The Pink Orchid #03

The bathroom door opened, and Wenceslas Octavian Meatowski emerged, a satiated man. Jeez, getting my dick sucked twice in about forty-five minutes. Hugh had taken Meat to see a priest that was really different from Father Bendetti.

But he wasn’t sure, still whether or not this was some kinda sin. He did know that the Roy Cohn guy was freaky for other reasons. He’s still inna john putting on some kind of rouge.

Meat remembered the old-fashioneds he was supposed to fetch, but then he noticed Hugh talking to some fat chick, and Hugh was holding a drink.

Hugh obviously had noticed the bathroom “incident” and he turned up at Meat, who felt somewhat uncomfortable.

Hugh and Beverly were indeed in quite a chat.

“I’m sorry Aunt Peggy is so pompous, Hugh.” Beverly giggled.

“Have you thought about my idea?”

“You mean the marriage proposal? I talked about it with Gertie and she thinks it’s incredibly weird.”

“A lot of so called couples at the Mattachine group are married. Fairies with sluts for men, fairies who have married bull-daggers like you, Bev.”

“But what about Gertrude? We can’t all live in your house together. And I won’t live without her.” Beverly sipped her rum punch. “Even though Aunt Peggy thinks it’s weird.”

“Well, Gertrude is a Negro–“

“She’s black, Hugh. it’s the goddamned Seventies.”

“Uh, yes–“

“Say it. “Bla-a-ck.”

“Okay, for God’s sake, she’s black. Anyway, she could–well you both could live in the basement. People might think she’s a maid.”

“She has a biology degree. She has to drive a bus, but that’s just bigtry.”

“Your folks want you to get married. Oh, by the way, how did the light show go?”

Beverly snorted. “We went to the church, and that fucking pig Minson was preaching about sodomy, and the crowd was going wild.

Gertie and I were up in the rafters and we were going to show the slides against the wall, with Minson and the hustlers–“

“But what happened?”

“Fucking technical glitch. I think someone stepped on the cord, since plugged in down in the gallery. I think you may have to come do it next time, Hugh.”

“Sure. Look, this dating thing is a good idea. I mean, the Orchid needs you too, but people are pressuring you to get married, and of course I’m up for re-election.”

“Yeah. Aunt Peggy is thrilled. We’ve only been “dating” for a short time, but we’ve known each other since Dartmouth, and maybe it’s the best thing. But Gertie says it’s dishonest.”

“It’s the world we live in.”

“Have you figured out how you’re going to confront the guy who runs ‘Sequestered Sodomites’ yet? I mean, the school is still in a undisclosed location.”

“It’s not a school, Bev, it’s a torture hospital where they convert unwilling queers.”

“I know. Do you know how to find it?”

“Actually, I think I may have access to the director.”


“Thursday afternoons, Cipriani goes to the Olympic Baths over on 14th and H.”

Beverly wrinkled her pug nose.

“Jesus are they ALL close cases?”

Peggy smiled as she watched her niece talk with her new boyfriend. Peggy’s brother and Beverly’s father, Calvin, had been suspicious of the Congressman, perhaps because he felt the only reason a handsome kid like Hugh would be after his fat daughter was money.

And They had that, nouveau riche that they were.

Calvin found out from a private investigator that Beverly first met Hugh when he was a dishwasher at the Florence Crittenden Home, when Bev had to stay there with her unfortunate accident junior year.

It is a horrible thing to be an unwed mother, a slut, and it is probably why she is so pudgy now, the baby weight stayed.

But apparently Beverly found comfortable talking to Hugh, and told him about her studies at Dartmouth…

And she was responsible for his getting a scholarship!

And they remained friends until recently, when it became romanti.

Calvin didn’t approve of Hugh, apparently he was raised at Father Flanagan’s Boys Town, but he went through law school, and now he’s a Congressman!

And maybe he and Beverly can get married.

And she can throw out that mouthy Negro roommate of hers.

We can only hope!


Aguilar Cipriani put the last of his clothes in the locker, locked it, and put the key, suspended from a rubber band, on his fat ankle.

Walking down the hall to the pool, Cipriani smiled with pleasure at the sight of the nice colored boy twitching his little rear.

As a matter of principle, Cipriani was opposed to integration, but it was nice to have a few darkies here at the bathhouse, they just have the biggest ah…

A white haired burgher with a towel knotted around him, stopped to say hello.

“I really appreciate what you’ve been able to do with my grandson. He complained about the shock treatments, but I think we’vescared the straight into him.”

“Don’t worry about it. Otto.”

“I get the impression some kid’s family is trying to sue you because you went too far? Do you need legal representation?”

“No, they’d have to find the Center first.” Cipriani grinned.

“We don’t really get contacted directly, just through middle men. And the kid got hurt from a fall.”

“Seriously, that’s it?”

“Well, my Assistant Director might have thrown him down the stairs a little, but we have to kind of beat the gay outta them. The big thing is, how did he escape to tell his folks?”

“Check out the blondie with the big sausage over by the pool. Damn, he’s going at it with that big freak.”

Meat was really starting to enjoy his work with Hugh. He seemed to be getting his ashes hauled about every fifteen minutes.

This yella haired little mince was tight, but Meat was getting his meat in there, oh my God. Meat reached around and toyed with Blondie’s uncircumcised cock.

“Oooh yes, more, baby. You are a big thing aren’t you?” the little blond boy moaned.

Meat ran his left hand up the young man’s pretty chest, while he jerked him with the right, harder and harder, and fucked from behind.

“You’re so pretty, um…”

“F-Floyd. And you’re–Meat?” Floyd laughed.” I guess that’s obvious.”

“I wish I could look at your pretty face while we do this.”

“Next time we’ll get a room and you can fuck my ass from the front and look at me all you want, Meat.”

“You have such beautiful lips, and one of them Van Dick bears.”

“That’s Van Dyke, but that’s a great future colloquialism.”


“Never mind. You’re just out of the closet, I guess.”

“Well, I have been doin’ it more lately.” Meat felt like he might cum, but he held back. He wanted Floyd’s dick to cream first. Meat was of service these days.

“I think I could tell, because you breathed funny when I mentioned doing it face to face.”

“Yeah, I never done that before. I never did a lot of stuff.”

“Have you ever done fisting?”

“What’s that?”

“We’ll get to it, Meat. I guess it’s a whole new world for you.”

“Yeah, I feel a little guilty, but kind of free, too. You are like a guy Marilyn Monroe.”

“Hey” Floyd looked behind him and noted his new friend seemed a little Distracted.

“Meat, what are you looking at?”

“Just my boss. He’s talking to maybe the biggest creep in here.” Meat grunted as he pounded his hammer home.

Meat was amazed at how much he’d changed in so short a time. He wondered if he could talk to Eyeball and Irwin about their activities, but Hugh said just to find out where they’d be the next time they went fag-bashing.

“Your boss comes here with you? He must be very tolerant.”

“And a little weird.” Jesus, watch Hugh making nice with that fat creep. The guy is scoping Hugh out, and Hugh pasted on a little ‘stache, a handlebar thing, so he won’t be recognized asa Congressman.

Yup, the guy is going into the little room he rented first. Hugh’s winding at me.

That idiot will be telling us real soon where the Hospital of Horrors is.

Go Pink Orchid!


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