Adam’s cock was annoyed. He felt ready to burst with need for Edward as he now was tucked so perfectly against him. Edward’s round firm ass pressed into his swollen cocked, teased him. But he knew he still needed to be patient. He’d given his prince a taste of what his life would be. Of what he could stir within him. Though Edward’s mind still wanted to fight him, his body now lay soft and yielding against him as he recovered his breath.
Adam stood, picking him up smoothly and pressing him into his chest. He whimpered but his hands clung to Adam’s arm as he made his way back to their camp. He couldn’t help giving the boy’s ass a few squeezes as he carried him, happy when he didn’t try to jerk away, instead he just tightened his grip on Adam’s arm. He wanted to hum with delight. All his searching had been worth it.
He set Edward down gently on the thick fur blanket, pulled another blanket up around his shoulders as he curled into himself, wide eyes watching him wardly. Itwas then he noticed the abrasions on Edward’s hands, on his knees from when he’d fallen. Adam tsked, picked up a towel and moistened it with a bit of warm water from the pot by the fire.
Adam sat next to him, met his eye, “Your hands. Do they hurt?”
He blinked in confusion, then looked down at his palms. “A little,” he finally shrugged.
Adam reached carefully for Edward, took one of his hands in his and tenderly wiped at the blood. Adam glanced to his face, saw him grit his teeth against the sting. He grimaced an apology.
“You were a wolf,” The prince said abruptly.
He chuckled, met his eye. “I suppose.”
“That was real? Are you some kind of wizard? A demon?”
He nodded, “It was real and no I am not a wizard or a demon”
“It wasn’t some magic trick?” Edward asked. Adam gently set his hand back down, picked up the other to clean.
“No. That’s my true form. I’m a were wolf, Edward and so are you”
“BUT I’m not … you have the wrongperson … “
He looked back to his face and his heart flipped as he watched Edward’s eyes scan up and down his body. He met his gaze and flushed, seeing that he’d caught Edward examining him.
“Are you going to rape me?”
“Don’t you think if I was going to I would have just now….. I wont force you.”
“Are you going to kill me?” he asked.
He barked a laugh. “Of course not. You’re my mate.”
Edward jerked, tried pull his hand from Adam’s but he held on tight, ignoring his attempts as he continued to gently clean his wound.
“Your mate!?” he snapped.
“Yes. Though, I didn’t know until I smelled you. I thought I was just repaying a debt tracking you down.”
He could feel Edward tensing, sensed his rising confusion and announcement. “Why? What debt?”
Adam shrugged, finally met his eyes again as he sat back. He supposed it was past due, explaining who he was.
“How much do you know of your real family … your mother and father?”
“I am the prince… my father is the king my mother the queen I have a twin sister and an older brother … why?”
Adam held Edward’s hand gently.
“The king and queen are not your REAL parents We were not told who your mother was … just that she was not a wolf”
“I don’t understand….. ” Edward’s eyes were shiny with unshed tears his whole world was about to come crashing down.
“I knew your father. Your true father not the King who they told you was your father ….. Your father saved my father’s life, long, long ago. When he was dying, some eighteen years ago, his last words were to ask me to find his children. A girl and a boy … twins. …he’d sired with a non-wolf. He wanted me to find them, bring them into my pack to protect them. So I’ve been looking for you ever since. It wasn’t until I finally caught your scent that I realized who you would be to me.”
“I don’t understand”
“I guess I should tell you all the story about your father.
His name was Duke he was the Alpha of our pack before my father. He fell in love with a human and since she had no wolf blood he could not bring her to the pack. So instead he left the pack and went to her and a few years later you and your sister were born. Your father told me he was hunting for food in his wolf form when two hunter’s from town spotted him. One know of our kind and shot him in the leg. Your father had one ice blue eye and one as green as yours due to an injury when he was young. Well he made it home that night and his human dressed the wounds and he started the healing process but the next day they took you and your sister to town and the same hunter bumped into your father seeing his eyes he told the whole town what he was. Well that night the village burned your family from their home killing your mother.. Your father was badly injured and weak so he put you two on the castle doorsteps where the queen adopted you and he made his way to me so I could find you, I’m sorry I don’t know more.”
Edward gaped at him, slowly shook his head. “No. You have the wrong person. I know my parents. And if it WERE true why not bring my sister too!!!
He laughed. ” When your father stumbled into my camp he told me the story …..I did not understand how he could allow sheep to raise a wolf. As for your sister my brother David is charged with her safety”
Edward tried to scoot away from him across the blanket, but found himself hopelessly tangled and unable to move more than a few inches. “You’re lying.”
He cocked his head. “Why would I do that?”
“I’m not like you. I can’t change into a fucking monster.”
He frowned. “The human blood in you prevented it.” He motion to his shoulder, “I fixed that Though. My bite is awakening your true self. You WILL turn into a fucking monster, soon.”
His hand moved to the bite, eyes still wide and unbelieving. “You’re lying,” Edward whispered.
Adam stood, announcement growing in him. He grabbed up his breeches and began dressing quickly. “We’ll see I suppose. The full moon is tomorrow night.”
“You’re lying!” he screamed at Adam as he clutched the fur blanket tighter around his bare shoulders.
Anger rippled through him and he croouched in front of his prince, grabbed Edward’s chin in his hand to force him to meet his eye. “Your body knows I’m not and more than that your spirit KNOWS.”
Adam tossed him one of the shirts that he had stolen from the village. Edward pulled the soft cotton tunic over his head and it fell nearly to his knees. He gritted his teeth, trying to ignore the sudden ache his scent elicited. Curling back down on the soft fur blanket Edward watched Adam move around the small camp. Was he…preparing dinner? He wanted to laugh at the absurdity. This man-wolf creativity was acting like this was the most normal evening of his life. He was actually humming as he stirred at the pot on the fire.
“Whe did you get the food… the pot… the blankets. I didn’t see them before” He looked around the camp.. A tent, clothes on the line…
“Other wolves in the area left us a camp.. We have arrangements like that through out the trail as for the meat… I hunted while you rested.”
“Will I see any of them… the other wolves I mean”
“not on this trip… with your..change coming on it may be to risky….
Edward refused to believe him. It just couldn’t be real. HE was not a monster like him. He still wasn’t even sure if what’d he’d seen had been real, so impossible was the vision of Adam transforming from that monstrous wolf. He was going mad maybe a fever from being bite. That was the only option. Adam’s madness was likely wearing off on him he decided.
But still he watched Adam as he clung to the small protection of the fur blanket. His broad, well muscled back rippled, even under the cotton shirt. The cuffs were rolled up so he could see his strong forearms, covered in dark hair. Edward winced, remembering the fur of the wolf. Adam glanced to him as if he sensed Edward studying him. And he smiled. Edward gulped, looked away. That was dangerous. His face which had seemed so terrifying, so savage transformed when he smiled. His gray eyes danced and he seemed generally giddy to be near him.
He was insane. It was the only explanation. He had bit him after all…
Edward squeaked in Surprise as Adam sat down heavily next to him, handed him a bowl of the stew he’d been preparing. Edward took it tenatively, his growing stomach winning out over his better sense.
Holding Edward’s eye Adam took a careful bite from his bowl, as if to show him it was safe. Edward frowned, but copied him. A sight burst from him as he tasted the delicious meat broth and he closed his eyes in happiness.
“Margret and her mate left us some vegetables and a dessert.. I hope you like the stew.. The rabbit was a bit scratchy but I didn’t want to leave you to long.”
Beside him Adam chuckled.
“So, you think I’m your mate,” Edward said between bites, unwilling to meet his dangerous eyes.
“NO..I know you are. You’ll see. On the full moon you’ll understand,” he said lightly.
Edward shook his head. “Just because you think I’m your mate doesn’t make it okay to take me against my will.”
Adam still beside him and he finally forced his eyes back up to his face, scared of what he’d find. Adam stared down at him, gray eyes turning dark as he studied his face.
“You don’t know what you want,” he eventually said, his voice falling low. Edward sensed the warning in his tone, but somehow it only lit the anger within himself. Edward narrowed his eyes at him.
“You don’t know anything about me,” he said.
Adam reached a hand to his face, as if to soothe his prince. He slapped it away, continued to glare at him. He frozen and he knew he’d made a mistake as the dark look crept across his face. Suddenly Adam lunged towards him, knocking the soup from his hands as Adam grabbed at him. He tried to scramble away but Adam grabbed an ankle, yanked him back towards him. Then Adam was on top of him again, his immense weight sinking into him as he was pressed into the soft fur.
Straddling Edward he pinned his hands on either side of his head and clenched his fingers in warning. Feeling the shot of pain in his wrists he still underneath him, but met his eye in defiance.
“I know everything about you. I know you better than you know yourself My Prince.”
“You didn’t even know my name until yesterday,” he hisssed.
Adam laughed. “For someone concerned about being murdered you seem to like picking fights.”
Fury rose in Edward. Pick fights? He was picking fights!? He’d attacked him, assaulted him. Kidnapped him! He bucked underneath him, too aware at how his borrowed shirt rode up his thighs, but he was passed the point of caring. Edward screamed in important rage and thrashed against him but still he pinned him, completely unmoved by his struggle. Eventually Edward heard him chuckle and the sound only sent his anger higher.
“Fuck you!” he screamed.
Again Adam laughed and then suddenly rose off him a few inches. Before Edward could register his movements he’d flipped him onto his belly. One massive hand pressed against the back of his neck, pushing his face into the soft fur blanket. The Other hand snaked around Edward’s wait, hitched up his hips so his bottom was pressed into him.
Panic filled Edward as he felt the swell of his cock against his bare skin.
His rage withered as fear reared within him. Edward struggled against him but he only gripped him more tightly. Edward felt him lean over him, his breath ticked at her ear.
“Is that a request?” he whispered.
Edward sobbed, tears ran down his cheeses as he felt him over him, pressing into his ass like a vice. The hand circuit his wait moved. His fingers slide down Edward’s exposed ass. He whimpered. Fear and uncertainty.
Adam still leaned over him, took his earlobe in his mouth as his fingers moved. “You’re hard I can feel how you crave me. How you want me to fuck you.” Adam’s fingers sunk into Edward’s hole making the prince whimper
He moaned, tried to jerk his hips away from his probing fingers. “No, please no.”
He bit Edward’s earlierobe and he screeched in pain. “I can feel how you quiver when I touch you. I can smell your heat.”
Adam quickly moved back, pressed his hand to the small of his back, still holding him down while he hoisted Edward’s hips up. Without warning Adam’s mouth was on his ass.. His tongue moved urgently against his folds, pressed into his entrance and he shuddered. His fear fell away. He could only feel his tongue, his strong hands holding his bdy against him. Adam devoured him, tongue independent as it pressed inside him while his finger moved to his cock, flicking and rubbing savagely. Too fast. It was too fast.
Adam broughthim to his climax in only a few short minutes, forcing him over the edge as he gasped and twitched underneath him. Edward came, jerking his ass in the air as he ground into Adam’s urgent mouth. He screamed, understanding underneath him, and still Adam held him down, forced the pleasure higher until he was nearly delicious from the ecstasy. Still his tongue moved against him, moving to lap along his now dripping cock. Adam took his cock in between his lips, sucked viciously as he healed and struggled beneath him. Edward’s mind fled him, he was so high, outside his own body, riding wave after wave of pure bliss.
Adam’s mouth finally left Edward’s swollen manhood and then he felt a sharp smack against his trembling ass. The sting of pain was enough to bring his mind back into his body and Adam let him collapse back on the furs.
He felt gentle hands pull down his borrowed shirt, covering his sore bottom. Carefully Adam turned him on his side as he slid up next to him, pulling Edward back into his arms, against his barrel chest. Adam tenderly brushed hair from his face, wiped away the sweat on his browser. Turning his face to Edwards he kissed him deeply and he shivered, tasting himself still on his lips.
Edward melted into him and Adam’s heart swelled…nearly as large as his cock. This couldn’t go on much longer. He knew he must wait until the full moon to truly Take the prince, but he wasn’t making it easy. His perfect little Prince His fierce, lovely mate. Edward was more than he could have ever imagined. He gently grazed his hand against his chest and felt him stir against him, a fluttering moan escaping her lips. Adam ground his mouth into his, loving the way he yielded against him now. With a scar he pulled way, his blood was too hot. Adam’s cock against his ass all but howled for him.
Tucking Edward against him, he felt his head loll as he cradle him. Adam drifted into sleep and still he held his prince, unwilling to let him go though it was torture feeling his soft and welcome body against his.
They had all the time in the world. He could be patient another day.
Edward wok slowly. Arms like tree-trunks were wrapped around him, holding him tight against his hard chest. Edward tried to pull up the anger. The fear from before but found he couldn’t. He was too comfortable. Too safe feeling in this embrace. It was madness. He was anything BUT safe.
He glanced down to the hands that held him. So large, so rough and yet they were gentle against his skin. Or independent when Adam was bent on giving him pleasure. Pleasure like he hadn’t even known could exist. He wasn’t stupid, he understand those things, but he was still a virgin. Still had never actually understood what all the fuss was about. He got it now though. Edward felt the press of his length against his butt and shivered, unsure if in anticipation or fear. Adam would take him. He would shove his huge cock into his tight ass and use himup. He pondered though, as he ran his fingers along his arm. Why hadn’t he done it yet? Edward could feel Adam’s need. Could see the barely controlled lust in his eyes. But he refrained from raping him. From taking him like he knew he wanted to. Why?
Edward turned his head slowly, tried to find his face. He slept deeply and for a moment he was sad to not be able to see those dark eyes of his. Edward thought he should try to escape again…but he was so warm, so comfortable.
And he’d just catch him again anyways.
Edward shivered, ashamed how the thought of Adam chasing after him through the woods sent his heart pounding against his chest. He’d said he liked to chase. No, he would only be too happy to run him down and use his dangerous mouth to lick him into submission again. Heat rose to his face as he imagined it.
Edward relaxed back into him, tried to go back to sleep as well.
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