Where do i begin? Goodness… the last time i saw yvonne was the time when we, well, explored each other… i’ve been too embarrassed since then to pick up the phone and call her, and even put her on block on msn… its been over a week now… but then she phoned me last night to invite me round today. i had no excuse to not go, and to be honest i wanted to see her again, just to see if it was a one off occasion before.
Odd really, i found myself dressing with great care, telling myself it was so i wasn’t letting my Master down, but a large part of me was worried that yvonne would look at me and wonder why she had done what we did before. i finally decided on my short denim skirt, a white shirt knotted under my boobs, barely supported by a plumge bra… adding my boots and a jacket i left in time to meet her for lunch.
Reaching The Barge for 12:30 as arranged i ordered a diet coke and sat at the bar, careful not to reveal my knickerless state to those passing by, and waited for yvonne…… she’s always late, so i was astonished when she turned up at 12:32… must be a record for her. After the usual hug and kiss on the chef she sat down and ordered one of those weird j2o things… some mango and orange concoction, not my favourite flavour (all i could think was i didn’t fancy snogging a mango juice drinker… weird eh?).
It feels a bit uncomfortable, both of us a bit on edge with the other as we studied the menu… pointless exercise really, we always ordered the same thing… i took advantage of this to look at her with a sideways glance. It seemed as though she had paid the same attention to her appearance as i had, ditching her jeans for a short black skirt and a lacy blouse with a nice pair of court shoes… i could even see the top of one of her hold ups. Nice…
“About last week….” i blurted out…
“i’ve been thinking about you…” yvonne said… simulateneously…
At that we cracked up laughing, and the ice was broken. iconfessed i had enjoyed it very much… and that i wasn’t exactly regretting it (that was as much as i felt i could say without hearing her).. she in turn said it had occurred her thoughts all week, to the point where her Dom had told her to ring me and sort it out…. With consent to continue if appropriate. The decision was quickly made to skip lunch and go back to her house, a short walk from The Barge.
Which we did..
The walk was made in silence, nervouss kicking in… i could hardly breathe at the anticipation of what was going to happen.. last time was pure spontaneity, this was planned. i figured yvonne was feeling the same as she was silent too. she unlocked the door and gestured for me to precede her into the hallway. Shrugging off my jacket i did so and went into the kitchen as i had so many times before… but it was never like this. Still in silence she took my hand and slowly led me towards the stairs, each step we took causing my heart to beat faster…
Reaching the bedroom, and still that deafening silence yvonne turned to me and cupped the back of my hair to draw me to her lips… “no!” i gasped… “not like that…”… yvonne hesitated, baffled, then realized what i mean. she seized my hair and tipped my head back, then drew a long deep kiss from me, assuming control… taking charge. She told me to strip and, comfortable being given instructions, I did so, presenting myself to Her. she moved round me, as though examining me, almost as though seeing me for the first time… I shivered… and gasped as she deftly flicked my right nipple.
Producing a pair of cuffs from the cupboard by the bed (a four poster no less) she swiftly strapped them around my wrists and told me to lie on the bed on my back. Trembling with excitement and anticipation I did so anxiously, placing myself naturally into a spread eagle position. my wrists were attached to chains at the top of the bed (obviously used by yvonne’s Dom) and she placed a pillow under my bum before attaching cuffs to my ankles (these were already fastened securely at the base of the bed). Stroking my hair back from my face she kissed my forehead, pausing to check i was okay with this… which of course i was…
“Keep your eyes closed” yvonne whispered to me… and started to stroke my breasts, teasing the nipples till they were firm and almost hurting… once she achieved this effect she moved to kneading them and tugging on my aching nipples. she paused, making me think she had finished, only to start again. I soon realized the pause was to pick something up from the cupboard… clamps… fortunately adjustable ones and set on light pressure, but the bite still made me gasp and open my eyes to look at the metal against my flesh. yvonne just smiled at me, and reached down to close my eyes again…
i hear movement… the rustling of clothes… keeping my eyes closed was so difficult… i could picture yvonne naked as she had been in my bedroombefore and desperately wanted to look… it was too much and i opened my eyes, instantly regretting it. The sight of her standing there, gentle curves so close to me, and not being able to touch… agony… my hands long to reach out and cares her.
Instead, yvonne continued a slow exploration of my body, first with her hands (though she avoided my aching cunt) and then starting to kiss my face, my neck, my breasts, my belly… edging closer and closer to my thighs… then stopped!! i almost screamed with frustration and she looked at me and chuckled… “want me to continue?”… i nodded and whispered “yes please…” after a moments pause (which felt much longer) she did just that… parting my thighs a little more with her hands and beginning to kiss along the length of my pussy before slowly circling my throbbing clip with her tongue. Within seconds i was on the verge of orgasm, crying out my pleasure. She read my body well though, and stopped… “please” i begged, “don’t stop now”…
i couldn’t believe it when she stood up and left the room!! Still, it was a nice view of her naked ass (smiling at the memory)..
i’ve no idea how long she left me there, feel like hours but cant have been really… i just know i wanted to cum so badly…
When yvonne returned she covered my eyes with a scarf so i could not see. This just heightened my senses tremendously. she returned to licking my clip immediately which had me bucking my hips against her mouth, thrusting to meet her, needing to be tipped over the edge. But again she stopped just as i was about to climax, replacing the warmth of her mouth with ice!! That was where she had been… i screamed with need (and shock)… only to have my mouth covered rapidly… by her dripping pussy!! Oh goodness… instantly aroused more by the sweetness i licked and kissed, my tongue seeking to taste all the juices and catching her clip with the tip… i could hear her gasp and feel her breath against my tightsas she fell forward. Again she licked at my clip (though a little distracted by my ministers).. and again she stopped and replaced her mouth with an ice cube, letting it melt against my hot flesh. She repeated this process till i thought i would go mad…. And all this time i was licking away at her pussy… i lost count of the number of times she came, i think it was 6 or 7…
Exhausted yvonne rolled over to lie on the bed next to me, her fingers seeking my clip and teasing me… “how much would you like to cum?” she asked “enough to take the crop?”… i was stunned, i had no idea she had a crop there let alone that she wanted to use it on me… “no… i… well… yes… i…. oh please let me cum!” i cried out, my mind almost exploiting.
The scarf had fallen from my eyes by this point, so i could see clearly as she reached under the bed and pulled out a crop. Roughly pulling the clamps from my nipples causing me to howl with pain as the blood flowed back into them, she raised the crop and brought it down 3 times on each breast in rapid succession. Incredibly the sensing of intense pain was all it took to send me over the edge and i came, screaming… almost losing consciousness with the ferocity.
All i was really aware of for the next 10 minutes or so was that yvonne unstrapped the cuffs from my wrists and ankles, and held me close, kissing me and struggling my hair… and then we slept…
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