Violet was a strong leader and a highly motivated, intelligent woman who had worked hard to get where she was. She only stood five feet; four inches tall. She was in good shape and somehow found time to go to the gym to stay that way. Her body was tight with perky round boobs that weren’t particularly big, only a C cup, but could look bigger on her frame if she wanted them too. Her long curly brown hair was Always well kept and hung down to about her mid back. Her light brown eyes could be seductive or piercing and she had used them in both ways any number of times.
She had built her team in the corporation where she worked for business analytics and innovation from scratch. She had worked them hard, but she always worked harder than them. They gave her their best, because she was always willing to go to bat for them and Work harder and longer hours than they did. She had come to trust them with almost anything, but she always checked and reviewed their work before submittinganything.
She had dated half a dozen people over the last three years, of both men and women. Her high standards in everything, and wish to have a say in what was going on, had led to all but one of her boyfriends to leave. The other one, turned out to be a limp noodle of a man whose idea of a romantic night in was ‘Netflix and chill’. She never called him back.
She had similar problems with her Girlfriends. They all complained that her tight control of her schedule and grueling business life, left no room for romance, spontaneity, or even fun, and one by one they too had left her.
So, on the day when she proudly presented her teams work over the last five years, saving the company 7.8 million dollars this physical year, with the growth potential of 1.2 billion dollars over the next ten years, had been a major breakthrough and success. It had been a huge moment for her and her team, and she was left with no one to celebrate it with. But she didn’t let that both hertoo much. But even that proud moment was eclipsed by the sudden promotion she received the next quarter.
Executive Vice President.
Violet had dedicated her life to this business and being the best. Being promoted to such a high position at such a young age, wasn’t unheard of, but it did ruffle feathers. Namely the feathers of the only bitch in the place who could have stood in her way, Eva, team lead for Human Resources and fiscal approaches. But Violet wasn’t worried, she had earned her promotion, she hadn’t sucked a long line of dicks to get where she was.
And now, sitting in her empty condo, with no one to share her success with, no one to help her finish the three-hundred-dollar bottle of wine she had bought herself as a promotion gift, she found her mind turning back to those she had dated over the last few years and all the problems they had seen with her. Workaholic, was a word that came up in multiple arguments across multiple partners.
Now that shewas Executive Vice President, it was time to maybe rethink some of those things that had made this warm Tuscan yellow and orange painted condo, so cold and empty.
She opened her laptop and sipped at her very delicious and expensive French Pinot Noir.
She had no idea what she was looking for and then she clicked on the wrong thing. Her finger clicked the mouse when she was reading a description of a vacation resort. She exhausted a little loudly because now she had to wait for the webpage to load. It took a while, she stared at the blue circle of death for at least a minute before the splash page appeared.
She was surprised to see a very upscale resort hotel with welcome wooden balconies and palm trees with a cool blue muti-section pool and hot tub. She fell in love with the atmosphere almost immediately. She found herself only half reading The description of the place when her eyes fell on the word kink and training.
She inhaled sharply and focused on just whatkind of resort this was. She read a four or five sentence paragraph explanation of the resort and the packages offered. They all centered around fetish and bdsm training. There were two arrows on the bottom of the page, the left one said simply, “Dom/me” the right arrow said “sub”.
Something about her past relationships and being called a ‘control freak’ over and over again made the mouse hover of the word “Dom/me” but then the quietness of her condo and the single wine glass on her coffee table made her click the “sub” arrow.
She was greeted with a very pleasant page of happy smiling people, some wearing latex, some wearing bikinis, some were completely naked. She read about the different packages and the “step program”. It all seemed like roleplaying to her. She wasn’t a sub at all, so she found it hard to believe that she could ever just, ‘follow the orders of a well-trained staff member to train you to accept the sub inside and let go’.
If her failed relationships weree anything to go by that’s what she needed, if only to be more comfortable with the idea. Without allowing herself to think too much about it, and taking a long drink from her wine glass, she chose the bottom exclusive package and charged it to her PayPal account.
The dates would be set later when a Dom/me became available and the client would have forty-eight hours to acknowledge the invitation or the total bill would be taken as a cancellation fee. Well, that’s a bit extreme, I’d love for this place to try to rob from me if my work says I can’t go. And what’s up with this forty-eight-hour acknowledgement? I have a life, unlike these rich house wives who can take vacations whenever they feel like it.
* * *
She got out of the Uber and looked up at the amazingly inviting Resort.
She had gotten an email a week ago and she had almost missed it. She was even busier now as the Executive Vice President than she had been as a team leader and her email inbox had about a thousand new entries every day that she had to syphon through. The email gave her check in and check out dates, total cost with amenities and legalese about incidents and other expenses that might be needed to be handled by the applicant upon check out.
It took even her, the Executive Vice President almost two days to get her LOA (Leave of Absence) approved for two weeks. She just barely sent the email confirmation back before the timer to default on her package had run out.
A following up email had been sent with other instructions, one bag allowed per guest, no pets, no parking for non-staff so an Uber of Taxi must be taken, to be reimbursed for qualifying candidates. With her salary, she was pretty sure she wouldn’t be reimbursed for the ride there.
And now here she was, Executive Vice President, Violet Winters, standing in front of this amazing looking resort to begin her two-week vacation, something she hadn’t enjoyed for more than five years.
She grabbed her single roll luggage and headed up the walkway to what she assumed was the front door. She noticed that the resort was strangely quiet. Even a place with these high price tags, she assumed there would be more… people here.
She rang the doorbell, not seeing any sort of public entry way the way you would see at a standard hotel. She waited a few moments, thinking that maybe this was the wrong place, when the door swung open. She was greeted by a very handsome gentleman in his late forties, early fifties with some grey showing in his dark brown hair. His steel blue eyes were still sharp and his arms were muscle showing the number of hours he most assuredly spent in the gym, Violet found herself wondering just what the rest of his body must look like.
“You must be Violet, yes?” The man asked suddenly bringing Violet out of her imagination.
Violet nodded, “yes, that’s right I’m Violet Winters.”
The man had an infected smile and Violet found herself smiling back athim as he began to introduce himself, “I’m James, I’ve been assigned your case for your stay with us.”
“Wait, my case?” Violet asked suddenly confused.
James shook his head with a nod, “Yes, sorry, just resort vernacular. We treat each individual guest as just that, an individual. Your stay with us isn’t just a vacation package but a specially designed program that You yourself requested. You did read the disclaimer and contract we sent you?”
Violet nodded. Yes, she had read the disclaimer. And now being here she looked up at the resort and wondered, not for the first time, if this is really what she wanted. Then her mind rested on a coffee table, with an expensive bottle of wine and only one wine glass. She knew she needed to change something about herself and she had made up her mind that the more extreme option was needed.
“Yes, I read the contract, I’m ready,” Violet stated.
“Wonderful,” James said with a smile. “Follow me, please.”
James turnedaround and opened the heavy front door for her as she wheeled in her single piece of luck. James took the lead and started pointing out the various rooms and areas of the resort.
“Here is our main hall, this is where the Resort entertains guests, and holds our parties and get-togethers. Visitors are usually only allowed access to this part of the Resort.” He turned down a hallway with many doors to either side. “Laundry, secondary kitchen, supply closet.”
They stepped through beautifully elegant French double doors onto the patio area, “This is the outside locke and pool, Dom/mes are allowed access here to relax and train as they see fit. This area will be off limits to you at first.”
Violet passed by the clear blue pool and hot tub with a soft sight. She almost didn’t catch that she wasn’t going to be able to use it. But before she could question James about what he meant, the older gentleman was already pushing through another set of doors and anxious her backinto a side building. Violet was a bit overwhelmed by the size of the place and James was moving fast. She had to focus just to keep up.
James moved fast down a hallway with entryways but no doors. “This is the ‘sub’ wing. You’ll be staying here. Here’s the communal bathroom, shared shows, eating area, and here we are.”
almost ran into James’ back as he stopped suddenly. James moved into one of the rooms. He smiled and motioned for Violet to follow him. Violet looked around the entryway and hesitated. Something about this whole thing seemed surreal. She felt like this was the end, and her last chance. She almost turned and ran. Do I really need this? What am I doing here?
She didn’t need herself to answer, she already know. Keeping that single wine glass in her mind she walked into the room.
James smiles warmly and took her suitcase from her without saying a word. He laid it down on the single twin sized bed in the corner of the room. He stood up and looked over at her. “violet, may you stand at attention against the wall.”
Violet was a bit shocked by the casual way in which he ordered her. His clear steel blue eyes weren’t unkind, but they were unwavering. Violet thought about protesting, but this is why she was here, so she exhausted loudly and did as she was told. This was just a vacation anyway; she could play along. It might even be fun.
She stood close to the wall, and touched her heels and the balls of her feet together. She balled her hands into loose fits hanging at her waist but just behind her. She lifted her chin so she was looking just above her normal eye level and she rolled her shoulders back, causing her elbows to bend slightly.
James watched her and shook his head with a soft chuckle.
“Close, violence, but not quite. Here, spread your feet so they are close, but not touching, while still parallel to each other. Now let your hands rest palm down on the front of your thighs, with fingers straight down andLet your shoulders rest comfortable, don’t roll them back like that, and lower your chin to a comfortable level so you are looking straight ahead.”
It took her a few moments to get her posture right, but after one or two small corrections she was standing in a pretty good attention posture.
James nodded, “very good violence.” He turned around and went back outside leaving Violet standing against the wall. She stood there for what seemed like a long time. She eventually shook her head and sat down on the bed, there was no other furniture in the room.
James came back into the room holding an elegant silver tray covered with assorted objects she couldn’t tell what they were. He stopped and looked at her sitting on the bed. He looked disappointed and softly shook his head, but his smile never left his face, “violet, violence, violence, what am I going to do with you?”
There was something in his tone or his look, but she actually felt bad and immediately stood back up at attention against the wall. She wasn’t sure why she did it, but something about disappointing anyone made a visceral reaction in her mind and she found herself wishing she had never sat down.
“I didn’t know when you were coming back, I was getting bored just standing there.” The response sounded weak even to her ears and she felt her cheeses heat with embarrassment, she was better than that.
James ignored her reaction but seemed to cheer up now that she was standing against the wall again. He showed her the silver tray.
She looked down at an association of what looked like dog collars, in all sorts of colors and material, lace, leather, metal, pink, blues, blacks, steel. She looked up at James not sure what this was.
James smiled down at the collars, “you get to choose one, violence. This may be the last choice you get to make during your stay here, so pick one that speaks to you. Pick one that makes your heart race, and your skin tingle.”
Violet wasa little shocked to say the least, my last choice? She almost walked out, but something about the pretty collars made her stay. The white lace looked like a maid’s chaser, but the metal one looked like a handcuff, for the neck. Her eyes slide from one to the other and stopped.
Her heartbeat quickened as she looked at the black studied leather collar. She could almost feel the touch of leather bite softly into her skin, the gentle cent of leather around her always. Her hand shook, and she felt a little dizzy as she reached and pointed out the collar.
James smiled and set the tray down and took the collar in his hands. “Lift your hair, violence”
Violet’s hands moved before she registered that she was following his orders. She dutifully lifted her hair as her heart beat faster. James wrapped the leather around her neck and clasped is closed and she heard a soft click. That click sounded in her ears like a gong going off.
James smiled at her and Violet found herselfsmiling back. “There’s a good girl. Now stand at attention against the wall for me.”
Violet found herself obeying and standing against the wall again. James left the room with a smile. Violet stood for a long time. She could handle this, if this was part of the game, she could do it. And something about disappointing James made her feel awful. She hated disappointing people. She was tough on people, sure, but she never disappointed anyone.
A long-time later James returned and smiled. Violet found herself blushing softly and feeling proud that she had stayed standing at attention this whole time.
James looked at her, “violet, I want you to stand in the ‘wait’ pose. Do you know what that is?”
Violet had never heard of such a thing. She shook her head no.
James smiled and nodded, “That’s ok, don’t worry, I’ll teach you.”
Violet looked a little skeptical and wasn’t sure what this was, but she was going to prove there wasn’t anything she couldn’t do. Shehad earned her job and her life, and she would earn James’s respect as well.
James said, “spread your feet shoulder width apart, and put your hands behind your back, softly placing your hand under the opposite elbow, so your arms are hanging behind you at a ninety-degree angle.”
Violet was a little confused but James helped her place her hands behind her back. She did feel a little better with her feet spread apart a little.
James went over to the twin sized bed and opened her suit case. He took out the first item that was on top, one of her cute tops. “Is this yours, violence?”
Violet nodded, “yes it’s mine I bought it from Bergdorf Goodman.”
James nodded and throw it out the open window.
Violet took a step dropping her arms, “What in the hell are you do ~iieeeeegggg”
Violet’s body went rigid and her nerves sang with hot electricity that ran up and down her body silencing her with the shock of it, and then the pain of it made her eyes water.
“violet, violence, violence,” James shook his head but that smile never left his lips. “you are not allowed to move from any pose I put you in unless I tell you to move. I hate doing that to you, my little violence. Let’s see if we can do better, hmm?”
Violet, for some reason, feel her cheeses warm again being admonished like a child. She should have been furious but something in his tone just made her feel children. She stepped back against the wall in her newly learned ‘wait’ pose.
James smiled and lifted one of her skirts, it was pleasant leather, black and could go with anything. James tossed that out the window.
Violet felt the same urge to move, but the pain from being shocked somehow, and James’s disappointment made her stand still. She could always buy new clothes. She was here to learn a different side of herself.
James emptied out her suitcase, item by item and by the end Violet didn’t even feel the urge to move, even when he throw out her makeup kit. It washigh end Urban Decay and Dior. Seeing it fly out the window was almost therapeutic.
James then lifted up the empty suitcase, “What is this, violence?”
“My suitcase,” Violet answered simply.
“What do we usually do with an empty suitcase, violence?”
“Put it in the closet,” Violet answered feeling silly being asked these simple questions.
“Do we Really need an empty suitcase, violence?”
She thought and shook her head. The pain that met the head movement was sever but short. It caused her neck muscles to spasm and her heart to skip a beat. She breathed hard through gritted teeth as the wave of pain washed over her.
The pain ceased as suddenly as it started and Violet found her voice, “No we don’t need an empty suitcase. That’s Why it goes in the closet.”
James throw it out the window just as he had the rest of her belongings.
James sat down on the bed, smiling at her, “Now that that’s taken care of, we can move on. Now, violence take off yourtop for me.”
Violet shook her head violently and started to say, “no w~iieegeghhh”
The electric shock was more intense this time. Her body froze in pain as her voice was toughed. It was short lived. These shocks were getting a little tiredome.
James’ smile never left is lips but he did look a little sad and disappointed. That hurt more than the shock did. “violet, you’re better than this. Come on, you can do this for me, can’t you? Go ahead and take off your top.”
Violet feel so strange, lifting her bloom over her head. It’s not like she was embarrassed by her body, quite the opposite. She knew how hard she worked to stay in shape and she knew how people looked at her. But taking off her clothes, because she was being told to. That was something completely different, something she wasn’t used to at all.
She felt uneasy as she stood in the wait pose in just her bra. But between the painful shocks and James’ disappointment, she stood still, looking straight ahead.
“Violet felt a smile cross her lips and she dipped her head to hide her blush. Pain shot through her body as her head dipped and she heard a whimper escape her lips as a tear fall from her eyes. The hot pain lasted longer this time, and she jerked her head up and stayed motionless even though she wanted to cry and yell to make it stop.
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