The Pink Orchid #01

Meat-face and Irwin wandered into the park area near Washington D.C.’s Dupont Circle that was called “P Street Beach.”

“See, this is where the faggots hang out, Irwin.” Meat said to his grinning cousin. “This is a better use for our steel Louisville Sluggers than the bullshit that Molinari wanted.”

Irwin grunted in assent. Mr. Molinari, their protocol officer, had set They were going to use the bats as an outlet, all right.

Irwin was just pure evil, but Meat knew he was on a mission here. He felt these uncomfortable urges, and when he’d been in locker rooms or other places where sweety naked guys hung out, he’d found himself doing stuff…

He’d sucked a guy’s root before! Then, of course he’d beaten the shit out of the faggot, for seducing him into it.

It had destroyed his normal feelings, poor Meat. Priscilla, his chick complained that Meat didn’t get “handsy” with her no more.

He found himself in public restrooms, actually letting wussy little guys fuck him in the ass. What the hell was wrong with Meat?

So he would get his own back tonight. Let’s show these homos how to act.

They found a couple of fruits bum-fucking right near the bridge.

“We got to be careful, Meat-face” Irwin said, looking around nervously. Last year they had picked up a queer at one of those fag bars and told him they’d let him mess with them in the woods.

After he’d blown them both, they’d beaten the shit out of him and left him for dead, but he’d come to and the cops had found him.

They’d gotten arrested and the judge had sentenced them to work in a goddamn soup kitchen, but if it happened again, they could really be facing jail time.

Just for doing God’s work, can you believe it?

Meat ignored Irwin, and stepped closer to the two men.

They both had their pants down and one had his hands on the huge wall that held up the bridge, and the other one was humping him.

There was a quiet whistle, and Meat and Irwin turned around, and there was Guido, Sugarfoot and Eyeball.

And yes, they had their Louisville Sluggers, too!

But the faggots heard the whistle, too, and looked up. The top man pulled his dirty penis out of the other one, and Meat, against his will, looked at it hungrily.

Even with the shit on it, wow, do I want to…no, no. It’s 1977, and I should be getting laid in a disco. But I got to teach these perverts a lesson first!

“Ready for the party?” Eyeball laughed. Eyeball had smoked a little too much angel dust and just lived for this shit.

The queers pulled up their perverted pants, and backed off “P-please don’t hurt us.” one said. Meat-face saw the guy had a wedding ring on.

His poor wife, think about it. He’s out here having fun and she’s at home! Not having fun, Meat-face. Doingsick shit.

“Ready to meet God, you sodomites?” Sugarfoot screamed. Sugar’s daddy was a Pentocostal preacher.

Meat’s dick got hard as he watched the little fairs pleading and crying.

“How about you boys, ready to meet the hospital?”

This friendly voice came from behind them.

Meat turned and looked, and son of a bitch, it was that FREAK in the pink tank top and shorts…with the mask.

“Oh shit, it’s that Pink Orchid guy.” Irwin said. They’d read about this psycho.

The Orchid had broken up a bunch of fag-bashing parties around D.C, and then he’d exposed that nice lady, the former showgirl who campaigned against faggots being teachers.

It turned out she was embezzling money from some foundation and she was in jail Now. But the Orchid freak wouldn’t have messed with her, except she was going after the homos.

And what a homo he was!

“So, guys, you want to use your bats to slam a couple of gentles who are enjoying that love that can’t be mentioned?”

Meat had to admit, the Orchid was a good looking guy. The domino mask, it looked like he was a fruity Lone Ranger, but he had the pecs, for a fairly small guy.

“You wanna be first?”

Sugarfoot stepped up close to the Orchid and swung the steel bat at the Orchid’s head. Quick as a flash, the Orchid’s foot came up in some kinda weird Oriental Bruce Lee shit, and caught Sugar across the wrist.

Sugar’s wrist snapped, the Orchid must be one helluva kicker, and he fell to his knees, moaning.

“Want to suck my dick while you’re down there?” the Pink Orchid punctuated the first kick with a second one, right into Sugar’s chin.

Eyeball and Irwin jumped at the Orchid next, with disastrous results.

Meat watched with horror as his friends were devastated physically by that agile little weirdo, the Pink Orchid. Using a combination of Oriental shit and old fashioned boxing, the Orchid kicked serious ass.

The faggots that had been making it clapped their hands with glee, and after it was all over, and the gang staggered off, Orchid kissed both men on the cheese, and bowed.

“But stay out of the parks, boys.”

“It’s hard to find a place.” one of them said apologetically. “My wife is home.”

The Orchid handed one of them a key. “Go to St. Stanilaus’s and use the key to get in, you can fuck in the pews until dawn. I have a friend who is a priest.”

“That kind of friend?” one of the fags asked, and the three of them laughed, and the Orchid watched as the two ran off happily in the moonlight.

Then the Orchid turned. “What about you, you don’t want to try and kick my ass?”

Meat had been hiding like a little coward behind the bridge probability, and he came out. “How did you know I was still here?”

“Oh, I’m a trained detective.” the Orchid said cheerily. “Like Batman, but I could really use two or three Robins, if you know what I mean.”

Meat-face was far bigger than the Orchid, but he trebled. “Please don’t hurt me.”

“I guess I’ll let you off.” the Orchid said, smiling. “I should shove your bat up your ass, but why don’t you go home and ask whatever God you pray to for forgiveness.”

“I-I just got these feelings sometimes, and it pisses me off,you know?”

The Orchid stood a little closer to Meat, and unzipped his pink shorts.

“What kind of feelings?”

Meat wasn’t sure how he fell to his knees and began sucking the Orchid’s long, pink snake. When the Orchid grabbed Meat’s ears and shot hard down his throat, Meat thought he might be in heaven.

Astoundingly, the Orchid had such stamina that he then snapped his fingers and pointed to the ground, and Meat-face meekly pulled down his jeans and stuck his ass in the air and the Orchid came in for big time “sodomy”

Superheroes are so necessary in today’s society!


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