The Price of Love Pt. 02

The following chapters have been edited by Woodman’s game. Thank you, game.

Chapter Ten – Daddy’s Little Princess

Two people lay, side by side, upon a grassy knoll surrounded by poppsies and cornflowers on a clear spring day. One, the man, sat up and gazed lovingly down at his little daughter as she basked in the late afternoon sun.

“You see over there, my little princess? Over that hill is a lovely castle. One day, when you’re all grown up, a handsome prince will come to carry you away on his fine white horse and you’ll live happily ever after,” he told her.

Little Elise lifted herself up on to her elbows to gaze over the colorful fields, then frowned and turned to look up at her father. “But what about you daddy? Won’t you come and live with us?”

“Of course I will, princess.”

Of course he never did.

Parenthood had suited Elise’s mother even less than marriage. She was young and beautiful, wild and independent. Life with Elise’s father had initially been a thrilling new adventure, however, within a very short time, she had become restless. He had hoped a child might hold her. That caring for something so small and precise would some how change her. How could anyone have not adore little Elise?

He stared down at the child lying next to him. Her long lashes fluttered as she squinted into the sunlight and her soft lips formed a sweet smile. How could her mother have left so soon after the baby’s birthday?

Can one miss what they have never known? If growing up without a mother left a void in Elise’s life, her father was determined she would want for nothing else. Whether it was something as simple as an ice cream or as extravagant as her pet pony, daddy’s little princess always got what she wanted.

Then, one month short of Elise’s sixteenth birthday, it all changed. Nothing would be the same between them ever again the day he married Jean.

Everything would have been perfect if it hadn’t been for her. How could her father just let that woman take over their lives? How could he do that to his little princess? Fuck Jean! Why did her father have to be so weak?


Elise stared out of the window to the lovely gardens below. Silently she recalled Layla’s words: “Men are like that you know. They will hurt you. They don’t always mean to…” A single tea trickled down her cheek; then, she whispered, “…but they will.”

Chapter Eleven – The Training

The following weeks Elise discovered exactly how life would be until Mistress Layla chose to release her. Each morning Rose would come in to her room, and place a breakfast tray on the bedside table before opening the curtains and allowing the sunlight to stream in. “Enjoy your breakfast, Miss Elise,” she would say, and then she would leave. Upon returning a little later she would follow Elise into the bathroom. Rose never spoke, preferring instead to observe her washing herself in unnerving silence.

Elise had been allowed to choose a whole new wardrobe of beautiful and expensive clothes and accessories; however, during her training, she was always forced to remain naked but for a leather collar around her neck and matching straps around her wrists and ankles. Each band had a metal ring attached. “I’m sure you’re wondering what those are for.” Rose told her. “Well, little slut, they’re to keep you secured when you’re not feeling…” She hesitated, thinking for a moment before smirking and adding, “…quite as co-operative as we might require you to be.”

Before commencing her first session, Rose reminded her of a few basic rules that Elise would need to remember, or pay a painful price for forgetting.

“You’re here to please Mistress Layla. You’re here for her pleasure and use for as long as she Chooses to keep you. Do yourself a favor: don’t even think about trying to leave before we are ready to release you. There is no telephone here, and I’m sure you’re already aware that we are a long way from town.”

Elise understands the hopelessness of her situation only too well.

Each day she would be required to crawl around the room as Rose held the end of her lean. Often Rose would tap or slap her ass if she felt the girl was not holding her head up or crawling correctly. When that exercise had been completed, Elise would sit on the floor with her knees spread wide. Often she would be made to sit like that for a couple of hours. “It’s all part of your training,” Rose would tell her, “a good little slut must be disciplined.”

A good little slut? Elise failed to see how sitting for long periods like that could possibly improve her ability to please, sexually or otherwise. It bored her and it made her back ache. One evening, on one of the rare occasions when Rose was not in attendance and Layla appeared to be in a congenial mood, Elise questioned her about it. “Rose knows best,” was all Layla would say.

Often as she sat there, Rose would sit behind her on the bed. Many times she would just watch; other times she would read a magazine or book. Elise could never be sure what she was doing. Only occasionally she would hear a page turn and perhaps a little chuckle if Rose happened to find something that amused her.

When Rose felt she had sat there long enough, she would stand up and offer the girl her index finger, instructing her, “lick it, little slut.”

At first Elise had been unsure of this strange ritual. Timidly she had flicked her tongue out to let it touch the tip of Rose’s finger. It tasted salty and felt dry.

“No, no, not like that! Let your mouth relax. Wet your tongue first.”

Elise swallowed and made a conscience effort to coat her tongue with saliva before lapping at Rose’s finger a second time. It slid easily from between her lips over Rose’s finger, and so she did it again.

“Now suck it, just the tip to begin with,” Rose instructed her.

And so, enveloping Rose’s finger betweenen her lips, Elise closed her eyes let her thoughts drift. Yes, this was Layla’s firm and sweet clip. She pouted and sucked a little harder. Soon her tongue began darting in and out, twirling, swirling, and extending further than she had thought possible. Warm saliva began dripping down her chin, as she became more adept at keeping her mouth moist while sucking. In an odd sense, Elise felt rather proud of her newly acquired skill.

It took a little time, but with uncharacteristic patience, Rose teach her how to use her mouth and tongue in ways Elise could never have envisaged. Elise now feel confident that when summoned she would be more than capable of pleasing her mistress.

After days of training and practice her progress satisfied Rose. “Now it’s time to learn a new trick. You may touch yourself for me.”

Elise blushed. “You mean here, Rose? In front of you?”

Rose rolled her eyes. “Yes, that’s exactly what I mean. It will please your mistress and her friends to watch you pleasure yourself, but I need to be sure you do it properly. “

Elise had masturbated many times before but always privately. Certainly she had done it ‘properly’, if indeed there was such a thing. Taking a deep breath, she gingerly slipped one hand down between her legs to confirm what they both already knew – that her pussy had become good and wet. She looked up at Rose, who was peering down upon her nakedness, and cringed.

“I can’t do it!”

“You little fool!” Rose grabbed Elise’s wrist and forced her hand down between her open thighs. “Haven’t you realized by now there’s no room for your ridiculous modesty around here.”

Elise felt her face burning. Tears began to well up in her eyes as Rose, gripping her hand, forced Elise’s fingers in and out of her wet pussy.

“Please don’t…” Elise begged, but her pleads were ignored.

“That’s a good little slut. You like that don’t you?”

“I… I…”

Rose chuckled. Her actions were soon to be accompanied by the squelching sounds of Elise’s juicy cunt.

“Good, now continue by yourself,” Rose told her, pulling away and standing up.

Again Elise hesitated.

“I’ve had just about as much of your prissy behavior as I’m going to take, slut.” Rose lunged forward to pinch Elise’s erect nipples between her fingers and thumbs. Elise’s face controlled in pain and she cried out as Rose squeezed and twisted. “Now work those fucking fingers of yours!”

Her face wet with tears, Elise sniffed and slowly pushed her middle and index fingers inside her pussy. Although her humiliation, it felt good and so she pressed them in a little further. She looked up at Rose, now licking her lips and suspected panting as she focused on sweet young girl before her.

Elise took a deep breath, then bit down on her lower lip and began pumping in and out in a slow rhythmic motion. Within minutes she could feel her hard little clip rubbing against her palm, and the unmistakable scent of hersex wafted though the air.

She didn’t want to enjoy herself. She didn’t want to give Rose that satisfaction. She moaned. The overpowering sensing of her arousal burn between her legs and a trickle of warm sweat ran down between her breasts. “I won’t do it. I won’t climax!” she told herself in silent defiance. However, as her hand rubbed over her smoothly hide sex and her fingers penetrated deeper, she realized that would be almost impossible. The heat between her legs now radiated up her body. It made her cunt ache and nipples tingle. Ignoring the fact that she was being watched, she closed her eyes and began fucking herself harder. Oh, yes, she was so close. Fuck that bitch, Rose. Any second now she would have to…

Suddenly Elise’s hand jerked and her mouth dropped open release an Agnizing cry as the burning lash of Rose’s whip licked across her backside.

“I didn’t give you permission to cum!”

“Please, Rose. Please may I cum?” Elise begged, still holding her hand between her tights.

“Oh, so you want to finger yourself now, do you?” Rose smiled. “I don’t think you really know what you want. How fortunate for you that Rose does. Yes, Rose knows what little sluts need.” Then tapping the back of Elise’s hand, she added, “remove you hand and keep your legs spread.”

Elise hesitated.

Rose slapped the back of the girl’s hand with her crop.

Elise winced and pulled it away. Perhaps if she co-operated Rose would leave her alone to finish what she had started.

“Show me your fingers,” Rose demanded.

Once again Elise felt her face burning with embarrassment. She lifted her sticky wet fingers. Rose immediately snatched them up, leaned over and slowly licked each one with her thick tongue. Elise Instinctively tried to draw her hand back; however, Rose grinned and kept her firm grip while continuing to lick. Again Elise tried to pull away. This time Rose released it.

“You taste good, slut.”

Then looping her fingers into the ring attached to Elise’s collar she dragged the girl across the room. Elise spluttered, as her collar pulled and tightened around her neck. Rose released her grip then stood there shimming up her skirt before sitting on the edge of the bed. Elise immediately recoiled. She could clearly see, from her position on the floor, that the woman wasn’t wear any panties! Her large purplish colored clip, covered with a frothy stickiness, protruded from between thick smooth flaps like some kind of grotesque mutant flower. Elise reeled back, only to have Rose tangle her fingers though her hair, and pull her forward again, forcing the girl’s face between her muscle legs.

“Lick, little slut, just like I trained you.”

Elise inhaled deeply as if by holding her breath she might spare herself some of the revulsion.

Rose smelled clean but with a very distinct and strong cent of arousal.

Elise parted her lips and pressed her mouth against Rose’s cunt. As that oversized clip filled Elise’s mouth, she couldn’t help but be amazed at its size.

“That’s a good little slut. Use your tongue now.”

Closing her eyes, Elise extended her tongue and lapped at the underside of Rose’s clip before tasting the tip.

“Now use your whole mouth.”

As she sucked Rose’s clip between her lips and teeth she could feel it throbbing “Bite it! Bite the bitch!” she told herself in an instance of loathing. “Yes, now…”

“Oh, yes, you’re such a good little slut.”

“Yes, I’m good,” Elise reminded herself. “I’m very good, and good little sluts do as they’re told.” She continued the tongue fucking with expert ease. Opening and closing her mouth, Elise pouted her lips up Against the plump flesh, slurping at Rose’s wet cunt as if she were enjoying a ripe peach. Then as she felt the woman’s body quivering with heated excitement, an odd feeling of pride and power filled her.

Rose lay back on thebed, resting on her elbows and panting like a bitch in heat. She tossed her head back, her upper lip curled, she moaned then let out a labored cry. A rush a warm fluid shot out of her, wetting Elise’s face and dripping down her chin. Rose had climaxed.


Elise’s back ached and she felt sweaty and dirty. It all feel like a disgusting dream; however, now that she had endured this humiliation Perhaps she would be left alone? Yes, as soon as Rose had gone, she would take a bath, a long hot bath to rid herself of this woman’s touch and smell.

Rose stood up and smoothed her skirt down over her hips and legs. She then sat down on the bed again and addressed Elise: “You will stay there with your back straight, your head up and your legs spread for an hour.” She glanced at her watch, “your time begins now.”

Chapter Twelve – A Single Rose

To love someone so much that you can’t bear not be around them and yet to know that you can never hold on to them, is aterrible curse.

Rose leaned up against the doorway and gazed in at the two women, each so totally immersed in the other’s pleasure that neither noticed her standing there.

“Oh, yes! Yes, just like that, my sweet little slut.” Layla gripped the ends of the armsrests and, closing her eyes, tossed her head back, allowing her long silky hair to cascade down behind the chair. Her lovely face, now glistening with delicate perspiration, flushed with pleasure.

Elise’s soft brown curls gently bounced as her head bobbed between Layla’s open legs, one hand placed on her mistress’s knee and the other rubbing and prodding her own sweet pussy.

“Elise, my sweet little slut, Rose has taught you well. Oh, yes! Yes… so very well!”

Upon hearing those words, a rush of pride filled Rose, and her lips formed a weak smile. Once again she had been responsible for Layla’s enjoyment, and nothing could possibly please her more.

Rose had been attracted to Layla the moment theyhad met. In the weeks that followed, she had been powerless not fall in love with her employer’s wife. Night after night she would lay in bed, fantasizing about Layla. Day after day her heart would break as she watched Edward and Layla together.

To care for someone so much that nothing else matters except their happiness… how many people experience that in their lifetime? Rose knew that kind love. To be able to comfort and care for Layla and have her depend on her for so much was an honor and privilege that Rose would have to always suffer.

The day Edward died Rose felt her heart would surely break – but not for him – for Layla.

Treasured memories of that evening when Rose had comfortable and then seduced Layla came flooding back, and for a moment in her mind’s eye, she imagined herself sitting there with her mistress instead of Elise. She smiled wryly. A beautiful creativity like Layla could never have feelings for a woman like her. Rose knew that, and so she had never spoken of that night since.

She starred neverly at her mistress for a moment longer before quietly moving away from the door. Earlier Layla had mentioned she might like a chocolate torte for dessert. Rose would need to begin preparing it soon… And her bed… Rose had noticed the jasmine was now in bloom… Layla might like some sprinkled on her sheets… And the air was beginning to cool… Rose would needed to fetch a bucket of kindling in case Layla may need a fire to warm herself later… Yes, there was always so much to do.


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