinct taking over within the boy. Goddess the boy wanted him. Though he didn’t know why, he was aching for this stranger’s cock. Aching for his hands to touch every inch of him.
Adam freed his hand and ripped Edward’s silk tune open at the front. Whimpering in fear he tried to push him away again. Adam grew again, and grabbed up both his wrists, pulled them behind his back to hold there with one of his own hands. Adam tugged his arms, making his back arch and his chest puff out. With his free hand Adam licked at one nipple and playedfully nipped the other. Though Edward gasped and tried to tug away he gripped the boy’s wrists all the harder and pressed his cock against him. “The more you struggle the more I can’t resist you. If you don’t want this why do you fight so hard against it?”
He pinched one of the boy’s nipples and he moaned, his back arching into him. Adam’s fingers moved to the other. Grazed over the now alert bud, pinched it even harder. He cried out in pain, but he felt Edwards hips rock against his. His lips moved to the boys neck again, knowing he needed to taste him. He kissed along his throat, up to his ear while Adam hand continued to massage his nipples. As Adam bit his ear lightly, he flicked his throbbing cock with his fingers. He cried out and this time Adam couldn’t tell if it was pain or pleasure. He smiled. That was the best place to be.
Adam moved his mouth back to his throat, feeling his panting breaths against his lips. “Have you been fucked yet?”
Edward groaned, weakly tried to pull away from him as he slowly shook his head. “Please…no.”
He let his teeth graze the boys neck.
“Has any man touched you …” He rubbed the boys swollen cock between his fingers, ” here?”
“No,” he moaned.
“A woman?”
Edward slowly shook his head no
He moved his mouth lower, running his tongue along the boys collarbone, down to his heaving chest. And he shivered, making his cock jerk against the boys tigh. He grinned, took the nipple into his mouth and sucked, pulling tenderly at it as his tongue swirled. His fingers mimicked the motion on his other nipple. Pinching and working it to a stiff and throbbing peak.
Edward jerked against him, his head falling back as he moaned and Adam had to release his hands to instead catch him as his legs began to buckle.
Edward felt he floated outside his body. This could not be real. He was not this weak to be used in the forest as a brutal man ravaged him. He felt the moan ripple through him and his legs gave out. Instantly Adams hand moved to his lower back, pressed the boy into him, all while his mouth and other hand kept their pace on his tinder nipples. The ache between Edwards legs grow, his cock was becoming unbearable.
Edward Found himself pressing into him, looking for something, anything to save the throbbing need between his legs. But he was still terrified. There was still some part of his brain that rebelled against the feeling of this giant of a man against his body like this. And he had seen the size of his cock, knew it hungrily pressed against him. Edward imagined the stranger would rip him in half once he got around to rap him.
But for now his tongue sent Edwards mind spinning as it assaulted his nipple. Adam bit down gently on his tender nipples and he sobbed at the white-hot fire it sent through his stomach, straight into his core. And then Adam was lowering him to the ground, kneeing over him, his mouth returning to its important work on his nipples.
He began to work his way down, down to the waistband of his pants. Edward heard him growl in frustration as he found the obstacle. His hands grasped the pants, gave it a sharp tug and he felt it rip as he tore it away. The cool air of the forest now touched every inch of His body and he was ashamed to feel the throbbing need between his legs. His body seemed intent on betraying him.
Edward weakly struggled, though the fight had long escaped him. Adam reached a hand up, twisted one nipple savagely in punishment and he still with a soft moan. Adam smiled and moved lower down his body, grabbed at his hips and hit him up, positioned Edwards thighs across his broad shoulders. He looked up to him, met his eyes.
Adam lowered his mouth to his cock, still holding his eye. Knowing any struggle was pointless he melted into the soft forest floor as he dug his fingers into the dirt.
“You’ve never asked my name,” Adam said softly then pressed his mouth against Edwards hard cock. Edward inhaled sharply at the feel of his warm mouth against his quivering body. His tongue darted out, licked slowly up his stiff shaft. The boy jerked, astonished at the pleasure. His mind seemed to fly even farther away and the only thing in the world was this throbbing ache that continued to grow.
He lifted his mouth slightly and met his eye again.
“Do you want to know my name?” he asked, his gray eyes amused.
He shook his head, “no.”
Adam chuckled, lowered his mouth to him again and drew out another quaking gasp. His tongue swept up Edwards cock and then paused at the tip. Gently he flicked at the nub there and he screeched at the instant pleasure it set ablaze within him. Adam worked his cock, swirling his tongue around it, eventually bringing it into his mouth, suckling at it like it was the most delicious thing he’d tasted. And still the boys body jerked and his hips moved into him, pressing greedily into his face.
Tighter and tighter he wound the prince, he felt it…there was a cliff he was about to go over and he eagerly ran towards it. But then he lifted his mouth, left him feeling aching and empty.
“Are you sure you don’t want to know my name,” he whispered.
Edward trembled, his cock throbbed, screamed at him to just ask him his name. Edward met his eye, saw the dark lust within him and shook his head. He smiled, and moved his hand fromwhere it grasped at his ass. Slipping it around his leg he traced a finger down his throbbing cock. He bucked, his body chasing the pleasure.
Gently he licks his finger and eased the finger between his ass cheats and Edward gasped, letting his head fall back down into the dirt as the stranger pressed deeper into him. His tongue found his cock again. As he worked his finger slowly into him his tongue ticckled urgently at his swollen member.
Edward panted, his breaths coming so fast he thought he’d pass out. Adam buried his finger up to the knuckle and then slowly pulled it out, then back in, creating a rhythm between his tongue and finger. A while escaped Edwards throat as he worked and he felt Adam chuckle, mouth still against him. Again, right as he began to arch into him, right as he felt the tension too high to survive, he pulled his mouth from his cock though his finger still moved ever-so-slowly within him.
“Ask me,” he again rumbled and now his voice was low with barely restrained lust.
Before he could shake his head again, he curved his finger, stroked the inside of the boy like he was an instrument. Another long, high whine escaped his lips and he hungrily thrust his hips up to him.
“Ask me.”
His thumb fell on his cock, pressed hard against the boy as his finger inside him still. He slowly moved the thumb in a circle and watched his face. Edward met his intense gray eyes, ashamed at the pleading he knew he’d find in his gaze.
“Please…” he panted. Adam continued to circle his thumb slowly, much too slowly. Finally he gasped, “What’s your name?”
He grinned in triumph and he hated how beautiful his face was in that moment. He dropped his mouth back to Edwards throbbing cock as his finger resumed its urgent attention, sliding in and out, faster and faster. He seemed to take his entire cock in his mouth. The rough feel of his stubble sending shivers rippling through his body, the swirling dance of his tongue making his breaths come fast and gasping. Sucking hungrily on Edwards swollen cock he carried him to the edge. Pushed him right off.
Edward climaxed with a howl, his hips thrusting fiercely into the strangers face as his hands flew to the back of his head. Adam grabbed his hips as he continued to milk the orgasm from him. Tears fell from his eyes as he convulsed, the pleasure of the climax nothing he’d experience in his short eighteen years of life.
And still Adam devoured him, didn’t allow the prince any relief as he bucked and while under his mouth. Edward tried to pull his head away but he refused. Eventually he lost whatever senses he had left and collapsed completely, head lolling, arms going limp. Only then did he pull his face from his cock.
Edward felt him crawl up beside him, pulling him into His spent body as Adam cradled his spent body. He tucked Edward against him, whispered in his ear, ” Moje ime je Adam
“Your name is Adam… what is the language youspeak?”
Adam smiled “I’m sorry I speak croatian…. Most werewolves do… I can teach you.. If you want”
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