The Photo Shop Ch. 31

The Photo shop by Candyman666©

Chapter 31: Grace and Lew’s second cruise week.

The weather during the second week was spectacular. We were treated to wonderful blue skies, sunshine all over, nice warm temperatures: in short ideal sunbathing and swimming weather. Almost everybody was outside next to the pool or on the sundecks. Grace and I were searching for a spot to sun Our old bones when all of a sudden I spotted Lori and Mel again. I pointed them out to Grace.

“Why don’t you go and say hello, they can’t be as bad as you make out,” she said.

“They’re not bad Grace, but they are very much into BDSM and I’m just not sure if you would appreciate that?”

“We dabbled a little in that world, so I’m OK with it – just go and say hello.”

“OK, but don’t complain afterwards.”

I approached the recliners they were lying on, Lori in a minuscule bikini, the top barely covering her nipples, the bottom, if you want to callit that, must have weighed less than 5 grams (0.2 oz) if you want to be technical. I stood in front of the sunbed, with the sun in my back.

“Madam, I am afraid I’m going to have to ask you to put on some decent clothes!” I said to Lori.

She looked up with the sun in her face, not recognizing me immediately, and began to complain, stating she was wearing a very expensive and legitimate Wicked Weasel bathing suit. Mel was fast sleep and didn’t move. As I kept standing there not speaking anymore, she put her hand above her eyes, shielding them from the sun so she could see who was complaining, when all of a sudden she recognized me, her mouth dropping open.

“Are you stalking me, Lori?” I asked.

“Lew, is that you? What are you doing on this ship?”

“The same as you I guess, crossing the Atlantic.”

“I can’t believe that you’re here!” She grabbed Mel’s arm and shook him wake. “Mel look who’s here.”

“What, who…” Mel said clearly waking up from a deep sleep, his eyes blinking against the bright sunlight, just like Lori’s had done before. After he’d shielded them with one of his hands he too recognized me.

“Lew, what are you doing on this ship?” Mel said as he sat up straight.

“I just asked him the same question, stupid, he’s crossing the Atlantic like we are,” Lori said.

“Yeah but why? We’re going home but he isn’t.”

“No that’s correct Mel, we do this just for the fun.”


“Yes, we, my friend Grace and I.”

Then all of a sudden it dawned on both of them I was not the only person standing in front of them, but that a gorgeous red-haired woman, clad in a tiny bikini, was standing by my side.

“These folks, Grace, are Lori and Mel, they visited me in the photoshop and we had a very nice time together.”

“Hello, Lori and Mel, nice to meet you, I’m Grace.”

“The pleasure is all mine Grace,” Mel said with a big smile on his face extending his hand as Lori did. “I didn’t know you had a lady friend Lew.”

“We are just friends who help each other out sometimes, friends with benefits if you wish, nothing more.”

“Going on a cruise is a nice way to help each other out,” Lori interjected, “please enough us, but let’s go somewhere we can sit together”

They both got up and we adjourned to the pool bar where we sat down at one of the tables.

“Can I get you a drink Grace, Lew?” Mel asked.

“Yes, thank you, I’ll have a beer and Grace, I guess, a white Zinfandel, won’t you dear?”

“You know me so well Lew, yes a white Zinfandel would be nice, please.”

“You like that too?” Lori asked.

“Yes I do, very much, and they’re not easy to get in Belgium, not many supermarkets stock them, so I love to drink it on a cruise.”

“Do you cruise a lot?”

“Yes, usually together with my daughter Nancy, but she had a baby six months ago and it was not opportunity for her to join me on this one, so I asked Lew and he accepted, for his own reasons.”

“You said your daughter’s name is Nancy? Lew is that the Nancy that brought us to your shop in the first place?”

“Yes it is. Grace is Nancy’s mother.”

“I see where Nancy got her beauty from then,” Mel interjected.

Grace blushed but accepted the compliment gracefully.

“So Lew tell us your reason for coming on this cruise?”

“That’s a bit personal, I’m afraid.”

“Don’t be shy, not after the fun we had together.”

“OK, if you must know, I’ve got a birthday coming up and I didn’t want to be home.”

“A birthday, that’s nothing special, you have one every year, or is this a special one?” Mel replied.

“Yeah, you’re turning 60, aren’t you?” Lori remarked.

“Yes, I’m afraid so, and I expected everyone to make a big fuss about it. I don’t want any of that, and with Grace being a pinnacle member, she got this fantastic offer on this cruise and suggested I join her.”

“So you’re pinnacle Grace, you must be cruising a lot then?”

“Yes I do, I love it and so does Nancy, but yeah, she could have joined me on a European cruise, but this Transatlantic one I got offered is not ideal for a six-month-old baby, so I ended up with my favorite photographer, and so far it’s been great.”

“I can imagine, I wouldn’t mind going on a cruise with Lew myself,” Lori said with a wink to Grace, “but I’m a married woman, a swinging married woman at that, so I always involve my husband Mel in whatever extramarital adventures I get into. We’re very open but always together.”

“Yeah, Lew told me about you a few weeks ago, must have been just after you had your photo session with him. He only said he had an encounter with a swinger couple from the States tourism in Europe, who came looking for him with a photo of Nancy.”

“Yes we found this photo and it looked so good, we wanted some of our own in that style. Mel has taken dozens of photos from me in different situations, even some of us together having sex. We’ve taken some ourselves in the past, but that’s very difficult and not the same as having photos taken by a professional. It took us a lot of research to find out who the photographer was though, but eventually, we found him. As we were going on this European trip, revisiting some of the old places we’d been before when we were a lot younger, we decided to look him up.”

“So this wasn’t your first trip to Europe then?”

“No, absolutely not, we lived in Amsterdam for a while, many years ago, trying to get away from narrow-minded America and to experience free love. It was challenging; we didn’t have much money when we came over but being free spirits we found a way to earn some, working the sex scene on the ‘Walletjes’ in Amsterdam, you know the red light district?”

“Yes, we know the ‘Walletjes’, they are famous for sex entertainment and the working girls. The latter we have in Antwerp too, in ‘het schipperskwartier’, the area close to the old harbor where the sailors go to be entertained. We don’t have live shows there like they do in Amsterdam, they even have the world-famous ‘Casa Rosso’.”

“We didn’t work at that one but there are many different ones where we did work, either me alone or together with Mel. We adored the kinky clubs – I love being tied up. Mel is a master of bondage, and a lot of the girls in the clubs we worked at loved to be tied up by him. We did some really crazy stuff there, we had this trick where Lori put a banana in her pussy then sort of peeled it and we’d get a guy on stage to bite pieces off the banana and eat it. But the absolute top was this Thai girl from Bangkok, she could actually smoke with her pussy, she would put a cigarette between her pussylips and light it, draw on it and exhale the smoke from her pussy like a normal person would from their mouth, she then went amongst the audience and stuck the cigarette in one of the patron’s mouth…Are you into the kinkier stuff?”

“We dabbled a bit in it together in the past week, it was all very amateurish, Lew did shake my pussy though, something I have been thinking about for a very long time, but never dared to do on my own.”

“As you seem to know Lew so intimately, I guess you know about his cellar?”

“Yeah, I know all about it but I never visited.”

“You should, it’s a paradise for people living the lifestyle. Lew arranged a visit during their open-door evening when we were there, and we had a blast. I love all that sort of thing and with the equipment, they have in there, we could play doctor for real, not kids stuff, but hardcore. I don’t know how many times I came that evening, but it was a lot, believe me. I was sore all over the next day but loved it. So you played a bit with Lew on the cruise?”

“Yes we did but we didn’t bring any equipment we can use.”

“You should definitely visit our cabin then, we’ve got loads of stuff; we bought some additional things in Tanja’s little shop and we play almost every day.”

“Hey Mel, we should give Grace and Lew a demonstration of your bondage capabilities, Grace has never seen a professional at work.”

“Absolutely, you’ll see how wonderful it can be, and maybe even get a taste yourself, if you’re willing? What do you think Lew?”

“I would love to see how you do it, maybe learn a bit myself in the process.”

“Great how about tonight? Or do you have other plans?”

“We usually go see the early show in the theatre and then have a drink or go dancing, but we could dance towards your cabin if that works for you? Where are you?”

“We have an inside cabin on deck 8.”

“Maybe you should come to our cabin, we’re on deck 10 stateroom 1566.”

“Wow, you’re in a suite.”

“Yes, we are, compliments of the Crown and Anchor Club.”

“OK we’ll come to you, we’ll bring our stuff, say around 10?”

“Fine, we’ll expect you both. Is that OK for you Grace?”

“I guess so; it’ll just be a demonstration, right?”

“Of course Grace, we won’t be tying you or Lew up…yet…” Mel said with a big smile and a wink in my direction.

As we walked away, Grace slipped her arm underneath mine, taking me quickly away.

“Are you sure they can be trusted?”

“Oh yes Grace, don’t be alarmed, they’re very nice people, a little adventure maybe, but you’ll see they have great stories to tell, especially about their time in Amsterdam. Lori worked in a brother and a BDSM club. The stories she told me might frighten you in the beginning, but she claims she always had a great time and lots of orgasms. You’ll be OK. I won’t let anything happen to you that you haven’t agreed to upfront.”

“Now you’ve really got me worried.”

Later that evening, after an increased number of drinks during happy hour, and a wonderful dinner, (they served one of my favorites, prime rib), we sat through the magician’s show in the theatre watching him doing things that don’t seem possible. Grace was getting more nervous by the minute, so before we adjourned to our cabin we had a stiff drink at one of the bars. On the dot of 10, we heard a knock on the door.

“Come on in, make yourselves at home; can I get you something to drink?”

Walking in I saw that Mel had a big sports bag with him: I wondered what he had in store for us.

“Do you have any Zinfandel Lew?” Lori asked with a smile.

“Yes of course we have, let me pour you a glass.”

“This is some cabin you have, ours would fit about 3 times into this one, and a large balcony as well, yeah some people travel in style, but don’t worry we won’t begrudge you. I guess we’ll have to cruise a lot more to get these kinds of offers ourselves.”

“How would you like to proceed?” Mel asked, “shall I tie Lori up for you so you can see how it goes?”

“That sounds like a plan,” I said with a smile.

Lori quickly finished her glass of wine stand up and began removing her clothes. I’d seen her naked before, but Grace hadn’t of course. Lori removed her T-shirt, immediately revealing her boobs. I’d noticed when she walked in that she wasn’t wearing a bra, and I guessed she wasn’t wearing anything under her miniskirt either. As it quickly followed the T-shirt we didn’t have to wait long to find out. Her pussylips were still nicely shaken and the remainder of her pubic hair was neatly trimmed but in a different shape this time though not overly different from the last time I saw her in the raw.

“You don’t shake your pussy completely?” Grace asked.

“No Mel likes a bit of hair, not on the lips though, that gets in the way when he eats me, which he loves to do, has Lew eaten you?”

“Euh..yes he did,” Grace replied a bit reluctant.

“Yeah he’s great at it isn’t he? I love it When he did that special move with his tongue, did he do that with you as well?”

“I’m not sure what special move you mean Lori, I probably don’t have as much experience with having my pussy eaten as you have, so I have no idea what special move Lew has, they’re all special for me.”

“Stop jabbering woman, or I’ll put a gag in your mouth. Assume the position,” Mel barked.

“Sorry Master,” Lori whispered between her lips and immediately stood in an inspection position, feet at shoulder width, hands on the back of her head, elbows spread wide, thus giving Mel full access to her whole body.

Mel had taken a short brown rope out of his bag and began wrapping it around her neck. He then grabbed another one, longer this time, and doubled it. Taking a position behind Lori, he placed the rope above her tits then under her arms and slipped the loose ends through the loop taking it around her back and drawing it tight. He then brought the loose ends back to the front tucking them under her tits and then behind her again, pulling it tight and securing it with a knot after which he pulled the remaining slack through the rope around her neck and tied that off as well. Lori’s boobs were now nicely framed by one rope above and one below. Next, he took another, thinner rope, again double, and tied the ropes above and below her tits together between the moons, squeezing them slightly already between the two double ropes. That done, he began wrapping her left tit with one of the loose ends, the remainder he laid across her right shoulder and around the back of her neck and to the front again before wrapping It around her right tit. Finally, the rest was tied to the thicker rope in the back. Lori’s tits stood out very nicely, slowly turning pink, then red, to end up kind of cultivation. To finish the job on her upper body, he tied a rope around her waist. Grace observed the procedure with wide eyes.

“Does it hurt Lori?”

“No, not really, it feels nice to have my tits squeezed like this.”

“Shut up woman! Or I’ll put a gag in your mouth,” Mel barked again.

“Please don’t be angry with her Mel, I only wanted to know.”

“I can understand you have questions, but Lori needs to ask me permission before she can reply.”

“Oh, I see, sorry.”

“You were not to know, but she does.”

After ordering Lori to lie on her back on the cabin table, Mel began wrapping a rope around her left ankle then secured it to her left wrist, finishing it with a rope secure her elbow to her knee. The right side received the same treatment, making her open her legs wide, and exposing her dripping pussy to us. Lori was now totally immobilized, her fun parts completely exposed for further play or torture, whichever Mel or we decided.

“What shall we do with our plaything now?” Mel asked, “shall I put some nipple clamps on her? I think my little slave would like that very much.”

He pulled a couple of nipple clamps out of the bag and gave us each one.

“Go, but first lick her nipple and then put it on!”

Looking at the thing he shoved in my hand I recognized it from Tanja’s shop in the cellar. I’d seen them applied to some ofthe slaves during the inauguration. I proceeded by taking one of Lori’s nipples between my thumb and finger, and rolling it firmly, and giving it a lick, making it stand out so I could slip the clamp over it. Lori’s nipples responded gladly to my manipulations and once I was able to slip it over I began to tighten the screw that was attached to it, squeezing her nipple more and more until I got a yelp from her mouth. I encouraged Grace to do the same to her other title.

“Unless you want to experience first what it feels like Grace?” I asked.

“I think it is worse than what you did to me the other day,” she replied.

“Well, you want to try it then?”

“I’ don’t know, should I? Won’t it be too painful?”

“Fine, but first things first, when we do this we need to secure your arms,” ​​Mel interjected.

“I’m not so sure I really want to do this anymore.”

“Come on Grace, where’s your sense of adventure?” I said.

“Permission to speak Master?” All of a sudden Lori asked.

“Permission granted slave, speak up!”

“It’s not so bad Grace, it hurts a bit at first, but that will almost go away after a short while and then you will start to enjoy it, believe me, it will seriously increase your pleasure.”

“If you’re sure… OK, I’ll try it, so what do you want me to do?”

“You can start by undressing, I want to see Those titles of yours,” Mel said with a nasty smile on his face, trying to frighten Grace in the process, who now completely forgot about putting the second clamp on Mel’s nipple.

“Don’t scare her Mel, she’s already frightened enough by the idea, I said.”

“I’ll watch over you Grace, and if it’s too much just tell me and we’ll take it away, shall I put it on for you?”

“Yes please.”

Grace removed her blouse and bra, exposing her grogeous boobies to us. Mel ordered her to grab her elbows behind her lower back and proceeded to secure them with yet another rope he had withdrawn from his huge bag. By doing this, Grace’s boobs jutted out, ready for action. I ticked under and over her right boob, using my nails, exclusive the nipple to extend as much as possible. When it was fully extended I slipped the clamp over it, slowly turning the screw to increase the pressure. Grace’s face was a good indicator of how far I could take it and then go just that little bit beyond.

“It hurts! Take it off please!” she screamed.

“Hold it Grace, remember Lori’s words, it will get better.”

“Are you sure?”

“Go for it Grace, you’ll love it, believe me.” Lori quietly said.

“What did I tell you slut, keep your mouth shut, you’ve earned yourself a mouth gag and some punishment.” Mel barked, after which he put an orange ball in Lori’s mouth and secured it at the back of her head, shutting her up. He then proceeded with yet another rope he conjured up from his bag, attaching it, with a bit of difficulty, to the back to the rope Lori had tied around her waist, then pulled ithard between her legs, so it pressed tightly between her pussy lips at the front, making them bulge around the cord. He then secured it to the other side of the rope around her waist. Lori’s face contained because of the pain the rope caused to her pussy lips and clip. Grace closely followed the procedure again, seemingly forgetting about her own painful nipple.

After hitting Lori’s pussy a few times lightly with his palm, Mel asked Grace, “Well, how does it feel now?”

“It’s not too bad, I feel as if I’m getting small electric shocks in my cunt because of the nipple clamp,” Grace responded with a weak smile.

“Good that’s exactly the effect we want to achieve. Now, let’s try something different. I’ll show you first on Lori.”

Mel went back to his magician’s bag and Pulled out something that looked like a small clear plastic cup, but with some sort of knob on the closed end. He made Lori lick the open side and then put it over her free nipple and began to turn theknob, I could see that something was moving up inside the cup. All of a sudden it dawned on me, by turning the knob a vacuum was created drawing not only Lori’s nipple but also a part of her title inside. Although it didn’t seem too painful, judging by her moans, she was clearly stimulated. Mel handed me its twin and motioned to Grace with his head. I got the message, proceeding to do the same to Grace, after which she too Increased her moaning, twisting her hips, obviously trying to stimulate her pussy. High time to free her of her skirt and panties. Once Grace was stark naked I gave her a little push making her fall back onto the bed with a giggle, her eyes full of question marks on what was about to happen next. My look towards Mel sent him an unspoken message that his expertise was needed to bring pleasure to Grace and take her a little further in her first professional bondage adventure. Yet another rope was pulled out of the bag and attached to Grace’s left ankle, pulling her legsideways then attached it to the underside of the bed. The right ankle and leg got the same treatment, opening Grace up completely, exposing her delicious, newly sealed pussy for further fun and games. But he still wasn’t happy; with a bit of fumbling, he removed the rope holding Grace’s arms together behind her back. He then tied another to her left wrist, pulling her arm to the left and tying it to the bed and another on her right also securing this to the bed, leaving her wide open in a full spread-eagle position.


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