I hear your footsteps covering the length of the hallway. The echoes off the tile reveal your progress. It seems like forever since I heard your footsteps even though only days have passed. I turn feeling you pause in the doorway. Butterflies burst forth in my stomach as I see the face I have gazed into so many times, the commanding presence I have knelt before gladly. Walking to you, I place your face in my hands. My gentle way of greeting to show I am vulnerable before you. Your hands slide up my arms until they clench my wrists. In one move, you push my arms behind my back, your mouth covering mine, lips briising from the pressure.
Spinning, you back me against the wall. The impact shaking the perfume bottles on the dresser. Your right hand travels over the curve of my hip, indentation of my waist, over the steps of my ribs, until it covers my breast. Through the clothes of my shirt, I feel your fingers digging into my breast. Buttons bounce against your chest and onto the floor as you tear open my shirt. You take in the view of my exposed breasts rising and falling with breathing that is just shy of hyperventilation. Your eyes are feral, at once the ones I know so well blended with an animal considering its prey. A slight shudder crosses your body as you inhale deeply, the breath releasing into a growth of need. My nipples stand erect to the point of pain and you can’t resist biting down as you pull in a mouthful of tender flesh. My back arches as you suck and bite, the fire stirring within me. There is no tenderness in your actions, only a need to claim.
Your hand covers my throat, pinning me to the wall while at the same time a voiceless reminder that you are in control. Your other hand slides between my legs. Two fingers push into me testing my wetness. A third finger enters, stretching me. My slippery fluid coating your fingers as they force their way into my depths. You pause as you feel my body reacting, thrusting against your hand. In one move,Your fingers exit me and are pushed into my mouth. Without thought I began sucking them. You push them farther between my lips until you are certain I have removed any trace. Removing your fingers from my mouth, you release yourself from your pants. Your cock twitches at the need to be inside my heat. Adjusting the grip on my neck, you move in closer and thrust into me. The force of your entry pushes me onto my toes. The only thing keeping my balance is your hand strong against my throat. I brace my hands against your chest, my nails carving perfect crescents just above your nipples. One by one the bottles on the dresser topple from the collisions of our bodies. Glass impacting against wood underlines the force of the taking.
Sliding your hand around my neck, you grab a fistful of hair. My neighbor arches as you pull back. The red imprint across my throat traces where your hand had been. I cry out as I feel you pull yourself from me. The sudden void at once throbbing with need and the roughness of your thrusts. Controlling me by my hair, you guide me to my knees. You present your cock to my open mouth, and I greedily take it in, taking in the taste of both of us mingled together. Both hands grab fistfuls of my hair, controlling me. Fucking my mouth as you would my pussy. I fight to keep up, to breathe. My hands grapp at your waistband trying to regain some control. I claw at your skin, leaving red trails across your abdomen. Lines mark my struggle to breathe, the panic that is setting in. My head is swimming. I’m starting to feel fear, but you don’t seem to notice. Your only goal seems to be for me to swallow you in entirety. Just as I reach the point where I am going to lose consciousness, you withdraw. My breaths are ragged, gasping to replace the oxygen I so need.
Pulling me to my feet, you place me at attention. I move into the position I know so well, legs at shoulder’s width, hands clapped at the cleft of my ass. You pace around me, removing your clothing as you do, your eyes never leaving me. The nervousness and anticipation have me on edge. My heart pounds in my chest in a combination of fear and excitement at what is to come. I want so much to hear your voice. The need to hear you voice your approval is overpowering. I jump and let out a yelp as I feel the leather of your belt connect with my skin. Dread rolls through me. I’m not sure If the sound escaping my throat will displease you or fuel your fire. You stand back watching the welt develop on my skin. The pause is infuriating, not knowing, waiting for the next movement. Thoughts racing through my mind trying to anticipate keep me off guard but increasing my wetness. I shift my weight and another flick of your belt connects. You don’t wait to see the resulting mark on my skin. Instead you lunch forward pulling my head back by the hair. Your breath warm against my neck as you growl that you didn’t tell me I could move.
The hand gripping my hair shoves me forward and I don’t catch my balance until I am laying half across the bed in front of me. I turn my head to the side a second before your forearm is braced across the back of my neck, pinning me. Your entry is quick, thrusts harsh. I know with each impact that I will have bruises that will remind me for days to come of what is happening now. Every push forward forces the breath from my lungs until I am barely able to pant for air. Fear and trust fight for dominance in my mind.
You roll me over. Hands knee my breasts, fingers pinching my nipples until I cry out in pain. I am looking up into a face that I know, but I don’t recognize the eyes looking back at me. Acting on instinct, my hands reach around to your sides, my nails digging into the muscles of your back. You arch back as the lines cut into your skin. Your chest in front of my eyes becomes a target and before you realize what I am doing my teeth are sinking into your flesh. The warm saltiness of your blood crosses my lips and flows across my tongue. The taste and feel feed me and I sink my teeth in more. You move one of your hands to my throat, pressing down. I release my bite in reaction. When you lift up I see two crescents on your chest. The red oozing from your wounds is in sharp contrast against your skin. Stoked by the pain, you thrust into me with all the power in your body. Your eyes are now on fire, pupils taking over the color. I am looking up into the eyes of a demon, all humanity pushed away by the drive to take what you want. You lean forward, teeth sinking into my flesh giving me a matching mark. You suck hard bringing more of my blood into your mouth. Warmth spreads across my shoulders and my hips begin meeting your thrusts allowing you deeper entry. The growl that escapes your throat makes me roll my eyes back. My own noises matching yours creating a symphony of lust. You pull yourself from my warmth and I cry out again at the sudden emptiness. My hips arch towards you. My body achieves to again feel you filling me, molding me to your shape.
You hand slides from my neck down my body as you stand over me. I am left lying motionless except for the sharp rise and fall of my chest as my lungs are finally able to take deep breaths. You push me higher on the bed and before I can put up much of a struggle you are reaching for the ropes attached to the wooden frame. Even when not used, they are always there like a silent promise. I try to roll to prevent the knots from tightening around my wrist, but your weight prevents me from being successful. My legs kick and hips attempt to buck you off as you secure my other arm above my head. All my movements are in vain and you are quickly wrapping the rope around first one ankle and then the next. I know I can not release myself from the restraints. I have willingly allowed You to tie me down too many times before. Even so, I struggle feeling the ropes abrading the skin. I refuse to submit without a fight. You stand back to take in the image in front of you. I am completely open and vulnerable to you. I watch as you slide your finger through the blood still coming from the bite I gave you. You put your finger to your mouth and suck off the blood. A half smile spreads across your face as you lower your head, a look of controlled determination in your eyes.
Your movements are more calculated now. Your prey is caught. You can Take your time. Your hands slide over my sad mound and fingers sink into the wetness between my legs. Although I have fought, the wetness betrays my reaction to you. Moans come from deep in my throat as I enjoy the feeling of your fingers reaching into me, caresing my folds. A sharp slap between my legs causes me to cry out. My clip swells in reaction and I open my eyes to see that the demon has not left. It was only lulling me into a relaxed state.
The bed compresses with your weight as you climb on top of me. Your gaze penetrates me. I feel as if I am being studied, evaluated for vulnerabilqualities. Slowly this time, you enter me. Every inch makes itself known until you are in me at the full depth. My breathing intensifies as I again feel the connection to your human side. The part that cares, the part that loves, that part knows all of my fears and desires yet still feels emotions for me. Hands cares my body, flowing up my form until they are smoothing my hair. Fingers curl into the strands preventing my head from moving. Sensing a change I look up at you. I am enlisted by the intricate marbling of the colors in your eyes. My eyes again close as lose myself to the feeling of your cock sliding into me. The sharp thrust at the depth of your plumge hitting against my back wall. In more of a growl than a voice you command me to look at you, don’t look away. Your lips brush my ear as you say in barely more than a whisper all of the things I have revealed of myself, requiring me to acknowledge. Demanding I speak up when my voice replies softly.
Regain and again you make meconfess to you until tears are streaming down my face. You ask if I want to be set free from the ropes, asking if I have had enough. Part of my mind screams that it does. Although the binds are not too tight, the disappoint set in long ago. Instead of saying to release the ropes, I shake my head. You don’t allow me to silently answer; you demand that I say it aloud. You already knew the answer. You just wanted me to acknowledge it. You continue your inquisition. Reaching into my psyche and making me own everything you know is there. Your words are a sharp contrast against the gentle movements of your body. The combination becomes too much and I feel the orgasm building inside me. The spasms clnch and release your cock, attempting on its own to draw your orgasm from you. The sounds of my orgasm are mingled with the intensity sobbing, each intensifying the other. You reach your edge and every muscle locks up as your release fills me. My body jumps with each of your spasms. After a momentyou untie each of the knots, tenderly massaging my limbs as you reposition them. Stretching out against my side, you kiss each of my eyes. The salt of my tears are testament to how deeply you pushed me. I look into your face as your hand cares my cheek. The eyes I know so well are again looking back at me.
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