The Ringmaster Ch. 04

Daniel had been to the Hokkaido Steak House before but had never known that there was a back room for special guests. He was even more surprised when the lovely Japanese hostess greeted him by name.

“Good afternoon, Mr. Morganson. Welcome to Hokkaido Steak House.”

“Uh, thank you.” He tucked his sunglasses into his suit pocket, looking every inch the successful lawyer. “I’m here to meet someone … “

“Yes, Mr. Morganson.” She handed him a white linen envelope. “Please follow me.”

He fought the urge to open it as he followed the woman down a long hallway and up a set of stairs. Another hallway, this time a shorter one, connected to a large wooden door with carved kanji handles and she throw it open, revealing a burlwood table set with delicate Mikasa porcelain and Waterford crystal.

“This is beautiful!”

Arigato. I hope you enjoy your lunch.”

“Thanks.” Daniel turned and watched her shut the door, his eyes drawn to the snow-white envelopein his shaking fingers. Slowly, he pulled the flap back and drew the textured paper out.

Hello, Daniel. I hope that you are reading this on your knees … He dropped to his knees, cursing himself and vowing to scourge himself when he got home. “But if you are not, this time, and this time only, I will give you the benefit of my kindness and allow you to pass with punishment that I will allow you to choose. Daniel slumped with relief, wiping the tears from his eyes and lowered his forehead to the floor, silently whispering words of worship to his Mistress.In the corner, near the head of the table, you will find a red velvet pillow. Undress, lay your clothes nearby on the chair and wait until I arrive.

Daniel immediately did as the letter asked and knelt on the pillow, the letter folded and held repeatedly in his hands. Though his head was bowed, he could see the time on his Patek Phillipe and knew that noon had come and gone. At twelve forty-five, the dooropened and he saw three pairs of feet enter the room, one belonging to the hostess and the others to two people who sat themselves at the table.

A gentle hand fell on his head, stroking his thick, dark hair and he bowed, touching his forehead to the top of her foot. He spoke no words. He prayed that his supplication would touch her heart.

“You have him trained already?” The sound of Frank’s derisive laughter made Daniel grit his teeth in anger. “You’re good, girl.Really good!”

“Shush, Franklin.” Her voice was still gentle as was her touch. He trembled as she stroked his hair, her fingers weaving through his tempers. “Daniel is the best I’ve ever seen.”

“He’s just playing with you. All he wants is to be the Ringmaster’s pet.”

Rage flooded his senses as he listened to his friend, Frank, try his best to get under her skin. His words were silky and tempting, reminding Daniel of what the snake would have sounded when it spoke to Eve. She seemed to waver between laughing at Frank’s inane jokes and lowering her voice to whisper in naughty tones to him. He strained to hear what she was saying but his anger stopped his ears and snapped through his body like electric waves, threatening to engulf him.

“You can leave us now, Franklin. Take your drink with you.”

“What? You mean I don’t get dinner?”

“Goodbye, Franklin.” Daniel heard his friend stomp out and desperately tried to hide his smile, knowing that she would be looking at him. “You find that funny?”

“No, Mistress.”

“Franklin is convinced that you aren’t really looking for a relationship. He says that you just want a piece of ass.”

“No, Mistress.”

“Why should I believe you?”

“You should not believe what I say, Mistress. You should take the truth from my actions.”

“Are youtelling me what I should do?”

“Oh, no, Mistress!” Daniel bowed low again, pressing his lips to her foot. “I bow to your wisdom!”

Yasmina had had men bow before her hundreds, no,thousandsof times and none had struck her as deeply as this man. His obesance was so sincere that she was finding it difficult to maintain her authority. The Ringmaster looked down on him with the disdain of a professional dominatrix but her heart fight to cut him some slack.

“Put your clothes on, Daniel.” She held her hand out and felt heat flush Through her cheeks as he pressed his lips to the inside of her wrist, a clear violation of her rules but the touch of his tongue made her pussy weep. “Would you join me for lunch?”

“Yes, Mistress.”

“No, Daniel.” Her soft tone made his eyes rise. “Would you like to have lunch with me?”

“Yes … “


Daniel looked deeply into her beautiful brown eyes, Desperately wanting to reach out and touch her chocolate brown skin. He remembered his training and gratefully took the chair across from her, her name on his lips. “Yes, Yasmina.”


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