The Photo Shop Ch. 38

Although each chapter is a story on its own, you might enjoy it more by starting with chapter 1 as there may be references to characters or events that happened in previous chapters. All characters participating in sexual activity in the stories are 18 or over. This story is entirely a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents portrayed in it are the work of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or localities is entirely coincidental.

To help you keep track of the different characters in the series, a list can be found on my author’s page in order of their appearance in the stories.

Chapter 38: Petra’s lost wager pay-up.

After Saturday’s session with Georgina in the cellar, I was now all geared up to have Petra finally pay up on the fighter I won a few weeks ago when she gave me my unexpected birthday present and I was able to make her cum within 10 minutes using my oral skills.

I’ll ask her tomorrow morning when she shows up for her weekly cleaning session, but I also wanted to use this session with Petra to finally get Beth to do something about the paintings depicting BDSM scenes she had promised Tanja for display in the club. I didn’t think Petra would object to posing for drawings or paintings, she didn’t object to being photographed in the nude before, the question was of course if she would be available in the evening and if Beth was as well. Only one way to find out: call them.

After a long ten or so rings, Beth picked up, “Hello Beth, Lew,”

“Hi, Lew what’s up so late on a Sunday evening?”

“I’ve been thinking how I could help you to finally get those paintings or drawings you promised to Tanja done; there are two possibilities. I can do another similar session with you like we used to convince you to do the exhibition, or I could propose an alternative and a perhaps less frustrating way for you to do this.”

“Although in the end, I very much liked the way you convinced me for the exhibition, I’m open to other suggestions. Do tell, you’re making me curious.”

“Tomorrow night, I hope to have a two-hour session with Petra in the club, why and how is not important… Though it’s not a secret so you may as well know, I had a bet with her and she lost, so she now owes me this two-hour total submission session in the cellar. I was thinking this might be a good opportunity for you to get some good sketches which you can then turn into the long-overdue paintings for Tanja.”

“Who is Petra, and what was this bet about? I bet it had to do with sex.”

“Oh, you don’t know her. She’s my Polish cleaning lady. She’s got a smokering body: she used to dabble in bodybuilding and even won a few Contests when she was younger. She doesn’t mind posing, clothed or otherwise… and why do you always think when I make bets it has to do with sex?”

“Hey I know you, mister, let’s say that 95% of what you door bet about has to do with sex, so come on spill the beans what did you bet with her – that you could last more than half an hour staying hard?”

“No, not really, if you must know, one day I bet her I could make her come with my mouth in less than 10 minutes.”

“You don’t say. That’s a bet I would like to take with you as well, but I’d love to lose it.”

“Keep on dreaming girl, from you I know upfront I will win, there would be no challenge.”


“OK, but what about it, are you game? Provided I can convince Petra to go for this extra, which was not part of the bet, so there might be a model fee involved.”

“If you think you can convince this Petra of yours, I’m OK with it, and I’m willing to pay her a model fee. I’ve been trying to get Tanja off my back for a long time on this subject but she doesn’t relent, so maybe I should finally give in to her and get it done, even if it costs me some money. If we do it this way, at least I won’t have anaudience while I’m sketching or painting with just the three of us in the club. So OK, count me in, just let me know when I need to be there. Oh before I forget, will you be taking pictures as well?”

“Yes, I will.”

“Great they could be useful later when I do the actual paintings. It always helps to have sketches and photos of the subject.”

“Petra comes at 8 tomorrow morning and I’ll ask her straightaway – expect a call from me shortly after.”

“Excellent, talk to you tomorrow then.”

Like clockwork, Petra rang my bell Monday morning at 8 and I let her in. When she came up to the apartment, I asked her if she had anything going on after work.

No, she said she was free, so I asked her if she was willing to pay up for her lost wager of a few weeks ago that evening.

“To be honest, I was hoping you would have forgotten about it,” she said with a shy smile.

“Sorry dear but I never forget a bet I’ve won. The club is closed tonight, so how about you pay-up then?”

“If I must.”

“Don’t worry you’ll enjoy it, I promise, there is one little detail though, I won’t be alone.”

“What do you mean, you won’t be alone? Will somebody else join in torturing me?”

“No, nobody else will be there to torture you, I’ll probably be the only one tickling your strings, but there will be someone to make sketches to be turned into paintings. If you’re OK with that there will probably even be a modeling fee involved, so you’ll not only enjoy yourself, but you may even make some money as well.”

“I’m not a prostitute Lew!” she said, sounding rather angry.

“The fee you will get has nothing to do with prostitution Petra, you will be paid as a painter’s or photographer’s model.”

“I see, OK, then that sounds acceptable – I don’t want to be looked upon as a prostitute.”

“Believe me Petra you are not, you are too dear to me for that, so is it OK if I call the painter and tell them you agree?”

“Yes, who is the painter by the way? Anybody, I know?”

“It’s Bethany.”

“I still love that painting of hers you bought for me, but I had no idea she did those kinds of paintings as well?”

“She promised Tanja to do some BDSM painting for the clubhouse and has been putting it off, a bit like you with this bet you lost, so now the both of you can finally do what you are supposed to do, and you can do it together. No strange man during the session, but someone you are accustomed to, after all, she has already seen your pussy when she weed your pleasure garden, remember?”

“Yes she did and I’m still happy I had that done, she is ever so gentle.”

“Well then think of your session with me as a visit to the beauty parlor for a Brazilian, it hurts while it’s being done but the reward afterwards is just great.”

“You can talk birds out of a tree can’t you?”

“So I’m told darling, now go about your business, see you for lunch? And when you get home after work, rest up so you look bright-eyed and bushy-tailed this evening.”

“And will these paintings then be exhibited in the club?”

“That’s the idea.”

“And will I be recognized?”

“That entirely depends on you; it’s your call whether your face will be discernable or more blurred, or we can give you a mask to wear. You need to let Bethany know what you want.”

“Mmmhmm I’ll think about it, I’ll let you and Beth know tonight shall I?”

“Yes dear, tonight is fine, Beth will ask you the question anyway.”

The day took its course as Mondays usually do with some laundry, some reading: partly purely technical stuff about cameras and photo techniques but also the odd story on Literotica or WLP. I love to read sexy stories, they sometimes give me good ideas on e.g. what I might do with Petra tonight. Don’t forget I’m still learning all this BDSM stuff. As happens regularly when I’m home I had lunch together with Petra, over our time together, she had told me about her life in Poland before she came to Belgium. She was very meticulous in telling everything in chronological order, we had arrived at the time when she’d turned 18, in fact exactly in the middle of her current life, and about eight years before she came to our lovely country.

“My 18th birthday was a real turning point in my life, I left home and finally became a free woman.”

“What do you mean free woman, you were not enslaved or anything were you?”

“No not exactly, but my family was very religious and dictated a very austere lifestyle when I compared my life to that of my friends at school. I felt oppressed, by all the little rules, the clothes I was, or wasn’t allowed to wear. I could well have been a nun living in a convent but I wanted more out of life. I was very good at gymnastics, I was extremely flexible and I wanted to develop my body. I had been reading secretly about bodybuilding and developed a keen interest in the sport. I was also listening to Western music – don’t forget we just came out of a Communist regime in those days and were discovering what the West had to offer. I heard the Queen song, ‘I Want to Break Free’ and that’s what I wanted as well. I had no idea it was about something entirely different but the words inspired me the break free from my family and the religious oppression.”

“So you were a real rebel then?”

“Yes, I was. I signed up in a bodybuilding club and quickly found a coach who took me under his wing, aside from the other things he took from me.”

“Did he takes your money?”

“No, he took my virginity, barely 3 months after he started coaching me. At least he had the decrease to always use a condom when he had sex with me, or else I would have become pregnant pretty soon. Well for the first few months anyway, after that he introduced me to birth control. In the beginning, it was all very exciting, but after a while, it became boring, always the same thing, missionary, missionary, and more missionary.”

“I see and tonight, if you wish, your second visit to the world of BDSM?”

“Yes, I’m looking forward to it, but at the same time I’m afraid.”

“That’s a big part of the game dear, the fear of what will happen to you and what pain or pleasure you will be subjected to, and how it will affect your body. It can be addictive sometimes, for the Dom as well as the sub. I ran an experiment the other day with my former Tai massage girl Mila and Jada, the girl working in the shop. For Mila, it was the first time she was subjected to BDSM, and I let her play the role of a sub as well as a dom. She proved the theory that being put in charge makes you go overboard.”

“How is that? What happened?”

“Well, first I had Jada float her and then allowed her to float Jada in turn. At the start it was OK, but after a while, she became rather vicious and if I hadn’t stopped her she would have continued and beaten Jada within an inch of her life. She was very surprised when I confronted her with her behavior afterwards, not expecting that she would take it that far.”

“I sure hope you won’t get carried away tonight.”

“Fear not, I’ve got myself very well under control, besides hurting women is totally against my nature, I always get complaints I’m far too soft for fetish play, so your hide is safe with me. But please tell me more about your bodybuilding career.”

“Oh yes where was I?”

“You fled home, and got involved with this bodybuilding coach who took your virginity after 3 months.”

“After 6 months I began to participate in small local competitions, slowly climbing up from being last the first time I participated, to bronze, silver, and finally gold medals. Within a year I was on the stages of national competitions, ready to jump to international contents, and that’s when it started to go wrong. When you’re at that level it takes more to get ahead than just practice, you need to take stuff to build supernatural muscles.”

“You mean steroids?”

“Yes, that’s exactly what I mean, in the top competitions it’s mostly fake and to be able to pay for all this stuff, some of it illegal of course, you need to do things I was not prepared to do. I saw girls who began to pose in the nude and from there it’s just a tiny step into pornography, and that’s where I drew the line. Sex with my coach, OK, but being filmed having sex with God knows who or sex with influential people to win that special conversation, no thank you. I bailed out. I love to have sex, believe me…”

“I know that you love to have sex dear, and you’re very good at it, but I can see the difference between having sex with a person you like and having sex with a person you abhor to obtain something you may not even want in the first place.”

“Yes I learned that my coach was making some serious money off my back, so in the end, he also took my money, which you thought he did in the first place.”

“What happened then?”

“I got married to another bodybuilder I had met on the circuit, but by that time I was turning 28 and had my fill of this bodybuilding world. During some of the competitions we had the chance to visit more Western European countries, we even went to the States twice. When we saw how people live here, we didn’t have to think very long before deciding to emigrate, and since we didn’t want to go to one of the big countries in Western Europe we choose Belgium. You may have the highest taxes in Europe, but the people are friendly, it was easy for my ex-husband to find work, you have lots of Polish workers here in construction. There’s even one in one of your soaps on TV. And there is an excellent social security network. To top it all, your cuisine is outstanding, and I must confess I do like beer.”

“My, my, I’ve got a cleaning lady that is addicted to beer?”

“No, no I’m not addicted to beer, not like my ex-husband anyway, I just enjoy all the different tastes and the huge range to choose from.”

“Yes, we do have quite an association: we’re nearing 2000 different ones. If you want to try them all you’ll have your work cut out for the next 5 to 6 years, shall I put one to cool for you for tonight?”

“I’d appreciate that, though for after the session please; I want to have all my senses on alert during the shoot.”

“That’s the spirit, I’ve got a couple I’m absolutely sure you’ve not tasted yet.”

“Oh, which ones?”

“That will be a surprise for tonight – like your session in the cellar.”

Around four Petra went home, with the promise to be back, well-rested, and ready to pay up at 7 pm. I called Beth to tell her it was a go for tonight and told her about the question of Petra’s face not being recognized in the final paintings. She assured me that was not a problem, she could always blur it or even paint a totally different face on the body. Alternatively, we could work, as I suggested, with a mask, real or painted on. All were possible.

At 10 to 7, Beth arrived, a bit nervous.

“Oh my God Lew, I’ve never done anything like this before, I’m not sure if I can do it.”

“Relax darling. Petra, had one small session with me before, but posing for paintings is also totally new for her, and as for me, I’m still an appreciation Master in the noble art of BDSM, so you are among peers, or should I say, fellow amateurs.

I hope you bring all your stuff for the sketches or are you working directly on canvas?”

“Oh no certainly not, I’ll make sketches first and I will rely heavily on you to provide photos of the poses I want to paint. The actual painting will be done much later, at home.”

“Great, oh I hear the bell, I guess our model has arrived, let’s go down.”

I let Petra in and we went to the cellar. Some pleasuresantries were exchanged between Petra and Beth: both of them were very nervous, and neither knew how to behave. OK, Beth had seen Petra partially naked when she had given her the Brazilian, but that was still entirely different from seeing somebody being subjected to pain and probably, if I do my job right, reaching one or more orgasms. The whole thing was made more complicated by Tanja, who had made it very clear to Beth when they discussed it, what and how many paintings she was expecting from her. These were not easy drawings, because it was equally important to show both the pain and the pleasure in the paintings.

“OK ladies let’s not beat about the bush and get cracking. Petra I’ve put some clothes for you in the dressing room, remove yours and put them on please.”

“Why? What’s wrong with what I’m wearing? I’ll be naked pretty quickly, won’t I?”

“Yes you will, but I suspect you won’t appreciate the way I want to remove your clothes if they are yours.”

“What do you have in mind Lew?”

“First, from now on it’s Master Lew or simply Master and what I have in mind is one of many surprises you will get tonight! Chop-chop, get a move on, the clockis ticking.”

“Yes, Master Lew!”

Petra disappeared into the dressing room to don the clothes I had laid out for her. She reappeared forthwith barefoot in a small, virginal white, short dress, rather similar to the dress Linda had defeat as the main act during the inauguration ceremony, but neither of my participants today knew about that. I took her hand and guided her to the center, exactly where Linda had stood before her.

Beth approached, sketchbook and pencil in hand, but stayed well out of our way. I put Velcro handcuffs on Petra and, attached them to the bar above her head, making her stand on tiptoe with her arms spread as wide as possible. Moving behind her, I began to slide my hands over her body, sometimes with the upward movements sliding the dress so far up that her panties became visible. As I hadn’t provided a bra, I could get a good feel of her boobs when I cupped them through the thin material. Quickly her nipples became very prominent, making it easy topinch them with my fingers, and drawing a moan from her lips. I let my hands roam freely over her outstretched arms and upper body, making her shiver in anticipation of what I would do next.

Before I moved in front of her, I shot a few pictures and then exchanged the camera for a big sharp knife. Petra looked at me with fear in her eyes, especially when I began to slide the edge of the knife over her pebbled nipples towards her abdomen and down to the hem of the dress. I grabbed the neck of the little dress and pulled it forward, well away from her body, then I moved the knife under the dress upward until it rested between her breasts. I kept the sharp edge of the knife against the dress and away from her naked body, and in one swift movement, stuck the point through the material towards me and pulled it downward, cutting the dress from between her breasts to the hem, and creating a huge split. Petra gasped but didn’t utter a word. Beth was busy sketching.

“That’s much better my pet, a nice split makes the dress far more alluring, let’s do the same to the back. You could wear this dress on the red carpet at a festival when I’m done adjusting it.” I whispered in her ear.

Moving to her back that’s exactly what I did but from far higher up. I put the knife away and took a pair of industrial scissors from my pants pocket, opening and closing them right in front of her eyes, barely an inch away from her cute nose. Her eyes were focused on the scissors so she was surprised when I put my hand on her panty-clad pussy and gave it a nice rub. Her panties already felt slightly moist. Good, that’s exactly what I wanted to achieve.

I intended to do a Bethany on her, getting her extremely aroused and then denying her the ultimate pleasure, making her beg for release. I put the scissors into the dress, between her boobs, where I had begun the split I created with the knife, and began cutting upward until the split was complete, from her neck all the way tothe hem, creating an enormous plunging neckline, but still keeping her boobs partly hidden.

When I stepped back I could now clearly see the wet spot on her panties. Moving to her back I created the same kind of split on that side. Her dress was now neatly cut in two, with each part hanging from her shoulders but still covering the fun parts. Next were the short sleeps that needed to be remodeled. Starting at the bottom of the right sleep I began to cut away up to and over her shoulder and upon the last snap, the right-hand part of the dress fall from her body, puddling on the floor and completely revealing her cute right breast. The left-hand side quickly followed, leaving her topless.


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