It was an orgasm like none other he’d ever had in his life. It had to be for him to have passed out like he did. Daniel slowly regained consciousness, his entire body shaking uncontrollably and was surprised to find himself alone in the room. The door opened and he turned, dismayed to see the hostess instead of Mistress Yasmina and tried to cover himself up.
“Ah, I see that you are awake, Mr. Morganson.” She strode over to him and released the menacles, then nudged a gob of drying semen on the carpet. “Must have been a good session. We’ve never had one out as long as you.”
“How long was I out?”
“Almost an hour. Ringmaster said that you looked so peaceful that she didn’t want to disturb you.”
Daniel groaned as he rose to his knees, his back a web of pain and the remembranace of how he got the welfares made him shiver again. “Did she leaves anything for me?”
“Just instructions that you were to leave the items with me.”
“Nothing else?”
“No, sir.”
He wanted to cry. She had found something wanting in him and that was to be his only contact with her. Just like Frank. That hurt him deeply. He removed the collar and testicle cuff and dressed, his movements slow and filled with pain. The hostess left as he finished putting his jacket on and he was about to leave the room when he heard the sound of a phone ringing. He was surprised to find a strange cell phone in his pocket but dropped to his knees as he answered it, hoping that it was from her.
“Ah, you’re finally awake.”
At the sound of her voice, he almost collapsed into tears. “Yes, Mistress. I’m sorry to have slept so long.”
“Your apology is accepted. Are you on your knees?”
“Yes, Mistress.”
“Were you Surprised to find the phone?”
“Yes … ” He couldn’t help crying now. “Yes, Mistress. Surprised and very happy.”
“Don’t cry, Daniel. Did you honestly think that I’d leave you without saying anything?”
“I hoped not, Mistress.”
“So where do we go from here, Daniel? Tell me what you want.”
“I want to be with you, Mistress.”
“Is that all?” Yasmina surprised, disappointed. “Listen, Daniel, why don’t you go home and get some rest?”
“No, Mistress. Wait. Please.” Daniel swallowed against the huge lump in his throat. “Would you allow me to take you out to dinner?”
“Dinner? Why would you want to take me out to dinner?”
“Because I want to get to know you better, Mistress. I want to know Yasmina.”
“You’re overstepping your boundaries, slave.”
“Yes, I am.” He paused, momentarily reverting to his business persona. “But I do it for a reason. I know what I want; I’ve just had a hard time finding it.”
“And you’ve found it in me?”
“I know I have. I don’t just want to be with you; I want to be with you for the rest of my life. I want to know who you are inside. I want to be able to trust you completely with everything inside me and withmy life itself.” Daniel paused, wanting to reach through the phone and touch her. “Please let me take you to dinner. Let me be your boyfriend and woo you.”
His tender words made tears come to her eyes and heat raised in her cheeks. “I haven’t had a boyfriend in years, Daniel.”
“Well, maybe it’s time you had one.” He softened his voice, pausing to listen for the soft rise and fall of her breathing. “I want to earn that spot. I want to be that one man that you trust enough to let in.”
“I don’t trust anyone, Daniel.”
“Not yet.” Yasmina closed her eyes and listened to the beauty of his soothing voice. “Not yet, but you will.” He witnessed deeply. “And I want that person to be me.”
“And if I agree to go out with you, What do I get?”
Yasmina lowered the phone for a minute, the ice surrounding her cynical heart cracking and falling to the ground. It was coming true. Finally, her dream of having a partner was coming true. But was she strong enough toaccept Daniel and all that he was willing to sacrifice for her? It seemed to be too much, too much to accept from someone as wonderful and as willing to give as him.
“All right, Daniel. Next week, Friday night. Dinner it is.”
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