The Photo shop by Candyman666©
All characters participating in sexual activity in the stories are 18 or over. Please don’t be afraid to let me know what you think of my stories. This story is entirely a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents portrayed in it are the work of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or localities is entirely coincidental.
To help you keep track of the different characters in the series, a list can be found on my author’s page in order of their appearance in the stories.
Chapter 40: Gina and Victoria’s BDSM evening.
After the very tiring adventures of the previous evening, I only woke up around 8 Sunday morning. The girls were still in dreamland as evidenced by the complete silence in the apartment. So I took my time in the bathroom, taking a nice hot shower and shaving all over. At 8:30 I tired them and went to the kitchen to start breakfast. I needed to feed my guests well as they had a busy day in Brussels ahead of them: they wanted to see all the sights.
On the top of their list was the world-renowned status from the middle ages of “Manneken pis”, a little boy taking a leak, and of course, his more recent female counterpart from 1987 ‘Jeanneke pis’. Then the Atomium, a religious from the 1958 world exhibition in Brussels. lunch was planned in the “Rue des Bouchers” famous for its numerous restaurants with the main market square within walking distance with the imposing town hall on one side.
By the time they had finished seeing all the sights, they would be dog tired, so I didn’t plan anything for this evening aside from maybe a nice home-cooked dinner and an early night. By 9 they wandered into the kitchen, washed and dressed for their day. They had planned well, knew exactly where to park the car and what route to follow to see the maximum of the sights and even do some shopping inthe famous “Nieuwstraat”, the main shopping street of the capital. They were ready to leave half an hour later.
“OK girls, I’ll have dinner on the table by 7:30, but to make sure you’ll make it, give me a call when you leave Brussels, so I can figure out, based on the traffic information on the radio, when you will arrive. For the moment there are no problems on the road so, you’ll make it in about an hour from here via the E12 to the center of the city.
When they were gone, the first thing I did was go to the bakery and get some vol-au-vent puff pastry shells for the evening I again wanted to serve a traditional dish, filling the pastry with chicken and mushrooms in a creamy sauce, with croquettes or French fries, I hadn’t decided yet. While I was there, I treated myself to one of my favorites a “Merveilleux” a sweet made of Two meringues with lots of cream and chocolate shavings on the side, I took a couple for the girls as well for dessert. Back home I cooked the chickenken and did all the rest of the preparations for the appealer.
After lunch, I took a long siesta and then went downstairs to meet with Tanja who I knew was traditionally there Sunday afternoon to prepare for the Sunday evening festivals at the club. I only hoped to find her in a good mood so she would grant me the use of the facilities with the girls on Monday evening. When I walked into the cellar a few club members were already playing with their partners, Tanja was smiling, usually a good sign.
“Hi Tanja, how’s tricks these days?”
‘Hey Lew long time no see; keeping busy upstairs are you?”
“I can’t complain, business is doing well, I see you’ve already got a few paintings from Bethany on the wall?”
“Yes she finally came through and I heard I have you to thank for it: you set it up, together with your cleaning lady Petra and Beth.”
“Yes, I had a bet with Petra about something and I won a two-hour session with her in the cellar.”
“Oh was it then that Beth participated and made her sketches?”
“Yes indeed, it was an inspiring session, for Beth, myself, and most of all for Petra, she endured the pain, but in the end, it was not really her thing. What she did enjoy immensely, was being restrained and ticckled till she came, anyway it allowed us to couple her pleasure to Beth’s practical.”
“Yes and I’ve got the first results of that session on my Walls, and I must say Bethany surprised me, I never thought she could deliver this as tastefully as she did. The paintings are inspiring and arousing at the same time without being vulgar.”
“Beth will be very pleased to hear that.”
“Oh, I told her the day she brought them over and thanked her personally in my own special way.”
“Oh God, I would have liked to have witnessed that.”
“So what brings you to the underworld?”
“You’ll be surprised to hear I’ve got another favor to ask of you.”
“You did me a favor to arrange the session with Beth, soI’ll gladly return it, tell me. Do you want to have a party in here?”
“It could turn into a party, but I not only need the facility, but also your help and participation and maybe even Jack’s.”
“Big plans Lew, tell me more; you make me curious.”
“You see I have these two Italian girls visiting me, one of whom is Catharina’s daughter. I told you about Catharina didn’t I?”
“Yes you did, the one and only true love of your life, what about her daughter?”
“Well, she is here together with the love of her life, Victoria.”
“Oh, a lesbian couple?”
“Yes and no, they are indeed a couple and deeply in love but they like boys as well.”
“They’re bi then?”
“Yes they are and after I told them about my cellar They absolutely wanted to visit and experience the lifestyle firsthand.”
“I see, that’s why you need me and Jack to help you give them that experience.”
“You are so clever Tanja,” I said with a chuckle.
“Careful Lew you’re onthin ice now.”
“Sorry Tanja, I’m just pulling your leg, I had no intention of offending you, it’s my sense of humor.”
“OK none is taken and I’m familiar with your sense of humor, so tell me what exactly do you have in mind? How good are they at taking pain? Have they ever done or seen anything like this before?”
“Wow, so many questions. I have no idea how well they react to pain, but they are young and they go regularly to the gym, and as far as I know, they’ve never seen or visited a similar facility.”
“Would they go for bondage or for the more painful stuff you think?”
“Bondage would be OK I guess, concerning the pain, you’ll have to play it by ear, I’ve never tried anything painful with them.”
“So you’ve had sex with them?”
“OK if you need to know I had sex with them together with 2 other women.”
“Wow, you never cease to astound me, you and four women, have you grown a couple more dicks I’m not aware of?”
“Tanja, you of all people should know that there is more than one way to skin a cat or a kitty and more precisely, in this particular case, 4 kitties.”
“Yes you’re right, if you really put your mind to it, you can pleasure four at the same time, I would have loved to witness the master at work, or even better to have been one of the four, could you tell me a bit more, to wet my appetite and confess me to allow you the use of the cellar and my services.”
“If you must know, they tied me in a spread eagle position on a bed, blindfolded me, and made me guess which pussy I was pleasing with my cock and with my mouth.”
“Wow, kinky, I really would have liked to have seen that, and definitely to have been one of the pussies to be pleasured.”
“Who knows what you might see Monday night if, of course, you agree to let me use the cellar and be part of the experiment.”
“You know I love a good experiment, especially when it concerns BDSM virgins – the thrill of finding out how far they arewilling to go before they crack.”
“Stop drooling Tanja and tell me if you are game or not?”
“Of course I’m game, if it was just you and me here right now I’d tie you up and fuck your cock to kingdom come.”
“Sorry can’t help you now dear, I’m still recovering from my fivesome.”
“I bet you are, I can make Monday happen on the condition you’ll put your key in my slot, and you better make me cum, or else?”
“I can live with that, but should I be afraid of the ‘or else’?”
“That mister photographer is for me to know and you to guess.”
“OK, I’ll take my chance, so we have a deal, and you can make sure Jack will be there as well with his ropes and macramé art?”
“Yes he will and stop calling it macramé, it’s bondage or Shibari.”
“OK, Tanja bondage or Shibari, whatever, how about timing? Would eight o’clock be OK for you?”
“Yes, I’ll be here a bit before to prepare and make sure they have a smoke evening, one they’ll remember for a long time.”
“No permanent damage to their bodies, mind you.”
“Of course not, I would never do that, we’re not that kind of club, pleasure is our motto, pleasure through pain.”
“Great, see you tomorrow night then, and thanks!”
“My pleasure, see you tomorrow Lew.”
I gave Tanja a chaste kiss on the cheek and went back to my place to finish the preparations for that evening’s meal. After dinner, we watched a movie I had on DVD, but halfway through it I saw both girls were dozing off, so I stopped it and advised them to go to bed as they had another full day of sightseeing the next day.
I got no argument and once they were in the bedroom I enjoyed total peace and quiet, no sex games tonight. The next morning they were up as early as I was and ready to go to Bruges by seven-thirty. The drive was a bit longer than the one to Brussels and by leaving early they would beat the rush hour. They promised to be back by 6:30, and they were. With this evening’s gamesIn mind, I served a light meal, after all, I absolutely didn’t want them to have an upset stomach or throw up during the session. Knowing Tanja it would be intense.
At a quarter to eight, I asked them if they would put on the dresses I had laid out for them. They were very similar to the dress Linda had forgotten during the inauguration. They wanted to know why they couldn’t wear their own clothes, without giving any more away about what awaited them, I informed them they might not like what would happen with the clothes during the session, finally, a little before eight I asked if they were ready to enter the dungeon, both were nervous but nodded yes. I took them via the inside stairs to their destiny.
As we entered the cellar, Tanja was waiting for us. She truly surprised me with her outfit, I’d never seen her dressed like a real dominatrix. Black leather bra pushed her tits up to the limit, black leather shorts, and thigh-high black leather boots with 5-inch spike heels, and, to complete the picture, she wielded a riding crop with a medium-size leather flap at the end. At her side, Jack was waiting also in black slacks and a black shirt, hands on his back as if waiting for Tanja’s instructions. When I opened my mouth to speak, Tanja gave me a stern look, shutting me up immediately.
“Are these the slaves you wish to be trained, Master Lew?” she asked, looking at the girls.
Staying in character I replied, “Yes they are Mistress Tanja”.
“Excellent, have you briefed them on what awaits and is expected of them?”
“Yes Mistress, I told them they need to be obedient and pay attention to your or Master Jack’s commands, and accept any treatment you wish to deliver, but I would like to point out this is their first time as slaves, they know absolutely nothing and should maybe be trained in the basics first.”
“Excellent, we’ll start with teaching them the basic positions a slave needs to assume when in the presence of a Mistress or Master. Come with me slaves and stand straight with your arms to your side. From this moment on you will address me as Mistress or Mistress Tanja and the man next to me as Master or Master Jack, but only if you are invited to speak, otherwise you will remain completely silent. Any breach of the rules will entail punishment. For your security, you will tell me what your name and your safe words are. If you use your safeword all treatment will be stopped immediately, and if you are restrained all restraints will be removed forthwith and the session will be stopped. Is that clear? Answer me slave number one and state your name,” Tanja said pointing at Gina.
“My name is Gina Mistress Tanja, and my safe word is Roma.”
“Excellent and what about you slave number two?”
“My name is Victoria Mistress and my safe word is Napoli.”
“Good, good, I understand that you are both from Italy, which is more or less confirmed by the choice of your safe words. You are aware that you willexperience pain, even sometimes severe pain during this session, nod if you understand.”
Both girls nodded.
“Excellent, I have a feeling you’ve briefed them very well Master Lew, usually by now, new slaves have already spoken without permission which would of course entail punishment. OK slaves we will start with a few standard slave positions you will need to memorize and assume immediately when the number is called, failure to do so will entail corporate punishment. Master Jack show you which instrument you will use for this punishment.”
Jack stepped forward wielding a cat-o-nine-tails flogger.
“At the moment you are in an attention position, referred to as number 1, now put your hands behind your back and spread your legs slightly, sort of like the military at ease, that is a wait position or number 2, keep this but put your hands behind your head, elbows out, that is the inspection position or number 3, the last one I want to teach you now is the Nadu position, so drop to your knees facing me, open your legs wide and put your hands on your thighs, palms up. That would be number 4.”
All of a sudden without warning Jack shouted, “One”.
Gina immediately caught on jumped up and assumed position number 1, Victoria missed the command and only got up well after Gina.
“It looks like slave Victoria is still half sleep Master Jack, she needs some encouragement from your flogger to wake her up and get with the program.”
“Slave Victoria come with me,” Victoria obediently followed Jack to a corner of the cellar, Gina followed her progress with her eyes as long as she could but had to give up or turn her head, which she understands would not be allowed and entail punishment for herself if she did. When Jack had reached his destination he commanded Victoria to raise her arms high above her head and stand still.
“You have earned yourself 5 lashes across your back slave so that you will better and faster remember what to do inthe future,” Jack proceeded to apply the lashes to Victoria’s back, I could hear that he was taking it slowly, not making it too painful but hard enough for her to understand what she was supposed to do.
“What shall we do with this cute slave?” Tanja said, all of a sudden shouting “3”. Gina scrambled to assume the inspection position, her hands behind her head.
“Very good slave Gina, you learned well, we’ll make it a bit more interesting now, hold your hands out in front of you.” While Gina did that, Tanja picked up a pair of leather handcuffs from a table near by where I noticed she had several instruments lined up, she was well prepared for this session. Handing the cuffs to me she motioned for me to put them on Gina’s wrists, which I did quickly as somehow Tanja looked a bit scary to me as well.
When the cuffs were on, Gina was led to Tanja’s favorite spot just below the winch and ordered to lift her arms as high as she could. As she was barefoot she couldn’t go that high, but that was enough for Tanja to hook the handscuffs to the hooks that were dangling down. Once that was done I saw her give a short hand signal to Jack who switched the winch on resulting in Gina being hoisted up to about a foot above the floor; nicely stretched out, unable to do anything. She was instructed to maintain that position by grabbing onto the bar right above her hands. She looked absolutely stunning, her toned body completely stretched.
“Open your legs as wide as you can slave!” Tanja said, Gina immediately compiled.
“Let’s see if you are a good slave and have forgone panties,” she said while sliding her hands up Gina’s legs and tights till she reached the spot where her legs meet. I couldn’t see what it was she was doing because of the little white dress I had ordered them to put on but judging from Gina’s facial expression, Tanja was touching her most intimate area, and going by the changing facial expressions Tanja was seriously fingering her pussy.
“Um, very nice, I can feel you are already very wet and ready and apparently nicely hide as well, I need to put that to closer inspection, give me the scissors Master,” she said to me.
I knew that in the next moments it would become very clear to Gina why I had her and Victoria wear these flimsy white dresses and not their own clothes, as Tanja began to cut, starting from the hem of the dress upward, the scissors sliding over her mons and stomach, between her breasts to the top of the dress. Her nice body started to become visible through the parting front of the dress, and within the next ten seconds, it was completely revealed as Tanja cut the shoulder strraps making it slither to the floor, puddling below her feet. God, she looked divine the way she was tightly stretched, her stomach taut, her ribcage sticking out, crowned by her firm boobs with nipples that were already like erasers. She began to have some problems trying to keep her legs spread wide as Tanja had instructed.
Tanja noticed, but kept her in that position for just a bit longer while she palmed her intimate area sliding her thumb over her clip as she removed her hand before saying, “you can close your legs now slave.” Gina let out a sight and took a deep breath of air making her body look even more exclusive than it already was, I felt my treacherous organ growing hard.
“Let’s see what You are made of slave, how well you can take the pain,” Tanja said again picking up the riding crop she had had in her hand when we came in. She began to tap Gina’s bottom lightly with the leather tongue of the crop alternating between each chef but steadily increasing the force with every tap she gave. After about ten taps Gina’s bottom began to pink up nicely but Tanja continued. I heard Gina groan.
“Silence slave!” Tanja barked, “one more peep out of you and I’ll get a whip to make you understand what it really feels like to be chatised.” Gina immediately shut up, her lips pressed together. I would have failed them if I hadn’t brought my camera with me of course, so I began to snap some pictures, receiving an approving nod and smile from Tanja, Gina also looked grateful mouth “Thank you”.
While Tanja exchanged the riding crop for a flogger and continued flogging Gina’s body all over I ventured to the corner, where Jack was playing with Victoria. He had her arms already tied closely together above her body, attached to a rope going over a pulley, stretching her in a very similar manner to Gina. This was a very uncomfortable position for Victoria which she tried to alleviate by standing on tiptoe.
When I arrived, Jack was busy tying a rope just below her ample bosom, from there he had a rope going around her neck, disappearing behind her back which he then picked up again between her legs, bringing it forward and up again, tightly over her still clad pussy and tucked it behind a rope he had tied around her waist and left it there for the moment. It became clear that he was seriously hindered by the dress she was wearing, so he took a pair of scissors, similar to the ones Tanja had used on Gina and began systematically cutting it away. Due to her obviously rising arousal, Victoria’s nipples were already almost poking holes in the dress.
“I see we need to save these babies before they hurt themselves on the material of this dress,” Jack mumbled between his teeth while pulling out the material covering one boob and cutting a nice round hole. He let it spring back so that the hard nipple was very nicely displayed, and the twin on the other side followed quickly, displaying both of them nicely through the dress.
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