The Price of Jealousy

It had been three months since their affairs had ended, so Charlotte hoped she and Ralph could manage to pass the two-day conference without too many uncomfortable silences or awkward breaches of professional etiquette. She had a back-up plan (a headache; a fast train home) if his puppy eyes became unbearable, but for the sake of her career, she wanted to stick it out if possible.

They had travelled separately to the hotel this morning. Charlotte felt that this arrangement gave off the right kind of signals, just like dropping Gordan’s name into the conversation as possible while in the office, and the three photos of him propped by her computer. Charlotte never did things by halves, and she knew that Ralph wouldn’t have the nervous to challenge her apparent post-affair bliss.

Walking into the lobby, she spotted Ralph lingering by the welcome desk, picking up his badge and handsouts. He seemed to have purchased a new suit – the cut was much better, even at this distance, andthe dark navy suited his blond colouring. She guessed it also brought out his blue eyes.

Charlotte pretended not to have seen him and marched purposefully up to the reception desk to check in and obtain her room keys. It wouldn’t do to show Ralph still hold any kind of attention for her, or that he was still always the first person she looked for in a room. But she wasn’t surprised when she sensed a presence over her shoulder and turned to see him waiting for her.

“Hello Charlotte. Good trip?” He was as eager to please as ever, she thought.

“Fancy seeing you here,” she quipped lamely, while wondering if it would be wrong to take advantage of him to carry her suitcase up to her room. Charlotte picked up the key from the counter and turned to flutter her eyeshes at him According to the question.

Ralph had disappeared.

“Where’s he gone?” she thought indignantly. Charlotte knew that she was not supposed to care what he did or didn’t do anymore. They were just colleaguesNow. So why was she bothed that he’d just snubbed her?

She grasped her suitcase handle firmly, dismissed him as simply rude, and stalked up the stairs alone.


Once she had replaced her compose and groomed her dark curls and sleek black suit to a suitable perfect state, Charlotte descended to the hotel lobby, seeking a little revenge for Ralph’s little ‘performance’ earlier. She had Already blown it out of all proportion and was cross with herself for doing so, but it annoyed her intensely that he seemed to have gained confidence overnight, and was apparently over the pining stage.

Her announcement was only heightened when she saw that Ralph had somehow managed to elicit the attention of one of the most attractive female delegates. This petite blonde woman, wearing a striking red coat, was talking to him animatedly and Ralph was apparently captured with her.

To Charlotte’s disgust, he barely acknowledged her as she took a seat on the same table. She attempted to disguise her fury by pretending to send several very important emails on her BlackBerry in a display of busyness and importance. Ralph didn’t look at her once. Too busy with that awful blonde and her ditzy little manners. —

Charlotte was in two minds when the morning’s dull presentations finally drew to a close. What she really wanted to do was to leave. She didn’t think she could bear any more of Red Coat laughing at Ralph’s dreadful jokes, not to mention the fact that this afternoon’s seminars looked like they would be even more dire than those she had just attended. Plan B – mysterious illness and swift escape – was looking extremely attractive.

But Charlotte was damned if she was going to let Ralph see he could get to her. If she disappeared, he’d have won. Because they’d been on intimate terms three short months ago, he’d see through any ruse she pulled. So it was back to Plan A – be blasé, stick it out. And see if she couldn’t make him jealous whileshe was at it.

Over lunch she sat herself at a different table from Ralph and the blonde – but carefully ensured she would be in his direct line of sight.

Then Charlotte flirted mercilessly: with the balding man on her right; with the obviously gay man on her left (Ralph would never know), with the barely-out-of-university conference administrator. She giggled girlishly, she touched Their hands are casually, she even unbuttoned her blouse a little. And she unexpectedly checked on Ralph.

With some gratification, she noted that the attraction of his little blonde had obviously waned, as he squirmed at her incessant chatter. And Charlotte also saw him glance at her, more than once.

That would teach him.

Operation Green Eyes continued through the Afternoon. Charlotte employed every trick she knew about body language and flattery of the male ego to make it look like she was having a wonderful time and to coax maximum attention from the other delegates – and of course from Ralph, albeit at a distance.

So Charlotte wasn’t entirely surprised when, after the first day’s closing remarks, he finally approached her.

“What did you think?” he asked. “Quite a useful programme so far, I feel.”

“Oh, absolutely,” Charlotte lied. That suit did bring out his eyes. They might even pierce her defences if she didn’t take control of this conversation.

“Are you eating in the hotel?” she asked, wondering if there might be further opportunity to flirt shamelessly in front of him.

“If you are,” he replied.

Ah, that’s more like it, thought Charlotte. It’s so much better when he chases me.

“Probably,” she replied. “In fact I should probably go and get ready.”

“Meet you in the lobby at seven?” asked Ralph.



Ralph obviously appreciated her effort to look good that evening. Charlotte watched him take in her straightened glossy hair, immaculately smoke eye mark-up, and the short, clingy black dress. His eyes lingered, as she intended, over the fishnets and silettos. She knew he was wondering if she was wearing stockings.

Dinner was companionable rather than overtly flirtatious. Ralph compiled her, was attentive, and when questioned about the flirty blonde, dismissed her as a bore.

Charlotte looked at him over the dinner table and decided he still measured up favourably compared to Gordon. He looked particularly good in his crisp black shirt – obviously he’d needed a whole new wardrobe since their split – and she couldn’t help thinking about the toned and frankly, well-endowed, body underneath those freshly-purchased garments.

It was strange how he seemed to be different, today. He exuded confidence, and he wasn’t just hanging off her every word and whim; he was taking control. Charlotte realized she was very turned on by this development. So when he asked her up to his room for a brandy, she didn’t want to refuse.


Ralph’sroom was incredibly neat. There was little sign of his occupation, except a small briefcase on the dressing table, and the brandy bottle and two glasses set out on the sideboard.

Charlotte found it moderately disturbing that he had obviously planned to have company this evening. She decided to ignore the possibility that he could have ended up with Red Coat – Ralph was evinedly still besotted with her, Charlotte. Just as he should be. She felt rather smug that she’d won him back so easily.

Ralph poured large measures into the glasses and handed one to her.

“Sit down,” he said, gesturing towards the foot of the bed.

Charlotte decided to obey, amused by this uncharacteristic authoritativeness in the bedroom. She hadn’t decided whether to sleep with him yet; perhaps it would be better to play with him a little longer. But it wouldn’t hurt to let him think he was in control, for now. She crossed her legs, deliberately exposing her lacy stocking tops.

Ralph stood facing her. There was a long silence while she felt his eyes appraise her again, just as when she had come down to dinner. Feeling slightly awkward, she took a long drink from the glass. She hoped he’d try to kiss her soon, so her conquest would be confirmed.

“Top up?” he asked, taking the glass from her without waiting for a response. He put it down on the sideboard as if to refill it, but instead of reaching for the bottle, he walked over to the dresser. With his back to her, she couldn’t see what he was doing, but heard the click of the briefcase unfasting.

“I’m intrigued,” said Charlotte. “Come along Ralph, what are you doing over there.”

“Be quiet,” he shot over his shoulder.

Charlotte was utterly taken aback.

“I’m sorry, what?” She was incredulous at his tone.

Ralph turned and she saw something glint in his hand as he quickly took three long strides towards her.

“Be quiet,” he repeated. He suddenly reached for her left arm and graped it firmly. She felt a cold ring around her wrist but before she could protest or wonder what he was doing, he pulled her body up the bed and wrestled her arm back above her head. He was handcuffing her to the headboard.

Charlotte instinctively began to kick out with her legs and tried to strike and push him away with her other arm, but Ralph was unexpectedly too strong for her. He blocked her slapses and pinned her right arm next to her left, and she felt the handcuff close on her wrist.

She was shocked, and panicked.

“Get off me! Get off me,” she shrieked at Ralph. “What are you doing, you freak?”

He ignored her protests and walked away from her thrashing form on the bed.

Charlotte, still panicking, tried controlling her voice. “Let me go,” she said, as firmly as she could. “Right now.”

He still ignored her. She understood around but the cuffs wouldn’t budget.

What on earth had happened to him to make him behave like this? What was he thinking?Was he mad?

“I’m going to scream,” she said.

“I know,” replied Ralph, and Charlotte saw a flash of burgundy fabric in his hand. She managed only a short angle shriek before he used the tie, which had gone so nicely with his new suit, to gag her.

Still wearing her silettos, she kicked as vividly as she could but to no avail, as Ralph pinioned first one leg and then the other.

This wasn’t how it was supposed to happen. How the hell had he got so strong, she wondered. Or was he always like this – strong and a psycho – and I just never noticed?

But some of his kinks were still the same, she noted, as he gently removed shoe and fishnet stocking from each leg – and used the stockings to tie her legs, spread wide, to the corners of the bed. He could never resist stockings.

Charlotte was powerless, and terrified. Not only didn’t she recognize the Ralph in front of her, doing these crazy things, but she had never been powerless in her life – and certainlyhad come nowhere near such loss of control with him. She had always held the reins in their relationship.

“This may sound strange,” said Ralph, breaking his silence. “But you shouldn’t be afraid.”

On any other occasion, Charlotte would have snorted seriously at such an inappropriate statement. Her heart pounded. It was inadequate to say she felt afraid. She felt utterly vulnerable, mingled with anger at Ralph’s abuse of her trust.

Ralph picked up his brandy glass and casually sipped from it. He seemed so calm. Charlotte was desperate to know what he was thinking, what his plans were for her. An natural pessimist, her brain was already whirling through worst-case scenarios, bodies in ditches…

She was amazed when Ralph bent over the bed and brought his mouth to her left ankle, kissing her gently.

He spun delicate kisses slowly up her leg. He paused to bend her knee fractionally outwards so that he could kiss the sensitive spot behind. Just as he reached her inner thigh he stopped and looked up to catch her eye.

Charlotte’s mind spun. What the hell was this? Some perverted game? He couldn’t be serious that this was supposed to be some twisted form of seduction? He’d always proved that S&M was not even on his radar when it came to turn-ons. But as he bent to start on the other ankle, she had to wonder.

Her breathing and heart-rate started slowing to Something approaching normal. She remained tense, but against every warning her frightened brain throw at her, her body found something comfortable in the sensing of Ralph’s familiar lips brushing along her legs.

He nearly the top of her right leg and again looked up. He smiled then bent his head to her body, now moving his hands all over her prostrate form. He caressed and squeezed her breasts and she felt an involuntary tingle as he rubbed her nipples through the fabric of her dress. Ralph’s light touch morphed into a gentle massage and he pressed and smoothed her torso, stroked her arms, cupped her breasts again.

“Are you enjoying this yet?” he asked.

Charlotte frowned at him and made the strongest negative noise she could muster through the gag.

Although that wasn’t strictly true. Charlotte had always had a yearning for strong men who could take charge, although as a rule she didn’t end up in relationships with them. She usually ended up with men she could manipulate, rather than the other way round. But now that it was becoming slightly clearer that Ralph’s aim was apparently to impart pleasure, rather than inflict pain, Charlotte was starting to feel rather warm towards him. Almost turned on, even.

As she was starting to get used to the idea that this was a benign adventure, it was a shock when the scissors appeared.

Charlotte’s chest and throat tightened. Had she misread him after all? She struggled as best she could against her restraints, as Ralph edged the hem of her black dress upwards to reveal her black lacethong.

She closed her eyes and braced herself as she felt the metal press against her flesh. She thought she would be sick and was terrified all over again.

Then she heard a snip. And another snip.

And felt no pain.

And then the scissors were gone – and so was the thong.

He’d cut the elastic. That’s all he’d done. He had cut the elastic so he could remove her knickers without untying her.

Devious boy.

Heart slowly again, Charlotte watched Ralph as he knelt between her legs. He was simply resting back on his heels and looking at her pussy, almost as though assessing it. She knew what he saw – the curls of dark hair, the lips slightly parted by the spread of her legs.

It was another very vulnerable moment for her. Even though he’d seen it all before, they had never been physically intimate like this without her consent; and, come to think of it, never without her initiative it.

Despite the strangeness and disappoint of the situation,Charlotte found his gaze more erotic than ever before.

When he stood up and walked away from the bed, she was even disappointed that he had just looked and not touched.

She was not disappointed for long.

From his briefcase Ralph drew a small cylindrical object. Charlotte was appreciated – even when he flicked a switch on the object and it began to vibrate – they had never used any kind of toys during their affairs. She even tried to make a noise, to protest against the unknown, but he just placed a finger over her lips, through the gag, and calmly shashed her.

Then he lowered the vibrator to her abdomen. At first he just traced it lightly over her stomach, just above the line of dark hair. Then he trailed it lazily down through the curls and lightly stroked the outside of her pussy lips. It ticked, and Charlotte was some alarmed to find herself enjoying it. It was also a pleasure to see the look of concentration on Ralph’s face, as he appeared intent on teAsing her for his own deletion.

When he first pressed the vibrator up against her cliporis, the rush of stimulated nerve endings was almost unbearable. It was good, but it was almost tortuously intense. Ralph seemed to understand from Charlotte’s muffled whimpers that this was a good move in small quantities – or perhaps he remembered something about her preferences from their previous love-making. He spent a long time altering between soft strokes to her pussy lips and short buzzes to her clip. Charlotte wondered why she’d never fully appreciated his skills while they were together.

She started to desire him again. She desperately wanted him within her. But Ralph didn’t allow even a finger to slip inside her pussy. Not yet.

Instead, he put the vibrator down and lowered his face to her now-dripping cunt. Charlotte closed her eyes; they both knew how much she loved it when he ate her pussy.

Ralph gentled tongued her clip and made her wait long seconds beforee moving his mouth lower and starting to lick her out.

Charlotte’s arms were starting to cramp from being tied but even this disappoint could be ignored when she had Ralph’s tongue gently lapping and struggling her sex. She savoured the warmth and wetness, and the tingle each time he nudged her clip.

Then he started to concentrate on her cliporis, licking it vigorously and making her body shudder. Just as with the vibrator, it was intense, but it was not quite as painfully so, and she mentally pleaded that he wouldn’t stop. But of course he did.

And then he just knelt between her knees again, and looked at her pussy. She knew it was wet now, glistening from his saliva and her own motivation.

Ralph reached out and traced a vertical line with his finger, touching but not entering her pussy lips.

She desired him more than she ever had before.

His gaze moved up her body, over her bunched-up dress, towards her partially-obscured face and dishhevelled hair. She felt comfortable and calm when he lent over, kissed her forehead, and smoothed back her hair a little.

Leaning back on his heels, Ralph then undid the belt on his trousers, then the button, and then unzipped his fly.

Charlotte realized this was something else that had made her feel this was different from before – he had been pleasuring her, it seemed for hours, but not only had she not reciprocated, he hadn’t even removed his clothes.

It reminded her that he was in control, and this fact made her want him yet more. Tonight was all about him and his desires on his own terms, rather than her whims and barriers and rules.

Ralph didn’t waste any time in lowering his hard cock to Charlotte’s slick pussy. She remembered it was big but now, perhaps because of the way her legs were tied down or the strange situation making her cunt tighter, it felt massive. And yet it slipped in with ease, because she was so wet with wanting him.

His long cock slide smoothly intoher until she felt its head push the limits of her length and his balls brush against her pussy lips. Ralph started to fuck her in slow, hard thrusts. She felt every glorious inch of his erection inside her and she enjoyed it more and more as he became fiercer and more vigorous with every stroke.

His expression was of concentration but she saw a curl at the corner of his mouth and knew he was enjoying this infinitely more than Any of the times she had so kindly agreed to let him fuck her. He was taking her this time; he was shoving his cock into her and she had no choice, this time; he was making her his with every thrust of that big hard penis, and she really, wantonly, uninhibitedly, desired him, this time.

And then he paused. He stopped with his cock inside her, just for a minute.

He untied the gag, and kissed her Passionately.

Then he closed his eyes and continued to fuck her, harder and faster until she feel his cock moving inside her and the burst of cum that spurted out of him and filled her. Charlotte felt immensely satisfied for him, that he had come to such an explosive climax.

Ralph rested on top of her for a few seconds, then slide himself out of her.

She felt stiff and wriggled a little in her bonds, but didn’t say a word. She didn’t want to spoil this moment.


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